Oakville Beaver, 1 May 2002, B05

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y M a y 1, 2002 - B 5 Growing Oakville Insurance brokerage seeks individual to fill the fallowing position: Currently, our F la m b o ro Racetrack follow ing part-tim e opportunities... Slots Facility has the CHRISTIAN HORIZONS M IL T O N T O Y O T A A U TO LICENSED PERSONAL LINES BROKER with min. 2yrs exp. Agency Manager experience an asset. Vince Tomenson Dickerson Insurance Brokers Ltd Fax: 905-845-9149 Email: tstuart® vincetomenson.com Attn: Tracey Stuart Only applicants selected lor interview w ill be contacted +Shuttle Bus Drivers Dedicated to providing excellent customer service to our patrons w hile ensuring their safely, comfort, and w ell being, you must have a clean driving record and a valid Class 'E ' o r 'F' licence to drive a 20-passenger bus. A willingness to w ork various shifts including weekends a n d holidays is req uired a n d First A id a n d CPR certification is an asset. P lease a p p ly in w ritin g to: H um an R e so u rc e s, O n tario Lottery a n d G a m in g Corporation, Societe des loteries et des jeux de I'O n tario, Flam boro Racetrack Slots, 967 H ig h w a y #5, D u n d a s, O n ta r io L9H 5G 1 F a x :(9 0 5 ) 6 2 8 -1 7 3 7 e-m ail: rw ebb@ olgc.on.ca (W ord(w m o l) We thank all applicants for their interest; h ow everonly those being considered for interviews will be contacted. *Pour renseignements en fran^ais. composer le (705) 946-6637. An Equal Opportunity Employer Due to rapid growth we are currently seeking a Lube Technician Full Time Please forward resume to Larry Gibson - Fax 905-875-1516, No Phone Calls Please An evangelical Christian organization supporting indi viduals with developmental disabilities is recruiting applicants for Part-time/Relief Support Worker positions available in the Oakville. Burlington and Mil ton area. Applicants should have relevant education or related work experience and a minimum *G2` driver's license. Shift, evening and weekend work required. Send resume to: Administrative Clerk. Christian Hori zons. West Oistrict Office. Unit 1B-29 Manitou Dr., Kitchener, ON N2C 1K9, lax to 519-895-2561. e-mail: westjobs@christian-horizons.org. We thank all that respond, but only those that quality lor an interview w ill be contacted. Now Hiring Full & Part-time Managers & In-Store Crew ALL POSITIONS! Little Caesar's will train enthusiastic, ambitious indi viduals. Please lax your resume to: 905-822-9808 cr pick up an application at: 1395 Abbeywood Drive, Oakville, e-mail: ripefo@sprint.ca E-maildassdied@hailonsearch.com Internet: www.burtingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com D RIV ER S F/TWithG Lie. Able to drive std. & auto trans. Able to drivel ton van to Toronto, or small car driver, w/ good knowledge ol Miss.. Oak., Burl, lor lo cal deliveries. Able to littSOIbs. Will consider car and driver lor local deliveries. Call: Mark, 2-4 pm H alton A utoP a rts P lus 281 Speers Rd. O a k ville ON O n t a r io L o tte ry a n d G a m in g C o r p o r a t io n no frills NOW HIRING & RESIDENTIAL FRAMING CREWS Required immediately Competitive rates Looking for a fast paced . fun, friendly environment then we want you to be part of our team s >; J2 S o c ie te d e s lo t e rie s et d e s je u x d e I'O n t a r io Contact: Rick (519)220-9015 or Scott (519)658-7416 retail > SALES Go-Getters, at the Bay, Burlington. Great SSS! In-store photo promo, flex, hours. 416-706-1359. TM F/T &P/T Positions, also hiring Assistant Managers & Supervisors & Donut Baker (Exp. Preferred) We offer: Offering Flexible schedules Regular performance reviews Above average wages Paid breaks Paid training Free uniforms Benefit Program available Staff incentive programs « s 8 * M n a Q) j j j Software Developers HelpSTAR.com is a Mississauga-based software developer witti international presence. Fast growth enables us to offer excellent career opportunities to outstanding, highly-driven individuals. Requirements include: MCSD required (Web, Windows), web services, Microsoft .NET Java Framework. MS SQL, MS JET, Visual Basic, COM, DCOM. Find out more about our company at www.helpstar.com. Email your resume to: w3developer@heipstar.com. K e v in 's N o F r ills is lo o k in g fo r e n th u s ia s tic in d iv id u a ls w