The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 16, 2003 - C5 BONUS! All classified ads appear @ The site your community clicks on! E-mail: TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. ·FR I . 9:00am · 5:00pm _jea[E stateJQ 0jj5jjusinessJ^ 11111 houses for sale > 1 apartments A Circulation: 905-845-9742 Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 LAKES H O R E/ Maple Im m ediate/ May: 1-bedroom from $799/m o. 2-bedroom from $825. Parking extra. H eat/ hydro included. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview/ hospital Great highway access. 905-6325258 O A K V IL L E - K err/ Lakeshore. 2-bedroom , ground flo o r, plus basem ent. $850/mo Albert Mc-Donagh Ltd.. 905-632-5690 BURLINGTON. Upper level duplex, 2-bedrooms, dining room . 4 appliances, large backyard J u n e /ls t. $ 9 4 0 / mo.+ utilities. No pets. 905* 637-5548 BURLINGTON/ AldershotMain level duplex Garage. 5 appliances, a/c. 2+1 b e d room . deck. $ 1220/mo inclusive May/1 st 416-8842136 B IK E . Boys 24* w heels, ridden only once, like new. $75 905-631-6291 DRYER, exce lle n t co n d i tion. $100. firm . 905-3352059 FREE 12X10 p re-stained cedar deck w/steps/ railing, A t condition, easily disas sembled. 905-333-3002. PEREGO S tro lle r, navy, good cond itio n . $30. C all 905-632-4321. ORYER, Beaum ark Heavy duty, good working cond i tion. $100. C all 9 0 5 -4 6 5 0342 C LE A N furn ish e d room s near O akville Place/Sheridan C dlege. on bus route. Laundry, kitchen , parking facilities. From:$325. Ken. (905)842-0789 OAKVILLE: furnished room, shared accom odation, suit sin gle m ale No parking. Cable included. $400/mo. Immediate 905-845-1592. leave mes-sage ROOM, dow ntow n a p a rt m ent, priva te bath G reat view, clo se to everything! N o n-sm oking fem ale p re fe rre d Im m ediate. 905849-4585_________________ FRIDGE. Adm iral side-byside freezer, almond, good w o rkin g c o n d itio n . $100. 905-465-0342 STOVE- Beaumark. white. 5yrs. $150/firm. Mint condi tion; w a sh e r/d rye r- $200/ pair. Stove- older but great c o n d itio n . $50 9 0 5 -6 3 4 8217, after 6pm. * , TO RO 21* se lf propelled k e y -le c tric supe r recycle mower Personal pace, still under warranty. $350 obo. 905-335-1432 W AS H ER / D ryer (fu ll & -a p a rtm e n t size): fridge (apartm ent size, w hite) & stove 30*. Also 2 washers & 2 dryers Excellent con dition Will separate. 905335-2059 W EDDING gown, size 14, Sweetheart neckline, drop waist, beautiful peart work. $450. Call 905-681-6535 YA M A H A Drums, full set. $500 obo. 905-334-0043 "Jl Mats for rent STONEY Creek M ountain Open house- Sat Apr /12th. 1-4pm, 186 H ighbu ry Dr G ourm et kitch e n . 3 -b e d rooms. com puter loft. 2.5 baths. Great-room. finished basement. C/Vac. C/A. Less than 5years old Lots of upgrades; extras! A great buy $189,900 905-560-6004 Call Anytime. PRIVATE- la rge alm ost 3/ 4 acre lot with one owner 1950`s wood sided bunga low. Private botanical gar den setting, mature trees & gardens Walk to Appleby College & lake. Immediate possession $380,000. C al 905-616-6384 to view. LA K E - 4-bdrm . kitchen , windows, doors, furnace. O A. ail updated 2 fireplaces, hardw ood, ceram ics, p ri vate backyard. large 72x110 lo t. 4081 Spruce Ave.. Burlington $349,900 Agents welcome' Call 905639-5526 Of 905-517-8648 BR AN TH A VEN hom e in T yandaga. 4-bedroom s, den. large kitchen. 