Oakville Beaver, 5 Jun 2002, C5

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y June 5, 2002 - C5 careers professionals 505 career® professionals careers professionals j 510 general help wanted HO general help wanted salon A spa help H A IR S T Y L IS T Full-time for a unisex shop, malo or female Ask for Nick or Lily 905-844-5113 EEfil domestic help wanted 555 dom estic help M fe b d 720 drapes upholstery LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE ot charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 ROXUL Inc. is a leading manufacturer ot mineral m i l insulation products. As a subsidiary ot Rockwoo; international ot Denmark. *e are carrying on a tradition ot over 50 years of manufacturing high quality insulation We'are currently searching lor a talented and energetic person to join us as our JO B FAIR! HARBOUR BANQUET AND CONFERENCE CENTRE Lighthouse Restaurant Our exciting new facility located on the Bronte Outer harbour marina in Oakville Ontario. OPENING JULY 2002 is looking tor dynamic staff to be part of our team FULL & PART-TIME AVAILABLE FOR: C L E A N IN G lady required Mon-Sat. 3hrs/day $15/hr Must have own car & speak both English & Polish 905847-7094 Marketing Services Clerk part-time - 2 4 hours p er w e e k Reporting to the Marketing Services Manager you w ill be responsible lor the maintenance, inventory, and distribution ol samples, literature, and materials in support ol our customer service obiectives You have proven computer skills, a professional telephone manna, and the ability lo organize and prioritize duties ECLIPSE S A LO N Attn Hairstylists & Estheticians: TIME FOR A CHANCE? Check out Eclipse tor the change you are looking for! 905-637-1041 THE Best European Cleaning Service Insurod Bonded Commercial, Resi dential L»Z. ros. 905-5750290, cell 905-921-9237. wwweuropeandeaning.net C U S T O M - M A D E draper ies valancos. shoors. bod/ table/ chair co-ordinatos. fabrics. Installation. lOyrs exp Shorty- 905-634-6706 A *1 Cleaning Reasonable rates. Excellent references Burlington/ West Oakville area Phone 905-6376974 E X P E R IE N C E D clenamg lady available mornings to clean your home R efe r ences. P lease call 905632-7639 Please apply in writing to: Human Resources, ROXUL Inc.. 551 Harrop Drive. Milton. Ontario L9T 3H3 Fax: (905) 878-8077 T h e Better Insulation ROXUL HANDYM AN with own tools & transportation, lull or part-time Burt/Oak / Ha milton area Call 905-3339680______________________ SOUS CHEF · LINE COOKS PREP WORKERS · DISHWASHERS, SERVERS for banquet/restaurant. BANQUET SUPERVISOR & IN HOUSE CUSTODIAN. We want you to be part of our exciting team. Apply at the facility: Sat. June 8. 2002 from 9am-1pm with resumes. 2340 Ontario Street. Oakville ON L6L 6P7 Ph: 905-827-1315, Fax 905-827-2825 B A S E M E N T renovations Seasonal specials now available Great prices Groat quality Workmanship guaranteed Call Ed 416937-1673 P R IV A T E swimming less ons. one on one For July/ August Programs run eve ry 2 weeks NLS {^Instructor Certified Badges will bo given out P lease call to reserve 905-842-6705 W IL L IA M S COFFEE PUB Requires Enthusiastic. Energetic Individuals to fill the following positions: · Kitchen Staff (part/full-time) · Customer service (part/full time) · Supervisors A tte n d o u r jo b la ir at: salon & spa help SHARON Homo Con struction is looking for an experienced finish carpent er. Must havo own vohicle, own tools »s an asset. 905338-6523 E X P E R IE N C E D overhead door installer required Valid drivers licence. Own hand tools. Good customer relation Fax resume: 905664-0871 or call 905-6640870 I office-clerical T H E Added Touch re quires immediate part-time office phone staff Musi have 4 years customer service exportonce and ba sic computer competence $8/hr. Fax resumes to S u san at 905-338-1486 Community Notices Anniversary H A P P Y 2 0 t h A N N IV E R S A R Y JA N IC E A N D J O E P A C H E C O K E 1 salon & spa help Deaths ARNOLD, Jam es R obert (Jim )- Employee of IBM for over 18 years. Peacefully. In the presence of his w ife, on M onday, June 3, 2002. Jim , cherished husband of Carolyn. Loving