Oakville Beaver, 17 Apr 2002, Classified, C 4

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 17, 2002 T he Oakville B eaver LA-Z-BOYg® S o fa s fo r Le s s ! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm houses for sale C lassified Move to the much-desired location... Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of S tarting From Uncompromising Quality and Style ' An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabrics. Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at prices that will Delight you! _Burlin£tonJPowerjCentre_2_21^Wii& iiBramStj^_905^331^7600_ Circulation: 905-845-9742 »Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 * Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 O A K V ILL E - 2164 Shady Glen Rd. Beautifully m ain tained. alm ost new. s p a cious. 3-bdrm , s e m i-d e tached home in neighbour hood of W estm ount. Over 1600 Sq.feet, 2-car garage, ceram ics, fire p la ce . C/A, security. Large m aster w/ sitting area, ensuite/walk-in closet. Walk to park, trails, ravine. $249,900. Call 905827-6287. ACTON, 4 bedroom. 2 car garage with openers, walk out basem ent, close to schools/ shopping, high e f ficiency furnace. C/V.C/A. w ater softener, blinds, paved drivew ay, fenced yard, ravine at back $260,000. 416-384-6815 M ILLCRO FT. 3+1 b e d rooms. all brick, new hard wood. C a lifornia shutters. 2.5 baths. 2 gas fireplaces, c/air, c/vac.. Prof. finished basem ent, cedar deck w/ hot tub. $375,000. 905332-8258. RIVER O aks- 4-bedroom , 3.5 baths, fin ish e d ba se m ent. close to school. $379,000. C all 905-2746111. C A M B R ID G E . O n ta rio Som m erset M odel Tow nline Estates. Unique openc o n ce p t. m u lti-le v e l d e tached home Ceram ics in fo y e r, p o w d e r room and eat-in-kitchen. Gas f/p in family room. Shows to per fe c tio n $ 2 2 4 ,9 0 0 . 5 m inutes drive to highw ay ·401. For photos www.mik e a n d k e lly .c o m o r c a ll Shelfy 0519-247-1993 i l l it * it * N E W LY R enovatedfor re n t 2 & 3 bdrm . a p a rt ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1050 to $12 75./rao in clude s u tilitie s . Parking extra. Immediate occupan cy. 205 Queen Mary Drive 905-844-9670 B u rlin g to n Tow ers Extra-Large 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites W ith 2 balconies! Easy QEW access, rec. centre with large indoor pool, ,,,,. underground parking, plus, plus.... N E W LY R e n o va te d ONE b e d ro o m fo r re n t $ 8 5 0 / month at 262 Reynolds St., Oakville. Please call 905338-6876 _____________ T W O -B E D R O O M b a s e m ent apartm ent, separate entra n c e . 3 m inutes from 401 $ 9 0 0 /in c lu s iv e fir s t and last (416)919-1654 PR IM E G len-A b bey location-Spacious, im m aculate g ro u n d flo o r. 2 -b e d ro o m n e w ly re n o v a te d a p t in w e ll-m a in ta in e d com p le x close to all amenities. Im mediate. Mature treed set ting. Includes 5-appliances, fireplace, parquet floor in g , A /C , c a b le , fe n c e d deck, parking, onsite rec. centre. $1200/month. Nons m o k e r, no p e ts . C a ll (905)825-5912 O A K V IL L E : 1 -bedroom bachelor. Utilities, laundry, p a rk in g $ 7 0 0 . M ay 1st C a ll 9 0 5 -8 2 3 -4 2 6 4 a fte r 5pm e O M E M M E TD ... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited A P P LE M E A D C o o p e ra tiv e H om es. 23B -3000 Driftwood. Burlington. July 1st. 3-bedroom s, 2 a p plia n c e s . e a t-in k itchen , basement. $805/mo.+ utili ties. Play areas, p arkin g, near s choo ls, shopping, bus routes. (N o subsidy available). A Fam ily Com m unity W orking Together! 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -1 9 1 9 . em ail: 8k ltt8 o n 3 7 0 y h o o .o _______ RIVER O A K S : 3-bedroom fre e h o ld in good n e ig h bourhood. 5 appliances, at tached garage, w a lk -o u t rec.room w ith fire p la c e . May 1st. $1600/m o. L.D a vies R.E.. 905-333-4347 LAKE front Bronte Elegant. 4 B E D R O O M . 2 F IR E PLACES. magnificent lake vie w s , fre e h o ld end u n it, $ 2 5 0 0 /m o n th u tiitie s . (905)827-8768 O A K V IL L E . R iver O aks, ex e c u tiv e tow nh ouse. 3bed roo m s. 2 -1 /2 baths, fireplace. 5 appliances. Cl A. finished basem ent. Im m ediate. $1600/m o. John (416)941-5980 O A K V IL L E . G len Abbey. 3-bedrooms. 2.5 baths, ens u ite . 1800 s q .ft.. double garage . $1800/m o. u tili ties, M a y ls t 905-815-5510. O A K V IL L E - 2 4 3 B e d room townhouses available im m ediately through June. 4 app lia n ce s. H opedale Mall area. Lakeshore Man agement. 905-876-3336 B A B Y S IT T E R n ee ded. 3 nights per week for 7 year old. Student preferred, ref e rences required. If in te r e s te d p le a s e c a ll (905)844-5922____________ K l l l e l furn itu re £k V Unlooping with card programming F r e e C all 905-639-8583 for Rental w w w . o n t im . c o m $$$s email: bto*rcrs@cogcco.net Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor from $759* 1-Bdmts m $869* 2-Bdrms Irom t979* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 ` (2% prompt pay. disc.) 1-BE DRO O M in quiet 5plex a va ila b le M ay15, Speers Rd./ 4th Line area, $77 5/m o. u tilitie s extra. 