Oakville Beaver, 3 Jul 2002, "Focus", B1

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for most makes & models Quarts CURRENT POWERMACHINERY INC. 1661 Lakeshore Rd. W . Mississauga (2 block east of Southdown Road in Clarkson) Q 0 0 A O 44 Lawnm ower Service We can fix ft' FOOTS ^ Official Media Sponsor Editor: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com C y c lin g , r u n n in g a n d s w im m in g Athlete to compete in Ironm an despite a rth ritis By Lindsey Craig S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R TB T o t even arthritis can stop Kym (Harley) / % / Banting from living life to its fullest - not 1 * to mention entering the Ironman triathlon. Despite having ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a rare form of arthritis that affects the joints of the spine, the 29-year-old Oakville resident is taking on one of sport's most grueling physical challenges. The event will take place on July 28 in Lake Placid. New York, and will involve 2.000 competi tors, including Banting, who will be raising money for The Arthritis Society. The Ironman involves swimming 3.8 km, cycling 180 km, and running 42.2 km. "I've never run that far before," said Banting, who trains six days a week, including weekend runs of 25 km. "But I know I can do it." It was in January of this year that the young woman was officially diagnosed with AS, a genetic disease that affects spinal joints, particularly sacrioliac joints, at the base of the spine. It all started in the summer of 2001, when Banting broke her toe while competing in a Milton triathlon. The injury kept her on the sidelines for three weeks, a frustrating situation for the avid runner and triathlon participant. But it was when she started training again that she realized her physical condi tion wasn't the same. "When I started running again, there was pain at the base of my spine, in my butt, the sciatic nerve," she said. "I grinned and beared it, but it never went away." Banting said that when the pain failed to cease, she consulted with her brother. Chris Harley, 26. also an Oakville resident, who was diagnosed with AS 10 years ago. "He described his symptoms and they were exactly the same as mine," she said. Banting then headed to her doctor, who, until hearing about her family history of AS, doubted the disease was the cause of her pain. "Women don't normally get it," Banting explained. "It's three times more common in males." Not only is AS rare in females, however, the dis ease itself afflicts only .05 - 1 percent of the popu lation. Banting said she knew her hunch was right, however, since not only did her brother have the disease, but also her dad, her aunt and her grand mother. She also explained that AS typically affects people in their mid-to-late 20s, and that in her aunt's case, it "went away" after a few years. "I'm really hopeful mine will go away," she said. Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver - g u t f o r n o v v j ' m r e a | [ y positive about this and I'm Kym B anting, 29, an O akville resident who has ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a ra re form of not gojng t0 iet jt affect my ja y to day life." a rth ritis th a t affects spinal jo in ts, is train in g for the Ironm an triath lo n taking place in Lake After the initial visit to her doctor, Bantina was Placid, New York, a t the end of this m onth. Banting is raising funds for The A rth ritis Society. sent to a rheumatologist. Soon afterward, tests con- firmed that she did in fact have AS, which Banting described as "when your body targets the joints and eats away at them." As for the cause of the disease. Banting said it's unknown. However, she suspects that her broken toe had something to do with it. "Everything was fine until then (the broken toe). I was already carrying the gene, and since AS is related to your immune system, 1 think the broken toe set it off," she said, adding that her doctor believes the timing was a coincidence. As for the Ironman, Banting said she registered in it last year, before the onset of AS, and was already planning on raising money for charity - she just wasn't sure which one. Becoming diagnosed with arthritis gave her the answer. She has already raised more than $6,000 for The Arthritis Society, but wants to generate even more. So far, the money raised has come solely from friends, family, clients (she's a real estate agent) and her business associates at Royal LePage. "I have to thank everyone so much. The support has been wonderful," she said. "It's amazing because it's such a good cause...So many people are telling me, `I know someone with arthritis' or that they have some form of it." anting added that she's especially thankful r C for the support she's had from her mother and co-worker, Liz Harley. "She's helped so much in making sure our clients don't suffer because of my training," said Banting. As for her training schedule for the July race, which she hopes to complete in 13-14 hours, Banting continues to train regularly for all three sports, usually starting her workouts at 6 a.m. Banting said her back doesn't bother her too much while swimming or biking, but said she feels the pain while running, especially if not having taken her medication. "It's a dull ache. Some days it's okay, some days I can feel it...O h well, you deal with what you've got," she said. "Luckily, they say exercise is the best thing for arthritis. I don't know if they meant for me to do all of this though." As for the cause she's working towards, Banting said, "If we can learn something else (through money raised for research), who knows?.. .This is something I can give to my kids." Those interested in supporting Banting in the Ironman triathlon can call her at 905-845-4267. Cheques made out to The Arthritis Society can also be dropped off at Royal LePage, at 326 Lakeshore Road. Those who donate more than $10 can also receive a tax receipt but a home address should be included for mailing purposes. For more informa tion about arthritis, call The Arthritis Society during business hours at 1-800-321-1433. 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