Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2002, Classified, p. 33

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« 4 The Oakville Beaver, F rida y M a rc h 8, 2002 - 3 3 S P E C T A C U L A R B u rlin g ton 2-bedroom, appliances, cathedral ceilings, balcony, $ 1 175/mo. A p r* e t Rod Lovat-Fraser, Sutton Group 905*332-4111_____________ B U R L IN G T O N , New ly renovated 2-bedroom con do/ apt. N ear G O , Q EW , walk to lake. Heat/ hydro/ storage/ 1 parking inclu d ed. Laundry. Imm ediate. $1150/mo. 905-276-4707 L U X U R Y 2-bedroom c o n do. Air. 6 appliances, cable, underground parking, $1150/ mo. ^-utilities May 1st North Burlington. 905-336-2985. B R O N T E Harbour, 1-bedroom, C/A, 5 a p p lian ce s, covered parking. No sm ok ing or pets. $1000/mo.+ utilitie s. 905-827-3756. 905-465-1080____________ B U R L IN G T O N . Prim e lo cation. 2-bedroom s, 5 ap p lia n ce s, fire p la c e , c/air, deck, 1 parking. $1100/mo. -^utilities. Apr. 1st. 905-3159464.___________________ "S A N D S " Downtown B ur lington near the lake, 2bedrooms, 2 baths, b alco ny, C/A, 5 appliances, pool, 1 parking, 1 locker, no pets. Imm ediate. $1250. C a ll L .D a v ie s R.E , 905-3334347____________________ O A K V I L L E N e w ly re n o v a te d 3 b edroom . 2 bath c o n d o new a p p lia n c e s , new flo o rin g , and u n de r g ro u n d p a rk in g . Im m e diate occupancy $1500.00 per m onth inclu d ing u tili tie s. F o r d e ta ils c a ll B ill M ille r, C e n tu ry 21 M ille r Real Estate (905) 845-9180 l a U l houses for rent IMMACULATE Main floor, 3bedroom bungalow , S/W Oakville. $1300/mo. includes appliances/ utiii-ties. Apr. 1st. 905-338-8716__________ O A K V IL L E : new ly reno vated raise d bungalow , finished basement, near all amenities. Immediate. 905823-2232________________ B U R L IN G T O N , large- 3 bedroom , 5 a p plian ce s. 2 car parking, fenced yard b ackin g onto park. N ear schools/ highway. No pets. $1,275./m onth. A p r.1st. 905-332-5975, 905-4677248___________________ O A K V I L L E East. P ro fe s sio n a lly d ecorated 4 -b e d room bungalow, quiet treed area. Fully furnished, turn key, long/ short-term. Avail able March 1st. $3500/mo. 905-842-6968.____________ 3-BEDROOMS, 1-1/2 baths, double garage, fenced yard. Walk to Burlington Mall No pets. $1200/mo. + utilities. 905-689-6119.___________ E. Oakville: 78 E nnisclare Dr.. 3-bedroom bungalow, im m ediate occu pancy. $ 1800/mo. C a ll M arinki Saric, Re/Max Profession als Inc. 905-270-8840 O A K V IL L E bungalow, g a rage. 3+1 bedroom , c/a, walkout deck, includes ap pliances, very clean. 1699+ utilities, May/1 st 905-4696130_________________ IM M ACULATE nearly new 3 bedroom detached in West Oak Trails. 2.5 bathroom, full ensuite, ceramics/ hardwood. 5 new a p p lia n ce s, a/c, attached garage, long/short term le a se . No pets/ smokers. April 1st. $1850/mo + utilities. 416-200-2539 B R O N T E la k e sid e 3 b e d room plus loft, clean, quite, c lo se to harbor. 1650.+ May/1 st 416-993-4647. agreenftsympatico.ca 3 -B E D R O O M bungalow . $1200/mo.+ utilitie s. A p pliances, garage. No pets. R e fe re n ce s. A ctive M an agem ent, 905-333-5506, EXL74___________________ 4 -B E D R O O M sem i- d e tached, (basem ent o cc u pied). 4 a p p lian ce s, C/A. S1450/mo, utilities inclu d ed. W a lk e r's/ M ainw ay. A v a ila b le Ap ril. 9 0 5 -3 3 5 ______________ 6652 D O W N TO W N O a k v ille beautiful new Church Street 3-bedrooms. Professionally decorated, fully furnished, turnkey. W alk to shops/ restaurants, long/ short-term, a v a ila b le M arch 1st. $3500/mo. (905)842-6968. B U R L IN G T O N lakefront3 bedroom bungalow, g a rage. large lot, new carpet. Imm ediate. $1200.