Dad of Daniel and Jenny. Dear son o f P au la and the la te Al A rn o ld . Loved brother of Dave and his wife Liz, Lynn and her husband Archie, and Susan. Loved and re s p e c te d s o n -in -la w o f F ran an d M att H rabluk. S adly m issed b ro th e r-in-la w of K a th y , L is a a n d h e r h u s b a n d M ic h a e l. Fondly rem em bered U ncle of Jam ie, Jeff, Chris. Heather, Kim and Matt. Mr. Arnold is resting at the funeral hom e of S kinner & M iddlebrook Ltd.. 128 Lakeshore Rd. E. (1 block w est of H urontario St.), Mississauga, on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9pm Funeral M ass in St. C h ris to p h e r's C h u rc h , 1171 C la rk s o n R oad N o rth . M is s is s a u g a , on F riday at 10a.m .. fo llo w e d by c rem ation. M e m o ria l c o n trib u tio n s to the C an a d ia n Cancer Society or Multiple Sclerosis Society would be greatly appreciated by his family. f t T fr K ID S / Teens & Petites F /M all ages tor Spring/ Sum mer work In fashion/hair shows, movies, catalog work S20-90/hr 905-3365455 M A R K E T IN G Rep re quired- The Bay (Burling ton). In-store photo promo Great SSS Call 1-800-7474903 The World's Largest Hairstyling Chain Requires Full-time & Part-time Experienced O a kville R ecreation C enter 1415 T h ird Line, O akville , ON June 8th trom 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Please bring resumes- interviewing will be done on site- or send resumes by tax to 905-336-8401 ot by e-mail to iraiphw@bellnet.ca F/T & P/T Experienced Hairstylists * O a kville . Burlington & Waterdown < Also Hiring NAIL TECHNICIANS FOR MISSISSAUGA LOCATION WE OFFER MORE: Great com m issions; Career advancem ent: Flex, w ork hours; Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym, 905-849-8808. X221 LE A P S & B O U N D S Inc. Requires individuals for the following contracts: S p e c ia lis ts Trained in A B A/1BI to work with clients who have Autism C h ild & Y outh W orkers Required lor evening and weekend contracts with individuals who have Autism & other special needs All positions require a minimum ol 5 years experience and a university or college degree. Contracts available in the Mississauga Burlington & Hamilton areas Fax or E-mail resumes to Oeanna Pietramala: BURLINGTON TAXI Requires P/T DRIVERS Fri. & Sat. Nights APPLY IN PERSON Mon.-Fri.. 9am - 5pm 3472 Landmark Rd Burlington No Phone Calls Please F U L L - T IM E W arehouse Person Required- job re sponsibilities include deliv eries &goneral assistance. Valid driver's license and tow motor experience re quired. Musi be m fit condi tion and able to work inde pendently Prior w are house experience manda tory. Send resume via fax. 905-332-7076 or e-mail spectrumceoOmsn.com R E C E I V E R / M erchandis er roqulred full-time for Shoppers Drug Mart- Oak ville Place Fax resumes to 905-842-5598 Attention: Haig Pmsent R E C O V E R Y Specialists Career positions for expenenced Collectors First- rate working conditions Very competitive wages com missions. Come |Oin the A .R.C team. Contact Mr. Harriott. 1-888-248-9615. Ext 3101 IN S T R U C T O R - Kidproof Canada is hiring P/T in structors to toach the Red Cross Babysitting Course & other child safety programs Standard First Aid Certifi cate required Fax resume & cover lottor to S Wilson 519-435-0827 by June 14th GIFTW flRE SALES REP S.West Ont. 'Candym' requites exp. commissioned sales rep forest, territory Gund, TAG included Fax 905-474-0960 bbrowm< candym.com AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS required for busy Ford dealership. W e are se e kin g tw o G e neral and one A dva n ce d (H igh-tech) to join o ur team . Ford e xp e ri e n c e p re fe rre d . C o m p e titiv e ra te s and benefits. Please fo rw a rd re su m e to : Service Department May your future hold all the love, joy and happiness that you have given u s throughout the years Love a lw a ys. T.L.. Tiffany. A d a m a n d K atherine I 1-905-953-0589 deanna@leapsandboundsservices.com Tel 905-474-1555 Ext. 212 Birthday Experienced Terrace Ford Lincoln Sales Inc., 900 W alkers Li, Burlington ON, L7N 2G2 Fax: 905-632-6876 KW Transportaion A Z D rivers 2yrs Verifiable Exp. 25 U S Runs Home Weekends Must have lyr U.S. Exp Call 1-888-568-6890 N IG H T Auditor, full-time required. Must be available to work weekonds Apply in person Motel 6. 