The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 17, 2002 - C5 AZ D river, based in O ak ville. Full-time night shift, 5 day w eek. 7:30pm -5am . M anual unloading. Clean abstract and appearance. W ages ne g o tia b le . C all B ill, ce ll. 4 16 -98 8-72 66; 519-843-8896 DZ licence required for local deliverie s (O akville). Fax resume and drivers abstract to: ( 905)842-6489 or Call (905)842-8774 EXCELLEN T OPPORT U N IT Y ! Y o u n g -g ro w in g com pany seeks individuals w ith cle a n in g experience, ow n ve h ic le , and w inning attitude. Attractive compen s a tio n p a c k a g e . P h one (9 0 5 )2 5 7 -4 2 6 7 /F a x (905) 257-4268 NEED Extra CashSSS? Try T e le m a rk e tin g . W ill tra in D a y /E v e n in g s . S tu d e n ts welcome. Start $9./hr. Flexi ble h o u rs (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -8 3 3 5 (OakvUe)_________________ NEED Extra Cash $$$? Try T e le m a rk e tin g . W ill train. Day/ Evenings. Stud ents welcome. Start $9/hr. F le xib le hours. 905-8498335. Retirement Home in Oakville Now Hiring! PART-TIME EVENING GUEST ATTENDANT With Health care aide or PSW certificate required. MAINTENANCE/ENVIRONMENTAL METROLAND SALES POSITION We have an opening fora: SERVICE WORKER For facility. Must be skilled in areas of minor repairs, painting, plumbing, and knowledge of fire systems. RETAIL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Print Advertising/ Flyer Distribution ARE YOU AN ACHIEVER? We have an excellent opportunity for the right candidate. Qualifications: ·FastS efficient work pace ·Excellent interpersonal skills ·Ability to prospect & develop new accounts ·Strong telephone skills & contident speaking style ·Assertive, focused, & goal oriented ·Dedicated skills for follow through Compensation includes commission, salary and car allowance. Experience in media sales is an asset. Send a complete resume to : Print Advertising Sales Representative Box 1899 c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington. ON. L7R2E3 Please note that only those candidates selected for an interview w ill be contacted. Community Notices Deaths BAINBRIDGE, Kathryn (nee M cG lllivray) - It is with heavy hearts that the family ot Kay Bainbridge, affectionately known as 'Katy B .\ announce her death on Sunday, April 14. 2002 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in her 76th year. Kay, beloved wife of the late Bill Bainbridge. Loving mother of Kathy (Ken) East. Sandy (Jim) Seaborn, Tom (Janice) and Ted (Leslie) Bainbridge Grandmother of W illiam. Alison, Alex, Sarah, Doug, Michael. Laura and Stuart. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McGillivary. Survived by sister Jane McGillivary. Predeceased by brothers Pilot-Officer Craig (RCAF) and Malcolm, and sisters Annabel Thompson and Elizabeth McGillivary. Katy B. always had a song in her heart and laughter in her soul as ` life was a Cabaret ol' chum' . A memorial visitation w ill be held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road west (one block east of Kerr) Oakville on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9pm. A celebration of Kay's life will be held on Thursday, April 18. 2002 at 11:00am at St. Jude's Anglican Church. 160 W illiam Street. Oakville. Reception to follow at the Oakville Club. