B6 · The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 17, 2003 CELEBRATE EVERY MOMENT OF Service of the Longest Night The longest night of the year, the period with fewest daylight hours, comes days before some of the most joyous times of Christmas. The days before Christmas can be very sad for those mourning the loss of a loved one. It seems that all is darkness and that the morning w ill never come. "But God offers consolation and hope." says Pastor Glenn Cordery of Chartwell Baptist Church. Chartwell Baptist Church is holding I a Service of the Longest Night on` Sunday. Dec. 21. to " offer the consola tion and hope of God to those who grieve and mourn." The service w ill begin at 3 p.m. "Christmas is a time for memoriesand remembering. For some, the mem ories are of their loved ones who have died, and the pain of their loss is real,"said Pastor Cordery. "W e need to remember and we need the space and place to acknowledge our sadness and concern and we need to know that we are not alone. "For these and other reasons we need a special time to be together to receive the words of hope that speak to us in the' midst of sorrow. "Be with us to hear and share irf prayer, scripture readings and hymns " that help us to know that God's pres- ' ence is for those who mourn, and God's; word comes to give light to our dark ness." Chartwell Baptist Church is at 22ft Chartwell Rd. Light refreshments will follow the; service. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call the church at 905-844-2801. YOUR LIFE TOGETHER r- > ^ ! (-!: r n UNIQUE CABINET CONCEPTS Manufacturers ofFine Cabinetry KITCHENS BATHROOMS BEDROOMS T H R E E - S T O N E D IA M O N D J E W E L R Y F O R Y O U R A N D P A S T . Y O U R Y O U R P R E S E N T F U T U R E . * We jh.'f lot* 9mr `D o in g It R ig h t" Since 1976 CUSTOM DESIGNS CUSTOM FINISHES FREE ESTIMATES QUALIFIED DESIGNERS 7 /why dealt several WALL UNITS I nujue bedroom. Ur rut-e about the excellent ijujiirt jtu i terrtce to anyone u-bo u tU In ten. * M i & Mtv tuiM t Christmas Specials EMILIAN JEWELLERY Lti Sheridan Centre · 2225 Erin Mills Plwv.. Mississauga timet with L niyxe They do excellent u v r i am i aluayi know j m l w ho:I w a n t' We Are Truly Unique Manufacturers Showroom - 4150 South Service Road, Burlington website - uniquecabinetconcepts.com 905-632-0029 B BS (905) 855-2477 T Last-M inute Gift Ideas 5 -G a llo n S h o p -V a c A ccessories included. #1116921. W op^ vac 18 V 3 - P ie c e C o r d le s s C o m b o Kit Variable spe ed drill w ith 2 batteries and charger, jig saw and circular saw. #1143944. ^B LA C K S DECKER 18 V 3/8" C ordless Drill and Driver Kit · Variable speed · Includes charger. #1119458. Tool B o x H eavy-duty plastic Lift ou t tray. #1142171. 2 -P a c k ' Com pact Spiral Bulbs · 9, 13 or 23 w atts · Energy-saving design. #1134875/41555/ 3538. AM ArM e n ra stunner M L IilE D Roibpaaikniuy Radio pour bdnm hr 1 9 6 -P ie c e M e c h a n i c 's T o o l B o x S e t Includes SAE and m etric so cke t w renches. #1137299. B o d y Fa t A n a ly z e r a n d S c a le #1139791. Shower D is p e n s e r/ R a d io #1144910. pa -- !BONOS # BLACKS DECKEB S c re w d riv e r and Drill Kit Bits and batteries included. #1148366 S t o r m G la s s B a ro m e te r w ith B o n u s y°Hr #1149341. ch O l* -- or G alileo T h e r m o m e t e r w ith B o n u s #1146573.