A 4 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2003 T im H ortons Free H oliday Skating It's our way of saying thanks. B o x in g D a y p r iz e s a t O a k v ille P la c e As part of the Oakville Place Boxing Day extravaganza, there will be prize draws from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on Dec. 26. Winners will get $100 Oakville Place gift certificates. There is also a door-crasher give-away of six-packs of Coca-Cola for the first shop pers through the door. At 9 p.m. there will be a grand prize draw for his and hers leather jackets from Danier Leather, a $1,000 value. Customers must be present to win. L e t u s Bad Breath Can Be Beaten! Halitosis, commonly referred to as bad breath, usually originates from one of several sources certain foods we eat, or the breakdown of food particles by bacteria which inhabit the mouth. If you're self-conscious about bad breath (halitosis), there are sev eral things you can do about it. Brushing and flossing your teeth are two of the most crucial ele ments for attacking bad breath. Brushing and flossing remove bacteria that live on our teeth, gums and tongue. These bacteria grow on residual food particles in the mouth creating volatile sulfur compounds (VSC's). It is these sulfur compounds that can give breath it's objectionable odour. Unfortunately, many people do not brush long enough to effec tively remove bacteria from their teeth. It takes 2 to 3 minutes to properly brush all tooth surfaces, yet many people spend less than minute brushing their teeth. Worse yet, few people take the time to floss properly, allowing odour causing bacteria to grow rampantly in the spaces between the teeth. Since a toothbrush cannot reach beneath the gum line or between the teeth (where food particles can contribute to bacterial growth, decay and bad breath) flossing needs to be a very important part of your daily dental hygiene regimen. For those people who find flossing ex tremely difficult, a dental hygiene appliance that issues a pressur ized water stream can help sup plement your brushing. Think of it this way, brushing without flossing is like washing only 70% of your body when you bathe or shower the remaining 30% stays dirty. Because you tongue is a textured surface, it can also harbour bacte ria. Odour causing bacteria can hide deep within the crevices of the tongue, safe from oxygen under a protective layer of saliva, food particles and proteins. After brushing your teeth and gums, rinse your brush completely and brush your tongue gently to remove this layer and much of the bacteria residing on the tongue. Remember to clean near the back of tongue where most of the bacteria resides. Not only w ill your mouth feel fresher, you w ill also be removing buildup that can contribute to halitosis. Persistent bad breath which does not go away after brushing and flossing is often a sign of infection or · excessive bacteria in the mouth. Even though you may not be experiencing any discomfort, you should schedule a visit to your dentist if your breath problems appear to be severe. The dentist w ill be able to deter mine if there are more serious causes of your halitosis, and can help you to treat them accordingly. Yours for better dental health, D e W T A LS u W O C O NV D r h e l p y o u f i n d i t f a s t W e 'd like t o th a n k y o u w ith a w a y t o glide th r o u g h t h e s e a s o n w ith a sm ile: e n jo y F re e H o lid ay Skating, c o m p lim e n ts o f y o u r local T im H o r to n s . L e t us s h o w you our a p p r e c ia tio n fo r b ein g a p art of your c o m m u n ity . V isit u s f o r a s c h e d u le o f ice tim e s a n d lo c a tio n s , th e n c o m e o n o u t a n d jo in in t h e fun. . A ru n N ara n g & A s s o c ia t e s Mi I D e n t a l A rts OAKVIU£ I Aesthetic, Jmpi.ant & Restorative Dentistry * x * * ' T h iiN o ttb M . Together With You, Making Good Things Happen. 1344 Cornwall Road · Oakville, On. Appointments: 905-337-3511 /nhaiicinu Lives... One Sm ile At a Time! M o n f t o ^ . L im ite d £ 3 9 ,9 9 t o m t i t i e s ! 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