3 6 - The Oakville Beaver, F rida y M a rc h 8, 2002 retail sales S T O R E M anager required (or O akville retail mattress store. Enthusiastic, outgo ing individual, highly c u s tomer oriented with Retail/ Custom er S e rv ice e xp e ri ence ideal. Fax resume to: . 905-681-2294, Attn: Sa le s Manager. hotel restaurant 540 hotel restaurant 540 RN required fo r P/T Evenings & Days Looking for a fast paced, fan. friendk environment then we want you to be part of our /earn! Plan to Attend the HA L T O N to provide nursing care in the Halton community. Please apply to VON Halton Branch H Y G IE N IS T needed for alternate Saturdays. Start im m ediately. G re a t pay. Fax resume 905-842-0128 Offering F /T & P /T Positions, also hiring 2370 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 5M2 Attn: Human Resources, Fax:(9Q5) 827-3390 Assistant Managers & Supervisors We offer: Flexible schedules Regular performance reviews Above average wages Paid breaks Paid training Free uniforms Benefit Program available Staff incentive programs OAKWOOD RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES The Village of Tansley Woods A new 144-bed Long-Term Care (LTC) facility now under construction on Upper Middle Road, Burlington. Scheduled to open April 2002. Future phases to include a 175-bed Retirement Home and Senior's Apartments. Oakwood is seeking dynamic individuals for the following positions: R EG ISTERED N U R SES R EG IST ER ED PRACTICAL N U R SE S PER SO N A L C A RE A ID ES CHEF/COOKS FOOD SER V IC E A ID ES A P P L Y B Y M A IL O R F A X 905-336-7143 T O D on Pa ra d in e , G e n e ra l M anager The V illa g e of T a n s le y W o o d s 1999 Itabashi W ay, B u rlin g to n , O n ta rio L7M 4W 8 OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT A pply in person to: 5051 H arvester R d.,Burlington Located at the corner of Appleby Line & Harvester Rd. ph # 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 1 8 4 1 _____________ No telephone inquiries or personal deliveries please. Oakville Dental Group Practice requires 1 RD. HYGIENIST CDA/ PDA required for team -oriented O a kv ille practice. Computer knowlege an asset. H A R P Certified. Ca« (905)257-4910. F/T Dental R e ce p tio n ist needed for b usy O a kv ille office. Some evenings and Saturdays . Fax resume to: 905-642-0128____________ P A R T -TIM E Dental A s s is tant required for busy Bur lington pra ctice . H A R P C e rtifie d . C a ll 905-6395592 TUnhhitbm -H O U S E K E E P E R : a fter school for 2 children 6 and 9. 3pm -6pm, M on .-Fri. M illcroft, Burlington. 905331-5436, days. B O N D E D , re lia ble , e x p e rie n ce d cle a n in g lady available Residential. Sat isfaction ensured. Call 905547-9659________________ M E T IC U L O U S cle a ning . Years of experience w/fastid io us clie n te lle . Custom se rvice - weekly/ bi-weekly clients. Louha, (905)6344671 _____________ MAID S e rv ic e . 20 ye ars e xp e rie nce . Bonded. In sured. Reliable. Burlington & O a kv ille . C a ll Carm en, cell: 416-704-0123 R U B B IS H & scrap rem ov al. E xc e lle n t rates. Fast service Call 905-317-6019. (1-2-3 days) 2 CERT. ASSISTANT (3-4£teysJtojoin our expanding team! no Sat., no evenings www.oakvilledentist.com Please fax resume: R U D E N A T IV E B istro & Lounge now hiring: S e rv ers, B a rte n d e rs, Hosts/ Hostesses. Line Cooks and D ishw ashers for new B ur lington Loca tio n . Fa x re sume to: 905-465-0681. NEW Firkin Pub opening. Experienced Bartenders & , S e rv e rs needed. P le a s e fax resum e to: 905-4699446. H IR IN G : The Extrem e Pita. Trafalgar Village, full and part tim e po sition s. Call 905-502-9880. 1 | l | handyman D E C K S , Fences, painting, papering, full b asem ents, Kitchens, baths, drywall. ce ram ics. vinyl tiling, plum b ing & more. R e fe re n ce s. Free estimates. 905-681-7971 (905) 844-2311 DEN TAL R e ce p tio n ist needed im m ediately. O ak P ark area. A pprox. 30 hours/ week. Sm all officevaried duties. Related e x pe rie n ce , b a sic com puter skills, excellent English and pleasant outgoing p erson ality required. Fax resume: 905-821-3850 ARE you a Certified Dental A ssista n t with great com m unication s k ills ? W ould you like to be part of a posi tive, p ro g re ssiv e dental p ra ctice in O a k v ille ? For this fulltime opportunity, fax your resume in confidence to: 905-842-6296 _____ P A R T -T IM E e xp e rie n ce d d e liv e ry p erson for W est Burlington Pharmacy. Must be b ondable, neat with friendly personality. Knowl edge of city an asset. Rep ly to Box #1896, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview Street, Burilngton, L7R 2E3_______ S P A C E a v a ila b le for a d junctive therapy in C h iro practic office. Suitable for R M T. P le a s e con tact Dr. Joyce Allman. Bronte Chir o p ra ctic C lin ic , 9 0 5 -8 2 7 1633 Home Support Services AVAILABLE For low income seniors & perm, physically disabled adults ·Laundry · Vacuuming · Washing Floors · Cleaning Kits. & Baths BJRTmoving» l l r j storage R E L O C A T O R S : E xcellent service, starting $55/hr. in clu d e s 2 p ro fe ssio n a l m overs, truck. B est long d ista n ce rates. 