905-849-0423._____________ 1-BEDRO O M apa rtm e nt, base m en t/ p riv a te hom e S u ita b le fo r one person. Self-contained, private en trance non-smoker, no pets. O a k v ille . $690/m o. 905845-3756__________________ 142 Bedroom apa rtm ents a v a ila b le M ay/ June from $825./mo. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. Burlington. 905-6324265 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents. 110 South F oster Park, O ak v ille . Includ es e v e ry thing . Im m ediate . 905849-8411; 10am-8pm. BRONTE H arbour. S p a cio u s 2-bedroom s uites a v ailab le. H eat/ hydro in clu d e d . $1225/m o. C all S h erry. 4 16 -83 5-22 20, 8aro-7pm__________________ FA LG A R W O O D D rive. 12 bedroom apa rtm ents w/ k itc h e n e tte s , frid g e , m i crow ave . share la undry, n o n -sm okers. $67 5/m o 4 $975/m o plus parkin g. Maylst. 416-566-6539. ALD E R S H O T, 1 -b e d room basement apartm ent in q u ie t hom e. G as fir e place. separate entrance, laundry, kitchen, c/v. cable, heat and hydro, p arkin g spot, front sitting area. No pets non -sm okin g. $750/ mo. References. 905-6316579 evgs._________________ 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lin g to n . 142 bedroom ap a rtm e n ts a va ila b le im mediately/ May. From $895/ mo. 906-632-0129__________ W ATER DO W N: John St W alk to E ve ry th in g . New Appliances. New Windows. Com p. Reno. 1, 24 3 Bdrms starting at $745. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647. 905690-4454__________________ E N JO Y s p e c ta c u la r view from newly renovated luxu ry apartments. Gym. billiard room , pool, laundry fa c ili ties. Prime Burlington loca tion. 905 -3 3 3 -9 1 4 1 ; 905637-6701._________________ FR ESH LY P a inted 2Bedroom Apartments $949/ mo.+ p arkin g. A v a ila b le . A p r./M ay. C lose to GO 4 shopping. Well maintained, q u ie t b u ild in g s . B ra n t/ Prospect. Burlington. 905- B L A C K iron fu to n bunkbed $350, w hite desk and chair $200, almond table w/ four chairs $350. Call 905315-8705 after 1pm.________ FU R N ITU R E 48-in ch round oak pedestal table w/ 2-12 inch le aves, and 6chairs $800. Oak bookcase and e n te rta in m e n t centre e ach 77 in ches high. 18 in ches deep. 32 inches wide $600. cal!905-825-3627 All new with warranty, Direct TV, Reviver unlooper $999. Dual LNB systems with HU card programmed $349. Omega 2 unlooper $199. Other systems and products available. Open: Mon. - Thurs., 9-6: Fri., 9-7 and Sat.S Sun., 9-5 4943 Union Rd., Beamsville O N 905-563-9285 or visit www.HUWORKs.tv PO O L ta b le - (O lhausen ) 4 x8'. slate. Asking $1500 obo. C a ll M ark 9 0 5 -9 7 3 0493. Q UEEN sle ig h bed so lid oak $2500. Excellent co n d itio n . Dark green wing ch a ir and m atch ing foot stool $300 Excellent con dition 905-631-5736 QUEEN size bed. mattress 4 box. $95. Q ueen size brass headboard. $35. Sin gle m attress. $45. Double futon fram ed c/w mattress. $50. Off white carpet, ex ce lle n t co n d itio n 12'x2 5'. $135. A n tique bar o rig i nals. 1-C oors bee r 1- J4B Cigarettes. $115/each. 905690-7910 after 6:30p.m. R A LE IG H fo ld in g b icycle g re a t c o n d itio n , m a tu re older has outgrown it. Ask in g $ 1 7 5 .0 0 C a ll (9 0 5 ) 844-6439 auctions Tycourt Apts & Townhouses 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr.. Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW APARTMENTS Bachelors, 1-Bedroom, 2 Bedroom From $675. S H A R E 4-b e d ro o m c o n do. Large balcony, view of lake. V e ry cle an. $50 0/ m o n th a ll in c lu s iv e 10 m in u te w a lk to S h e rid a n College. David (9 0 5 )8 4 4 0164. S A T E L L IT E H/HU U n lo oper/ Program m er, ca bles and power supply In cluded. New in package $120,905-961-2073. S E C T IO N A L c o u c h and armchair (matching) $4257 obo. Call (905)630-1787 SO FA, chair, blue floral. $12 5/bo th; w asher $125; gla ss c a b in e t $65; sm all cherrywood bar $40. 905319-0211._________________ W OODEN dining ta b le / 6 chairs $750. chest freezer $100. L-shaperd computer desk $65, pool pum p. 2 pool filters. 24ft round cover. 905-332-9681__________ K I k l articles wanted TOWNHOUSES 2 & 3 Bedrooms From $995. Some with fireplace. Includes 4 or 5 appliances. C all to d a y t o v ie w : 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 3 0 0 1 B IK E , C anam V e lo sp o rt 20* 5-speed, great condition. $75. Call 905-335-1884. CO M PUTER desk w/ hutch, rolling table. $50/all. Suitable for student. Good oondMon. 905-634-1937. EDDIE Bauer c lo th in g , $100/all. 905-333-3476 M EN 'S CCM m ountain bike. 21* frame. 15 speed. E xce lle nt cond ition. $75, 905-336-3977______________ STO VE , A lm ond, good c o n d itio n . $10 0/ob o. C all 905-637-9492 anytime FOR Sale- Heavy duty 4x4 trailer. 