The Oakville Beaver, Friday January 11, 2002 -1 1 New beginnings at the Oakville Library W e at the Oakville Public Library hope you had a rewarding and restful holiday, and had an opportunity to spend quality time together with family. After all, that is what the holidays are all about. C old, snowy days mixed with a house full of warm fami ly members creates the perfect opportunity to do things togeth er that you might not have time to do during the rest of the year. Sit around the table and play a game, relax and read a tradi tional season favourite, or sit with your child at bedtime and allow them to drift off to sleep as you read from their favourite book. W inter is about as good a time as any to catch up on your reading and work through that mental list o f books you've been meaning to read. With our recent expansion from four library branches to five, there is even more materi al available to read, listen to, watch or research. Brand new collections at our new Iroquois Ridge Branch are flying off the shelves and into the hands of the large number of patrons that visit the new branch each day. Since its opening on Dec. 27, short stories, fingerplays and songs with children ages 24 35 months and their parents. Storytime, for children ages three to five is packed full of stories, gam es and songs. Parents are invited to partici pate, but are not required to attend. Babytime introduces chil dren ages six to 23 months to the wonderful world of litera ture through simple book-related activities with their parents. Please visit our Web site and click on the **New** Storytim e at Iroquois Ridge link for further details. Remember that pre-schoolers are invited to participate in stories, crafts, games and activ ities throughout the day at all of our other branches. M any o f our Pre-school Programs are free and registra tion is not required, but please visit the Kids section o f our Web site ( or call your local branch for more detailed information regarding times, dates and registration information. Discover what's new for the New Year @ your library! -- Submitted by Rebecca Dumais, Marketing & Communications Officer, Oakville Public Library W ebwise Workshops at Iroquois Ridge Iroquois Ridge Branch Library will begin offering WebWise Workshops this month! Beginners Tuesday, January 22n d from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Easy E-mail Thursday, January 31st from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Please check the Beaver on Friday, January 25mfor the full February WebWise Workshops calendar. P0NTI Genuine Liquidation SAVE ,% Centre § YO U R LIBRARY there have been upwards o f 100 people roaming the aisles of the new branch and more than 500 library card registrations! Also keep in mind that library staff at the Information Desk, the Circulation desk or even those who are out on the floor re-shelving books at all of our branches are always happy to recommend a good read or an informative journal. The staff at the Iroquois Ridge branch is looking for ward to meeting you .and intro ducing your children to our wonderful collection of books during Storytime. During the months of January and February Storytime will be offered three days a week, and regular programming will commence in March. Three types of Storytime are offered at the new branch. Tales for Twos incorporates 8 0 $5,000,000 w orth of merchandise consolidated from 9 feeder locations. The store manaqer has been authorized to slash prices. Sale includes designer labels, imported name brands, house labels. No exceptions! OAKVILLE Saville Row Suits Reqular 750.00 Made in Italy Suits Uvular 700.00 N O W O N L Y !*299 N O W O N L Y !*3*»9 D esigner Pants N O W O N L Y !J l|9 9 9N O W O N L Y !$ 1 9 RrquUr 180.00 Rpqular 10.00 Italian Silk Ties *10 -99 PUBLIC LIBRARY W in s to nG * t« P o w rr(tr. Ovftits (i W iintMC karxkiU , A crossfro* H mm D tpot O A K V IL L E (90S) 829-9024. ETOBICOKE PONTI BURLINGTON PONTI THIS LOCATION ONLY! · Sherway Gardens · (416) 695-2071 · Moplev*w Mol! · (90S) 639-8102 Sheridan A pply N o w for 2002! I n v e s t in C a r e e r O p p o r t u n it ie s . C o m m u n i t y & L ib e r a l S t u d i e s j¥ · Academic Upgrading/Literacy and Basic Skills (continuous in take) · Adult Education · Community Worker - Outreach and Development · Computer Foundations · Cosmetic Techniques and Management · Early Childhood Assistant · General Arts and Science* - Human Services Administration - Montessori Teacher Education Program Early Childhood (May 27 start) Personal Support Worker* (May start also available) · Registered Nurse - Refresher* »Social Service Worker · Social Service Worker Gerontology · Visual Merchandising Arts Every year, the 5000 volunteers of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) participate in more than 1700 search and rescue missions, resulting in over 200 lives saved. To reach all those that need help, we need your financial support. For more information, call (613) 991-5714 or visit us at · Early Childhood Education ·Educational Assistant · ESL and LINC* (May start also available) , I · Esthetician ` January intake available. Register Now! Experience Academic Excellence · 93% Graduate Em ploym ent Rate · 92% Employer Satisfaction Rate C a n a d ia n C o a st G u a rd A u xiliary 200 Kent St, 5th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6 S herid an Get Your Full-time Studies Calendar: 416-480-1320 · sheridan@ m For Detailed Program Inquiries: 905-849-2800 · infosheridan@ S h e rid a n C olleg e, 1430 T ra fa lg a r Road, O a k v ille , ON L6H 2L1 R e g is te re dC h a n ty6 7 0 2 98 4 9 4R R 0 0 0 1