905-8234858; 1-888-671-6683. _ G O IN G to M ove? C a ll M ove -R igh t M oving. B est se rv ice in the area. C a ll Thomas, 905-847-0178 M O V E R S Who C a re . Lo cal. short notice. Free e s tim a te s. C a ll (41 6 )9 9 4 2602 Domlntk___________ M O V IN G & P A C K IN G $50. o(1 domestic, $300. off international must book be fore 03/31/02 (905)8291282; (866)666-1313 Hostess/Host days: Alice Fazooli's, casual up-scale restau rant is currently looking for candidates for day business lunches. Suc cessful candidate w/ work with management team to further develop day business clientele. I part time help P A R T -T IM E C h iro p ra c tic Assistant needed for estab lish e d p ra ctice . R e q u ire s great com m unication and people sk ills with an inter est in health care. Must be fle x ib le and a v a ila b le tor eve ning and w eekend hours. P lease call Monday March 11, 2002 Between 1 and 3pm 905-825-9529 HALTON HELPING HANDS Call 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -0 2 5 2 S17/HR. F a m ily cle a n in g se rv ic e with your p riority list. H o u s e s / o ffic e s . In sured, exp erienced . O akvllle only. (905)867-9309 G R A C E C le a n in g Se rvice o ffe rs p ro fe ss io n a l work, o rg anic cleaning sup p lie s u se d . O ffic e : (9 0 5 )8 1 3 0726 or Cel: (416)605-3728 E U R O P E A N cle a n in g la dies Maid Service, experi enced cle a n in g la d ie s available to clean homes & o ffice s. Good p rice. (905)643-6016__________ R E T IR E D couple with v a cuum. dust and clean bath room s & kitchen for $60. Call 905-631-7170 P LU M B IN G R e p a irs. New Installatio ns, a lte ra tions. B asem ent drain s, bathroom s, dryw all, fram ing, tiling. No Jo b Too Small. Frank. 905-639-3874. D R Y W A L L , taping, fram ing availab le . F a ir prices, guaranteed w orkm anship. 15-yrs. experience. Refer e n ce s. S e n io r d isco u n ts. Ed (416)937-1673.________ A D D IT IO N S P lu s. Im provem ents, re p a irs & m aintenance. W e insta ll trim, doors, railings, kitch ens, vanities, decks, fire p la ce m antels, fram e/ re move w alls, install/ repair drywall, remodel kitchens, etc. 905-961-2209._________ P A IN TIN G , C arp entry R e n ov a tion s, A d d ition s. Roofing. Basements, Bath rooms. Free Estimates. 15 Y e a rs E xp e rie n ce . 905464-3789 Tues. Mar. 19/02 10 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. Burlington Convention Centre Flex, hours with excellent start wages. Apply in person: 2015 Winston Park Drive.Oakville, ON L6H 6P5 C H E F P o s itio n s curren tly a v a ila b le at The H arrop R estaurant, 345 S te e le s A venue E ast, M ilton, Phone: (905) 878-8161 ext. 2; Fax: (905)-876-4972. P le a s e fax resum es and contact Je sse or Jason for an appointment to apply In person! I teaching opportunities BJV^liooring carpeting E X P E R T hardw ood in stallation/ refinishlng. Resi dential or com m ercial. Please call Alex for a quote. 905-332-9057.905-525-1591 W A N T E D - M ature ind ivid uals who are interested in w orking with child re n or adults with developm ental d is a b ilitie s in the Halton Region. Provide parent re lief or teach new skills. Part time/flexible. Parent direct ed program. Starts $10.50/ hr. fax: 905-849-6980; Email: h ss9 stn .n e t phone: 905-849-8000 1120 Burloak Dr. (at q e w ), Burlington · Free Parking · Free Admission to the Public ·Wheel Chair Accessible Participating Companies: CANADIAN ARMED FORCES the co opeiatorS |*T|T|1 dating sen/ices M E E T Burlington S in g le sl Try us absolutely free! Ent er cod e 4094. Ham ilton (905)-297-6666 m The Centre HUMBER C A Skills D e ve lo p m e n t & TYuining a © '5b o e Health, Fitness & W ellness E X P O Sun. A p r . 1 4 Oakville Conference Centre, Wyecroft R d . at Bronte R d . Your Better Being S h e rid a n AVIATION INTERNATIONAL V Y M Career Development & Le arning C e ntre HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE · N a tu ra l H e a lth & A lte r n a tiv e M e d ic in e · F it n e s s C e n t r e s & P r o g r a m s · Therapeutic Centres · Sem inars PRIMERICAJ KELLY SERVICES · H e a lth F o o d s & S u p p le m e n t s · V o lu n te e r O p p o r t u n it ie s · C o s m e tic / L a s e r S u r g e r y · C o m m u n it y S e r v ic e s h u r T iH tN o ifo tiA . Costco I XINTRA Fi^ncto! Freedom 55 THE GREEN BRIGADE ltd Register Today . .to list your company in our pre-show promotions! Call Classified 905-632-4440 Call for information RESERVE A BOOTH FOR YOUR COMPANY TODAY.... Tel: 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165