+ 905827-7775 905-827-2442 B R IC K Bungalow , 3 B e d room . 2 W a s h ro o m s ,g a rag e. A v a ila b le now. $1,200. (905)825-2901 O A K V I L L E N/E and B u r lington exe cutive 4 b e d room home. Main floor fam ily and laundry, double ga rage. Available immediately. 905-637-0880 O L D O a k v ille , 'c u te s y ' home, short-term . 4 a p pliances, fireplace, beauti ful lo catio n- step out to shops. $1650/mo Call 905845-6254________________ B U R L IN G T O N fam ily 3bedroom bungalow near Lakeshore/ Appleby/ GO / S ch o o l. No pets. 1 year lease First/ last. 905-6321538 ________________ FURNISHED TOWNHOUSE. South central B urlington. Lovely 2-bedroom, 2.5 baths, be au tifully furnished , 5 a p p lia n ce s, C/A, p rivate patio, w ood fire p lace . $1 650/mo. M ay 1st. C a ll L.Davies R E.. 905-333-4347 e m e m ^ T v ... SIN G LE gentlemen, young 72, interested in meeting slim lady for dinner, short trips, etc. 905-332-8246 Early Education and Child Care with G R E A T D EA LS US SATELITE SALE \ All new with warranty, Direct TV, Single LNB v system with HU card program $349. Free install kit with every unit Other systems & products available. CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P ro sp e ct St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Convenient!}/ located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited C E R T IF IE D na n n ie s & ca re g iv e rs availab le )! No fees to pay for em ployers willing to sponsor. Serv-fil Inti (416)615-1649 or (416)755-6164____________ LIVE-IN nanny needed for 2 children ages 3 & 1-1/2 in Burlington. Please call 905633-9945________________ N A N N IE S / H ousekeep ers required, Live-in/out. Excellent references. First Aid. driver's licence. Long term. International N a n nies, 905-827-9206. W ee Watch Private Home Day Care ` I would like to comment on the excellent received w hile he has been w ith his Wee She does so much with the children and ceeds simply caring for children. She is an Norine - Scarborough, Ontario* fare that my son Watch Provider. her work far ex amazing person .1 Open: Mon-Thurs., 9-6; Fri., 9-7 and Sat. & Sun., 9-5 4943 Union Rd., Beamsville, ON 905-563-9285 or vist www.HUWORKs.TV G O L F C lu bs, m en's 3-PW hand irons, original Snake Eyes, not clones. Dynamic gold steel shafts, half cord grips. Used 6 times. $400/ obo. 905-631-0170________ KITCHEN cabinets- white, U shaped with pantry, Kohler sink, Faucet & counter top. 11 yrs. old. $1500/obo. You remove. Also white Whirlpool stove and G E fridge. Excellent working condition $250/ea. 905-690-4750 K IT C H E N for sale. W hite with C o rio n c o u n te r to ps G a g g e n e a u d o u b le w all o ven s and cook-top d ish w a sh e r. m icro w a v e and gas fir e p la c e . C a ll (905)339-3583___________ K N ITT IN G M a c h in e - e x cellent, with industrial table, instruction books, teaching m a te rials + large Rubber Maid container of yard and su p p lie s. $175. Two 16* bikes, lyr. old. great condi tion, $60/each. Government office desk, metal w/laminate top. filing drawer, $75 905-331-2867____________ L A R G E coffee and end ta bles. Ball and claw feet, in lay design, fruitwood finish. $400. 905-335-3535 L E A T H E R sofa, teal, top grain, $3675. S e ll $1599. New from m odel home. 905-336-0786.___________ L IV IN G R O O M cou ch and matching love seat, salmon and cream, excellent c o n dition. $800. 