The Oakville leaver, .Ffitoy January |1 2002 - 2?< / > i T h e O akville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C l a s s if ie d houses for sale O A K V ILL E W est - 4 bed room hom e on p o o l siz e lot. Near shops, schools, bus, and w ith in easy a c ce ss to O .E .W . F in ish e d b a s e m e n t $ 2 9 9 ,9 0 0 .0 0 CaH (905)825-2274 O AKV ILLE: central, wellm aintained. 3-bedroom bungalow, in-law suite with sepa rate entrance. 2 a p pliances, large fenced yard, trees, deck, a/c, near shops, school, bus, easy access to e verything . $225,000. Days. 416-2710832 or a fte r 7pm 905849-6067_________________ M OVE-IN cond ition, extra clean elevated ranch on a premium lot in Palmer com munity offered at $222,000. O pen House. 1311 S yca more Drive. Sunday Jan. 13, 2-4pm. 905-335-8850 SOUTH B u rlin g to n - 538 Lani Crescent. Walking dis tance to pub lic/se p a ra te schools. 4-bdrm . finished basement, la rge backyard with extensive decks, land scaping and pool. $369,900. (905)639-6253 T Y A N D A G A O aks. Q uiet setting. Empty nesters de lig h t! Stunning upgraded b rick 2-bedroom , p ro fe s sionally landscaped. C/air, c/vac. $278,900. 905-3199756. BU RLING TO N Core. $309,500. 1-1/2 storey. 3bdrm . variou s updates. Fenced yard w/mature per ennial garden. Pool. 905639-1481__________________ AP PLE B Y /U pper M id d le 3yr. old home, 3 bedrooms. 2.5 baths, outside balcony 2nd floor, backs onto park. 905-331-6233 W ELL esta b lis h e d local bulk water haulage compa ny for sale; consisting of 3 tru c k s . R esiden tial and commercial client list. Very profitable. Year round work, ow ner re tirin g . C all b e t ween 9-5pm weekdays, leave m essage. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 5771 Thesite your community clicks on! E-mail: TO PLACE AN AD CALL 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 BOOKS ON THE REBOUND a professional book rebind and repair service is available in Oakville. Handled by a Master Bookbinder with 40yrs' experience. Old family Bibles a speciality. Paperbacks into hardbacks. Hand tooling, gold stamping, etc... Please call Duncan Fraser at B O O K SO N TH ER E B O U N D 905-338-6431 or 416-410-7311 apartments & flats for rent 2 4 3 Bedroom Apartm ents a va ila b le in w e ll- m a in tained O a kville building. Close to schools 4 profes sio nal services. Easy a c cess to QEW 4 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R e novated 142Bdrm. New app lia nces, w indow s. From $845./m o 905-844-5474______________ O A K V ILL E Place. Newly renovated 1 -bedroom apartment. 800 sq.ft.. open concept, separate entrance, parking, laundry. GO. $850/ mo. inclusive. Immediate. Non-smoker. (905)844-5230. O A K V ILL E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-bedroom , Feb. 1st, $10 50./m o.; 3-bedroom im m ediate. $1360/m o. ( parking) 905-844-9006 O AKVILLE: 392 Pine Ave. at C o rnw all 4 T rafalga r. R enovated, large suites. W alk to E verything. 142 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429__________________ O A K V IL L E : 1-bedroom , basem ent. New kitchen/ bath. Lots of storage. Feb. 1st. $845/mo. includes a ll u tilitie s , s a te llite TV. Non-smoker. 905-845-8080. BA CH ELO R basem ent apartm ent. G uelph Line/ QEW N icely decorated, own kitchen, bath, laundry. Non-smoking, no pets. Suit sin gle person. $675/m o (in clu d e s all but phone) First 4 last required. Flex, availability. 905-336-9079 after 6pm__________________ 1-BEDROOM- quiet, clean a du lt building, dow ntown Burlington. Available Feb./ Mar. $695/m o. includes u tilities. Also. 2-bedroom . Feb. $725/mo. +hydro. 905631-0191; 905-643-8979. B U R LIN G T O N - spacious bachelor basement. Shared entrance. U tilitie s, cable, la undry, parking. No smoking/ pets. Immediate. $635/m o. inclusive. 