2 -fire p laces. large deck backs on to greenspace. main flo o r la undry room , 3.5 baths. $570,000 905-3158940 No Agents please UPPER Glen Abbey Royal Pine Home 5-bedroom s Upgrades galore! Finished basement $469,000. C all 905 -8 4 7 -7 4 3 6 ; 905-3389919. BU RLING TO N- 2 storey on Rankin Or. Prestigious Ravenswood area. Pool, hot tub. large lot. near Tuck & N elson schoo l's $359,000 905-637-8902 BURLINGTON charm ing. 1 5 storey. 3-bedroom, 1.5 garage, hardw ood floors, m -law suite. fire p la c e $215,000 9 05 -63 4-12 01. 705-684-8258 r - L A K E S I D E MARINE DR.. OAKVILLE Tastefully renovated 1 & 2 bedroom suites in adult oriented building on lake, near Lakeshore and East St Dishwasher · In-suile storage Courteous 24/7 on-site staff From $1075. Call 905-825-9616 TORRANCE ST., BURLINGTON Lakeshore & Bran: ste cs: jkefront consideiate 24/7 on-site staff, outdoor pool, controlled access, close to schools, shopping & transit. Large, renovated l, 2 & 3 bedrooms from $899 Call 905-681-8506 L I V I N G - 'I Quiet lake-front building, near Appleby Line, dishwashers avail, swimming pool, sauna, billiard & party room, card access, a/c. responsive 24/7 on-site staff, renovated t.2 & 3 b e d ro o m s from $980 Call 905-333-6968 LAKESHO fiim BURLINGTON Near Brant Street, stunning lake views, dishwashers available, swimming pool, fit ness centre, billiards, card access, near shopping, transit, renovated 1. 2 & 3 bedrooms from $945 Call 905-333-9141 B A C H ELO R , low er level, kitchen, bathroom , private entrance, all in clusive. Parking 1 car. North Bur lington. No smoking/ pets. S uit single person. $450/ mo. Avaiabie May1.332- 8038 W ATERD OW NrJohn St. W alk to E verything. New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1. 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. In d . (905)689-1647. 9056904454 BURLINGTON. Downtown. 431 Martha Street. 2-bed room . $850/m o. hydro F irs t/ la s t 905 -63 7-28 20 Leave message FR ESH LY painted, h a rd w ood flo o rs ! 2-Bedroom available May/ June. From $949/m o.+ parking. Clean, quiet Brant/ Prosped. Near GO & Malts 905-639-7805 BRIGHT one bedroom base ment apartment- profession ally fin is h e d , in C entral Burlington. Parking, cable, heat and hydro. All inclusive, $765/m o Immediate. 905319-1681. after 5pm. O A K V IL L E 2-bedroom basement apartment- sep arate entrance, everything included, hardwood floors. $950/m o. Im m ediate p o s session. non -sm okin g. A d riano F erreira Sales Rep . C e ntu ry 21 M ille r Real Estate Ltd. 905-84591 8 0 SPRIGSHEREAT CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 app lian ces · Eat-in Kit. B asem ent · P lay g ro u n d · P arking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited GLEN Abbey. Executive 3bedroom 2.000sq ft . 2.5 baths, fireplace, c/air, ga rage. M aylst.. $1800/mo. utilities 905-847-6431 NEW Renovations- Avail able A pril/ ^ a y . 243-bed room s. parking. No ba se ment. Starting $775/mo. utilities. North Burlington. 905-319-9104 Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances Pilgrams Way 905 - 847-5043 Glen Abbey 905 - 825-3327 A LD ER SH O T (w est B u r lin g to n ) new ly renovated bachelor with fu ll kitchen, available immediately $625 mo hydro 905-633-8547 GLEN Abbey- Upper M id dle & Third Line. 2 bdrm. 2 bath. 5 appliances. $1200/ mo. -futilities. Available Immedtetety 905-827-1764 BURLINGTON- 3yrs new. Lux 2-bedroom , garage. 4 appliances. $1100/mo 416255-2065 BU R LIN G T O N - A p pleb y/ New. 1-bedroom 4den Brand new. well appointed small and quiet btlildmg, A/ C. 5 app lia nces, parking. $1090/m o utilities 905631-1127 BURUNGTON-2 bedroom. 