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the A rthritis Society. Deaths W IT T , Alice (Weintraub-Ornstein Suddenly in Oakville. Ontario on Saturday April 13th, 2002 in her 75th year. Beloved wife of the late David Ornstein, Father of her children, and of the late Charles Witt. Proud and loving mother and mother-in-law to Sandy and David Martz, and Eloise and Harvey Karp. Cherished 'Bubbie* to Daniel. Richard and Eric Martz. David and Jeffrey Karp, sister of Sylvia Weintraub, Ida DiCapo, the late Jennie Dinowitz, and the late Max Weintraub. Dear aunt and devoted friend to many. Her pleasure was to give, and she w ill be sadly missed by all who knew her. Funeral took place in Montreal. Chiva in Montreal until Thursday evening, resuming in Toronto Saturday evening April 20th and Sunday April 21st; At 21 Hashbury Place, Thornhill. Donation in her memory may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Tel. 1-800-205- 4438 Apply in person with resume between 9am &4pm Queens Avenue Retirement Residence 1056 Queens Avenue. Oakville. ON. L6H 6R3 W A L K E R 'S C h ocola tes seeks m ature person for permanent part-time sales. F le xib le hours. M ust be ava ila b le weekdays, w ee kends. evenings. Retail ex perience an asset, but w ill tra in . Apply: 1011 Upper M iddle Rd. O akville. MonFri. 10am -5pm . Fax 905849-4546 SHINGLER (experienced) & L a b o u re r needed for O a k v ille -b a s e d roofing com pany. D rivers license re q u ire d . C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 7 5923 Operations Assistant ( Office & Yard Depts) Herman's Building Centres Apply Via: Fax. Mail, or in person (preferred) 1950 Barton East, Hamilton ON L8H2Y6 Fax# 905-544-1117 Attn: Scott PART-TIME Sales Associate Paint/ Wallpaper We train! Forward resume: Attn: Mary-Anne (No phone calls please) Hev Students/ Grads! Color Your World 245 Wyecroft Road. Oakville, 0NL6K3Y6 A S S IS T A N T S u perintendent for Burlington resi d e n tia l h ig h ris e . E x p e ri ence in cleaning & repairs. Salary + apartment. Fax re sume: 416-925-0081 514 salon & spa help 514 salon & spa help $18.05 Base/Appt No experience needed. Will train. Fulltime-Part-time. The W orld s Largest Hairstyling Chain Requires Full-time & Part-tim e Experienced CUSTOMER SALES/ SERVICE Scholarships available. Apply Now... Call 905-842-8045 LA N D S C A P E C o nstruetion firm (Oakville base lo c a tio n ) requires e x p e ri enced landscaped person ne l. C a ll: 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -5 5 5 5 ; Fax resume: 906-849-5565. 25 People W anted to lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. Natural/ G uaranteed/ Doc to r R ecom m ended. Hairstylists 8 F / T Salon Manager x O akville, Burlington & Waterdownx W E OFFER MORE: Great commissions: Career advancement; Flex, work hours: Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym, 905-849-8808, X221 In Memoriam In loving m em ory of Dennis Jam es Baker Always loved, never forgotten B y His Loving Family, Jennifer, Christine and Stephen, Joel and Elizabeth, Valerie and Mike, Victoria and Teresa. 'The song has ended, but the melody will play on.' DENTAL A ssista n t. C e rti fie d required fo r grow ing. N orth O a k v ille D ental O f fice. FuN-bme. Needs to be frie n d ly , ou tg o in g and a team player. Evenings and Saturdays required. Please m a il resum e P.O. Box86033. Oakvtie. L6H.5V6 DE N TA L A s s is ta n t ne e d ed to jo in our O rthodontic team. Must be self-motivat ed. social and a team play er. Fax resume: 905-257* 0935 REG ISTE R E D M assage T h e ra p is t, re q u ire d for busy O akville C hiropractic C linic. T e l(9 0 5 )8 4 4 -9 1 17. Fax (905)844-9118 O PTICAL Assistant, west Mississauga, full-tim e, ex p erie nce nece ssary. Fax resume to Optometrist: 905842-1738 RPN required for O akville Retirement Home. Part-time scheduled shifts. G eriatric e xperience required. Fax m um * to: 906-842-7196. D E N T A L A s s is ta n t re quired Full Tim e fo r busy p ra c tic e in O a k v ille . E n thusia stic. ene rge tic p e r son with some experience. Please indude references, s e n d re s u m e to : Box · 2 1 1 7 c /o T h e O a k v ille B e aver, 467 S p eers Rd. O akvile. Ont L6K 3S4 BUSY B u rlin g to n s w im m ing poo l com pany now hiring fulltim e retail staff. If you enjoy people, a c h a l le nge and va rie ty ., this is the job fo r you. If you are really willing