The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2003 - C7 YMCA needs lifeguards at the pool BIG TICKET M LI.'.' U til 0 \ \ I V.' I The largest chamber orchestra in Canada! J ' f t $ I lin joy w orks by T ariin i, D o m p ictrc, V ivaldi and the Rolling Ston es! P O S T C A R D SF R O MTH ENancy Nunes, Aquatics Supervisor at the YMCA of Oakville has been hit hard by changes in the secondary school system. What two months ago was a staff of 34 lifeguards and swim instructors is now reduced to a group of 26 who must cover the same number of swim duties. Traditionally, the aquatics program drew from a group of Grade 11,12 and 13 students. Now the Grade 13 students no longer exist - they're off to college or univer sity. To address the challenge the YMCA is proactively calling to all former life guards and swim instructors. If you are a former lifeguard and/or swim instructor and would like to recer tify, improve your own level of fitness and provide a meaningful service to the more than 1,500 Oakville children in weekly swim lessons, we want to hear from you. As an added bonus, part-time and full-time lifeguards and swim instruc tors receive a free membership to the Oakville YMCA. ' - * / y ~ L a P ie ta A YMCA lifeguard assists a young swimmer in practicing how to float on his back. The Oakville YMCA is calling all lifeguards in a bid to boost staff. Lifeguards and swim instructors at the YMCA of Oakville are required to be certified every two years by the Royal Lifesaving Society, and to take additional training every four months while on the job. Necessary qualifications include: Standard First Aid and CPR, National Lifeguard Service (NLS), and YMCA Swim Instructor Course or Red Cross Swim Instructor Course. Applicants for the NLS certification must be at least 16 years of age. All levels of life-saving certification courses will be run in January. Previously certified applicants can take a re-certification course to update their skills. If you would like to know more, call Nunes at the YMCA of Oakville at 905845-5597, ext. 307. H /t~ \\ <JAKVLLE a CENTRE Thursday, February 26 at 8pm Call 905.815.2021 or V isit the* box o ffic e - i:t0 N avy S t r e e t ( a t L a k c s h o re ) M o n .-S a t. N oon to 5pm w w w .o c 4 p a .c o m BOXING WEEK STOREWIDE SALE Maple tables Deluxe Harvest Tables W h e th er d ining w ith family o r entertaining friends, d in n ertim e is certainly an event. Available in Maple. O ak, Pine o r C h erry in many sizes. Leaves available. SAVE A UP TO / I 4 I D % OFF O n Boxing Day Specials & Selected Floor Models Wardrobe C lassic styling m eets eleg an t versatility.This p ie ce can be* 6ni*hed in y o u r ch o ice ot" stain o r p ain t .finish. Sow from O I / P ine Standard IVoodcraJi Stains. 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Not valid witti any otter discount oilers. EXCLUSIVE M E M B E R S ' OFFER! DECEMBER 2 7 - JA N U A R Y 4 Entire In-Store Stock! Now thru fan. 3rd! It's music to your ears - For less- All this week! SIMPLICITY & NEW LOOK PATTERNS ONLY Offer valid Decem ber 27-January 4. for Sew in g Club M em bers only. Limit 10 patterns per member, while quantities last. Not valid with any other discount offers. 99< EA. M E Iv R . I A. M. school of Music r r> la Winston Churchill Blvd., 1 block South of Dundas, Oakville 9 0 5 -8 2 9 -2 0 2 0 Sale in effect December 27-31 on in-stock merchandise. Most items available in most stores. Look for the red sale tags. Where competitive pricing in effect the advertised savings will be off our regular chain-store price. OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 1 4 0 R e b e c c a S t. O A K V ILLE i A O PEN 7 DAYS AW LLK 844-7728 J Fine Oak QUALITY OAK FURNITURE C P A M D D C T T \/T T 1 OF CAMPBELLVILLE Things! 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