2 bathroom plus solarium, nice view . all am enities. $1290/mo. all ndusrve 905335-9490 I condominiums for rent S ir ^ ilic h a rd Tfowm m i , Convenient North Oakville! 3 & 4 BEDROOM FAMILY UNITS Stove, fridge, 1 basic cable outlet, unfinished basement. 1-car garage $ 1 0 5 0 -$ 1 1 7 7 . +util. 905-842-8353 (leave message) A king pillo w -top m attress set. New in p la stic. Cost $1600. S a crifice $450 905-567-9459. Can deliver ABO VE ground pool 25ft diam e ter $350. C a ll a fte r 6pm 905-319-3951 ALM O ND stove, ele ctric, self-cleaning S u itable for s ta rte r or cottag e. $175 905-332-1291_______ ANTIQUES & Cottage items for sale. Large selection of decorating accents. Chairs, benches, blanket box. tables w a ter soften er, bathtub, sinks, vanity, windows'doors. Apt. size washing machine, vintage pine kitchen cabinets. S a turdays open 9:30am . 1450 Wallace Rd . Oakville 905-616-6384 AP AR TM E N T size dryer. S50 gas BBQ. S20. (no tank). Waterdown. 905-6896106 BA D C redit? Bankrupts? No Problem ! Brand Name P ro d u ctsl G uaranteed C redit A p pro val! $2500 U nsecured. No Interest. Line of Credit! Everyone is approved* Call Now 1-800803 -33 49 or w w w .B rands NOW com BED, Am azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warran ty $150 905-567-4042 BED, new queen orthope d ic m attress, boxsp ring New in plastic. Cost $899. sell $275 C all 289-2605232 ' BEDROOM set 8-pce. cherryw ood . Bed. chest, dresser, m irro r, night stands Dovetail construc tion. Never opened. Cost $8,000 S a crifice $2400 905-567-4042 BEDS. New. Double. S220 Queen. $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons Free Delivery R efurbished VC Rs, TVs. record players, portable CD players. 905681-9496 BLACK leather apartmentsize couch w ith m atching chair, less than 1 year old. Paid $1600. s a crifice S1.000. B e au tifu l oak hutch w ith glass doors Storage in bottom $1200 obo CaH 905-580-2625* CARPET. I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon car pet W ill do living roo m & hall for $389 Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905639-2902 CONTENTS: 11 pee solid cherry dining roo m ; black baby grand piano; leather love seats; black entertain ment unit, black table, solid oak table , pictures and lamps, etc 416-879-5061 D INING RO O M . 13-pce. cherry, 8 chairs. B u ffet, hutch, server, dovetail con stru ctio n . S till In boxes Cost $11.000. S a crifice $3,000 905-567-9459 DINING room suite, a n tique 1920's all w a lnut, double pedestal table with flip style leaf. 6/ chairs. Mo roccan le ath er seats, one with arms, sideboard/ buffet and china cab in e t All in great condition. $2800 905529-8484 OOW NSIZING: Furniture fo r sale. Pine and Oak. 905-827-6072 FO RM AL dining room su ite apartment size 2-years d d $750 905639-4868 G O LF C lubs, m en's le fthand. Steel, graphite sets, individual. 905-845-6507 HOT Tub/ Spa. A ll selfcontained, all optio ns, w/ cover, 2003 m odel, new. still in wrapper, cost $8900. sacrifice $4,100. 905-3047775. LEATH ER couch and lo veseat, o ff w hite, top qu a lity, near brand new condition. Cost $7000 sell ing fo r $2150/both 905464-1030 MOVING sale O a k v ille elegant diningroom cherry wood set. table w/leaves, 8/ chairs, lighted china cabi net cost $9500. sacrifice $2100; 6-pie ce w hite la c quered bedroom , queen $450; 8-piece bedroom set 2 tw in beds $600, livin g room set $250: tables, desks, lam ps. Etc... 905SI 5-8755 O A K dining room set, 9pce. with 2 leaves Excel lent cond itio n . Like new. $1600 Call 905-332-3918. PICTURE window 54x70 $75, E atons V iking range $75, double stainless steel sink w /ta p s-sp ra ye r $50, 905-632-6272 POOL tables, used. 7 a vailab le. Buy and sell used tables sen/ice for bil lia rd s tables. 