9 0 5 -3 3 2 1622____________________ M IC R O W A V E stand w/ hutch, $75: sew ing m a chine table, $20; Elvis Pre sle y m ovies, $6/ea., $20/ four; B e an ie B u d d ie s Bears, $8/ea; rocking chair $35. 905-631-7856. _ N E E D a Computer... Don't Have C a s h ? The O rigina l IBM-PC. just $1. a day., no money down! The B uck A Day Com pany, call 1-800772-8617. w ww .bucka day.com R A P T O R S T ick e ts. S u n day. April 7th. 5:30pm. Sold Out. vs Indiana. 20 row s from floor, near centre. At cost. $310/pair. 9 0 5 -3 1 9 9775____________________ S C H O N B E C K B a lm o ra l Strass Crystal Chandelier. 10 lights. Length 42 inch es. Bronze finish. $5,500/ obo. Call (905)257-8535 S O F A and c h a ir like new $ 5 2 5 .. p a in te d c a n v a s s p ictu re $125. C a ll (905) 337-3002 leave m essage S O F A B E D perfect con d i tion teal floral, $175. C ali (905)681-4562___________ S O F A T ra ditio n al. C h e l se a platinum dam ask. $2700. S e ll $1690. New from m odel home. 905336-0786._______________ SO FA, loveseat. oak hutch, oak coffee table, m aple dining table and chairs, oak hall bench, dog kennel 905257-8815 S U B W O O F E R -fo r home theatre. Energy, 12* E S 1 2 X L , top of the line, $575. 905-336-0689 T R E A D M I L L - W e slo . e x ercise. foid-up. Cushioned platform w/incline. Monitor d isp la y s time, dista nce , p ulse, speed. $1250/obo. 905-632-2092____________ U TILITY trailer, heavy duty. 10 ft. Brand new. Call 905-842-4492.____________ W E B D E S IG N - b a sic to advanced from $349 & up. Call 905-510-2331_________ C l B a i articles wanted W A N T E D A ll-C h in a , S il ver, C rysta l, sew ing m a chin es... Doulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipment, d o lls, painting s, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ T O P P ric e s P aid for your A ntiq ue s, chin a, sterling, Royal Doultons. Heather's Antiques, confidential and professional. 905-703-1107 W A N T E D - 30"lnch roll away bed preferably older model. 905-845-7697 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ shared accommodation R O O M M A T E w anted for 2-bedroom apartm ent. Hardwood floors.Near down town Burlington. Available Apr.lst. $410/mo. inclusive. 905-633-8799 S H A R E 2 bedroom townho use- sm okers welcome, parking, close to all ameni ties. $540/m o in clu siv e . 905-631-3144, 9 0 5 -3 1 9 0940__________ . E A S T B urlington - on the lake $600/M o. Includes parking, pool, private bath room. No pets/kids, female perfered. First/last Apr/1 st Call 905 631-8590 B U R L IN G T O N : room in 2-bedroom lakefront fourplex $7 00 .mo. A p ril 1st. Non-smoking, professional. Pakin g/ laundry included. 905-975-0153____________ D U N D A S /P ro u d fo o t Trail, new home. O ne bedroom, se p a ra te bath, $600/m o. includes utilities Prefer sin gle non-sm oker/ no pets. Immediate. 905-617-5674 LA KESH O R E/ B urloak, share tow nhouse, private furnishe d bedroom +den, parking. $475/m o. in c lu sive. A vailable immediately. CaW 905-637-9397. SH ARE tow nhouse. Bronte/ O a kv ille area. All am e nitie s. P ro fe ss io n a l non-sm oker p referred. $500/m o. First/ last. 905847-6115________________ W ATERDOW NA v a il ab le Im m ediately. S h are lo ve ly country 3-bedroom home w/owner & son. Free cable/ long distance, 5min. from B urlington/ W aterdown. 2-car garage/ work shop is a v a ila b le . Sin g le $350/mo. Couple $425/mo. +shared gas/ electric. 905689-1733 795 Qynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt MILLCROFT. 3-bedrooms, 11/2 baths, approx. 1500 sq.ft., ce ra m ics, g a s fire p lace. air, 5 a p p lia n ce s, attached garage with open er. No pets. $ 1 650/m o. + utilitie s. A v a ila b le end of April. 