The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 26, 2003 - A 5 H R e s i d e n t s c a n a p p e a l a s s e s s m e n t (Continued from page 1) budgets set by Halton Region, the Town of Oakville and the province for education, next spring. The arrival of final assessment rolls on Dec. 16 has not set any specific tax increase, but merely set the stage for Halton's 2004 property tax budget process. Last week, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) released final assessment rolls that will be used to determine property taxes in Halton Region for next year. Based on the reassessment delivered to home owners in November, the assessment reflects an updated appraisal of properties over the two-year period of 2001 to 2003. The average two-year increase experienced by all properties in Halton was 14.9 per cent, com pared to a provincial average of 11.2 per cent. Halton residential properties increased by 16.7 per cent, compared to a provincial average increase of 13.2 per cent. Commercial and industrial property increases in Halton experienced a more moderate increase, averaging 6.8 per cent and 10 per cent, respective ly, compared to average provincial increases of 5 per cent and 8.7 per cent. "Residents often conclude that an increase in their assessment translates into a correspon ding increase to their taxes, however, this is not the case," said David Birkett, Halton Region's Director of Financial Policy and Internal Audit. "The impact is not determined by the overall increase in property value, but whether an individ ual's property increased more or less than the aver age increase within the municipality," said Birkett. Receipt of the assessment will trigger the begin ning of a detailed analysis of taxes by a team of financial experts from Halton Region and Halton's four local municipalities: Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. The team will measure the impact of tax increases resulting from all approved 2004 budg ets, and test the impact of how these taxes are dis tributed. The Province requires that assessment-related property tax increases for non-residential proper ties be capped at five per cent, which results in a shifting of costs onto other properties in the Region. However, the Province has given municipalities discretionary tools to adjust the impact of taxation on certain properties or property classes. Halton Regional Council will review recom mendations from the tax team in the spring of 2004, and establish final tax rates for inclusion in bills issued to property owners in the second half of 2004. Birkett said that, although the Region will base residents' tax bills on this final assessment roll, property owners who believe they have experi enced an inappropriate increase will have the opportunity to pursue appeals of the appraisal of their property throughout 2004. The assessed value of properties is determined by all the buildings, improvements and land that make up the property. The recent assessment is based on the "current value" of the property as of June 30. 2003 - that's the price a willing buyer would pay a willing sell er in an arm's length transaction if the transaction occurred on June 30, 2003. If property owners disagree with their assessment, there are two steps to take. First, a Request for Reconsideration can be filled with MPAC. This is an informal service that's free of charge. Forms and information are available at municipal offices. MPAC offices, on the Internet at or by call ing 1-866-296-6722. If no agreement is reached, the prop erty owner may then file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board (ARB). There is a fee to file and complaints must be filed by March 31, 2004. Complaints can be filed electronical ly through the ARB Web site at and can be sent to the board. Forms, instructions and information are available at the ARB office at 250 Yonge St., Toronto, at MPAC and municipal offices and at government information .centres (GICs) across Ontario. Call the ARB at 416-314-6900 or toll-free at 1-800-263-3237. a