ith g o o d c u s to m e r service skills, w ho enjoy de a lin g w ith the public. Com e jo in o u r team . Vile are hiring perm anent P/T cashiers and clerks fo r th e G rocery, M eat and P roduce dep artm e n ts. W e o ffe r fle xib le ho u rs and paid training. § 5 « 5 > o " 0 £8 Alliance Healthcare Professionals requires REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST resume or call Paula: 232 South Service Rd. East Oakville ph# 905-845-1665 O PTO M E TR IC AssistantHigh energy, people- ori entated individual required for full time assistant/ eye wear sales person in busy clinic. Hours Include 2 evenings and Saturday. E yecare or retail experi ence welcome but not nec essary. Competitive base pay +incentive bonus. Fax resume to 905-332-2164 RN. P A R T-TIM E . 2-3 days/ week for busy Oak ville Dermatology office. Willing to train new grads. Please apply if you are a team player, flexible, per sonable and ready to take initiative. Please state your salary expectations. Fax re sume after 7pm: (905)8423625______________________ D ENTAL Assistant. Certi fied required for growing. North Oakville Dental Of fice. Full-time. Needs to be friendly, outgoing and a team player. Evenings and Saturdays required. P lease mail resume P.O. Box-86033. Oakville. len.sve C D A required for west progressive Oakville office. The hours for this position are: Mon.. Tues.. Wed.. 8am-3pm & Fri.. 8am-4pm & Sat., per month 8am3pm. Fax resume to: 905331-6087 D E N TA L Assistant re quired for Burlington office with expanding hours. Po sition involves assisting and reception for 3-4 days/ week, including Saturdays. Fax resume: 906-637-7232 2 0 -2 905-845-2118 Apply in person: Kevin's No Frills 125 Cross Ave., Oak. OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT Apply in person to: 5051 Harvester Rd.,Burlington Located at the comer of Appleby Line & Harvester Rd., ph # 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 1 8 4 1 The Original Garden Centre Experienced drivers wanted to start immediately All License classes up toDZ. Drop in, or tax/send resume to: lax: 905-257-0625 or call 905-257-2577 ask tor: Philip or Brad Please take the South Service Rd. exit to access the store. Thank you to r yo u r in te re st in N o F rills. s * » - « '* A M J C AM P BE LL VAN U N B S lOMOvOrCMIlKaiWMKM 'Canada's Largest Household Mover' is seeking experienced full and part-time: DZ Drivers and Helpers For highway and city work. Please call Greg Wayland Client Service Coordinator A highly energetic, positive, multi-tasking indi vidual to w ork at our co n tin u a lly grow ing design firm . Must have experience in Power Point and Microsoft Word. Please forward resume along with salary expectations to: TUtthfattbm @ 905-829-1233 or Fax: 905-829-2278 Tanya Testa @ Pigeon* branding & design 2630 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON L6H 6Z7 or fax to: 905-338-0812 Winston Churchill & QEW Food Distributor Requires Full time Person lor general warehouse duties. · Labeling · Order Picking · Receiving/Shipping etc. Must be experienced and dependable, with some computer knowledge. Good starting wage plus health benefits. Fax resume to: 905-829-2241 BE A DOG WALKER IN OAKVILLE Earn extra money doing something you love! CREATURE COMFORTS PET SERVICES is looking lor responsible, mature individuals who love animals to provide daily dog walking and regular pet visits. Must have a car and be available daytime Mon. to Fri. Minimum 6 month commitment required. Adults only please. References required. · SERIOUS INQUIRES CALL (905) 2 7 8 -9 7 3 8 · SUMMER Help wanted at The Pottery Supply House In Oakville 30-40 hours/wk. S 12/hr. Duties include min ing/ producing clay & ship ping/ receiving. Must be able to lift 50tbs/ follow day recipes. Apply by fax or email to: 905-849-0001; bsmythOpshcanada com I Mlon & spa help H A IR S T Y LIS T S and A s sistants needed for busy salons in Burlington & Oak ville. Great training program offers tremendous opportu nities. Call Salon Venere at J CommunityNotices Plant Sale Bridal Show Construction Rental Company requires Accounts Receivable Clerk 4 days/ w eek. S trength in cre d it and c o l le ctio n s. Team p la ye r to a ssist w ith g e n eral office duties. W e o ffe r health/ dental b e n e fits , p e n s io n , p r o fit