905-315-7023________ BURUNGTON: 2-bedroom, immediate/ May from $995. /mo.+ utilities. 3-bedroom, May, $1080/mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outsid e p arking. N ear schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)333-1190. W E S T O A K T R A IL S : A l most new 3-bedroom semi. Hardw ood, ce ra m ics, gas fire p lace , ensu ite, 4 ap p liances, attached double garage. Prefer no pets or sm oking. A p r.2nd. $1800/ mo. L .D a v ie s R .E ., 905333-4347________________ G E O R G IA N Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington. Large 2&3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Call 905-632-8547_________ O A K V I L L E : G le n Ab b ey en d unit, b a c k s o nto woods, 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 b a th s , 2 fir e p la c e s , fin ish ed b asem ent, n e a r all am enities. C/A/Vac. 5 a p p lia n c e s $1650/m o+ utilities.No pets. 905-827-9223 ·`Exclusive "Wee Learn" Program · Small number of children · Caring, screened Providers · Full time and part time care · Back up service · Tax Receipts For more information, Please call: Oakville 905-337-9221 Burlington 905-632-0551 RE/MAXEscarpment Realty Inc., Realtor t ! Office in the Ham./ Burl. Area since 1994 M A T U R E lady required to babysit toddler in my S .E. Burlington home. 2-3 even ings per week, o ccasio nal o vernight stay required. 905-633-8038 after 6pm. Wee / W & tch , 1 W ANTED: A n tiq u e s & Collectibles. Are you mov ing, d o w n sizing , cle a n in g the attic, d isp o sin g of an e sta te ? Furniture, china, crystal, silver, linens, art work, jewellery, memorabi lia needed for JB M H H o s pital A u x ilia ry Auction. Cha ritab le Tax R eceipt at fair market value for dona tions. (905)336-4102 A N T I Q U E S and c o lle c t i bles, figurines, china, furni ture, co in s, o ld -to ys, art. c ry s ta l, o ld -g la s s , p o t te ry . e s ta te s (9 0 5 )8 7 8 3145, cel (905)876-7950 REHT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings verification. Contact Jay Nelligan Assoc. Broker, today, lor free professional consultation. AFFO RD ABLE live -in F rench n ann ies a v a ila b le now for the sum m er or longer. E ne rge tic, carin g and fu lly scre e n e d. C a ll Sum m er N a n n ie s C entre 905-712-1510.___________ _ D A Y C A R E with a d if ference! In hom e care, smoke-free, television free, literacy rich, active/ c re a tive/ tun atmosphere. Nutri tious meals, wheelchair ac c e s s ib le . F le x ib le hours. 905-631-3277____________ E X P E R IE N C E D d aycare provider has spaces a vail able. nutritious meals, arts/ crafts. I supply references, re ce ip ts, all equipm ent. Palmer area. 905-336-0864. E X P E R IE N C E D European home daycare. Glen Abbey area, has limited lull/part-time p o sitio n s in cle a n loving environment. Infants- age 5. 7am-5:30pm. Hot nourish meals, crafts, activities, lots of interaction. Reasonable rates, re ce ip ts a v a ila b le . R eferences upon request. Please call Maria after 5:30. 905-827-8192 G L E N A S H T O N / 8th L ln e F/T-March Break. Experien ced careg iver, fun. loving environm ent, nu tritious snacks/ Iunche6, arts/ crafts, outings, near park/ library. Large fenced yard, First Aid. ch ild c a re co u rs es. R e fe r ences/receipts. 905257-8236 A south/east Oakville fami ly requires a child care pro vider in our home for one month M ar18th to A pril 12th weekdays only. 2 boys 5 and 11/5 daytim e-905212-3884 eve-905-849-9784 B A B Y S IT T E R required 2/ 3 nights/m o. E xp e rie n ce preferred. C P R / First Aid. Appleby/ New. Ple ase call 905-634-3788.