l t o n S e a r c h . c ^ r n *= C R A B B Y J O E 'S c H O T S 4 U G 000F O O D ,G O O DF U N .B A 0T E M P E R ] 1 /2 P R IC E A P P E T IZ E R S AFTER 9 P.M.! 10 OZ. N ew York C e n tre C ut EVERY S t e a k fo r $ 9 .9 9 ! DAY Monday'* 2 9 0 W in g s LUNCH ·A ll day long! *° $ 1 0 ^ * EX PRESS T uesday's " H u ^e" Rack of Ribs 1/2 Price Chicken from $4.99 Every Thursday Fajitas! M EX IC A ND E A L ! G ifc CniHiaUti Amtaite Kook Your Christmas l'»rt v M ow! 2345 Trafalgar Rd. - (905) 257-9888 J o e ^ G i f t A! FREE ENTREE! w ildthe purchaseof anentree o f equal or greater value * 0 n ec o u p o np e rta b le O n ec o u p o np e rp e rso nN o tv a lidnc o n ju n c tio nw tffia n y p ro m o tio no raped*N oc ashv a lu eO m e-ro n ly .P le a sep re se n tthereuponu p o n| o rd e rin g .V Mat to 0*v*6lo c a tio no n lyM a xv a lu e$ 1 2 .0 0 .E *p*y0et 3 1 .2 0 0 3 Co- media S tc . v Oakville Skating Club solutions MEMBER CLUB C O W M E I T H S K U A S T ! E R I D E c o p s C o b b l e S l O N E m b e r 3 ^ o u t F ro m sh o w ro o m to liv in g ro o m in o n e e a s y s te p . t s J u s t p lu g in a n e le c tr a fla m e e le c tr ic fir e p la c e to a d d w a r m th a n d a m b ia n c e in a n y ro o m in y o u r h o m e to d a y . h a n d e d o n a n d e w c h a r g e a r n l o electro lame A 24-year-old Hagersville woman is the second motorist to be named by the Halton Regional Police this sea son for being charged with impaired driving. Cindy Howard of Highway 3 in Hagersville was charged with impaired driving and having over 80 mgs of alco hol in 100 ml of blood. Howard is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 3. The Oakville Beaver has agreed to publish the names of those charged in this year's holiday season RIDE cam paign. During Week 3 of the Festive RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) program, which runs throughout Halton during the entire month of December, a total of 9,370 vehicles were stopped. Of the nearly 10.000 drivers pulled over, police conducted 62 roadside screening device tests. From that, RIDE police officers handed out nine 12-hour license suspen sions. Another 40 Highway Traffic Act charges were filed, 173 warnings and cautions were also issued. Halton Regional Police RIDE offi cers are reminding drivers to be aware of the legal consequences of drinking and driving, including fines and a license suspension for first-time offenders upon conviction. y P a r e n t r T o t (w inter session) y I n tr o t o P re sc h o o l C a n S k a te y P re sc h o o l C a n S k a te v C a n S k a te y I n tr o to C a w P o w e rS k a te ^ C a n P o w e rS k a t e y P re -Ju n io r A d u lt L e a r n to S k a t e / F it n e s s y F a s t T ra c k a n d C o m p etitiv e P ro g ra m s ^ Q u a lity NCCP C ertified I n s tru c to r s y Z 0 Y e a rs A v e ra g e E xperience y N a tio n a l Skill A w a r d s P ro g ra m S a l e E n d s S o o n ! american impressions home theatre three piece systemas show n s a le $ 8 6 3 7 re g . S 9 6 9 7 includes video cabinet and two audio cabinets electronic equipment not included IT N O W . thornhill, ont burlington, ont 3225 fairview street 905.633.9507 toronto, ont 1819 yonge street south of davisville 416.545.0090 A L L E N N E W ! SE E 66 \Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists 99 D e s ig n , s a le s & in s ta lla tio n o f g a s, e le c tric & c o n v e n tio n a l fire p la c e s : just south of hw y. 7 905.889.7761 mississauga, ont 2161 dundas st. w at erin m ills pkw y. 905.828.2264 E T H A N 8 t 34 yonge street IN F O R M A T IO N 9 0 5 -2 5 7 * 7 7 7 1 · stone & brick facings · wood surrounds cast stone m antels · built-in cabinetry S A L EPR IC IN GE N D SJA N U A R Y4, 2004. ©2003 E T H A NA L IE NM A R K E T IN GC O R P O R A T IO N O N L IN E : w w w . o a k v i l l e s k a t i n g c l u b . o r g River O a k s Recreation C entre 2 4 0 0 Sixth Line, O a k v ille O N L6H 3 N 8 Happy Holidaysit H ours: M on.-Fri 10-6pm Sa t. 10-5pm Sun. 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