s h a rin g . O w n transportation. State wage expectations: PLANT SALE Oakville Horticultural Society's Annual Plant Sale Saturday, May 4 from 9 ·11a.m. t m f m a m * Oefft/iy Don't M iss Toronto's Foremost Bridal Event Forward resumes to: P.O. Box 115, Oakville, 0NL6J4Z5 Fax: 905-844-5122 Q f r k lu / J J ao u / The Body Shaping Fitness Studio lor Women IS EXPANDING! Now Hiring: * Kinesiologists * Receptionists: (Must be fitness minded and well-groomed) * Aerobic Instructors Fax resume to: 905-849-1913 Tel: 905-849-1919 EARN EXTRA **C A $ H ** Busy car dealership requires energetic Run your own business with early morning delivery of newspapers in Burlington. Exc. commissions. 7-days/wk. Reliable vehicle required. Call Jim. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -8 9 4 0 ft f t ft > KIDS/ Teens & Petites F/M all ages for Spring/ Sum mer work in fashion/hair shows, movies, catalog work. S20-90/hr. 905-3365455. I I REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY ACCOUNTING C LER K WITH SWITCHBOARD RELIEF Bookkeeping background and strong re co n cilia tio n s k ills required. Dealership experience preferred. Please fax or drop off resume with handwritten cover letter to: Licensed Technician C h ry s le r e xp e rie n c e d p re fe rre d Contact Al Banks Service Manager 905-845-6653 S T A B LE transporting company looking for li censed diesel mechanic with fleet experience Full time. Fax: 905-842-6632. attn: Dana._________________ M EC H AN IC required. (Class A). Active Green + Ross. Oakville. $26/hr flat rate & benefits. Mike 905273-8195 F/T Dental Assistant re quired immediately. Days, limited evenings & alter nate Saturdays. Fax re sume to 905-689-0730 or mail to: Box 959 Waterdown ON LOR-2HO M ED IC A L Secretary re quired for Endocrinology Clinic & Research Centre (Oakville). Medical experi ence preferred. Fax 905337-0044 REGISTERED M assage Therapist required imme diately for Chiropractor's office in Burlington. Existing client base. Call 905-6398283 D E N TA L Hygienist. ex perienced and motivated required part-time for Oak ville downtown practice. Call 905-844-8454 O PTO M E TR IC Assistant required for West Oakville practice. Optical experi ence preferred. Fax resume to 905-842-1738. H E ALTH Assistant/ R e ceptionist required for Oak ville & Hamilton Clinics. Fax resume 905-337-1912. St, Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street West lintinnn n lln n a ln n T Hi I L.D6tw88fl Moreen and rouptfi Line, perennials, a n t i c s , ferns, ^roundcovers, stc. Cash only. Come earty. Bring boxes BURLINGTON TOYOTA (1993) INC. 1249 Guelph Line, Burlington Attn: L. Neville · Fax: 905-335-4048 STUDENTS CALL NOW! Summer Work! 18.05 Base/Appt · · · · Full training Scholarships avail Cust. sales/service Conditions apply The S election Group R E C R U IT M E N T S E R V IC E S Call Centre Customer Service Rep(s) to $32,000 + + + O ur M ississauga c lie n t is m oving to East Oakville in Fall 2002! The Call Centre Team re q u ire s e x p e rie n c e d C u s to m e r S ervice R e p re s e n ta tiv e s . M u st p o s s e s s a b o v e average com m unication and interpersonal skills, e n th u s ia s tic a ttitu d e . W o rd / E xcel. L e g a l, b a n k in g o r m o rtg a g e re la te d e x perience is an asset. Research Study Please see more Community Notices on Page D4 Night Auditor ml Guest Service Agent Excellent communication & customer service, weekends req'd, experience an asset. 905-842-8045 ·wwofstudertscom/on S P O TLESS Dry Cleaners requires Pressers, Shirt Pressers & Quality Control for Burlington plant. Also, mature Customer Service Representative & Office Ad ministrator able to work in fast-paced environment with accounting payroll. Mi crosoft Office experience. P lease fax resume: 905333-6374. attention: Kathy Vaillancourt. Is An Overactive Bladder Keeping You Running? Symptoms include frequent urination, sudden urges to go to the bathroom and wetting accidents. If you experience these symptoms, you may quality to participate in a research study with a new investigational medication. · You must be over 18 years old >Have symptoms of overactive bladder for more than 6 months Body Shop Foreman/ Adminstrator Slate ol the art new car dealership in Burlington is looking for an aggressive, motivated, experienced