to work fax re sum e to Lois. 905-6397731. if not., don't. MAY, B e ve rle y E rn e st " B ill" - 5 3 (0 04sP awp W AN TED : E s th e tic ia n / N ail T ech nician fo r sm all dow ntow n O ak v ille Salon. F le x ib le hou rs. 9 0 5 -8 4 2 3506 E S T H E T IC IA N needed fu ll-tim e fo r new up sca le spa in established hair sa lon. D rop o f resum e at 1122 Dorval D r . Oakville Of fax to (905)847-3847 H A IR S T Y LE a s s is ta n t re quired foe busy Oakville Sa lon. E xperience preferred. tAit w illing to train. Full or part time Call Nick or Chris (905)845-4466 (Retired Civil Servant with the Canadian Armed Forces). Peacefully on Friday, April 12, 2002 at home in his 81st year. Bill, beloved husband of the late Olive. Much loved father of Susan and Gary. P riva te fu n e ra l a rra n g e m e n ts were e n tru s te d to th e K o p riv a T a y lo r Community Funeral Home. Acura on Brant 629 Brant St., Burlington, On L7R 2H1 Expanding Acura dealership is seeking fulltime: TERRA GREENHOUSE Our Burlington location is hiring immediately for the following fulltime positions: LICENSED TECHNICIAN Forward resume: Attention Andrew Czornoba Exp. PARTS COUNTER PERSON Forward resume. Attention Yvonne Jagt Fax 90S- 333-3820 Excellent remuneration & great benefits. Chef's Opportunity We seek an experienced Chef/Manager for our beautiful and unique setting. Qualifications: Red Seal qualified *5 years experience ·p.O.S. and comptuer knowledge ` Team approach with good people skills "Experience with, or understanding of older adults Greenhouse Mgr Perennial Expert Pond Staff Cashiers Fax your resume to 905-332-0640 IM AGES IN T E R N A T IO N A L Dare Foods Ltd. (Candv l)iv.) Progressive Team based confectionery company in Milton has several openings in its Maintenance Department. The successful candidates will be energetic team players. M aintenance M echanic The candidates will have 3-5 years hands on expe rience preferably in the food or related industry as a licensed industrial Maintenance Mechanic. Preference will be given to candidates with expe rience on Haysscn packaging equipment and steam boilers. Industrial Electrician The candidates will have 3-5 years hands on expe rience preferably in the food industry as an Electrician. Candidates should be familiar with Allen Bradley PLC's and Drives. Must be able to interpret schematic drawings and have excellent troubleshooting abilities. Fourth or fifth year Apprentices may be considered. Inventory C lerk The candidates will have general knowledge of machinery and able to source parts. They mast be mechanically inclined and computer literate. Experience with preventative maintenance soft ware is a definite asset as well as SAP. All candidates must possess good communication skills and be able to work independently in a Team environment. Overtime and flexibility is required. Shift work is required. Qualified candidates arc invited to submit resumes to: Dare Foods Limited 725 S teeles A venue F ast M ilto n , O N I.9T 2X9 F ax (905) 875-2524 We regret telephone inquiries w ill not be accepted. We are an equal opportunity em ployer. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS Required for early morning door-to-door delivery of newspapers. Burlington. Exc. commissions. 7-days/wk. Reliable vehicle required. Call Jim, Oakville Town Centre I & New Location at Upper Oakville Shopping Centre NOW HIRING Apply immediately, in writing to: Jeff Donovan, Hearthstone by the Lake 100 Burtoak Drive, Burlington L7L 6P6 Fax 905-333-9646 LIN E C ooks. F u ll-tim e / p art-tim e. Some breakfast e xperience preferred. A p ply in person: Russell W il liams Restaurant. 20 Plains Rd. E. (W a terdow n Rd), Burlington_________________ C R A B B Y Joes. O ak v ille . Assistant kitchen m anager and line cooks w anted. Fax 905-257-1615 or Bus 905-257-9888 WAIT Staff for busy dow n town O a kville resta ura nt. E xp erience nece ssary. Good wages/ Flex, hours. 