B2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 16, 2003 FEATURES: A m in o r fro n t-e n d fa c e lift fo r th e LX in c lu d in g th e a d d itio n o f fo g lam ps to th e W in d s ta r fo r 2003. As w e ll, yo u w ill n o w be able to o rd e r Ford's o n e -size -fits-a ll m in iva n w ith AdvanceTrac, a s ta b ility -c o n tro l system th a t w o rk s w ith ABS and tra c tio n c o n tro l to he lp keep th e vehicle in lin e and on course w h e n tu rn in g in slip p e ry c o n d itio n s . A n o th e r useful W in d s ta r sa fe ty fe a tu re is a w a rn in g stro b e lig h t f o r th e driver's-side slid in g door. The stro b e sw itches on w h e n e v e r th a t d o o r opens, a le rtin g o n co m in g tr a ffic th a t passengers are a b o u t to disem bark. A d d itio n a l sa fe ty fe a tu re s include a lo w -tire w a rn in g lig h t as w e ll as self-sealing tre a d s fo r b o th 15-, and 16-inch w h e e l sizes. The W in d s ta r solves th e p ro b le m o f yo u n g sters in th e f r o n t passenger seat w ith a w e ig h t sensor th a t enables th e a irb a g o n ly w h e n th e re 's m ore th a n 20 k ilo g ra m s on th e seat cushion. 2003 F o r d W in d s ta r LX value Stock #3W068 6 to choose from . 4 door, privacy glass, power windows, locks and mirrors, am/fm/cassette, flo o r mats and more. Sale Price * 2 0 ,8 8 8 there's never been a minivan like this... diverse economical throughout the ownership experi ence." Len has recently handed over the running of the dealership to his son, Dave. His daughter Cathy also works at the dealership. "It's a real family affair," comments Len. Oak-land is the first dealership to introduce 'M arket Value Pricing'. All new cars have the discounted pric ing clearly marked on the window. This makes it more convenient for the customer should they choose to browse at their own convenience. Oak-Land celebrates 33 years of success For 33 years, Oak-land Ford Lincoln has been a successful enterprise and much o f the credit can be given to its dealer principal, Len Sanci. In 1969, Sand's career in the auto mobile business had taken him to a successful job as general sales man ager o f a major Ford dealership in Toronto. Meanwhile, in Oakville, Oak-Land Lincoln-Mercury (as it was known then) was losing money at its new facility on Trafalgar Road, near the Q.E.W. Sanci's performance in Toronto prom pted Ford's Central Region manager, Bill Wilson, to bring him in to rescue the failing Oakville dealer ship. "We've benefitted from the popula tion grow th in Oakville and from the outstanding new products from Ford." "W hat makes the difference at Oak land is the competence and dedica tion o f the people who work here, and because they w ork as a team", he continued. The dealership has received Ford of Canada's most prestigious honour, The Chairman's Award, fo r 13 of the 14 years it was given. Sanci is also a previous winner o f Time Magazine's Dealer o f the Year Award, which recognizes both the dealers' busi ness excellence and his community service, an honour he regards as a reflection o f his high calibre staff. Sanci's dealership follows the simple business philosophy he learned from his m other as a child when he worked in the fam ily deli. "M ake your customers happy, she used to say," said Sanci. "We take it a step further. We make them happy The Mustang Coupe comes fully equipped w ith the follow ing standard equipment · POWERTRAIN; 3.8L V6 engine, 190 HP, 220lb-ft torque, 5-speed manual transmission, power 4-wheel disc brakes · INTERIOR; 6-way power adjustable driver seat, cruise, tilt, A/C, power door locks & windows, power trunk release, premium am/fm stereo CD, SecuriLockTM anti-theft system, colour keyed flo o r mats · EXTERIOR; dual power mirrors, rear spoiler, colour keyed rocker mouldings & fro n t rear fascia · FUNCTIONAL; remote keyless entry, stainless steel exhaust, split fold-down rear seat PLUS "NO CHARGE"SPORT APPEARANCE GROUP; 16" 5-spoke b rig h t machined alum inum wheels, leatherwrapped steering wheel 5 2 1 ,4 9 5 2003 Mustang Convertible Comes w ith all standard equipm ent listed, plus: power retractable convertible ro of w ith boot cover, £ Mach 460 am/fm stereo w ith in-dash 6 CD changer. ^ B ' Plus registration fee, applicable taxes, freight $895 on '03 Mustang & $1,025 on '03 Windstar. Cashback applied; $1,000 '03 Mustang, $4,000 '03 Windstar. *0n approved credit. 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville AT THE Q.E.W. H R R l 905-844-3273 w w w . o a k l a n d f o r d l i n c o l n . c a ^