905332-9299. BU RLIN G TO N C entral. Spacious 2-bedroom, dean, q uiet building. A va ila ble Mar. 1st. or earlier. $820/mo. C d l (905)336-6690.________ BU RLING TO N. C lean bright basement 1 -bedroom a pa rtm ent. 4 app lia nces, $800/m o. in clusive. Feb. 1st. No pets. Nonsmokers. 905-333-4251 B U R LIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom apa rtm e nt (825 sq.ft.) in clean quiet build ing. Parking. $775/mo. Call Donna, 905-634-5885. BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom a partm ent, $650/m o. in cludes stove, fridge, park ing, utilities, laundry. Avail able. F e b .1st. C all Don, 905-645-4128. BU RLING TO N T o w e rs- 1 bedroom apartment, close to all amenities, newly ren ovated. B e autifu l vie w of lake, in clude s pool. gym. parking and facilities. $990/ mo. Immediate. (416)8896981 BU R LIN G TO N . Lilnan Court. 2-bedroom . Clean, qu ie t, no dogs. $769./m o plus hydro. Feb. 1st. A p p ointm en t ca ll 9 0 5 -6 6 4 0637; 905 -66 4-77 13 b e t ween 5-8pm W INSTON C h u rch ill/ QEW. 2-bedroom base ment apt. 4 appl parking, c/a. $1,000. inclusive. Feb. 1st. 905-829-2554 M ARLBO RO UG H C ourt1229 M arlborough C ourt, Oakville. 1 4 2 bedrooms. Park-like setting. Close to all am enities and schools. Wood flooring with ceramic tiles. 905-844-7332 SP AC IO U S 2 bedroom basement apartment close to all am enities. $750/mo. A v a ila ble F ebruary 1st. 905-847-5230 DOW NTOW N B u rlington: 1-bedroom, $825/mo.+ Im m ediate /Feb; 2-bedroom , $985/mo.+. Immediate/ Feb. A /C, parkin g included. Call 416-420-3952 O A K V IL L E - 8 th Line. 2 B e dro om a p a rtm e n t. F e bruary 1st Parking - Sep arate entrance - $900/inclu sive (4 1 6 ) 618 -07 90 or (905)337-8995____________ BASEMENT apartment for re n t n e a r S h e rid a n C o l le ge. F em a le p re fe rre d , available Feb. 1st. Call for viewing 905-845-4096 2 Bedroom condo $1250/ m th.Bronte with Lake and Harbour view tennis, pool, e x e rc is e room , sa u n a , parking and laundry room. A v a ila b le J a n . 15. 2001 References required Call (905)847-0800____________ DOWNTOWN O akville, Lakeshore. 1-bedroom . $850/mo.+ Available March 1st. Call Forbes. 416-4203952 SP AC IO US 1.243 B ed room s. Freshly painted, brigh t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm_________________ Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor trom $2591 1-Bdrms S899* 2-Bdrws from >999* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905)845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) QUIET, C onvenient. W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd.. Burlington. One spa cio us 2-bedroom a p a rt ment a v ailab le now. 905637-3921 DOWNTOWN B u rlington. O ne 1 -bedroom , one 2bedroom ava ila b le now. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital. Lake! Call 905-637-0321 LA K E S H O R E / W a lk e rs L in e - 1-bdrm , 1200 sq.ft apartment. Above garages, in lakefront home, private entrance, garage, u tilitie s included w ith own central heat 4 a/c, gas fireplace, c/ v. balcony, use of laundry. S uit non-sm oking m ature p rofession al. $1595/m o. March 1st. References re quired 905-634-7102 C A N ADIANA. Q uiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 142 bedrooms available Imme diately/Feb. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. (905)632-5486. L U X U R IO U S 'N e w * C o rpo rate T ravel Suites. Up to: 1-4 bdrms 4 baths; Jacuzzi; F.P.; 6 appliances; 5 0 ' TV/VC R; C D /S tereo; pets ok! security; recreation centre. From $39.95/Night. D aily- M onthly, 40 Bldgs. Visa. Amex, M asterC ard. 905-681-7355, leave mess. RENO VATED 3-bed character home/ main floor. Hwy access., walk to golf, LaSalle. 5 appliances, pri vate yard, parking. $1200/ mo +hydro, $1500 fu r nished. 905-634-4871 DETAC HED 4-bedroom , West Oakville. 