905-580-9028 L/M. JUDGE& Jury. 1222 W alk e r's Line. B u rlin g to n re* quires experienced Cooks. Apply to Scott o f Kevin. Tel: 905-319-1655 NOW H iring- Experienced W a its ta ff & D ishw asher. Please call for app't. Ticker Tape Restaurant. 905-6378273. SP LA S H N ig h tc lu b - B ur lington. Now Hiring: Bussers. W aitstaff Bartenders A Security. Call to arrange an interview 905-333-3474 opportunities MO VES, G ladys M . (C o o k) - Peacefully at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on April 15, 2002, in her 88th year. Beloved wile ol the late James T. Moyes. Loving mother ol Sherrill (Colin Graham), Doug (Barbara), Scott (Teri) and Debby. Cherished grandmother ol Andrew, Tyler, Hunter, Conor, Andrea. Jennifer and great-grandmother of Madison and Reilly. Special thanks to Lori Herbert, the staff at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Trafalgar Lodge. Friends w ill be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street. Oakville, On Tuesday, April 16,2002, from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. A funeral service will be held and St. Jude's Anglican Church, 160 William Street, Oakville, on Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 1:30 p.m. Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to Connectcare. a program of the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Remember with a donation 1 888 939-3333 toll free 2 4h o u rsad a y/ 7d a ysaw eek F/T4P/F HAIRSTYLISTS Min. 3 yrs exp. Please call Judy at 905-338-3333 I office-clencal PA R T-TIM E O llic e posttio n req u ire d app rox. 20 h ou rs/w k. C o m pu ter lite r a te. c u stom er o rie n ta te d , fa m ilia r w /o ffic e p ro cedures. 905-465-1780. 25 YEARS - Experienced c a re g iv e r lo o k in g fo r p r i v a te liv e -in e m p lo y m e n t. References available upon re q u e s t: (9 0 5 )4 6 6 -3 1 8 2 Purita 905-336-8940 SUPERINTENDENT c o up le fo r 60 unit a p a rt m ent building, Burlington. 2-bedroom apa rtm e nt + $1.100/mo. salary. Fax resume: 416-635-1713._______ IN T 'L . Co. E xp anding!!! Put your PC to w ork. $1500+ PT. $5000+ F/T. Call 1-800-346-7169. www. TOW T ruck O perator: FT required fo r busy T ow ing Co. CCA exp. an asset. Excellent wages & benefits. Drivers ab stra ct required. Apply @ 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown. 905-689-2386. LIC E N S E D A s s is ta n t needed for busy Real E s ta te a g e n t in B u rlin g to n . Email: Burlingtonrealestate © for details. R E AL Estate Legal secre ta ry re q u ire d by F u rlo ng C ollins in our M ilton office. M inim um 2 years e x p e ri ence. Must be currently or very recently employed in a law office . Fax resum e to 905-878-2555. All app lica tio n s held in s tric t c o n fidence. R E C E PTIO N IS T required. Must have com puter skills, and the ability to multi-task. Highly professional commun ic a to r. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s in clu d e d are. answ e rin g pho nes, g re e tin g c lie n ts , couriers and sorting incoming mail, data entry and general clerical work. Send resume to: Box # 6378 c/o Oakville B e aver. 467 S p eers Rd.. OakvilWON. L6K3S4 BO O K KE EPE R preferably w ith re ta il/w h o le s a le e x perience. Must be fam iliar with computer bookkeeping so ftw a re . Fax resum e to 905-876-4209. SALES Adm inistrative A s sistant. Software Developer (M ississauga) seeks an in dividual w/excellent written/ verbal communication skills p ro v id in g a d m in is tra tiv e support to our sales team. Minimum two-years experi ence in an a d m in is tra tiv e capacity required. Must be p roficie nt on M icrosoft O f fice applications. Please email: R E C E P TIO N IS T required im m e d ia te ly fo r dyna m ic, rapidly expanding O