______ _____ LO O K IN G for re lia ble /e x perienced babysitter for oc c a s io n a l b abysitting . Age 18 and up with references. $7.50/hr 905-842-3106___ S P R IN G B A N K C h ild H o m ecare S e rv ic e s re q u ire s pe op le to care for ch ild re n in their own homes. Reap the benefits of registe rin g with a li c e n se d a gency, Sh aron 905-825-3433 ext. 1. B E D R O O M suite, queen, oak finish, headboard, mat tress. night tables, dresser, mirror, chest. 905-469-1787 B E D - Q ueen, o rtho p ed ic pillow top m attress, boxspring, headboard/ foot board. frame. New. in plas tic. Cost $1275. sell $550. Will deliver. 905-971-3315. B U Y /S E L L sta ir lifts, w he e lch a ir lifts, ho sp ita l beds, sco ote rs, etc. C a ll Silver Cross 905-847-5504 C A R P E T . I have se v e ra l 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do iivin gro om & hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 C A R P E T S , H u nd red s of C o lo urs/ styles, Including Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ in sta lla tio n . 905SI 0 ^ 9 . _______________ C H E S T E R F IE L D & chair. light cream b ackground, pastel floral pattern, 4-yrs. old. $300/both. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 8255 after 7pm.___________ D E S K solid oak $175., file cabinet 2-drawer business quality $40., tires (4) Good year P185/70 R14 INVICTA G A $ 6 0 ./fo r 4. C a ll (905)815-9684___________ D IN IN G R O O M 13-pce . Cherryw ood set. 96* dou ble p e d esta l ta ble w/ le a ves. 8 -ch a irs. Lighted C h in a C ab inet, all D ove tail. N ever o pened. C o st $12,250, sacrifice $4,750. 905-304-9994 D IN IN G R O O M s u ite ble a ch e d oak, sid eb oard , glass eterege cabinet, glass table and m arble base, 6 chairs, $4000. Perego carr iage. navy. $250. Bleached oak dining table w/6 chairs. $900.905-333-4929 D IRECT-TV systems $299. program your own card s $200. H and HU programm ing. C a ll 905-873-1642 or 416-991-2761.____________ DTV SYSTEM S. $339.00. Hu cards programming $15.00 Home programmers $139.99. Hu cards $240.00 Hu card Unlooping $75.00 Call 905335-6567________ E X E C U T IV E office s u ite desk and 2 credenzas and highback swivel chair. Also 3 late ra l filing c ab in e ts, all excellent condition. 905-3363921____________________ F IR E P L A C E , gas 2-sided, only 4-yrs. old. R etail $2700, asking $1250. C all 905-336-1734. F L O R A L cou ch , ch a irs, lam ps, 2 w ool area rugs. Tricia Romance, botanical prints. Mint condition. 905336-354 7________________ F O R sa le apartm ent siz e washer and dryer 3 weeks old with stand $1300. obo 905-338-0006____________ F R ID G E , d ishw asher, to i let. excellent condition, all three $250.905-333-0458 F U T O N - oak wood, like new. paid $750, asking <450.905-639-5133 F U T O N - solid pine with m black metal piping includes red mattress cover. Asking $275/obo. 905-319-4284 FU T O N , double, hunter green, brand new $180. 905-257-4390 G A S law nm over, O ffice desks. Fireproof filing cabi nets, households, freezer, ...more! (Moving). 