21 inch wheels Ask ing $600 firm . C all 905639-5717. U T ILITY tra ile r, all m etal. 4x4, hardly used. Stores easily. $350,905-844-2703. I lost & found E-mail: tycourt@sympatico.ca for info. GARD EN apartm ent, fu r nish e d , in c lu d e s parkin g , utilities, cable T.V. Avail a b le M ay 8, 2 0 0 2 . C a ll 905-849-9971 P u b lic N o tic e We have the apartment you're looking for! 2&3 Bedrooms 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 Day Approvals *Managed by L.T. Green win DO W NTO W N O ak v ille . Lakeshore Rd. E., 1-bed room, $925/mo. June 1st.; Call 416-420-3952 or 905842-9275 O A K V IL L E D ow ntow n S p aciou s im m a cu la te ly re n ovated 2-bedroom apa rtm e nt. P a rking. On L a ke shore R oad/ Kerr S tre e t, from $ 1 100/m o. u tilitie s . Im m ediate . No pets 905 -33 7-71 35; 9053 3 1 - 1 3 0 1 . _____ O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R enovated 142Bdrm . New a pp lia nces, w indow s. From $ 8 4 5 ./mo 905-844-5474 O A K V IL L E East B right m a in flo o r of bungalow . New carpet, a p p lia n c e s , air. 3-bedroom s, parkin g, $1365/m o. fu tilitie s . May. No pets. 905-630-9350. O A K V ILL E - 1-Bdrm avail May 1st. $860. Includ es heat, hydro, parking. Quiet b u ild in g . B ronte R d./ Lake shore area. C lose to everything. Call Steve 905827-6783. O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-bedroom, Apr./ May from $1 0 4 0 ./m o .; 3-bedroom , A p r./ M ay. $12 25/m o. ( parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V IL L E : large 1-bed room . Bronte nea r lake, fridge, stove, dishw asher. Available May 1st. $975/mo 905 -33 6-47 21 a fte r 6pm 905-465-0761 O AK V ILLE : 392 Pine Ave. at C o rn w a ll 4 T ra fa lg a r. R e novated, la rg e suites. W alk to E v e ry th in g . 142 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429. Ext.231 DO W NTO W N B u rlington. 1275 E lgin S treet. 2 4 3 B edroom s. M ay. F reshly deco rated, spacious, w ell maintained 4 quiet with up graded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 _________ F U LLY re n ovated brigh t lo w er level 1-bedroom . Parking. Laundry. $800/mo. all in clusive. C entral B u r lington, Non-smoker. 905639-6743__________________ NEW LY renovated, freshly painted! 1-Bedroom . May; 2 -B ed roo m . June . 1363 Lakeshore. Burlington across from Spencer Sm ith Park, 905-637-8431, 7-days, 9am5pm, (Ring Apt. »101)_______ O A K V IL L E - Near K err/ Lakeshore. la rge bright 2b edroom , q u ie t bu ild in g , $82 5/m o. M ay/ June 1st 905-277-4728. HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t., c lo s e to la k e / Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom . May/ June. $97 5/m o.; 2 -b e d room. May. $1,155. (park ing) 905-825-0816 ____ * * * * * 2-R O O M S to rent. Share bath w/other renter. Limited k itc h e n access. P a rking avail. S u itable fo r m ature fem ale. M ust love cats! $500/m nth each -futilities/ phone. C all C a ro lyn 9056 1 7 -5 4 7 2 M on- Fri a fte r 7pm. FO R M E R O a k v ille la d y s e e k s fu rn is h e d a c c o m m o d a tio n in d o w n to w n Oakville for 4 - 6 weeks this sum m er. Non sm oker, no pet. best references. Please call her brother inBurlington Ken O 905-632-1264 FO UN D: c e ll phone. M o to ro la . M 4M 's. H am ilton S treet. W aterdow n. Apr. 14th. C all 4 id entify. 905639-4753. FO UN D: grey ca t. La ke shore/ Burlington St. area. We call ` Bogey*. Call 905637-732S._________________ FOUND: grey tabby/ white cat. Prospect/ Brant area. We call ` Andy*. 905 -63 77325. LO ST gold ID bra ce le t, engraved *Hayley D* Lost between Tuck school and Longm oor. R ew ard 905681-0719__________________ LOST- Men's silver SwissArm y watch. 24-Inch thick silver necklace and brace let. Lost in Brant-Hill Com m unity Centre area S e nti mental. Reward. 905-3353507 LO S T: DSH m ale ca t, 8m os. old. black w /w h ite m arkings. Not n e u te re d / d e-cla w ed. 'Ja zzm a n * is friendly, yet very apprehen sive. S t.F ran ces/ G uelph/ U pper M iddle. Beloved fa m ily pet. Rew ard. 905319-2025; 905-466-7923. REW ARD- Family dog lost A p r.12th. S m all, w hite s cru ffy, re ce n tly spayed, stitches still in. Very timid. Brown leather collar w/rabies ta g / nam e engraved ` Nimby*. 905-632-9913. wjM open houses new #59Rd., 905- SAT. & Sun.. 1-5. bungalow condo. 4045 Upper M iddle Burlington. $174,900. 336-8428 | [ | ) ( l private sale A P A R TM E N T contents: Sklar Peppier real oak ster eo cabinet. $600; gold ve lour reclining chair, sofabed $40 0 /b o th ; sin g le bed w / brass headboard, $50; Akai stereo $75; Panasonic m i crowave $50. 905-335-9747. BABY furniture- crib, highchair. carseats. booster, ·fmore. M oving, m ust sell! A sking $350 for a ll. 905336-0614__________________ BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow -top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. C ost $1700. S a c rific e , $660.905-304-6573. BEDR O O M su ite , brand new 8-pce., so lid C herryw ood sle ig h b e d . C hest. T ri-d re sse r w /m irro r. 2m ghtstand s. A ll D ovetail. Never opened, still boxed. C ost $8,499, se ll $3,999. 905-971-1777. BEDS. New. Double. $220; Q ueen. $240. C om plete w/frame. Futons. Free Defcvery Refurbished VCRs. 17-25* c o lo u r TVs, p o rta b le CD players. 905-681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, o rth o p e d ic p illo w to p m a ttre ss, boxsp rin g , h e a dboard/ fo o t board. frame. New. in plas tic. Cost $1275. sell $550. Will deliver. 