5 applianc es, 2-1/2 baths, main floor fam ilyroom - w/o to fenced yard, double garage. Im mediate. $1900/m o.+ utili tie s Paul B utler, Re/max, 906-338-9000______________ IN C R ED IB LE O pportunity Why rent? If you can own! C o ncerns w ith D ow npay ment? No problem! Houses, condos, townhomes. O.A.C. Call Direct 905.333.9752 Jeff Taylor, S ales Rep.. Sutton Group Results Reality Inc. 906.332.4111__________ BE AU TIFU L Bronte Ide al home for small family. 3bedrooms. 2-baths, finished basement, fenced yard. No pets. R eferences. Im m e diate. $ 1400/mo. (905)3388834._____________________ O A K V IL L E - 3 bedroom main floor, shared laundry 4 fa c ilitie s . $1250/m o all in clu sive . F ebruary 1st. (905)607-7828 O A K V IL L E East P rofes sio n a lly deco rated 4-bed room bungalow, quiet treed area. Fully furnished, turn key. long/ short-term. Avail able Feb. 1st. $3500/m o. 905-842-6968._____________ O A K V IL L E , N/E. 3.000 s q .ft. exe cu tive . 4 -b e d rooms. 3 baths, main floor fa m ily 4 den. double ga rage. Immediate. 905-6370880______________________ O AK V ILLE : 2 exeptional exec, townhomes. Approx. 2 00 0/ 2200 sq. ft. 3-bedroom s. 3 baths, Nonsm okers. no pets. Rent negotiable. 905-659-7046 RENT or Buy. Burlington. 3-bedroom bungalow, fin ished basem ent. Near schoo ls/ shops. No pets, Feb. 1st. $1,295./mo. -t-utiliItes. 906-257-4125, after 6 p m W EST O ak T r a ils - im maculate ly r. old detached 3 bedroom , 2.5 baths. 5 new appliances, a/c. April 1st. A b so lu te ly no pets/ smokers. $ 1900/mo + utilities. 416-200-2539 PA LM ER C om m unity. B u rlington. S pacious 3bedroom , la rge kitchen , garage, A/C, private yard, Feb. 1st. $ 1 100/mo. utili ties. (Basement occupied). 905-333-8865. DOW NTOW N O a k v ille b e a u tifu l new Church Street 3-bedrooms. Profes sio n a lly deco rated, fully furnished, turnkey. W alk to shops/ resta ura nts, long/ short-term , available Jan. 31st. $3500/mo. (905)8426968. 3 bedroom, West Oakville. $ 1300/M onth. No pets References required, call 905-827-3398 after 5pm C A R LIS L E . 3-bdrm plus lo ft log hom e. 57 acres, a va ila b le Feb.1. $1500/ mo. p lus u tilitie s . Phone 905-689-7020. LO VELY bungalow , ce n tral O akville, quiet street, walk to lake 4 shopping. 2bedrooms, sunroom. sepa rate d in in g room , ensuite laundry, large fenced yard, parking, and all utilities for $ 1 195/m o. fo r m ain floor only, (basement separate), non -sm okers, no pets, a va ila b le F e b .1/02. 905825-3568. WEST Oakville - Available Feb. 1st/02. Large 3 bed room . w ith gourm et kitch e n , fa m ily rm .. fin is h e d bsm t. N ice lot w ith ch ild s a fe p o o l and s e p a ra te garden, double drive, sin g le garage $ 2 .3 0 0 .m th + utilities Call Allison Jones. S a le s R e p re s e n ta tiv e Coldwell Banker (905)8257777 I directory MONEY Problem s? G a r nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 631 -- 0600 170 170 apartments & flats for rent EXEC UTIVE women lo oking fo r self contained granny suite. No c h ild ren,no pets, non-sm oker. Suzanne (519)856-2079 1460 Ghent Avenue C A LL Redwood. 416-49498 8 3 e x t. 321 o r 1-800328-7887 ext. 321. 1 year 3 .6 0 . 5 y e a r 5 .8 5 . AR M 1.99. Also refinancing, eq uity mortgage programs re gardless of income or credit (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted · · · · 1'-Bdrm · 1-Bdrm +Den · 2-Bdrm All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths Indoor pool& saunas Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access NEW ER 2-bedroom . 5 appliances, c/a 2 parking, no pets. M ainw ay/ W alk ers. $1150-»- u tilities. Feb. 1st. 906-336-1124_________ TWO 2 bedroom co n d o sLampman Ave. 795 sq.ft. 5 appliances, parking. $950/ mo + utilities 905-575-1582 BRAND new 1 bedroom + den condo. 