akville financial institution. Mature, experienced individual. Fax resume to: 905-338-0977 EX TR A , e x tra c a llin g all S tuden ts! O a k v ille O ffice seeking energetic & outgo ing Custom er Service sup port staff. Day shift or 5-9pm n ig h ts & w e ekend sh ifts a va ila b le . Fax resum e or c o n ta ct in fo to 905 -84 29206 a.s.a.p._______________ B O O K K E E P E R /S E C R E T A R Y fo r s m a ll o ffic e , 5 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e , team and c u s to m e r o rie n te d , businessvision experience an a s s e t, p le a s a n t p e r s o n a lity . Fax re s u m e to: (905)257-4614 BO OKKEEPER: K n ox P resbyterian Church O ak v ille is s e e k in g p a rt-tim e bookkeeper. Bookkeeping sk ills and w o rkin g know l edge of Microsoft Office an asset. Please send appli c a tio n s to : K n ox C h u rc h Oakville. 89 Dunn St., Oak ville. On.. L6J 3C8. Atten tion Richard Hutchinson or B a rb a ra B ro w n e . E -m a il SADLER, IRIS 0ELIGHT - Passed away suddenly, at St. M ary's General H ospital. Kitchener, on Saturday, April 13, 2002 at the age of 74. She was predeceased by her loving husband Harry Sadler, fondly remembered by her daughter Pat, her son Gary and his wife Alyson and her grandchildren. Tara and Andrew. At the request of the family, cremation and a private family service have taken place. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated by the family. Arrangements entrusted to WESTMOUNT FUNERAL CHAPEL, 519-743-8900. Canadian Cancer Society TM Societe ^ canadienne du cancer BA SE M E N T W a te rp ro o f in g. L e a king F ou ndation cracks repaired from inside & ou ts id e . A ll w ork w arranteed. Free E stim ates. 905-615-8349 Bridal Show Bridal Show JU N K rem o val & lig h t moving. Reasonable rates, senior discounts, referenc es. 905-847-1741 ask for Frank & ,Y vV - ft KIDS/ Teens & Petites F/M all ages fo r S p rin g / Sum m er w o rk in fa s h io n /h a ir show s, m ovies, catalo g work. $20-90/hr 905-336545S.______________________ S P O R T B A LL C anada in vites enthusiastic physically active persons for a coach in g p o s itio n , who love w o rking w ith ch ild re n , teach ages 2-8. Transpor ta tio n an asset. T ra in in g provided, can lead to fu ll time employment. Oakville/ B u rlington. Fax resum e: 905-882-8453 WINDOW Cleaner- Unique Entrepreneurial opportunity. Minimum 2 yrs. Residential Experience. Call:905-3340261 or fax: 905-824-6238 SURE Print & Copy Centre in Burlington is looking for you! V e hicle e sse n tia l, com puter, sales, copy e x perience preferred. W illing to train. Also looking fo r a print broker. Drop off. fax, or em ail resum e: 4129 H a rvester Rd B u rlin g to n On. su re p c O z ia d o s t.c o m 905-681-9161 AC C E SS to a com puter? Earn $450 to $15 00 per month PT. $2,000 to $4,500 month FT. 1-800-350-0924 wwwl NEED a Job? 90% of our p a rticip a n ts get e m p lo y ment or training opportuni ties. Call the YMCA. 905681-1140. C R ED IT C o lle ctio n C a reers. N a tional C om pany based in Burlington is e x panding! If you are aggres sive & goal-oriented, look ing fo r an In fla tio n P roof C areer? Then le t's talk. Above average wages, com m ission, benefits. E x perienced collection o ffic ers, tra in e e s w elcom e to apply. Mr. H e rrio tt, 905- omce-ciencai FU LL TIM E E C E O ualifio d te a c h e r re q u ire d lo r m a te rn ity le a v e (S e p t. March) at established O ak ville preschool Please lax resume to: 905-693-9601 CU STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / c h a ir co -o rd in a te s, fabrics, in stallatio n. lO yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 Rapidly expanding, leading supplier to the Overhead Door Industry requires the following: Accredited Purchasing Manager Experience and applicable education necessary. Salary commensurate