905-971-3315. B IK E S - R a leigh Alahvanche. 21 speed, good shape. $225. 1 Giant, high bread, excellent condition, $600. 905-333-0458 C A R P ET. I have se ve ra l 1.000 yards of new Stainm aster 4 100% nylon c a r p et. W ill do livin g ro o m 4 hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad 4 in stallatio n (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CO UC H- 3 -p ie ce black, faux leather, $400. 7-piece bedroom set. $300. C all 905-681-9756 D E LO N G H I, W hite c o n v e ctio n oven and b ro ile r, portable, L 21* 1/2, depth 18*. H ight 13*. E xce lle nt c o n d ito n . $14 0.00 905844-5126 D INING RO O M 13-pce., C herryw ood set, 96* dou ble p e d e sta l ta b le w/ le aves, 8 -ch a irs, Lighted C hina C a bine t, all D o ve ta il. N e ver opened. C ost $12,250, sacrifice $4,750. 905-304-9994. DININGROOM set- washed pecan, table extends from 66* to 96* w /2 leaves. Lighted hutch, glass side and doors. 8 chairs. $3500. 905690-8226 D IAM O N D eng agem ent ring .79 ct. total. Appraised $3600 Asking $1800 o.b.o 905-319-6563 D IR E C TV / S a le s/ HU / H p ro g ra m m in g / unloo p in g / unlockin g. G uarantees ava ila b le . 900 chan nels. CaM 905-333-3186._________ ES TATE la w yers d e s k solid mahogany, full leather top, e xce lle n t c o n d itio n , show peace. $850. 905634-1063__________________ EX TEN SIO N M ahogany diningroom table. Great for apt / condo, 3 leaves. 36* by 19* 905-634-4858 FR ID GE (M o ffa t), stove (A d m ira l) harvest gold. Look g reat and in good w orking cond itio n . Asking $250 each. C all 905-3365109 _________________ FUTON w /fram e. d o u b le size medium firm m attress w /zip ped cover, blockbacked S equoia fram e, ru stic stain. Som e re fin ished needed on legs. 1-yr. old, 4-yrs. left on warranty. $500. 905-815-8533. G O LF CLUBS Titlest 975 J. 975D.Drivers. T-Zoids I , 2 - PW Irons, 27 inch Pan asonic T.V., 27 inch Sharp TV. Call for info(905)46»4784 HOT T u b / Spa. A ll se lfcontained. all o p tio n s, w/ cover, 2002 m odel, new. s till in w rapp er, cost $10,250, sacrifice $6,000. 905-304-7775. JEEP YJ Soft-top, fits '87'95. G rea t c o n d itio n . No tears, all hardware in clud ed. $300.; light bar for Jeep YJ (four lights). $100. Dave. 905-332-9625; 416-726-3781 L E A T H E R lo ve s e a t e x cellent condition $500.,liv in g room so fa , e x c e lle n t condition, oft w hite cream in c o lo u r $ 6 0 0 ., d in in g room hutch and 6 chairs, purchased from Art Shope p a id $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 a s k in g $2,000.CaH (905)849- 6034 NEED a C om puter... Don't Have Cash? T he O rig in a l IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! The Buck A Day Company, call 1-800772 -86 17. w w w .bucka day.com___________________ NEW Labatts bee r fridge, s till in orig in a l cart, holds over 300 cans, coin ope r ated great for cottage own ers $1,800. Q ueen b e d room se t w ith a rm o ire $900., W hite desk $100., call (905)849-6034 WANTED All- China. Silver. Crystal, sewing machines Royal Doulton, Swarovski. M o o rcro ft. Q u ilts . G lass, dolls, collectibles, estates. John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 auctions PROFESSION AL AUCTION GROUP I | IMPORTANT OITSTANDING AUCTION NOTICE | M ILT O N - P R IV A T E SALE In choice area 3 1 b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e . H a rd w o o d flo o rs , new kitchen floor, new furnace, c e n tra l a ir. c e n tra l vac. M any upg rad es. A m ust see! C a ll (905) 875 -21 37 $159,900 PILGRAMSWAY VILLAGE 2 & 3 bedroom suites available in low-rise condominium in Oakville. 5 appliances, wall to wall carpet, vertical blinds, balconies or patios. On site management. To view call (905)847-5043 O LD O a k v ille . B e a u tifu lly m a in ta in e d , v e ry cle an, q u ie t b u ild in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. 1-bedroom from $985; 2-bedroom from $12 50./m o. No lease 9 0 5 -84 5-82 54 (leave message)__________ BR IG H T, spacious u p d a t ed 2-bedroom bungalow. 4 appliances. $ 1 100/mo. in cludes heat/ hydro/ cable. G rea t h ighw a y access. Q uiet B u rlin g to n n e ig h bourhood. 906-920-0188. 2-B D R M . a p a rtm e n t on K e rr- M a y ls t. $889/mo 2storey building, w e ll-m ain taine d. P a rking in clude d. 906-257-1669______________ 75 S tew art: 1-bedroom , $ 82 5./m o .; 2-bedroom . $925/m o. (p a rk in g * $ 3 5 ./ mo.) Im m ediate thru June. N ear dow ntow n O a k v ille / QEW. Well-maintained, clean buMdnp. 905-844-4294 _ FR EE- 1 Month for Quali fie d A p p lic a n ts ! G eorgian A p a rtm e n ts. 1 ,2 4 3 B e d room s. A p r./ M ay/ June. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra (No pets) Burling ton, 905 -63 9-04 56, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm________ 297 Q ueens A ve ., O a k v ille - 2 4 3 bedroom apart ments available May. Start ing O $995/m o. 9 0 5 -8 4 2 8338 1 ,2 4 3 Bedroom A p a rt m ents from $ 87 5/m o. In door pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 NO RTHSH O R E Tow ers, July. 1-bdrm from $7757mo. ( $33. p a rk in g ). U tilitie s in clude d. No Pets. Q uiet Building. Diane, 9am-7pm. 905-681-1307* Burlington EVEKYHirM; Ml 1 ST K SOLD RFX;AR1 )I£SS OF COOT ESTXreS · IJ^tlD ATlO N S * (ASSIGNMENTS * · IKX SHKHi) URMTl RE * INNING ROOM SI ITB * CO LLH H BIB · SXTCLMA P O R im iN · LIVING ROOM SITTE · ART COLLECTION | · JK m L E R Y · ELECTRONICS · STEREOS · BRONZE STATVARY · SPORTS MEMORVBILLA COLLECTION · SILVER JE U H LER V · I · LIMOGES PORCELAIN · GRANDFATHER ( lO O S · TIFFANY LAMPS · I Catalogue Sdk be sold in detail »«h no bu>m premium by. I ^ condominiums torrent CH ED O KE G olf C ourseH a m ilton, upsca le 3 b e d room townhome condo. Rent- $1,650/m on. 905528-4944_________________ "PA LAC E": Lovely updated 1-bedroom sunroom with a m azing skyw ay 4 bay views, carpet. Only 1 year. Fresh pain t. C /A. 5 app lia nces. 1 parking. No smoking or pets. $1050/mo. Junelst. L.Davies R.E., 905333-4347 FO REST C hase. B u rlin g ton. 1-bedroom, den. 5-applia n ce s, balcony, u n d e r ground parking. June 1st. $975/mo. utilities. 905-3327445 evgs._________________ BR AN D New Luxu ry 2bedroom lo w -ris e condo. Central Burlington. Garage. C /A , Im m ediate . $1200/ mo.-*- utilities. 416-255-2085 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across Irom Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Properly Mgmt EXEC U TIVE Condo Townhouse. North Oakville, 2300sq.ft.. 3-bedroom s, 21/2 baths, fa m ily ro o m . 5 a pp lia nces, fire p la c e , air, garage. Immediate $1675/ m o.+ u tilities. C all Warren H ill, T ra fa lg a r P rope rty M anage m ent. 905-3381J30, Ext 36 M CCRANEY 4 Sixth Line. Large 3-bedroom townhouse. garage. 5 appliances. A/C, Im m ediate . $1225/m o.-f utilities May 1st After May 1st $1250.905-469-0726 LA RG E 3-bedroom , May. $1169; June. $1199/mo. ( utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage. p a rk -lik e setting. Lon gm o or D rive. B u rlin g ton. 905-681-0070 BURLINGTON- 3-bedrooms, fire p la c e . 5 app lia nces. Tyandaga area, backs to golf course. Q uiet, exe cu tive , senior. $1200/mo. June 1st. 905-336-6379______________ FR ESH LY R enovated! B ra n t/ QEW . 2-bedroom , May 1st. $850/mo. (1 park ing included/ utilities extra) 905-319-9769______________ BU R LIN G TO N 3 -b e d room condo/T.H. 2.5 baths, c/air, 5 appliances, garage. $1600/m o. -futilities. Nonsmokers. No pets. 905-6375331.______________________ BURLINGTON. 3-bedroom townhouse. new appliances, garage. New S t./ G uelph Line. $950/mo.+ utilities. May 1st. 905-525-7620 BURLINGTON. 4-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths. C/A. 3 applian ces, barbecue, garage, quiet stre e t, exce lle n t lo cation. $1250/m o. June 1st. 905637-3934. B U R LIN G TO N . Luxury tow nhouses, 3-bedroom s. $ 1 1 75/m o. 4-bedroom s. $1275/m o. F am ilyroom . base m en t, yard. U tilitie s e x tra , p arkin g $40. 905639-0950 P U B L IC A U C T IO N FRIDAY, APRIL 19, AT 7:PM (PRKYIKM 6:PM) T H E BOHEM IAN CENTRE 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST WATERDOWN NO BIYKRS HIES OK l*RI Mil Ms · ARRIVE MARLY LIMITED SEATING Terms: Cash. Visa, MC, Interne as p e r posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: coll 9 0 5 - 4 7 7 - 2 4 2 4 M ILTON TOW NHOUSE fo r Sale. 3 bedroom . 3 bath. A/C. C e ntral Vac. 18x22. fully fenced in deck b acking on to detached hom es. F inished b a s e m ent. m any e xtra s. $150,000. Leave Message at 905-875-8073____________ O A K V IL L E , S ixth Line/ Upper Middle. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, walk-out from fam ilyroom , garage. 5 app lia nces, new ly d e c o rated. M ove-in con d itio n . Close to schools & Shendan C o lle ge. $165,900. 905 632-2820 I vans, 4 wheel fM | ] | | cars for sale A ll The Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrnu Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. lac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! M ALE s e n io r w ishes to m eet nice n/s lady. Someone who enjoys trav e ling. cam ping, p h o to g ra phy and likes music. 905659-1370 1994 JEEP YJ. Red. 2.5L. 4 -c y l., K enw ood stereo. 150K, excellen t condition. Certified. E-tested. $9,000/ obo. 905-336-7936_________ 1993 M ERC UR Y V illa g e r LS auto., 7-passenger van, loaded. 178,000 kms.. wellm ain ta in e d . $7500. C all 905-632-6332. _____ 200 1- Kia R io, 23k, s ta n dard. 4-door, lady driven, Asking $13,200. C all 905335-6031._________________ 1994 auto., m int, $4500 TAURU S GL V6, air, p/w., p/l., 180K., ce rtifie d , e-te sted. obo. 905-331-7373. 95-Ford W in d sta r LX. Quad seats, loaded, re-built eng ine +tran. C e rt/E -te st $7500. Call 905-829-1050. 1989 Dodge C a rava n, Etested, needs transmission and re p a irs. As is $600. obo. 905-257-0614 C A R G O VAN 1994 Ford, high H ighw ay kilom eters, but in g re a t shap e $4,800/obo. Call (905)4646599 1-BEDRO O M cond o for sale. 5-applian ces, new carpet in living room/ dining room . F reshly painted. Central air. $114,900. Call Laurie 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -7 4 9 6 or 905-334-1962. WE specialize in C o ndo m inium Sales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R e altor, (905)333-4347 *905-312-2387= I houses for rent F U LL-T IM E ca re g ive r needed for 2 children (84 5). Sept./02-June/03. Glen Abbey. Live-out preferred. N on-sm oking. C ar an a s set. 905-465-2748. L IV E -IN nanny required . 