905-3333299 905-639-5258 creativeopts@quickclic.net $ 1 ,9 5 0 / M 0 . S tu n n in g . W e sto a k T r a ils , la rg e 3 b d s. 2-1/2 b a th s hom e. M a y /J u n e o ccu pancy. Fa m ily room with vaulted ceilings & Fireplace. Dou b le g a ra g e . A1 R e fe r e n c e s . no a n im a ls . No s m o k e rs L a u ric e A lb e rt, A s s o c . B ro k e r, R e /M a x (905)257-2414___________ B R A N D new home. 3 bed room. family room with gas fireplace, 4 appliances, im m ed iate $ 1 600/m o. C a ll Adriano Century 21 Miller R.E. (905)845-9180 R E N T E R S sto p p a yin g your la n d lo rd s m ortgage. F re e re po rt re v e a ls how easy it is to own your own home. Free recorded m es sage 1 -8 0 0 -6 9 5 -8 3 0 6 ID # 1001 . S u tto n G ro u p Summit Realty Inc. ANTIQUE SHOW Fri. March 8-1-9 Sat. March 9-10-5 Sun. March 10-11-5 being held at the Royal Botanical Gardens Centre 680 Plains Rd. West, Burlington ADMISSION$5. I firewood G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardw ood PRO PERLY seasoned Ontario's largest Firew oo d retail. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366____________________ FIR E W O O D . 100% Dry S e a so n e d M ixed H a rd woods. $79/cord (32cu.ft.). 2 cords $150. Tax/delivery inclu d ed ` You can che ck the rest, but if you're smart you'll stick with the b e st!' S a tisfa c tio n Guaranteed. 905-465-0576 O a kv ille. Nam e C hange: O nta rio Land C le a rin g S e rv ic e s (formerly Parkside Farms) HIG H S c h o o l P h y s ic s & M ath tutoring availab le. Help overcome anxiety/ im prove grades. P le a s e call 905-829-5221. D IS C O V E R Y Language C e n tre C o n v e rs ta tio n cla sse s. Italian, French, & S p a n ish . S ta rts w eek of March 18 for 8 weeks Burt. & H am . S m a ll G ro u p s Limited seats! Leave msg. 9 0 5 - 5 2 6 - 9 7 0 0 www.discovefylanguage.com E X E C U T IV E 2-bedrooms, Upper Middle/- Eighth Line area. 2-1/2 baths, finished basment. 5 appliances. A/C, alarm system , garage. $1400/m o. A v a ila b le Mar. 15th 905-338-8696 W A L K E R S Line/ Upper M iddle. B asem ent room, private 3-pce. bath, share kitchen/ laundry/ pool/ g am es room. P arking. $500/mo. Immediate. 905331-0504._____________ E A S T B urling ton o v e r looking la k e - large fur nishe d bedroom , private w ashroom , cab le , u n de r ground parking, immediate, $495/mo. 905-639-1236. BU RLO AK/ Lakesh orefurnishe d room. Sh are kitchen/ bath. Su it m ale non-sm oker. P arking. $550/m o. in clu siv e . 905631 -5884 evgg.___________ N O R TH Burlington: room w/bath, on bus route, share kitchen/ laundry, $400/mo. P arking . First/ last. 905335-8751._______________ B U R L IN G T O N R oom s for rent fo r su m m e r. C a ll (905)681-6049 R O O M S for rent c lo s e to Trafalgar and Q.E.W., utili ties included, first and last, references required. $290$ 3 5 0 /p e r m onth. C a ll (905)257-1522 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT M U S K O K A . Executive 3bedroom lakefront cottage. Sa n d y b each. A v a ila b le July and August. Call Bob 905-331-8312 I cottages for rent/buy 2418Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bedrooms $1,000/mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. I in memorlams IN M em oriam / C a rd of thanks Booklet available by c a llin g B urlington Post. 905-632-4440 or O a kv ille B eaver. A sk for Loraine. 905-845-3824. 905-639-9212 B URLIN G TO N . 3-bedroom. 1.5 bath, finished basement, near B urlington M all, $1050/m o. plus utilitie s. A v a ila b le A p r .ls t . 905632-9236._______________ B U R L IN G T O N , Laroe 2bedroom , balco ny. Q EW / Brant, near Fa irv ie w G O . P arking . Laundry. $725/ mo.+ hydro. Imm ediate. 905-681-9434____________ N EW R e n o v a tio n s- A v a il able M ar.15th. 2-b e d room s, 1 parking, $850./ mo.+ u tilitie s. North Burlington. 