person to manage an established, medium size body shop. Fax your resume to: 905-632-1876 Porter/ Banquet Server/ F/T Bartender Mature, ability to do some heavy lifting, experience an asset (Smart ServeS experience a must lor Bartender) w w w .theselectiongroup.com Fax 905-238-0753 For more information, please call us at: (Oakville) requires HOUSE OF FLOWERS (in downtown Oakville, since 1956) is looking for lull-time Foral De signer. minimum 3-yrs. design experience. Must enjoy people, be a team player, flexible, hardworking, and able to start immediately. No Sundays or evgs. Call Heather, 905-845-7573 or lax 905-338-3591 G LA ZIE R / Metal Meehanic or apprentice for glass/ aluminum trade. With driv ers licence. Burlington areal 9C6-634-3521 CLEAN IN G Staff required full-time In Burlington, start ing 2 am. Must have vehi cle & experience. 416-8034921 ___ A T H LE TE S Wanted! TV/ Commerical/ Film/ Print. Looking for athletes of all sports. Must be athletic! E A M .. 416-733-1888 UNITED Water Canada, a water & wastewater servic es company, is looking for a summer student to assist them in their ongoing busi ness development. Inter ested candidates should fax resume: 905-337-8806 or email: doris.smithOunit edwater.com O RDER Pickers/ Walkie Operators. Oakville. Days/ Afternoons. S10/hr. own transportation is an asset. Apply in person: I.T.S. 533 Brant St., Burlington.________ P A R T-TIM E afternoon kitchen help. Looking for energetic & flexible person. Phone Woodland Child ren's Centre. 905-3362063. NEED Extra CashSSS? Try Telem arketing. W ill train Days/Evenings. Students welcome. Start $9./hr Flexi ble hours (905)849-8335 or (9Q5)849-8525(Oakvi»e) 25 People Wanted to lose up to 30 pounds m 30 days. Natural/ Guaranteed/ Doc tor Recommended. www.uwillbeslim.com Lifeguard Musi have current NLS cert. & be 17 or older. Seasonal work. Fax resume or apply in person to: Ramada Inn, Oakville. Fa< 905-845-9450 No phone calls, please. GENERAL LabourerBurlington. $9/hr. must be able to work days/ after noons & nights. Apply on person to: I.T.S. 533 Brant Street, Burlington.__________ NEEDED Immediately. Operator required for res taurant fryer cleaning serv ice for Burlington/ Oakville territory. Part-time leading to full-time within 1-2 months. Vehicle provided, must have clean drivers abstract and be bondable. Some night shifts involved, call Tanya 0905-339-8249 THE Dry Cleaners in Bur lington (Appleby Mall/ Fortino's) requires F/T & P/T staff. Experienced or train ing provided. Call 905333-9738. fax: 1-905-6771115______________________ LAW N maintenance com pany in Burlington requires full-time labourers. Experi ence preferred. Own trans portation a must. 905-6900314__________________ DR IV ER for Burlington company. No special licence. Physical lifting. Start S10/hr. Forward re sume: P.O. Box#755. Waterdown, Ontario LOR 2H0 PH O TO G R AP H E R for portrait studio at The Bay. Burlington. Experienced, part-time, good hourly pay. 905-964-6431______________ LA B O U R E R S required fulltime by M ississauga company to lay interlocking brick. Experience preferred. Can 905-569-8727_________ IN S T A LLE R for window coverings, full/part-time, must have own tools and vehicle. Call Glen 905336-5341 C A LL centre requires en ergetic people with good voices for magazine sub scription sales. 5pm-9pm. $8/hr + bonuses. Rob 905867-1987 Licensed Ford Technician required for busy, modern shop. Please submit resume to: Service Manager c/o Box 1906 The Post 2321 Fairview St. Burlington L7R 2E3 office-clerical PA R T-TIM E Receptionist, some days, evenings and alternate S a tu rd ay s for real estate office. Som e experience on M S Word is required. Must be mature, well organized & possess good telephone manner. P le a s e fax resum e to (905)845-4051 if interested P/T EXECUTIVE SECRETARY with home office. Up to 20/hrs week Fax: 905-847-1452 M EX IC A LLI Rosa's. 1235 Fairview St. Burlington re quires line cooks with 1+ years experience. Full/ part time. Salary commensu rate with experience. Training provided. Apply in person pleaae.