THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, July 19, 1991 - 14 B aptist B aptist M i United Churches ST. PAUL'S UNITED W ELC O M ES YOU 454 Rebecca St. 845-3427 Rev. Ron Hunt, Rev Karen Inkster Presbyterian HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 THIRD LINE 827-3851 MINISTER: Rev. John B. Henderson Interim Moderator: Rev. Graeme Duncan CALVARY B A P T IS T C H U R C H 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 827-4 157 m TRAFALGAR BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting at River Oaks School River Oaks Blvd. at Munns Ave. Rev. W. S teven Mills David O. S q u ires P asto r A sso ciate P asto r SUNDAY 11:00 a.m . - Dr. G o rd o n D orey AFRICA INLAND M ISSION 6 : 3 0 p.m . - Dr. G o rd o n D orey SUNDAY SERVICE 10 a..m. For information: Rev. Gerry Brodie 849-5850 WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 a.m. "Finding Security In An Insecure World REV. KAREN INKSTER ___ Junior Congregation Nursery -Lem onade on the lawn 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided ALL WELCOME TUESDAY 8 p.m . - J a s o n & S u e Holm G re a te r E u ro p e M ission TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 1250 McCraney St. E. 845-3152 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 844-3472 10:00 a.m. WORSHIP & SUNDAY SCHOOL P ro g ra m s for Youth S e n io r C itizens & H a n d icap p ed N ursery P rovided · Family Sunday School · Nursery care · Children's Church · Youth ministry 9:30 a.m. Worship Service Rev. Harry McWilliams - Minister Rev. C assan d ra H.J. W essel - Dir. of Program s Dr. Jo s e p h K. L a ttim o re - A ssoc. Minister Mr. Bill Hamel - Dir. of Music 11 88 CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH 340 Rebecca Street at Morden 845-2942 WALTON MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH Nursery for Infants Care for Toddlers Church School Pastoral Team: Ja c k A nderson Jo a o G arcia Minister Emeritus: Ron Watts United Churches MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH 3 46 Maple G rove Dr. 845-5721 Minister: Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes 248 9 L akeshore Rd. W. 827-1643 C orner of Bronte & L akeshore Rds. Rev. Gill, Rev. H ongisto, Mr. Burton Mus. Dir. - Mrs. Linda Fletcher SUNDAY, JULY 21 10:00 a .m .-S e r v ic e Message: TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar. (Enter from Trafalgar to White Oaks Blvd. E., N . on Litchfield) SUNDAY SERVICES 9 :4 5 a.m . P o rtu g u e s e M orning W orship 1 0 :0 0 a.m . M orning W orship "The Quik Temptations"-Rev. Gill Junior Congregation - Nursery Care Come meet Walton's 1991-92 Intern - Mr. John Burton * Our New Internship Begins * Rev. F em e Reeve 842-5873 10 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE Church School & Nursery Facilities Provided Sunday, July 21 JU N IO R C H U R C H AND N U R SE R Y FACILITIES Sum mer Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Speaker: IQ CHARTWELL BAPTIST CHURCH 228 Chartwell Rd. 844-2801 Ukrainian UKRAINIAN EASTERN ORTHODOX RITE MEETING At Bible Chapel HOPEDALE BIBLE CHAPEL 342 Sherin Drive 827-1020 ELIZABETH VALENTINE Child Care Provided "People Who C are " SUMMER SCHEDULE June 30 - Sept. 1/91 One Service only 9:30 - 11:00. FULL LEARNING CENTRE PROVIDED Speaker - DR. ROY MATHESON Summer Intern - Brad Lehman Roy R. Math e sc n Arthur W. MacKay Ross A. MacDonald Peter Roebbelen MUNN'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Jam es W. Forbes, B.A., M. Dlu Organist: Mrs. Rita Lamplugh, A.R.C.M., R.M.T. Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line Church: 257-8434 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 a.m. The Lord's Sui 11:00 a.m. Family lily Bible & Sunday School 6:30 p.m. Evening Service Awana Clubs - Mondays 6:15 p.m. Age 3 - G rade 8 ALL WELCOME St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre 1280 Dundas Street W. (at Fourth Line) 847-6477 or 366-3224 CHURCH SERVICES Every Sunday 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 1 0 :4 5 a.m . C hurch S chool N ursery Provided FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 1415 Trafalgar Rd. (Opposite Sheridan College) Pastor Gordon H. Phillips Salvation Army THE SALVATION ARMY "A Church in Your Community" 827-5324 1225 Rebecca St. (Ju st W. of 4th Line) 827-5433 Lutheran SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. (for all ages) 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Guest Speaker: Rev. Robert Irvin Slavic Gospel Association 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Rev. Robert Irvin WEDNESDAYS PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY 7:30 p.m. Call tor further information about: Junior and Senior High. Sheridan College. Men's and Ladles' Ministries M i- ' ST. JOHN'S -------"O p +f|i; ||v«. C orps Officer: Capt. Larry & M arlene Scarbeau SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. - Morning Worship "What We Have on Our Side " Dunn & C hurch St. 845-0551 Rev. K.J. Campbell, Rev. W. Sunter, Mrs. C. Newman D.M., Mr. B. Turnbull, Dir. of Music SUNDAY, JULY 21 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sermon: "What's GRACE EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH E .L .C .I.C . R eynolds & S p ru ce S treets Rev. Mark A. Winter 84 5-1563 10:00 a.m. Summer Worship Service Nursery for Small Children 3:00 p.m. - Park Service - Fisherman's Wharf, Bronte Harbour Gord Brown and Tasha Raymond Vocal Soloists In the event o f rain services w ill be held at the Citadel Next?" CATHRYN NEWMAN WED., 6:45 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. GO WEST WITH THE BIBLE CLUBS AGES 3 - 1 4 JUNE 1 9 -AUG. 28 Wed.. 6 p.m. - Bible Club Mon.-Fri. Family Service Hours 9 a.m. - 1 2 noon, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Please call 827-6523 lor appointment Summer Sunday School 842-0938 CRECHE PROVIDED ALL WELCOME