5 appliances. 1yr. lease. $975/m o. u tili ties. W alker's/U pper M id dle. 905-319-1247 FEBRU AR Y 1 st- 3 b e d room. 2 bath, ground floor, backyard, jacuzzi, fireplace. G len Abbey, parking. $1500 + hydro. 9 0 5 -4 6 9 9060__________·___________ BURLINGTON- new condo minium,5-rooms with garage, adu lt life style . A va ila ble February 1st. No pets. $1350ftno. 905-637-9641 BU RLIN G TO N Forest Chase. 1-bedroom + den. kitchen, bath. 5 appliances. C/A. parking. Feb. 1st. $899/ mo.-f utiHtes. 905-335-1086 "B A LM O R A L" almost new 910 sq.ft. 1 -bedroom . 1.5 baths. C/A. 6 appliances, fireplace, patio. No pets or smoking. $1150/mo. Feb. 1st. L Davies. R.E. 905-333-4347 "T H E S A N D S " Super b i level 2-bedroom. 2.5 baths. C /A . 2 balconies. 5 ap pliance s, pool, parking, lo cker, a vailab le Jan. 1st. $1500/m o. C all L.D avies R.E., 905-333-4347________ | ! w i houses for rent RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit 4 earnings ve rifica tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker. Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 9 05-639-5258; ^ business services /personals D IR E C T T V s a te llite systerns $350.00. Dish ne t work available. C ard pro graming guaranteed. Emu la tio n sy s te m s , p ro g ra m m ers and all s a te llite a c cessorie s. O akville. BurHngton (416) 802-7302 M AKE -B IG -P R O FITS dis tributing grocery certificate b o o k s . D is trib u to rs h ip s o p e n in g up in th is a re a Free details call (905)8421265 BURLINGTON SQUARE ( 9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm yy Year.. New Home! YEAR OFF RIGHT! PRIME Downtown B ur lin g to n . Upgraded 1,243 Bedroom Apartm ents. Scenic view s. B e autifu l grounds. 478 Peart, 905632-1643 4 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374_____________ 205 Q ueen M ary Drive, O akville. Near all a m eni ties. Available Jan./Feb.: 2bedroom, from $1050./mo.; 3-bedroom, from $1275/mo. (parking). 905-844-9670 BU RLING TO N. 2-b e d room in adult 4-plex build ing. Second flo o r, back yard. priva te entrances, w h irlpoo l, appliances. No children/ pets. February 1st. 905-634-2600 1-BEDROOM w a lk o u t basement apartment. Glen Abbey area. Parking. Im m ediate. $775/m o. (Nonsm oker) C all 9 0 5 -8 4 7 3564 after 6pm 2-BEDRO O M apartm ent $825/mo. (+$25. parking), in well-located, quiet build ing near dow ntown B u r lin g to n , buses, etc. 905634-3635__________________ BU RLING TO N furnished upper floor, apartm ent for one near S eparate en trance. Parking. Immediate. B rant/Q EW . $695/m o.+. 905-632-9359_____________ HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t.. close to la ke / Bronte Harbour. 1 -bedroom , im m ediate, $975/mo.; 2-bed room. Feb.1st.. $1,110. ( parking) 905-825-0616 W A LK to dow ntow n B u r lington 1-bedroom main flo o r, separate entrance, parking. Q uiet resid e n tia l area. N on-sm oking re sponsible person Feb. 1st. 905-634-6613 2-BE DRO O M S : $83 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm . Mon.-Sat (905)639-5761 GET Comfortable in our 2bedroom. 2-storey ground floor suites with walk-out to private patio ! New ap pliances. Freshly painted! Tyandaga Terrace. Burling ton: 1440 Tyandaga Park. 905-336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Park, 905-336-0016 PETS w elcom e! Down town Burlington. Lake view! 2-bedroom , $975/m o. in cluding u tilities 4 parking. Available March. 905-6378815. CO M PUTER H e lp - (10yrs e x pe rience). R eason able rates. U pgrade Spe cials, Repair. Programming, N e tw orking. A t- Home Service. 905-616-5356 Move to the much-desired location... Burlington Tow ers E x tra-L arg e 1 ,2 & 3 B drm Suites With 2 balconies! Easy QEW access, rec. centre with large indoor pool, underground parking, +++++ Call 905-639-8583 tor R e nta U w w w .o n t i m ,c o m PRIVATE. G reat location! QEW / T rafalga r. N ear all am enities. 