19 month old girl. Oakville 416-708-8686______________ LIVE-IN nanny required to care for 9-month old child, lig h t h o u sekeeping in volved. O akville. Call 905257-6782. _________ LIV E -IN Nanny, fu lltim e , fo r one boy. G len Abbey. Loving, warm , e n e rg e tic with ECE, driver's license. Red Cross. CPR. Start immediatety. 905-465-1208. LIV E -O U T nanny needed fo r 1 4 2-1/2 year olds. Non-sm oker, experienced, references required. Dun das/ Erin M ills. 9 0 5 -8 2 3 1355______________________ NANN Y req u ire d , le gal only, 3 ch ild re n O akville . N on-sm oker, sw im m er, d riv e r 7am -6pm . + some e ve n in g s and S a turdays. Local refe re n ce s. 1-800668-7401 ext. 4309 I motorcycles 199 6 P o n tia c S u n fire 4 door, auto. air. 86 kms.. fog lig h ts , c u s to m h ig h p e r fo rm a n c e a ir in ta k e . $6,800 (905)336-7051_____ A C C E S S IB L E van 1996 Grand Voyager rear entry hydraulic lift, a/c. auto locks /w in dow s, cd, rem ote ca r s ta rte r, o n ly 5 7 0 0 0 km . $21.000. 905-337-7420 trucks for sale 1977 Kaw asaki KZ750. needs tire s 4 tune-up. $1,000 obo. U n ce rtifie d . 905-745-0335. COM MERCE Court, (F a irvle w I W alkers. Burlington) 2nd floor, redeco rated office space. 285 sq.ft. Call 905-336-1950 O A K V IL L E - Q EW / W in ston C hurchill oflice space to rent (private) 300- 1000 Sq.feet. furniture, internet, phone and rece p tio n ist services available. To view con ta ct M arg arida 905829-1046.__________________ 3516 Mainway. Burlington. Up to 900 s q .ft. o ffic e / w a rehouse space avail. M ay-1st. Act fast! Contact Dave B u rrow s. 9 0 5 -3 3 2 5906 for further information. G O LD EN o p p o rtu n ity! O akville unit fo r lease for sm all retail business. 201 R iver O aks Blvd. W est. 647-280-4739, 905-792-9293. O FFICE space (1350 sq.ft.) for lease, great loca tion. steps to GO station, Q EW , new Hom e Depot Plaza. $17/sq.ft. gross (all included). Ideal for medical/ p rofe ssio n a l tenants. Please call 905-616-5586. 639-7805_________________ VERY large 2 4 3 B e d room S u ite s a v a ila b le in w e ll- m a intained O a k v ille buildings. Close to schools 4 p ro fe s s io n a l services. Easy access to QEW 4 403. 905-844-2646 or 905-8450967______________________ 142 Bedroom Suites among re fin e d te n a n ts in lu xury building close to Burlington M all. C all the "Regency*, 905-681-8115______________ 142 Bedroom apartm ents available now. Speers/ Kerr. 905-842-0565_____________ O A K V IL L E : 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything. New security system . 142 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777 BU R LIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet build in g near dow n tow n. P arking. $795/m o. Call Donna. 905-634-5885. BU R LIN G TO N Near B u rloak and Lakeshore. spacious 1-bedroom $750 in c lu s iv e . C all 9 0 5 -6 3 3 7945 leave message._______ BURLINGTON- 3-bedroom townhouse (no basem ent) $950/mnth. Also. 2-bedroom apa rtm e nt im m accula te. $840/mnth. No dogs. June1st. 905-336-7207. BU R LIN G TO N . Large 2bedroom apa rtm e nt. R e cently painted, quiet area. Lilnan Court/ Ghent. Park ing. Available May1/June1. 905-574-9180. JO R D A N - W a te rfro n t. 3bedroom, newly decorated. Boat p riv ile g e s . $1300/ mnth -futilities. Call Joy 905641-1110 or 905-684-6717 IN the core of Waterdown. 3-bedroom s, new ly re n o v ated, av a ila b le J u ly 1st. $ 12 50/m o.-f u tilitie s . No pets. No sm oking . T rish . 905-689-4932 O A K V ILLE . New im m acu late 3-bedroom detached. 2.5 bathrooms. 5 newappiiances. a/c, gqrage. No pets/ sm okers. $1795/m o. futilities. 416-200-2539. CO URT lo c a tio n : B rant/ P la in s, 1 y ear old. 3 ap pliances. c/a. 3-bedroom 1 -1/2 baths. $1500/m o. plus u tilitie s . 2 av a ila b le : June 1st and J u ly 1st. Debbie 905-332-3542 NORTH B u rlin g to n 3bedroom semi. 4 appliances. arage, Immediate/ or May. 1200/mo. Active Management, 905-333-5506, Ext.73 W A N TE D : S torage space for 2 Classic cars. In 4 out privileges requested. O ak ville area. 905-257-7179. Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore O n the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 BEDROOM SUITES FROM S990/M0. I UUU Uodqo Rom 150 0 4 x 2 Quad Cab, 4-door, black on b la c k , b e d lin e r, to n nea u c o v e r, lim ite d s lip , P S /P B . a ir co n d . New tires, brakes, chrome rims. G re a t tru c k w o n 't la s t $17,900. C all even ings · 905-659-3821 or days 905630-3821 TEAM leader of supported housing program. Relevant post secondary education. Supervisory experience in com m unity m ental health. Knowledge of PSR system and non p rofit housing an asset. C o m p e titive salary and benefits. Email resume to hallan O stn.n et by May 12th r DOW NTOW N O akville C h ild re n 's w ear. 19 year established retail business w ith proven m anagem ent incom e and bottom line. B usiness offe re d at $50,000. in ve n to ry at cost. Building available for sale or lease. Contact Terry Hutchison. Assoc. Broker, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp.. 905-338-9000 905-681-7126 2-B E D R O O M S : $840 / mo. