Oakville Beaver, 20 Feb 2002, Heritage Week, D6

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HERITAGE WEEK \VI 1)\l SI ).\Y. I cl > 1 1 1 . II \ 20. · I', I'^c IX) "Unlucky Lady"- an admirable tribute By Suzy Godefroy Marketing & Develofxnent Facilitator Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate would like to thank and acknowledge Mr. Ed. Stewart, a local historian who has spent much o f his life studying naval history. Mr. Stewart was very instrumental in the HMCS Oakville Display last November, as well as the D-Day Presentation that was held last June at Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate. As life takes you to places that you have never been before, the loss o f Ed Stewart's brother W illiam Stewart, on the morn ing o f April 29, 1944 aboard HMCS Athabaskan. changed Ed's life forever. As many as 128 men including William Stewart, who was a signalman on HMCS Athabaskan perished in the chilling waters of the English Channel. The tragic loss o f Ed's brother, his mentor drove Stewart to produce the book "Unlucky Lady", which was a dedication to the men who served at sea on HMCS Athabaskan. Ed's brother Bill, an avid photogra pher mailed Ed several negatives of the life on HMCS Athabaskan. which liter ally set Ed up to produce his book "Unlucky Lady, The Life & Death o f HMCS Athabaskan. This book eventually led to the production o f "Unlucky Lady" a recent documentary by producer-director W ayne Abott. Ed Stewart served as a consultant on the documentary. Both the book and documentary profiles the life o f HMCS Athabaskan, and its ill-fated doom, as HMCS Athabaskan set out with its sister HMCS Haida to protect a Royal Navy m ine-laying force in the English Channel. Today, the truth o f HMCS Athabaskan rem ains a mystery, as there are many debates as to who actu ally sank HMCS Athabaskan. It was determined that the Germans sank the Athabaskan. however there is great controversy if this is. true. The book and docum entary explore evidence that a British motor Torpedo boat, mis takenly took the Athabaskan's flares for enemy fire, and responded by releasing a round of small -arm s fire and a torpedo. As the Athabaskan lies at the bottom of the English Channel, we may never know who actually caused the sinking o f HMCS W illia m Stewart, center. Athabaskan. We would like to thank Mr. Stewart on behalf o f the Oakville community for sharing the history o f HMCS Athabaskan and its significant role in WWII. Learn about Oakville's history at Museum On Sunday February 24th from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. in cele bration o f H eritage Day, Oakville Museum invites you to enjoy an afternoon where you will leam all about O akville's history. This year H eritage Day will be highlighted with a spe cial visit from Alvin Duncan a Black History expert, who has aided in m any o f the M useum 's Black History pro grams. Oakville M useum is working will Alvin Duncan to raise awareness about the his tory o f the U nderground Railroad, and how certain res idents o f O akville assisted individuals fleeing the institu tion o f slavery in the United States; and how their aid played such an important role in this significant chapter of Oakville history. At Heritage Day, Alvin Duncan will be show ing the film Path to Freedom . H istory Lands which is a short documentary about the Buxton Settlem ent, the first black settlement in Canada. Visitors will have an opportunity to speak with Alvin about view O akville's Black History Exhibit as well as a Q& A period. M o re at O a k v ille H eritage Day! G rade 5 Students from W.H M orden Public School will display th eir Social Studies projects throughout the m useum . O akville M useum 's "Shadows o f War: N ot So Long A go in the 20th Century", will be on display on the main floor, which doc um ents O ak v ille's part in WWII. At Oakville Heritage Day children and parents can visit the Pioneer Research Library, where kids can get a com pre hensive overview o f the Pioneer Days. A tour through Erchless Estate is always must and m ost enjoyable, where you will experience the 1920's, as the restoration date o f the museum is 1925. With many artifacts displayed throughout O ak v ille's prin\e H eritage Site, we trust you will enjoy an exciting lesson in O akville's history. Every fourth Saturday in 2002, enjoy adm ission by donation and discover Oakville M useum at Erchless Estate. W