3-bedroom s, 2baths. la rge m aster bed room w/semi ensuite. eat-in kitchen, a/c.. private drive, garage, e xce lle n t ne ig h bourhood. Must see! Movein c o n d itio n . $159,900. 905-338-0653. O N E -bedroom basem ent, near G O / Burlington Mall. N o n-sm oker, fem ale p re fe rre d . A v a ila b le im m e diate ly. $650/m onth u tili tie s . parkin g, included. 905-632-8403._____________ O A K V IL L E : spacious basem ent fla t, furn ished , full kitchen. Hopedale area $625/mo. utilities included. 905-399-3987 or 905-6342659 BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom base m en t apartm ent. S e parate entrance, C/A, one parkin g, hydro/ cable included. $750./mo. Feb. 1st. Suit single non-smoker, no pets. 905-332-5952 1 & 2 bedroom for rent (B u rlo a k / L a k e s h o re )starting at $950/mo. Lakev iew , w a sher & d ry e r on each floor. Starting Janu·ry. (905)639-3301_________ B LO C K S from Downtown Oakville. 2-bedroom $1200/ m o., im m edia te: 3-bedroom, $1350/m o. Feb. 1st. Lots of seniors! 905-8441934______________________ 1.243 Bedroom Suites am ong refined te n a n ts in lu xury b u ild in g clo se to B u rlington M all. C all the ·Prino888` , 905-639-8009 1.243 Bedroom A p a rt ments available from $875/ mo. Indoor pool. QEW/ TrafalQararea. 905-844-1106 G EOR GIAN Apartm ents 1.243 Bedrooms. JanVFeb./ Mar. Heat/ hydro included. P a rking extra. (No pets) B urlington. 905-639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm. 6:30-8pm O A K V ILL E . QEW/ T ra fa l gar. 2-bedroom from $959/ m o.*; 3-bedroom from $1079/m o.* W ell m ain taine d building. N ellie. (905)339-2028. ('in clu d e d 2% prom pt paym ent dis count)_____________________ 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur ling to n . 142 bedroom apartments available Janu ary. February. From $895/ mo. 905-632-0129 BEAUTIFUL WATEROOWN! Edith Court 1&2 Bdrm Suites Avail. Immed./Feb. From $735./mo Includes utilities. Parking Available mail: b to w e r s @ l a r a .o n .c a O PEN House. S a t./ Sun.. 1-4pm, 1220 Thorpe. #112, ` Crosspointe*. south- cen tra l B u rlin g to n . Sunny 2bdrm condo, hardw ood floors, large livingroom. In cludes ensuite laundry, de signer kitchen , garage w/ extra parking, private patio. $147^500. 905-631-8560 ' G RAN D Regency*. Bur lington core. Superior end un it. 1 15 0sq.ft., 2-bedroom s. 2 baths, 24-hr se curity, pool, fitness, more. $175,000. 905-632-6272 GLEN Abbey: 3-bedroom. 1.5 bath condo, ground flo o r, 5 app lia nces, fire place. parking. Asking $150,000,905-469-1300 WE sp e c ia liz e in C o ndo m inium S a les & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R e altor, (905)333-4347 MAKE A CHOICE THAT'S GREAT FOR YOU! MOVETOLTGREENWIN IN 2002 Suites available at the following locations 5200 Lakeshore Rd 905-681-7126 5111 Guelph Line 905-637-9725 505 Locust St 905-333-9008 2067 Prospect St 905-631-0033 1360 Tyandaga Park Dr 905-335-3001 * ONE DAY APPROVALS * 905-690-1896 QEW W inston C h u rch ill area. (O a k v ille )- Large 1 bedroom basement apa rt m ent. separate entrance, suitable for a mature single person. Non-smoker. Im m ediate. Includes utilities, ca ll a fte r 4pm. 905-8290752______________________ O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything. 142 bedrooms from $845. (905)845-1777_____________ DO RVAL Rebecca 1 bedroom $700./mo.; 2-bed room. $810/mo. Clean quiet building. Parking included. Hydro extra. Both Available Feb.1. 905-337-9413. OLD O akville. B e autifu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet build in g downtown. Step out to shops. 