with experience. R E L IA B L E c le a n in g lady has openings. M eticulous Margaret 905-338-6621 A -1 Cleaning Reasonable rates. Excellent references. B u rlin g to n / W est O akville area Phone 9 0 5 -6 3 7 6974. EM dating services Customer Service/Order Desk Well-organized individual required fulltime. Previ ous experience an asset. Forward resume, (stating position applying for), to: MEET B urlington S inglesl Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. H a m ilton (905)-297-6666 ELTON MANUFACTURING 359 Wheelabrator Way, Milton, ON L9T 4Z9 E-mail: Fax:905-878-9211 Bookkeeper for small business · Part-time opportunity · Flexible Hours · Computerized System (BusinessVision) · Must be familiar with and capable of keeping a complete set of books. Resume only to: President, Global Medical Products Inc. 5230 South Service Rd, Burlington, ON L7L 5K2 e-mail: FAST FAX service, your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post/Oakville Beaver fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 today! For September 6-8,2002 · International Centre, Airport Rd. Name Address. City _ Phone Wedding Date. Fax Postal Code Automation Sales - C.S.R. Enthusiastic and self-directed Customer Service Representative with hands-on mechanical or electrical inclination. Fluid Power or Automation graduates preferred, but not necessary. Will train the right per son. Please send resume to Gren Cowper, or fax 905-607-5592 SEND THIS FORM FOR YOUR 2 FOR 1 ADMISSION COUPON BY FRI., AUG. 23, 2002 Send to: National Bridal Shows | c/o Premier Consumer Show | 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 a division of T fa iM o ticrH i Positions Available IMMEDIATELY Full Time Afternoons and Mature Weekend Afternoon Shifts Person Premium Wages Paid Training Benefits Available Savings Program Call or Fax I sales help & agents A C C O U N TIN G PO SITIO N PART-TIME. Responsible for all aspects of accounting up to, and including, finan cial statements. C om puterized accounting experience and ability to work independently a must. Three days per week, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Garage Saks Clean out your closets! Make room in your garage! Sell those unwanted items! Ladies Wear Shop Downtown Burlington requires experienced Sales Associate part-time Call: 905-637-6006 or Fax: Fax resume to: 905- 827-5445 905-637-7721 U P B E A T , frie n d ly and cheerful Inside Sales Rep. needed. Sales experience required. Must enjoy talk ing on the phone. S10/hr. plus com m ission, full-tim e d ays, perm anent. C all Michele at Sandtron A uto mation. 905-827-8230 sales help & agents 905-338-1966 or bring resume to: 2316 Royal W indsor Or. Oakville (at Ford Dr.) TIM H ortons- M ature p e r son needed for night shift, good wages also full & parttime day shift needed. Call 905-689-6351 LA B O U R E R S req u ire d fu lltim e by M ississauga company to lay interlocking brick. Experience preferred. Call 905-569-8727 ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an e sta blish ed P u b lis h in g C om pany w ith an o p p o rtu n ity fo r aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales th is could be the position fo r you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus com m ission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity fo r advancement. Please send your resume to: Box # 2116, C/0 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6 K 3S4 FAX: - , 905 632-8165 Put your Garage Sale ad in the special Garage Sale section of Fridays Burlington Post and receive your Complete Garage Sale Kit with signs and inform ation^ on how to have a successful Garage Sale. PH AR M A C Y T ech n icia n for C e n tra l B u rlington. A va ila b le im m edia tely. Reply to Box #1896. B u r lington Post. 2321 Fairview Street. Burlington. L7R 2E3 Call Loraine @ 905- 845-3824 4