9 0 5 -6 1 8 5159 w w w .billidrd-service. com QUEEN bedroom: w/headboard. footboard, armoire. pine/b le a ch e d oak finish. Paid $2500. sell $800 Queen box spring/mattress S150. 2 pine night-tables $100/ea. Beautiful dining room hutch, "Art Shoppe.* glass shelves, interior light. $900. 6 m atching chairs, black highbacks w/cream material seats $75.ea. 905849-8358 REDUCED for quick sale. 22 cu .ft sta in le ss steel Kitchen Aid fridge. 6-mos. new. sacrifice $1200. 905690-1142. RO YA L A lb e rt China 60 pieces tea service $1000; 2-touch lamps and electric fish fryer. 905-632-2762 $$$$$ W A N T E D - All China. S il ver. C rysta l. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Glass. Jew ellery, old toys, c o lle c tib le s , estates Call ihrvTracy. 905-331-2477 Take a good look at a Great Lake! B R O N T E , o n t h e la k e . Com pletely renovat ed 2-bedroom a vailable A p ril. $1120/m o.+ parking. Pool, tennis, underground parking. Info, ca ll: 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -9 1 6 9 . w w w .o n tim .com " T T T T B u r lin g to n TOWERS 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms All The APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. ONE MONTH FREE!! (on 1-bedroom units) Convenient location near GO Sin · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable. EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE Spacious executive duplex penthouse, 20th floor spectacular views, private patios, 5 appliances. Amenities included. Swim all year in our heated indoor pool Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm + Den Available May 1 with solarium! Rec fac.. 24-tir security & more. Mapleview area! 1 or 2 rooms available im mediately $450/mo. inclu sive Parking, laundry. C lose to B u rlington M all, bus & schools 905-333-8867 SW Oakvme- Share house. 1 master bedroom. $500. 2nd room. $450 Pod. gas BBQ. u tilitie s except phone. 1 parking space. No pets Must like dogs. C all a fte r 6pm. 905-827-0092 FURNISHED room- available im m ediately. C lose to Oakville Place. No parking $430/mo. All indusive 905842-1678. 905-842-8958 LAKESHORE/ B urloak. O akville. Executive home, furnished, female only, no pets, all indusive. $500/mo Larry/ Tara. 905-827-6961 B R O N TE. N o n-sm oking p rofe ssio n a l fem ale p re ferred to share penthouse, lakeview . $550/m o. in c lu sive or $650/mo. w/ensuite. 416-574-5517. E X EC UTIVE hom e to share in The Orchard. Bur lington No sm oking or pets. Close to QEW / 403/ 4 07 / GO. S hared use of kitchen, bathroom, laundry. $450/mo.+ utilities. May 1st. 905-319-7400 THIRD Lm e/ Q E W - Clean tow nhom e on bus route. $600/m o p a rkin g / u tilitie s ind. Avail M aylst No pets. 905-827-0927 m shared accommodation FREE to good hom e- Pur ebred 8yr old Germ an S hort H a ired Pointer Train ed, gen tle & loving. 416-709-8353 PUREBRED Yorkshire terriers for sale- 2 females S 1200/each. 1 male $1000; Call Sheidene after 5pm at 905-632-4792 905-639-8583 www.ontm.oofn ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925* 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgml LARGE 3-bedroom $1199 Very large 4-bedroom $1299. (+ u til). 