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice O pen 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 PRIM E D ow ntow n B u r lin g to n . U pgra ded 1.243 Bedroom A p artm ents. S ce nic vie w s. B e autifu l ground s. 478 P earl. 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374 O N -T H E -LA K E Bronte: Immaculate, 1-bdrm. single executive. Cable, parking appliances. $ 1.000/mo in clusive. 9 0 5 -82 7-22 66 a f ter 4pm. LA K E S H O R E / M aple. Burlington. 2-bedroom, May, $ 9 9 5 ./m o .+ parkin g ; 3bedroom. May, $1150/mo.-f p a rk in g . H e at/ h ydro in cluded. Beautiful lakefront view . Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Maplevie w 4 hos p ita l. G reat highway access. 905-6325258 "H O U S E -L IK E " L iv in g in Low -rise Townhome/ Apts! 243 Bdrms 1-floor 4 2-stor ey de s ig n s . G round flo o r u n its w /w a lk -o u t to la n d scape patio! Freshly paint ed. re fin is h e d hardw ood, new appliances- All for you! Tyan daga T errace, 1460 Tyan daga Pk D r.; 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr.. 905-3330015 905-336-0016________ B U R LIN G TO N 3 -b e d room , fire p la c e , 2 baths, o verlo o k s gardens. T y a n daga area. Q uiet bldg. $1200/m o. June 1st. 905336-6379__________________ E X C E LLE N T lo ca tio n near Brant/ Lakeshore. 1bedroom , parkin g, quiet building. June-1st. $610 + hydro. 905-662-8558 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 2-Bedroom. Parking. Avail able June/ July from $915/ mo. inclusive. Call or leave message. 905-335-7929. C E N T R A LL Y lo cated, well- maintained, spacious 142 bedroom suites. Must see to a p p re c ia te . 3055 Glencrest Road. Burlington, 905-637-3921 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit 4 earnings v e rific a tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 9 05 -63 9-52 58; cre a tiv e optsdquickdic.net M ATURE lady required to babysit toddler in my S.E. B u rlin g to n hom e. 2 eve n ings per week, occasional o ve rn ig h t stay required. 905-464-1499 after 6pm. POLICE " FOUNDATIONS DIPLOMA (1 Year) O A K V IL L E : B rig h t nicely fu rn is h e d room in b a s e m ent. w /k itc h e n e tte . fu ll bathroom . S u ita b le one person, Non smoker, sepa rate entrance. No bus ac cess. $625/m o. F irs t/la st. 416-504-4440._____________ B U R LIN G TO N B rig ht, fu rn is h e d bedroom a v a il able for non-smoking work in g lady. P a rking. Share facilities. U tilities included. 905-637-6120. MONEY Problem s? G a r nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. B ank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 __________________ 1 ^ 1 mortgage, loans Extra Large 1-Bedroom May 1st. C all Now 905 W ES TO A K T R A IL S : A l most new 3-bedroom semi. H ardw ood, ceram ics, gas fire p la c e , ensu ite. 4 a p pliances. attached double garage. P refer no pets or sm oking. A p r.2nd. $1800/ mo. L.D avies R .E., 905333-4347__________________ LU XUR Y B u rlin g to n c o n do townhome, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, walk-out to deck. A/C, fireplace. 5 app lia nc es. No smoking or pets. Im m ediate. $1450/m o -fu tili ties. 519-894-5803. BU RLING TO N 243 bed rooms available May. 3 ap pliance s. 1.5 baths. One o u ts id e p arkin g. N ear schoo ls, shop p in g . P arkNke setting. 905-333-1190. A P P LE B Y Line N o rth New 1400 s q .ft.. 2 -b e d room s, 2.5 baths, 5 ap p lia n c e s . c /a ir, parkin g. $ 1300/m o. -futilities. June 1st. No pets. 905-331-7354. EX PER IE N C ED c h ild ca re provider has spaces ava il able. my home. CPR. First A id, n on -sm oker, lo t's of in d o o r/ o u td o o r fu n , in cluding outings, play groups, circle time 4 crafts. Babies welcome. Han/ester/ Guelph Line. References/ receipts. 906-333-3157_____________ H .C .C .R . hom e dayca re, fu ll-tim e space s. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ recoipts. 905-319-3826._______ LO VING re lia b le c a re g iv er has fu ll-tim e spaces available. Upper Middle Rd/ Guelph Line area. Call 905336-8732__________________ Q U A L IT Y dayca re a v a il able. F ull/ p art-tim e. Fun. le arning 4 TLC. N utritious lunches/ snacks. Receipts/ references. A ppleby/ Fairview area. 905-637-5808 WEE Care E d ucational Services. O penings availble in your home Mon-Wed O ne on one c h ild care. Please call J e n n ife r 905333-9186 L IV E -IN C a re g iv e r fro m C h in a , s p e a k s E n g lis h . P ro fe s s io n a l e xp e rie n ce , c o m p a s s o n a te c a re fo r ch ild re n , e ld e rly or d is a bled. Helen 416-708-8686 N A N N Y /C A R E G IV E R lo o k in g fo r p o s itio n fro m 9am - 3:30pm . P re se n tly e m p lo ye d in liv e in p o s i tion. Mary (905)338-2677 n , Enroll for Sept. 2002 Halton Business Institute 905-637-3415 SALES PROFESSIONALS We are an innovative, growing temporary help agency specializing in the placement of Industrial Labour, Of fice Staff and Skilled Trades personnel. We have an immediate need for an outside sales representative for Hamilton & Burlington. Your proven track record in outside sales, along with the ability to cold call makes you a strong candidate for this position. We offer a competitive remuneration package including base sal ary, car allowance and commission. Fax resume, state salary expectations, to: 905-333-9586 639-8583 tor Rental $ $ $ 's O A K V IL L E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ m o.