4345 North Service R d , Burlington F T /P T - store front and midnight bakory person Flexible Day and weekend shifts Please call between 9am-5pm 905-257-1294 (Trafalgar Q Dundas) T R A IN IN G provided No nights/ weekends. Hours 8.30am- 4 30pm Mon -Fri . Molly Maid (Housecleaning professionals) Transporta tion provided Driver's li cense required (Not suit able for students) 905-6817484 N o p h o n e calls please MEDICAL SECRETARY required lor busy Burl, doctor's office. Part-time days/ evenings. Please call Nina 905-639-1115 S w e e t 16! K r is ta A m a n d a T u rp in Ju n e 5 ,1 9 8 6 530 sales help & agents sales help & agents SANDTRON AUTOMATION LTD. is looking for a highly motivated individual to join our team as an INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE M u st be u p b e a t, frie n d ly and c h e e rfu l. S ales e xp e rie n ce re q u ire d . M ust e n jo y talking on the phone. S10/hr + co m m is sion. Permanent position, fulltime days. To apply, please call Michele. 905-827-8230 RPN. ...needed in Halton to work shifts in client's home. Client is a young man with ABI. Please apply by fax to: Lorraine O'Leary HOPKINS, W ilhe lm ina (B illie )- (Member of Oceola and the Rebekahs, St. John's United C h u rc h a n d K err S tre e t S e n io r C itiz e n 's Center) Peacefully on Sunday June 2, 2002 at Oakville Lifecare Center, in her 92nd year. Billie Hopkins, beloved wife of the late Jack H opkins . Dear m other of Robert and his w ife P ia. K e n n e th an d his w ife P at and Bruce. Loved grandmother of Craig. Krista, R o b e rt. J e ffe ry . S c o tt. M ic h a e l and Courtney. Visitation (today) "at the Kopriva T a y lo r C o m m u n ity F u n e ra l H o m e , 64 Lakeshore Road W est, O akville from 2-4 and 7-9pm W ednesday. F uneral service 1 :0 0 p m T h u rs d a y a t S t. J o h n 's U n ite d C h u rc h . 26 2 R a n d a ll S tre e t, O a k v ille . C re m a tio n . T hose w ho w ish m ay m ake m e m o ria l d o n a tio n s to th e P a rk in s o n 's Foundation or the charity of your choice. NEED EXTRA INCOME? Canada's leading sampling company has immediate opportunities lot To my beautiful Monkey, inside and out Love. Mom. Peter and Kyle STEW ART, D o ro th y G ibson (nee S tuart)Peacefully on M onday June 3. 2002 at the O akville Lifecare C entre at the age of 78. B elo ve d w ife o f th e la te H e cto r A la s ta ir (Paddy) Stewart. Cherished mother of Jean Dorothy Stewart. Dodie will be sadly missed by her nieces. Nancy Campbell and Cathy McLean of Strathroy and their tamilies. Dear siste r o f the late M a rgaret M ary (Peggy) Canfield. She will be fondly remembered by her extended fam ily abroad. Special thanks to the staff at Oakville Lifecare for their care and support during the past two years. A celebration of her life will be held on Friday. June 7. 2002 at Knox Presbyterian Church. 89 D unn St. (o ff Lakesh ore ) O a kville at 1:00pm. Reception to follow in the church hall. Private fam ily interm ent at St. Jude's Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be m ade to the O n ta rio M arch o f D im es ( P o s t-P o lio F u n d ), 10 O v e rle a B lv d ., T o ro n to , O N M 4H 1A 4. F u n e ra l a rra n g e m e n ts e n tru s te d to the O akview Funeral Home 905-842-2252. Instore Demonstrators We are looking lor outgoing and energetic people to sample and promote a variety ol products. Usual shifts: 3 days/wk, Thurs. 