905-319-9104 O A K V I L L E - 2&3 B e d room townhouses available Ap ril- M ay. 4 a p p lia n ce s. H o p e d ale M a ll area. L ak e sh o re M anagem ent. 905-876-3336____________ 6TH Line/ U pper M id d le 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, walk-out from familyroom, 5 a p p lia n ce s, garage. No ets. $ 1 395/mo. in clu d e s ydro, A pril 1st. 905-6322820 ___ I lost & found F O U N D C a lic o short hair cat A p p le by and U pper Middle, -ely" call 905-6377325____________________ F O U N D - B la ck cat. A l dershot area. 'D o rb y ' call 905-637-7325__________ FO UN D: child 's boot, red and blue, siz e 4. Lakeshore and Brant. 905336-0830________________ FO UN D: pair of p rescrip tion g la s s e s . C a n a d ia n Tire parking lot (Fairview . Burlington). C a ll 905-5748003_________ __________ F O U N D : 1.5 year old un sp ade fem ale cat, gray/ white, O rkney area. C a ll 905-689-7801.____________ F O U N D : bird book at B a ysh o re P a rk (Northsho re B lvd.) B urlington, M ar.3rd. C a ll & identify, 905-632-6816. FO U N D : brown & grey tabby, 'Tuck", microchipped from T.O. C a ll 905-6377325 FO U N D : neutered orange tabby cat. 2-3 yrs. old. Flam boroug h area. 905689-7801 FO UND: P re sc rip tio n g la ss e s at S p e n ce r Sm ith Park. C a ll to identify. 905639-3124 LO ST: 3-yr. old female Pit Bull black/ brown (brlndle). white chest. Kilbride area. 905-336-5189. Little Scholar Childcare Centre East Oakville 905-849-3878 offers quality before/ after schoolaged care for children 5.5 to 12 years. Transit to many local schools. Open full time March Break. Also preschool ages 2 to 5 years avail, immed. Our motto is "Learning through Love" M A P L E V I E W area: nuturing E C E mom will care for your child, FT/PT. My home. Child focused curric ulum Karen. 905-631-8162 M O T H E R of 3, 10-yrs e x p e rie n ce . C ra fts, sn a ck s, nutritious lunches, outdoor play. G u e lp h Line/ Hwy5 area Full-time spaces. Inf ants welcome. 905-315- 7586 M O T H E R / ex-teacher, e x p e rie n ce d , re fere nce s. 2years/ older, activities, big screen TV., O akville Place Area. 905-849-8816_______ E X P E R I E N C E D care g iv e r has openings. Non-smoking. Lots of T L C . E xce lle n t references. Receipts avail able. S/E Burlington. 905639-6028________________ P L A Y & Learn Hom e C h ild c a re . A sup p o rtive and sa fe atm osphere for children to thrive emotion ally. intellectually, physical ly. Hot nutritious lunches/ sn a ck s. Indoor/ outdoor play. Crafts, daily progress reports. Sm oke-free envi ronment. Receipts. Brant Hills. Kim 905-335-8683 S W E E T P e a P ath re g is tered daycare offers caring, learning environm ent. Mt. Forest/ Guelph Line/ Brant. 905-336-6559. FURN- sofas, tables, desks, easy chairs, lamps, binders, b uild in g p rod ucts-d oors, sinks, china, bikes, books, glasses, tables, household items (Antique CollectibleS ile n t Auction) R e u se Centre- 3335 N.Service, Burt. Wed/Th/Fri-12-8pm: Sat-95pm; Sun-12-4pm 30M M M inolta X T S I- with 2 telephoto lenses, 28-80. 75-300 with flash gun and filters and bag, $980. 905336-0689________________ A P P L I A N C E S - fridge. 2 door: Stove: M aytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 A N T IQ U E D iningroom ~ 9pce.. s o lid oak. $2800. C a ll Rudy (days) 1-800724-2426, evenings, 905257-6631________________ A N T IQ U E unique 9 P ie ce dining room set. Excellent condition, a p praisal value $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 s e ll for $ 6 ,5 0 0 firm. C a ll (90 5 )8 2 5 -5 4 8 8 leave m essage for call back A P P L I A N C E S - m o v in g : fridge & stove, exce lle n t con d ition , A lm ond, Kenmore. W ill separate. 