*; 2-bedroom from $949/mo.*; 3-bedroom from $1049/mo.* Well maintained building. N ellie. (905)3392028. ('included 2% prompt payment discount) BRONTE on the Lake. Breathtaking views. 1-bed room a v a ila b le June 1st. Hardwood, ceramics, w ind ow coverings, pool, tennis, underground parking. C all to view: 905-827-9169, Sir R ichard T ow er, w w w .on tim.com O A K V IL L E - Kerr St. S. of Rebecca. 2 bedroom 1100 sq.ft. has 1 parking space. $ 85 0/m o u tilitie s . F irs t/ last. No pets. May 1st. Ref erences. 905-257-0491 C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,243 bedroom s available Imm e d ia te / M ay/ June. 5220 Lake shore, B u rlington. 905-632-5486. C A LL Redwood. 416-494988 3 ext. 321 o r 1-8 0 0 328-7887 ext. 321. 1 year 3 .9 9 . 5 y e a r 6 .0 5 . AR M 1.24. A ls o re fin a n c in g , equitym ortgage program s. 2nd mortgages available. LOW RATES .................... Mortgages. 1sts. 2nds. self em ployed. C all Richard or Al. M ortgage F inancial. mortgagesontario.com 905336-9966 Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 2&3 Bedroom Suites From $975./mo. Available June/July. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. 905-639-3301 M ATU R E, non -sm okin g male to share beautiful Riv e r O aks hom e. U p stairs bedroom , full house p riv i leges. immediate $550/mo. 906-257-1428._____________ B U R LO A K / New. Room av a ila b le . P arkino. Share entire townhouse. $375/mo. in c lu s iv e . No pets. A v a il able im m e d ia te ly . 905* 847-6230._________________ S H AR E tow nh ouse. c e n tral Burlington, large room, use o f all fa c ilitie s . $400/ mo. Im m ediate . 905-4644374______________________ BU R LIN G TO N M all area, tw o bedroom s ava ila b le im m e d ia te ly , U tilitie s , washer/ dryer, dishwasher in c lu d e d S ta rtin g $500. 905-333-8867______________ B U R LIN G TO N share condo. Includes bedroom-f p arkin g a v a ila b le , $500/ mo. in cludes utilities. First 4 last. Call 905-332-3014. SHARE beautiful new ex ecutive condo. All fully fur nished. Bedroom with own p riv a te b a th ro o m . A ll a m enities and u tilitie s in c lu d e d , k itc h e n , la u n d ry, p a rk in g , c a b le T .V ., ow n phone and s e rv ic e s . Smoking O.K. Immediate. $65 0./per month. W alkers L in e / U p p e r M id d le Rd. Call (905)332-9193 Robert EXECUTIVE Condo, prime Bronte location , furnished, a d u lt n o n -s m o k e r, a ll in clusive. S800/month Call (905)844-1144 general help wanted Burlington Post requires I furnished rentals SH O R T-TER M C lean, spacious 142 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location.... Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 EX EC UTIVE la rge 1-b e d room com pletely furnished, c/a., gas fireplace, pool. No p ets/ sm oking. $1590/m o. Junelst. 905-319-0774. O A K V IL L E - 2 -F u lly fu r nished and equipped con dos. Ib d rm / 1 +den. Excel lent buildings. Pool, tennis court. Utilities, cable .phone (local calls only) included. Non-smokers, no pets. Call 905-844-5681. FU R N ISH ED B u rlin g to n Luxury! 142 bedrooms from $1.395/mo. utilities included. Immediate. Short/ long-term. (905)632-8354; (905)6326189 CARRIERS tor DeBorrtan Kingsway Stratheden Dr. Finch Partridge Cardinal Boothman Woodward Ave. Wagner Newbold Comick Dr. Falcon Blvd. 2350 New St. (Townhouses) 205 Plains Rd. W. (Townhouses) Call Bob, Circulation Department at 905-632-0588, Ext. 264 Proud to be the O ffiaal Carrier tponsorfo r the Burlington Post UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bedrooms $1.000/mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. BR O N TE. 2-bedroom lower unit, available imme diately, $900/m o. includes u tilitie s , parkin g . Nonsmoker. 905-827-7875. TANSLEY Gardens. 2-bed room s, 2 baths, C /A, 4 appliances. May. $1175/mo. A ctive M anagem ent. 905333-5606, Ext.71 ·________ SP AC IO US 1 .243 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo c ation . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 . Noon-8pm 905- 639-9212 ROSELAND: Beautifully up graded 2+ den + loft, like new at only 5 years! Main floor m aster w /e n s u ite , m ain la undry, 6 apliances, C/A, garage. California shutters. No sm oking. $ 1 700/m o. Imm ediate. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 LOOKING for live in care giver for 3 boys and pets Flexible hours. Busy Family 905-815-9691______________ r / k ] babysitting MATURE student 14+ own transportation, summer job (6-weeks) 4 days/wk.. 7:304 pm. S o uthe ast B u rlin g ton. 905-681-8949.

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