11-5, Fri. 12-6, Sat or Sun. 10-5. Please call our National Recruiting Hotline 1-888-327-9361 Brant Children s Centre req u ires If you are interested in a career in sales with a progressive Ford dealership then we are in te re s te d in you. 905-896-8353 R E C E P T IO N IS T Full time, enlry-level position for energetic person for busy medical practice. Experi ence not necessary. Com puter skills a must Fax re sume incl expected salary to 905-469-3171 Only suc cessful applicants will be contacted ____________ D E N T A L Assistant. Certi fied required for growing. North Oakville Dental Ofhce FuM-ume. Needs to be friendly, outgoing and a team player Evenings and Saturdays required Please mad resume P.O. Box-86033. OakvMa. L6H.5VC__________ R P N roquired P/T for night shifts at Oakville retiremenl home Also. Diolary Aides day & evoning shifts avail* able. P lease lax resume: 905-842-8410 or e-mail to TrafalgarOcplodges.com attn: Angela P D A for progressive ortho dontic office, mature soifstartor for a challenging ca reer opportunity. M issis sauga/ Hamilton Office. Fax resume 1-905-6289315anytime O P T O M E T R IC Assistant receptionist. Friendly and reliable. Required for Oak ville. Optical experience proferred. Fax rosume to 906-842-1738._____________ F IL E Clerk/ Receptionist required for busy radiology clinic. P/T. 2-7pm/ T-F. Sat urday 8:30am-12:30 & holi day coverage Fax resume 905-845-0018 P D A or Level II Dental As sistant lo perform hygieno duties required F/T imme diately for Pediatric Dental Office in Mississauga Fax resume to 905-270-7496 H Y G IE N IS T roquired for East Oakville dental office Approx. 25/hrs week some evening & Saturday hours. Call 905-849-1515 or tax resume to 905-849-1519 F U L L -T IM E / Part-Time Hygienist needed A SA P Please lax resume to 905332-5240. or mail to: 3505 Upper Middle Rd.. Burlington. L7M 4C6 R N permanent part-time for oral surgery practice. Oper ating room or recovery room experience an asset. Call 905-333-5601 In Memoriam F/T Cook/ Housekeeper & P/T Driver *F* lie. preferred Call: 905-634-5518 Fax305-634-5510 A C C E S S to a computer? Put it to work at home on line. Complete training available S500-S1500PT $3000*FT More info 888269-1358 or www freedomcompleto.com AUTOMOTIVE SALES/ LEASE CONSULTANTS This position offers a career with: > Strong m anagement support; * Professional training; v Monthly bonus levels; - Health and dental plan; >- Opportunity to grow with us; »- Blue Oval Certified Dealership; *- IS 09001:2000 Registered Dealership. Ford experience is preferred but not necessary Submit your resume to: Lorenzo Continisio General Sales Manager r -o u .* 570 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, L6J 3J2 sholman@oaklandlordlincoln.ca · Fax 905-844-4472 W fe thank all applicants in advance, however, only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company w ith an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position lor you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: Box #2116 C/0 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville. Ontario L6K 3S4 I _____________________________________________________1 Q .E . W E B P R IN TIN G Has an imm ediate opening for qualified 1st and 2nd Press Operators C and id ate m u st have: · Expenence on a Venture 25 or Goss Community Press · Be able to work shift work Q E. W eb o tte rs a g o o d b e n e fit program , th ree w eeks vaca tio n a fte r one year, e x cellent working conditions. APPLY IN W RITING TO: P ressroo m M anager Fax: 905-827-2308 E m ail: bw hita ke r@ h a lto n search.com P hone: 905-827-2306 Remember w ith a donation WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED? YES YOU1 Student Summer Wortc $18.05 Base/Appt · Scholarships avail · Full training provided · Cust sales/service f 1-8 8 8 -9 3 9 -3 3 3 3 toN free · 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week w w w .c a n c e r.c a C anadian S P ^ s l Societe C ancer w canadienne Society du cancer SAUCE We are seeking a selt-motivaled SHIPPER/RECEIVER For our warehouse located at Winston Churchill/Hwy 403 The successful candidate should have a minimum of three years experience in handling all aspects ol a small warehouse operation The individual should be able to drive a reach forklift and work with a minimum of supervision. We offer an attractive remuneration package incl. health plan and the usual benefits ol an international corporation Please apply in writing to Fax (905) 820-7726 Email info.salice@ salicecanada.com · Conditions apply Call Now! Cal 905-842-8045 wrttaSudenls.com/cn C A K E Decorator & Bakery Clerk, for days Experi enced