905335-2059 _______________ B E D , All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. C o st $1700 S a c rifice . $650.905-304-5573. BEDROOM C h e rry w/ P la n tatio n p o ster bed, dresser, mirror, mte & chest, $9395. S e ll $4650. New from m odel home. 905336-0786 B E D R O O M suite, brand new 8-pce., so lid Cherryw ood sle ig h b e d , Chest. T ri-d re s se r w/mirror, 2nig h tstand s. A ll D ovetail. Never opened, still boxed. C o st $8,499. se ll $3,999. 905-971-1777.____________ B E D S, New, Double, $220: Q ueen. $240. C o m p lete w/frame. Futons Free Delivery. Refurbished V C R s. 17-25" co lo u r TVci, p o rtable C D players. 905-681-9496. S U M M E R F ield Antiques. 2441 G len w ood S ch o o l Dr.: In this week- hoosier. harvest table. Chatham cupboard, pine bedroom suite. 905-320-7789_______ F R E E to carin g home, 6 yar old neutered male, mainecoon X cat, long h air grey tgbby, no heath prolem s loving, calm and ma ture a n se rs to name, com es for walks, has been both Indoor/outdoor, wife very allergic. Matt 905-6818885____________________ P U P P Y . 6-w eek old fe m ale. sm a ll m ixed breed, home raised, de-wormed & first shots. C a ll 9 0 5 -6 3 9 0487.___________________ G R E A T Low M aintenance Pets. Leopard Geckos and B e a rd e d D ra g o n s. R e se rv e y o u rs to day! C a ll (905)829-3782 ^ pets. supplies boarding E R IN M ills P kw y / C o lle geway. Room in townhouse with students. $500./month. + utilitie s. C a ll A g ata @ 416-457-6239_________ O A K V IL L E $500/mo. First and last. Parking and ca b le , fu rn is h e d o r u n fu r nished. mature m ale p re fe rre d , sh a re hom e with same. Immediate (905)8451592-leave m essage R O O M M A T E wanted to share south O akville home w/parklng. Available Mar. 1st. $550/mo.+ Non-sm oker preferred. 905-465-1961. IM M ED IA TE: 1-bedroom, shared bath, kitchen. LFVDr, laundry, in 3-bedroom tow nhouse. $500/m o + parking. 1/2 cable, utilities included. 905-512-3329. S H A R E D accom m odation in house room s a v a ila b le Trafalgar and Q EW $400 / Mo. utilities included. Pager 416-373-7046____________ M IL L C R O F T tow nhouse to s h a re - $600/mo., first/ la st, no-sm oking or pets. Imm ediate. P ro fe ssio n a l preferred. 905-336-1912 ` LIO N K in g ' exce lle n t seats. 'Direct Circle Centre* First Row B a lco n y. Sat. Apr.6th 8p.m . $276/pair. 905-681-8438 cars for sale 2000 M ustang convertible b la ck . 133.000km s.. 5sp e e d, air, C D . like new, $22,500'or $3,000 +$420/ mo. 905-580-9145.________ 1996 D odge Neon black. 4-cyl,, 5-speed, tinted wind ows, mint con d ition , new tires. $4900 obo. Must see! 905-333-8229____________ 1991 Toyota C a m ry 119K, Auto. pw. pi, pt. cruise, air. safety & E-tested. $5995/obo. C a ll 905632-6905 days. 905-6899547 nights.______________ TO YO T A Corolla, 5 speed, m anual, colour green. CD player, front and rear, dual air bags. 23,000km , one owner, se rvice , lik e new $12,000 call 905-842- 1297 (office) or 905-844-5877 S G LEN ASH TO N / Eighth Line. 3-bedroom s, 2.5 baths, 5 a p p lian ce s. C/A, g arage, A p r.ls t . $1500/ mo.+. 905-829-2554 L U X U R Y B urlington c o n do townhome, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, walk-out to deck, A/C. fireplace. 5 applianc es. No smoking or pets. Im mediate, $ 1450/mo +utilities. 519-894-5803.________ M A P L E V IE W - Bungalow , w alkout low er level. 2+2 bedroom s. 3 baths, open concept, cathedral ceilings. $2100 TMth 905-335-7078 M A T U R E student w anted for after school daycare in my home. Mon. - Fri. 3pm 6pm , 2 c h ild re n a g e s 8 and 6. Call (905)257-1516

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