hat? W here? W ho? T h e re 's a m useum in Oakville? Attention all o f you out there who didn't know that Oakville had a Museum! The Town o f Oakville owns and operates O akville Museum at Erchless Estate, which is located in beautiful downtown Oakville just south o f Lakeshore Road at 8 Navy Street. If you have treated yourself to a relaxing day in downtown O akville, or have trekked down to the Oakville Harbour or pier, chances are that you have walked right by O akville's Prim e Heritage Site, O akville M useum at Erchless Estate. Regular admission is $3.25 & includes refreshm ents. Oakville Museum is located at 8 Navy Street in downtown O akville and parking is FREE. O akville M useum at E rchless estate is open Tuesday to Saturday & Holiday Mondays from 1:00 4:30 p.m. If you would like more information pease, contact us at (905) 338-4400 or visit our web site at www.oakvillemuseum.com. Oakville heritage fair at Oakville Place As part of the Heritage Week celebrations, the Oakville Heritage Fair will make its second appearance in the Centre Court of Oakville Place on Saturday, February 23,2002 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Initiated by the Hamilton Branch of the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, this special event will focus on the rich historical her itage of Oakville. This year, the Bronte Historical Society, Canadian Golf Hall of Fame, HaltonPeel Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, the Heritage Trails Project of the Community Foundation o f Oakville, Oakville Heritage (LACAC), Oakville Museum, Oakville Public Library, Oakville Historical Society and the United Empire Loyalists will staff displays. Everyone is welcome to discover more about Oakville's rich heritage! Be sure to visit Oakville Museum's booth. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate is proud to be one of the many interesting historical land marks in Oakville. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate is the restored home of Oakville's founding family, the Chisholm's. William Chisholm (1788 - 1842) was an enterprising merchant and shipbuilder, who conceived of building a port on Lake Ontario at the mouth of the Sixteen Mile Creek, and in 1827. he bought 960 acres of this land from the Crown and founded the village o f Oakville. Open year-round, Oakville Museum is located on the picturesque Erchless Estate overlooking Oakville Harbour and Lake Ontario and consists of several buildings. The Custom House (1856) houses exhibits and a Pioneer Discovery Gallery; The Chisholm Family Home, "Erchless" (1858) has been authentically restored to its former ele gance with rooms furnished to their 1925 appear ance; The Old Post Office (1835) is Oakville's first Post Office, located in adjacent Lakeside Park and open seasonally, j t is partially re-created and contains hands-on postal-related activities. From spring to fall, the grounds of Erchless Estate are breathtaking and will give you great solace. The winding carriage path weaves through the beautiful gardens and old trees on the estate. The Oakville Historical Society open house for heritage week The Oakville Historical Society is having their open house for heritage week on Wednesday to Friday. Feb. 20-22, from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the Society Offices. 110 King Street. Oakville. They will be featuring "A Tribute to Don Sutherland", a selection from the art works of Donald Kitchener Sutherland (1914 to 2001). Active in the Oakville Community, with wide interests in architecture and heritage buildings. Don was a talented artist who has recorded much o his travel in his paintings. Additionally, his work for the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (better known as LACAC, but now renamed Heritage Oakville) has illustrat ed many of the designated buildings booklets of Oakville. Both are on display. We salute his memory and service as a Director o f the Oakville Historical Society. The Bronte Historical Society annual general meeting Join the Bronte Historical Society for their annual general meeting on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at The Sovereign House, 7 West River Street in Oakville. The Nominating Committee will present the slate of officers. Further nominations may be made if received by the secretary seven days prior to the meeting. Enjoy traditional refreshments while Fred Hayward from