8 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 11, 2002 Service R e n ta l R e tire m e n t Suites in th e H e a r t o f E r i n M i l l s A r n ic a a t E r in . M i l l s is a full service retirem en t residence o ffe r in g a w ide array o f first class services a n d p ro g ra m s to en h a n ce y o u r in d e p e n d e n t lifestyle · R e s ta u r a n t-S ty le D ining · 2 4 H o u r C oncierge · 2 4 H o u r P rofessional N u rsin g S t a f f · W eekly H ousekeeping & L aundry · Full Tim e R ecreation S t a f f · English Style Pub · 2 4 H o u r Emergency Response · Wellness & V itality Fitness C entre · E uropean Inspired Sp a · H om e T heatre Lounge · A q u asize Pool · U nderground P arking · B us f o r Scheduled O utings 1 AM f C A AT ERIN MILLS ( 9 0 5 ) B uilt & D tceloped D a n ie ls lo v e w h e re y o u liv e 4 6 2 0 K im b e r m o u n t A v e . M iss. (Eglinton Ave. W. & Winston Churchill Blvd.) 8 1 6 - 9 1 6 3 Rental Retirement & Assisted Living Suites w w w .a in ic a .c a Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver HALTON REGION NOTICE OF PU BLIC INFORMATION C EN T RE No. 2 Trafalgar Road (Regional Road 3) Improvements C lass Environmental Assessm ent Study The Regional Municipality of Haiton has initiated a Class Environmental Assessment to consider options to satisfy travel demand on Trafalgar Road from Britannia Road north to the south ramp of Highway 401 (see map below). To address operational deficiencies associated with this segment of Trafalgar Road, a number of road improvement alternatives will be examined as part of the study including widening of the roadway, new road alignments, possible railway crossing and improvements to intersections, among others. In accordance with Schedule C of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (June 2000), this Notice signals the second Public Information Centre (PIC) to provide further information to the public and interested stakeholders and to receive input and feedback on the study to date. The PIC is to be held: LORD STANLEY! Oakville Eagle house league player Malik Ladhani gets a real close view of the Stanley Cup at the recent Easter Seals skate at Ice Sports Oakville. It was one o f many special events at the Easter Seals fundraiser, including appearances by Canadian pairs champs Kris and Kirsty W irt/ and the national sledge hockey team. c le a r a n c e incredible selection and savings! There's never been a better time to save on genuine La-Z-Boy* quality and comfort! Save on floor samples, overstocked and one-of-a-kind items. But nurrv... with prices this low they won't last long! S ty lish sofas n o w Ut . _/·// in c re d ib le Date: Time: Place: Thursday, January 24, 2002 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Percy Merry Public School (Gymnasium) 263 Britannia Road East Milton, Ontario savings Those attending the PIC will have an opportunity to meet the Project Team,review the study scope, andto discuss the issues related to the project including alternative solutionsand designs, environmental considerations and the evaluation criteria used to assess alternatives. If you are unable to attend the PIC and additional information, please contact: Mr. Edward Soldo, P. Eng., Project Manager Regional Municipality of Haiton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phone: 905-825-6161, Ext. 7475 Toll Free: 1-866-442-5866 (1-866-4HALTON) This notice first issued January 7, 2002 Inviting Sofas fro m S 429 from S 899 See our flyer in today's paper for more great savings! (·Homes Only) Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: soldoe@region.haiton.on.ca Mr. John Grebenc, P.Eng. UMA Engineering Ltd. 5080 Commerce Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4P2 Phone: 1-905-238-0007 Ext. 2610 Fax: 1-905-238-0038 Email: jgrebenc@umagroup.com BURLINGTON POWER CENTRE Q.E.W.S BRANT STREET www.region.halton.on.ca/ppw/planningroads (905)331-7600 M o n .- fr i. 9 :0 0 am - 9 (