Burlington location Call Mario or Lou. 905639-0319_________________ T O W Truck Operator FT required tor busy Towing Co CCA exp an asset Excellent wages & benefits Drivers abstract required. Apply O 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown 905-689-2386 BUSY Lumberyard re quires immediately: G e n eral Labour to handle sort ing and stacking of lumber Prior knowledge of lumber grading an asset. Motivat ed self-starters will have an opportunity for advance ment Apply in person 755 Griffith Ct Burlington. MonFn 8am-5pm L j f t I salon & spa help Bridal Show Bridal Show ADULT CARRIERS Reliable carriers wanted to deliver a community newspaper, 3 times a week. 545 teaching opportunities 545 1 teaching opportunities Ideal part-time job. good pay. C a ll S a liy a 9 0 5 -6 1 6 -5 3 8 8 Private School H as o p e n in g fo r h a lf-d a y , e x p e rie n c e d . G rade 6-8 Math and Science teacher. O ur w arm , caring and exciting school e n v iro n m e n t w ill a p p e a l to y o u r s e n s e o f creativity and teaching excellence. C O N TR A C T D R IVER S required to deliver our newspapers & Hyers to our carriers in Burlington & Oakville. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday Must be available between 7am-2pm Must have a full size van & cell phone! Call Steve: 905-337-5553 email: scrozier@haltonsearch.com f/t# EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITY with Oakville s Premier Salon & Spa I M A G E S IP . ? ( N A ?I O ·· A I SALON 4 DAT m Now Hiring F/T & P/T Call 905-528-0330 for details All information will be kept strictly confidential. K IT C H E N & Restaurant managers required for Oakville Tap & Grill. Fun environment. Competitive wages. Call Peter. 905257-9088; fax: 905-2571615._____________________ F U L L -T IM E Wait staff and counter staff required im mediately No students please Apply in person Thistle Fish & Chips. 3455 Fairview St.. Burlington H O U N D & Firkin requires experienced Kitchen staff Apply in person w/resume 4490 Fairview Street. BurBnQton.____________________ L I T T L E Caesars now hir ing all m-store positions Full/ part-time. Please apply at: 2441 Lakeshore Road at Bronte. Oakville HAIRSTYLISTS (Min. 3 yrs exp.) P lease c a ll J u d y a t 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -3 3 3 3 E S T H E T IC IA N wanted Immediately lor our busy Spa. FT/PT position. Excel lent wages. Drop off or fax resume 905-689-0446 About Face Watedown's Spa 292 Dundas St E . Waterdown For _ The O a k v ille B e a v e r Burlington Post FAST service, THE OAKVILLE BEAVER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Requires Students lot P/T Office Positions 10-15 hours per week Shifts available Monday to Saturday -Professional telephone m anner -Works well with minimal supervision -Com fortable with computers and office equipm ent -Excellent opportunity for students! Please fax resum e and availability schedule by Friday June 7,2002 iH AiRsfrusfsi i Milton & Waterdown j · «Top pay guaranteed ! j hourly plus j | commission & bonuses | '·F un place to work ¥»U I f\ \V | ! ! ·Excellent benefits nefits ^ I j package ! · Paid license M lees eeTnl ! ` Advanced updating Ddating " ! ·Equipment provided j »No clientele required ! · F/T & P/T Positions J · Flexible Work Hours ! Call 905-308-6118 j WANTED i FAX your classified ads. - E .C .E . Toddler teacher re quired to join our enthu siastic team, fulltime, at The Halton Centre for Child Care. O akvillePlease fax resume & cover letter by Ju n e 7/02. Attn: C. M c Laughlin. 905-825-6105 E C E teacher required full time. Competitive salary, benelits. Experience an as set. Happy Beginnings Daycare, fax 905-633-7772 L O O K IN G for experienced EC E and ECA staff. Fax ro sume to 905-823-3019 Email: careersdacum ena cademy ca SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION COUPON BY FRI., AUG. 23,2002 Send to: National Bridal Shows | c/o Premier Consumer Show | 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 Lisa Meecham Assistant Circulation Manager (905) 337-5557 FAX: 905 632-8165 a division of /h B h

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