Oakville Beaver, 26 Dec 2003, C 6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2003 A Vision For Tom orrow & Winter Skateway O a k v i l l e Museum portfolio for teen artists Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate invites all college-bound artists to regis ter in the Teen College Portfolio Classes in January. Instructor-artist Sally Glanville will lead participants in a full overview of the basic componerys for a successful and strong portfolio. Ryerson Polytechnique, Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, G eorge Brown C ollege and the O n tario C o lleg e o f A rt and D esign all have portfolio review as a co m p o n e n t of the ad m issio n process. These classes will give participants the inside scoop to what interviewers are looking at these art institutions. The cost for Teen College Portfolio Classes is $90 materials fee payable to the instructor. Glanville has taught Fashion Illustration at Ohio State and George Brown College, Theatre Costume at Columbus College of Art and Design, Basic Life Drawing at Ryerson University and the University of Toronto, as well as Design Graphics at Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. G lanville has ex h ibited at the Bathurst Jew ish Com m unity Centre (K offler C entre), K arlsberger Architect Wall Series, Worthington Arts Council Wall Series, Ohio State University, and the National Museum Woman in Arts, Washington DC, just to name a few. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate is the restored home o f O akville's founding family, the Chisholms. Open year-round, the Museum is located on the picturesque Erchless Estate overlooking Oakville Harbour and Lake Ontario. The museum hosts many special events, exhibits, workshops, programs, and tours throughout the year. For more information about the pro gram, call 905-338-4400 or visit the Web site at www.oakvillemuseum.com. A n in te ra ctive le a rn in g e nvironm ent fo r c h ild re n a n d visitors to O a kville . A n a tu ra l B utterfly Park a n d W in te r S ka tew ay a t the W aterfront. Consider this unique Gift Each donation of $50 or $100 will be acknowledged with a permanently inscribed* paver in the park. Donations for trees and Denches are also possible, please call 905-825-2245 for more information. Tax deductible receipts will follow. `some restrictions apply D o n a tio n Form (pay by visa, cheque, cash) Name ____________________________ Total Enclosed $ Address__________________________________________ City__________________ Postal Code ________________ Tel:__________________________ Fax: Inscription: (limited to 12 spaces each line, including periods, maximum of 2 lines) ni l t t VIDEO PICK D e c e m b e r 2 6 - 31 1. Freaky Friday (new) 2. Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Jeepers Creepers 2(new) 4. Seabiscuit 5. The Medallion(new) 6. Bad Boys II 7. The League of Extraordinary 8. Alex & Emma (new) C R IT IC S A V E R A G E M PA A T H E M E R A T IN G PG O A R SE SE V IO L E N C E C X& U D IT Y L A N G . N Mild Much Lots Some Much Lots Much Mild Mild Much Mild None Lots Much Some Lots Mild Some Much Some Mild None None Some Mild Lots Mild Some Some Some Comedy ] PG-13 'Adventure R PG-13 PG 13 R Horror Drama Action Act/Com | PG-13 Adventure PG-13 Rom/Com PG-13 PG-13 Comedy Action Mail to: Bronte Butterfly Foundation, 2368 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville L6L1H5. For more information Tel: 905-825-2245 Fax: 905-825-8622 email: brontebutterfly@butterflys.ca 9. Bruce Almighty 10. X2:X-Men United n x n x x x e m ZDs : N o w O p e n ! W e a rc R E A L L Y se riou s a bout renting D V D 's Thank you to some of the 2003 Butterfly Park Donors: £lias, Susan Ellis, Dave Falgarwood Public School Gauvin, Gilbert & Helen Gladys Speers Pubic School Goodenough, Alan Invidiata Homes Jackson, Cathy Jessup, Maggie Knowles, Gail Kwirant, Bellinda La Senia 150 Macdonald, Shirley McCarlie, Diane McCarville, Michael R iver G len M ew s Plaza 905-257-6443 w w w .encoredvd.ca Business Hours: ^ 2100000(1 · 11.O u p ffi Saturday 11:00am- 11:00pm www.encoredvds.ca I I IJL W o v g f y i p ® i r e t t o r p A P T I S T U N IT E D M U N N 'S U N IT E D C H U R C H * CH A RTW ELL B A fT IST C H U R C H " Where relemnlfaith meets caring m m n il) Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 905-257-8434 PRESBYTERIAN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN SIXTEEN (Dundas Rd. W. Sc Lions Valiev Park Rd.) 905-335-3433 Rev. G. Walter Read EVANGELICAL PENTECOSTAL SHERIDAN HILLS E. M. CHURCH 3301 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Pastor-Rev. Enriijue Alfa. 905 844 2801 Sunday Worship 228 Chartwell Road 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. www.munnsunited.com Sunday, Dec. 28 10:00 a.m. Worship A Christmas Celebration and Brunch Sunday School & Nursery Provided Minister Rev. Meg Grieve Staff Associate: Lvn Workman Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh The Little CMrckWilh The Big Welcome OAKVILLE PENTECOSTAL E APOSTOLIC CENTER Sunday Bible T eachin g a n d W orship Service 12:30-2:30 pm (N orth Ridge Room) Chartwell @ King's King's Christian Collegiate 528 Burnhamthorpe Road West 10:00 a.m . Sunday Services 10:o0 a.m. Series: " Hopefor Our Times " Wednesday Dec. 24 7:00 p.m. Christmas Candlelight Service Nursery, children and youth programs through high school at weekend services IROQUOIS N0RTHRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Glenashton & Eighth Line WALTON UNITED FAITH 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 90S827-1643 of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W . BAPTIST CHURCH Comer www.waltonm em orial.com 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 905-842-0938 www.faithbaptist-oakville.com 10:30 am Worship " The World Did Not Know Him" M ENNONITE Thursday Bible Teaching 7:00-8:00 pm Soloist: Wanda Miller W alton W elcom es You Christm as Eve Wednesday Dec. 24 4:3 0 p m S to ry T eU ers S e rv ic e F o r th e Y oung a n d Y oung a t H e a r t 6:00 p m F am ily S erv ice 7:30 p m F am ily S erv ice 10:30 Candlelight Communion Service A ll Welcome to Celebrate With Us New Year's Sunday Dec. 28 9:3 0 a m L a rg e r FamUy S erv ice Junior Congregation and Nursery Care Sunday, Dec. 28 11:00 a.m. - Pastor Earl Grant "Surrounded by Goodness" Psalm 65 K NO X PRESBYTERIAN Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 905-844-3472 Rev. Harry McWilliams, Rev: Mike Marsden MISSISSAUGA MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP Meeting at Erindale Secondary School (foyer) Corner of Erin Mills Parkway and Dundas St Call for location 905-820-7708 - 416-995-6325 JESUS IS LORD COMMUNITY CHI Ki ll 6:30 p.m. Dr. Stephen Westerholm H U N IT E D Sunday, Dec. 28 Giristmastide I 10:30 a.m. Worship "A T im efor Consolation" Nunery and Church Schoolfor children and youth We provide support & caring in times o f need through Stephen M inistries Weekly sm all Groups fo r Youths & A dults Everyone Welcome _ _ E-mail: knoxoakville(a on.aibn.com Websiterwww.knoxoakville.com I S WORSHIP 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 am Ministers: Lori Reesor and Jean Lehn-Epp Special Christmas music: "Carols around the Creche" KING'S FAMILY CHURCH A Praying Church ... A Growing Church... A Going Church 11:00 a m T ra d itio n a l S erv ice Message: "T he 12 Days of Christmas" Meeting at* ' S t r a u l 's ( J n i t e d C .h u r c h 454 Rebecca St 905-845-3427 A ll Welcome in Greeting 2004 checkout wvvw.wahonmemorial.com R3 ANGLICAN Iroquois Ridge Community Centre 8th Line & Glenashton ST. JO H N 'S U N ITE D Downtown At Dunn & Church Streets Office: 262 Randall 905-845-0551 www.stjohnsunited.ca INVITES YOU TO SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:15 a.m. Guest speaker: Jo h n Barrow Sunday School Nursery Care Minister: Rev. Paul C rittenden Rev. Lexie Chamberlain Minister Emeritus: Rev. Alan Harley Vol. Assoc. Minister: Rev. Ron Hunt Dir. Music -Michal Rozycki Sunday. December 28 10:00 am Brian Turnbull, Casavant organ recital playing Christmas music from Germany, France, England and Canada. 10:30 am Worship Service TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar N. on Litchfield to the end) Minister Rev. Kristine O'Brien ST. CUTHBERT'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Ph. 905-844-6200 Maple Grove Dr. (3 blocks north of the Lakeshore) Sunday 10:00 a.m . Please call Chris and Rachel for more information 905-825-8091 kingsfamilychurch@cogeco.ca r iv e r o s f e ' f r i , c o m m u n i t y " c h u r c h Sermon: Rev. David Walker 'G od Has Visited U s ' 11:30 am Fellowship in Lusk Hall Rev. Don Gibson Rev. David Walker W orship + Sm all Group Ministries + Seminars Pastoral Care + Home and Hospital Visitations K im Belanger Church School, Youth Programs Professional Nursery Care Brian Turnbull Music Ministry, Organ &Choir Mary Lynn Hull Parish Nurse 905-842-2800 Christinas Eve Wednesday, Dec., 24 4:30 pm Children's Service Specially designed, 45 minutes, Communion Service with voting children in mind. Followed by Messiah birthday cakes in the Parish Hall MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH 346 Maple Grove Dr. Oakville 905-845-5721 Rev. Morar Murray-Haves Director of Music: David findlay Sunday Service 10:00 am Church School and Nursery tra f a lg a rc h u rc h @ b e lln e t.c a 7:30 pm Contemporary Rite Eucharist Candlelighnng ceremony and music led byJoyful Sound 11:00 pm Traditional Rite Eucharist Candlelighting ceremony and music led by the Choir "WHERE THE SPIRIT SOARS AND THE HEART FINDS A HOME" HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 Third Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 Minister The Reverend Sean Foster Christmas Day, Thursday, Dec. 25 10:00 am Contemporary Rite Eucharist Organ led hymns 2435 Munn's Ave. E. (@ Sixth Line, South of Dundas) T H IS S U N D A Y O N E S E R V IC E O N L Y 1 0 :0 0 A M W o rs h ip C e le b r a tio n Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (9 0 5 ) 2 5 7 -3 8 6 4 t Sunday, Dec. 28 One Service Only - 9:30 a.m. uThe R eal M eaning o f the Twelve D ays o f C h ristm a s" Guest speakers: Ron Dodge and Cathy Smith A ctivities a n d program s fo r congregation (s f co m m u n ity website: www.maplegrDveunitedchurch.org Sunday, December 28, Christmas I 8:00 am Traditional Rite Eucharist Organ led hymns 10:00 am Contemporary Rite Eucharist Christmas Festival of Lessons, Carols and Hymns Sunday, Dec. 28 Morning Worship -10:30 a.m. " Parenting a S aviour " In v itin g a ll to be a liv e in C h rist Sunday, January 4, Epiphany 8:00 am Traditional Rite Eucharist 10:00 am Contemporary Rite Eucharist Music led by the choir 2:00 pm "In Search of a King" Epiphany play led by Youth Express E 3 e-mail: maplejrove_united_church@sympatico.ca w w w .riv e ro a k s c h u rc h .c a O -

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