__________ THE Port Seafood Restau rant Now Hiring All Kitchen Positions. Full & Part-time. Deliver resume to 3480 Fairview St., (at Walker's Line). Tel: 905-632-5939 CO O K required imme diately. Full-time position In Waterdown restaurant. Must be experienced. Call 905-689-3789 opportunities BR AN T Children's Centre requires fulltime Pre-school T eacher with E C E or equivalent. Call 905-6345518 or fax: 905-634-5510 METROLAND SALES POSITION We have an opening lor a: 1-877-290-0018 RETAIL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Print Advertising/ Flyer Distribution ARE YOU AN ACHIEVER? We have an excellent opportunity for the right candidate. Qualifications: ·FastS efficient work pace ·Excellent interpersonal skills ·Ability to prospect & develop new accounts ·Strong telephone skills & confident speaking style ·Assertive, focused, & goal oriented ·Dedicated skills for follow through Compensation includes commission, salary and car al lowance. Experience in media sales is an asset. Send a complete resume t o : Print Advertising Sales Representative Box 1899 c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington. ON. L7R 2E3 Please note that only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Auction Auction Urgent Notice UNRESERVED PUBLIC C O N TEN TS AUCTION!! U N C L A IM E D C A R G O R E L E A S E D F O R IM M E D IA T E D IS P O S A L CARGO STORED IN CHASE FREIGHT INTERNATIONAL WAREHOUSE STORAGE BINS CONTENTS NOW RELEASED TO BE SOLD AT NO RESERVE BID TO RECOVER OUTSTANDING DEBT Highly motivated SALES ORIENTED PERSON required for the order desk of a successful sales organization in Burlington. Experience in machine tools and conversational French and definite assets. Fax resume including salary requirements to CANSAW LTD. 905-319-8796 M AIN STR EA M a pro gressive upscale ladies wear store, downtown Oak ville, requires F/T Sales As sociate. If you're a natural salesperson, understand exceptional service and are looking for a fun, fastpaced environment, we'd love to hear from you. Ja yn : Phone 905-3387771. fax 905-338-5844 CH IC KS With Mops- ex perienced cleaning service. Personalized attention, de tail-oriented. Free esti mates. Lesley. 905-4668799. S E L L IN G B Y A U C T IO N M E T H O D 580 IN DIVIDU A L LO T T ED ITEM S: IM P R E S S IV E , D E C O R A T IV E & D E SIR A B L E . E X C L U S IV E S E L E C T IO N O F R A R E E X O T IC C O LL E C T A B L E ARTS. H A N D IC R A FT S. R A R E ESTATE S O L ID W O O D FU RN ITU RE. H A N D PA IN T ED R A R E E U R O P E A N OIL PA IN T IN G S A F T E R T H E O L D M A S T E R S P R E S E N T E D IN E X Q U IT E F R E N C H R E N A IS S A N C E & F R E N C H PR O V IN C IA L FR A M ES. Q UALITY D E S IG N E R M IR R O R S . C L O C K S. F IN E LA M PS. & LIG H TIN G S. 260 W O O LEN R U G S 3 " X 5 " TO 12" X 2 2" A N D ALL S IZ E S IN B ETW EEN , ALL R U G S W E R E S H R IN K W RAPPED, M O S T B R A N D N E W A L S O S O M E R A R E A N T IQ U E R U G S BO TH L A R G E A N D SMALL, LITTERALLY 100'S O F FANTASTIC IT E M S TO BID ON. CO M E EA R LY TO S E C U R E YOUR SEATI! UNIX Network Adminis trator. 30-yr old family-man, presently employed by large Winnipeg corporation seeking to relocate to this area. Available for inter view immediately. Please contact sm arasonO nets cape.net or call 905-6899504 for details ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company w ith an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: Box #2116 C/O The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 W E H A V E A C C E P T E D A PRIVATE C O N S IG N M E N T OF: D IST IN C T IV E F IN E G O LD A N D D IA M O N D JEW ELLERY. P R E C IO U S G E M S T O N E S . L A D IE S T E N N IS B R A C E L E T S , D IA M O N D E N G A G E M E N T R IN G S, W E D D IN G BA N D S, D IA M O N D C L U S T E R S . N E C K L A C E S . EA R IN G S, G E N T L E M E N S D IA M O N D A N D G E M S T O N E R IN G S & M U C H M O R E 80 PIEC ES. ALL TO B E AUCTIONED AT: T H E B O H E M IA N B A N Q U E T H A L L W ATERDO W N ONT (Hwy 401 to Guelph Line, Guelph Line North to Hwy 5, W est on Hwy 5 to Waterdown) CU STO M -M AD E draper ies valances, sheers, bed/ table/ chair co-ordinates, fabrics, installation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 CUSTO M drapes, altera tions, Russian balloons. 30 years experience. Interior Decorators welcome. Enza 905-272-0496. Call for directions: 905-689-6013 A U C TIO N QATE: SUNDAY MAY 5, 2002 AT 7:30 PM PREV IEW AT 6:30 PM

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