The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2003 - B7 Youth goes east and west with Katimavik In today's society, Canadian youth have sever al stops along the road to self-discovery. Many are exploring vari ous career or educational paths, looking to contribute to Canadian society, develop their personal and work skills, or travel and meet new people. Brily Zelne knows he will experience all of this and more by participating in Katimavik, Canada's lead ing national youth service learning program. His Katimavik experi ence will be based on a socio-educational program called service learning, which encourages profes sional and personal develop ment through volunteer work on community proj ects. He will live for nine months with ten other par ticipants from across Canada, beginning Jan. 7 in Tweed, Ontario, then mov ing on to St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and finally to Lorette, Manitoba. Zelne will obtain valuable experience by working as a vol unteer on community projects and will receive training in five strategic areas: leadership, offi cial second language, environ ment, cultural discovery, and healthy living. Katimavik com munity work projects can be as diverse as building hiking trails in parks, participating in public rela tions activities and organizing exhibitions in museums and teaching children how to read. About 87 per cent of partici pants rating their leadership skills as "good" to "very good," com pared with 44 per cent before the program. Since 1977, more than 24,000 past participants have benefited from the Katimavik program. The useful skills they learn have often lead to career or edu cational choices they may have not thought of previously. Anyone between the ages of 17 and 21 who would like to reg ister for the 2004-2005 program should visit or call toll-free 1-888 525-1503. As well, if you are a former par ticipant or employee who has taken part in Katimavik and would like to find out more about the Alumni Association should visit the Web site or call the tollfree number. Boxing Week SALE Underbed Storage Box Clear wI green lid, wheels Reg. 12.99 Take advantage of great savings storewide to help you ORGANIZE every room in your home! Kitchen Closet Bath Laundry Office Garage Collections Travel Shelving Packaging 16" x 4 2 " x 6 " Limit 6 per customer. No rainchecks. Solutions Y o u r O rg a n iz e d Living S t ore O a k v ille 905-829-1084 M i s s is s a u g a 905-826-3477 Britannia ® W h itb y 905-433-8746 T o ro n to 416-516-6635 S c a rb o ro u g h 416-752-5559 1 J -- « "s if f r 1 ii nature's source Natural D ispensary & Clinic BOXING V i t a m i n Put the EX in SEX EXcite, EXplore, EXpress, EXtend, EXceed, EXplode Collectively, the herbs in Exotica" provide a dynamite combination for promoting sexual performance, while supporting rigidity & duration. IH orny G oat W eed has been used traditionally for 1000's \of years in Asia to promote sexual performance. 1 Scientific research has show n that H om yG oat W eed \has a libido enhancer function, supporting frequency, 1 stam ina and ~ __ >erectile function. ^ » i n QQ DAY! SALE Ju s t Soy, great for a protein sm oothie H igh isoflavone content N o carbs ^1^^ » NuLife products 2 for 1! ·Selected products OFF At Nature' s Source., you get the superior quality products that you want. If you want advice, and a free consultation, you get that as well. The choice is yours. Nature's Source. Canada's largest specialty vitamin retailer! THORNE W eightloss a n d Sports Nutrition j j i PQ fljim um a 4549 · «Ot V 1 Ideal com panion for a w eig h t loss program Contains 500m g of Phase2 - phaseohmin (w hite bean extract) Acts as an alpha anylse inhibitorto decrease carbohydrate absorption fromfoods E nhanced strength, pow er & recovery · Blend of whey protein concentrate and isolate ·H elp build and m aintain lean muscle mass to facilitate weight loss · 4flavours, sweetened w ith sucrose S nack or m eal alternative 60's LiteExtension -Heel gTKflSf D olisos S IS U PINNACLE C R A S H E R S D O M 908g W e ig h t lo s s P ro d u c ts yitam jni C a n d E W h e y P r o te in G re e n s M etab o lism b o o ste r 2 Cellfood 1 A ids inweightloss ttUUtltl S 9 1O g T o ro n to i s s i s s a u g a O a k v ille 5035 Hurontario St. (N.E.corner of t Eglinton) tg i in t 2391 Trafalgar Rd. (S.of Dundas,Loblaws Plaza) 40 Ronson Dr. (Kipling&401, MonsterGym) "Vg* O n-site S ervices A v a ila b le ! M ail order: 1.866.502.6789 n a t u r e s - s o u r c e . c o m 905.502 .6789 Thi^^^onnformatior^ur^ose^nl^eeluhe^dvise^oUMK^ualifie^taf^^onsu^ 905.257.1655 16 242 8500