2-bed room. $1350./m o.; 2-bedroom+ den. $1485./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message)___________ O A K V IL L E Downtown. Spacious im m aculately renovated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Parking. On Lakeshore Road/ Kerr Street. $1145/ $1075/mo. + u tilitie s . Im m ediate. No pets 905-337-7135; 905331-1301._________________ BRONTE H ARBO U R. 1bedroom a v ailab le im m e diately. $975/m o. Parking in clude d. C all 416-8649056. 9aro-6pm____________ 1 42 bedroos availab le Jan 7 FebJ Mar. from $825 / mo. C o nveniently located W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. Burlington. 905-632-4265 RE/MAX Escarpment / / Office in the HamJ Burt. Area since 1994 RENT to O wl options or 0 Oown Program based on credit & earnings verification. Contact Jay Nelligan Assoc. Broker, today, for free professional consultation. 905-639-5258 creativeopts@quickclic net BRANT/ QEW. 3-bedroom bungalow . 2 baths. 4 ap pliances. C/A $1325/mo.+ utilities. Feb. 1st. Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc., 905338-1130_________________ BR AN T Street: 1-bed room. 1 bath. 4 appliances. 3-unit building, quiet loca tion. Parking. Im m ediate. $825/mo. inclusive. Trafal gar (O akville) Realty Inc.. 906-338-1130___________ EXECUTIVE 4-bedroom hom e in upscale South Burlington neighbourhood. Familyroom with fireplace, double garage. Immediate. $2300/m o.+ utilitie s. 905681-0070_________________ 3 bedroom b u n g a lo w West Oakville. $1175/mo + u tilitie s . February/M arch. 905-842-4424 You D e se rve The B e s t LARGE 1&3 BEDROOM SUITES in a desirable and friendly Burlington apartment community, available tor February 2002. Some have upgrade ceramic tile floors and tub enclosure, new kitchen countertops, treshly refinished parquet floors and new appliances. All are Ireshly painted, include window coverings, parking, all utilities, resident-controlled air condition ing or heating.... plus, phis, plus..... Air Miles® for rental $$$'s! Call 905-639-8583 M O U NTA IN SIDE area, nicely d e co rated 3 -b e d room flat. Fndge, stove. C/ A. parking. $860/mo. First 4 last plus 1/2 utilities. Suit non-sm oking couple. March 1st. 905-335-4564 W ATE R D O W N :John St. W alk to E verything. New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 2 Bdrms Util. Incl. from $845./mo. (905)689-1647 , 905-6904454______________________ BRONTE M arine. Large clean, secure w e ll-m a in taine d quiet bu ild in g . 2bedroom w/balcony $950/ mo. in clude s u tilitie s . No pets. F eb./ M a r.1st. 905469-1357; 905-847-6278. BRONTE, near Lake. Semi- furnished basement large room . P riva te bath, fridge, laundry, parking, ca ble $550/m o. S hort-term rental welcom e. 905 -46 94295______________________ BRONTE. Large 1-bed room basement apartment, brigh t kitchen , laundry, parking. $780/m o. in c lu sive. Feb. 1st. Non-smoker. 905-639-6055_____________ 142 Bedroom apartm ents ava ila b le now. Speers/ Kerr 905-842-0565 O A K V IL L E - 1 bedroom near dow ntow n. Q uiet, adult building. Large, bright apartm ent. $725/m o. Fe bruary 1st. (905)277-4728 O A K V ILL E . 9 00 sq.ft., re tail space with washroom & shower, parking. $1450/mo. -fu tilitie s . C all 905-3311301 after 4pm.____________ DOWNTOWN O akville E xecutive O ffice s at Lakeshore/ Trafalgar avail able to share w ith e s ta b lished O akville la w yer. 2 offices, kitchen, reception. 2 w ashroom s, filin g area. CaH Roger. 905-274-3618 1050sq.ft. private office in store basem ent. Com pletely finished with private washroom Great office or for sm all business. Heat/ Hydro in clude d- $800/ m onth. B u rlington. 905319-8484 SHORT-TERM Clean, spacious 142 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location. .. Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 SHARE House, hot tub, pool table, dogs. Trafalgar/ G lenashton. Non-sm oker. Female only. $750/ind. Im mediate. 905-257-8282 .