the United Empire Loyalist Society presents "Out Loyalist Pioneers". Members, old, new and future are welcome. For more information call the Bronte Historical Society at 905-825-5552. Do you have heritage stories or photographs that you would like to share with the rest of the community? The Oakville Heritage Trust would like to hear from you. Send them an email through virginia.kuypers@sympatico.ca or call them at 905-847-7581. A D D Y O U R N A M E A N D M E M O R IE S TO THE O A K V IL LE TRAILS A N D B E A P A R T O F A L E G A C Y F o r a m in im u m c o n tr ib u tio n o f $ 5 0 , a n y m e m b e r o f th e c o m m u n ity can b ec o m e p a rt o f a legacy. H is o r h e r n am e, fam ily n am e o r in m e m o riu m o r o th e r m essage is th e n placed o n o n e o f th e Legacy panels o n th e H e rita g e Trails c o lu m n at th e to p o f T a n n e ry P ark o n th e w est b a n k o f th e S ixteen o v erlo o k in g h isto ric O a k v ille H a rb o u r. T h e Trails are all a b o u t m a k in g links: n o rth to s o u th , east to w est, past to p resen t, a n d - w ith d o n a tio n s like th is - p resen t to fu tu re. O th e r d o n o rs have ch o sen to h o n o u r th e trails th ey regularly w alk, th e schools th ey a tte n d , th e p ets w h o en jo y th e trails w ith th e m o r th e special p eo p le th ey can never forget. D an ielle O lsc a m p , D e v e lo p m e n t O fficer for th e T rails, lost h er b ro th e r R o b ert in 1976, b u t so m etim e s it still seem s like yesterday. " H e was o n ly 18, ju st g e ttin g ready to blaze his o w n trails," sh e says. " I always w o n d e re d w h a t else I co u ld d o to h e lp ease m y p a re n ts' grief." C o n trib u tin g to th e Legacy Panel C a m p a ig n w as th e answ er. " H e w o u ld have loved th e Trails. A n d p u ttin g his n a m e o n s o m e th in g th a t will last forever is so satisfy in g ." T h e T rails pass th ro u g h areas o f n atu ra l b e a u ty w h ere w ildlife still a b o u n d s, w h ere h u m a n activ ity has little im p act, o r w h ere n a tu re has recovered after h u m a n use has ceased o r ch a n g ed . T h e y take us to th e places w h ere o u r h isto ry has o ccu red : w h ere se ttle m e n ts b eg an , en terp rise flo u rish ed , n e ig h b o u rh o o d s grew a n d in stitu tio n s d ev elo p ed ...... w here, over th e g en eratio n s, p eo p le in d iv id u ally o r collectively sh ap e d o u r to w n a n d estab lish ed o u r values. C o n trib u tio n s to th e Legacy Panel ca m p a ig n , an in itiativ e o f th e C o m m u n ity F o u n d a tio n o f O ak v ille, are fully tax d e d u c tib le . Larger d o n a tio n s m ay q u alify d o n o rs to in clu d e a fam ily p h o to g ra p h w ith th e ir message. T o Find o u t m o re a b o u t h o w yo u can p a rtic ip a te in c reatin g a legacy for g en e ratio n s to co m e, c o n ta c t D an ielle O lsc a m p at th e F o u n d a tio n ofFice at 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -7 8 4 1 o r m ail in th e fo rm fo u n d o n th is page. Individual N am e: $50.00 (lline) Maximum of 25 letters including spaces per area. Fam ily N am e o r M em ory: C o n trib u tio n s can be m a d e th ro u g h the m ail o r cred it card by calling (905) 845-7841. DONOR'S NAME _ ADDRESS________ API'._____________ TELEPHONE . . POSTAL C O D E , $ 100.00 (2 lines) Maximum letters up to 50. You can also in clu d e a historical o r old fam ily photograph: | | In dividual N am e: J50.00 (1 line) M a xim u m o f 25 letters including spaces per area. (iwrious prices depending on size) Your name or chosen memory w ill be permanenUy inscribed on a panel at O akville Harbour in Tannery Park. A letter of C ertification from the Mayor and tax receipt for the full amount of your donation w ill be issued. If you are interested o r w ould like m ore inform ation, please contact: D a n ie lle C. O lscam p H eritage T tails D evelopm ent Officer Tel: 905-845-7841 Fax: 905-845-1395 dcvdopm cm 9thccfn.org www.oakvillctraili.com Fam ily N am e o r M em ory: $100.00 <2 lines) M a xim u m letters up to 50. N am e o r m essage to be inscribed Type of P aym ent 1 I C ash [ 1C heq ue 1 1M oney O rder | C redit C ard Please m ake C heq u e/M o n ey O rder Payable to: THE CFO "H eritag e TVails Project" PO Box «02fc 1235 [ro fjlKar Rood. Oakville, O ntario LoH 3)0

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