5 appls. garage June. Longm oor Dr.. B urlington 9 0 5 -68 1-00 70 www. pmooltnecom GEORGIAN Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington. Large 2&3 bedroom townhouses. fu ll basem ents. Utilities included. Call 905632-8547. www. FRESHLY R enovatedl Brant/ QEW. Burlington. 1bedroom. Immediate/ May/ June. $695/m o.; 2 -b e d room. June. $8257mo. (util itie s extra, fenced yard. 1 parking included) 905-3199769 ________ _ O A K V ILL E - 3&4 Bedroom townhouses available Imm ediately- Junelst 4 applian ces. H opedale M all area Lakeshore M anagem ent. 905-876-3336 ________ BU RLIN G TO N Longm oor Dr. Large 3 bedroom $ 1 199/mo -futilities. 5 ap pliance s. 1.5 bath. June 1st 905-333-8828 BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom maisonette, onsite laundry facilities & parking, available May 1st.. $925/mo. hydro. CaH Chene. 905-681-3146. SP AC IO US 1500sq.ft 3bedroom tow nhom e with w a lk-out to yard. In-sutte laundry, close to all ameni tie s $ 1250/mo in clu sive A va ila b le M a y /ls t 519837-0985 W * 1|T 11 cars for sale BR AN TH A VEN RAVINE lo t G orgeous view s on 135' deep p ro fe ssio n a lly la ndscaped lo t. 3 bed rooms. 2.5 baths, ceramics. California ceilings, in this 1 year new home $399,900 5246 Brada Crescent (905) 332-5725 Open House Sat April 19th 2-4pm Agents welcome_____________ ' 11 < 1 private sales W A LK -O U T raised re n o vated bungalow . M avis/ Dundas, M ississauga 5 bedrooms. 3 bathroom s, 2 kitchens. 905-813-9905 BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us at 905-639-4677 SP AC IO U S 1,243 B ed room s. F reshly painted, brig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 . Noon-8pm HEART of Bronte 50 East S i., clo se to la k e / Bronte Harbour. Im m ediate/ May: 1-bedroom $975/m o.; 2* bedroom $1095/m o. (+ parking) 905-825-0616 Q UIET North B u rlington Court. Main level of newer duplex. 1-bedroom. 2 bath rooms. rear walk-out to pa tio & la ndscaped yard. 4 app lia nces. No sm oking/ pets. $975/m o. in clude s u tilitie s / cable April. Joel Plouffe. Sales Rep.. Whitehouse & W hitehouse Real ty. 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -6 8 7 3 _ B R A N T/ Plains. B u rlin g ton. 1-bedroom, hardwood. Parking. $700./m o Small quiet building. Laundry. No Dogs. Immediate. 905-3367207 B E A U TIFU L upper d u plex. 2-bdrm, dining, 2 ap pliances. hardw ood floors close to waterfront. Upper $875/mo. utilities. 1-bdrm low er level $750/m o. in clusive. 905-469-4452 ®905-315-8993= B R O N TEH arbour Club: fabulous lake view. 1-bed room. 1 bath F irs t class amenities in building Avail able immediately. $l250m o indudes utilities Call Sylvia C rom pton. S ales Rep. Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp 905-338-9000 l l W l houses for rent SUPERCENTRE- Splitlevel. 1.5 baths, garage, fireplace, fam ilyroom . $1360/m o.; Downtown B u rlin g to n - 2bedroom bungalow, recroom $ 9 9 5 mo . Off Guelph Lme3-bedroom townhouse. 1.5 baths, rec-room. balcony $ 1030/mo. Albert McDonagh L td . 905632-5690 PO O L, 3+1 bedroom s. 2 baths, bungalow . Palm er, finished basement, garage, w alk to school. $1500/mo. -futilities Kathy. 905-3329760 RENT Alternative. Rent to Own optio n s or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan. Associate Broker. Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty. R e altor. 905-639-7676 em ail: ucanbuy2© hot 3-BEDRO O M detached bungalow, main floor, large yard, garage. A/C. Clarkson GO $1250/m o+ A v a ila ble May/1st 416-871-8184 O A K V IL L E . G orgeous 3bedroom s. 2.5 baths. Up graded carpets, ceram ics, wainscotting, deck, fenced. C/air, single garage $1950/ mo. B e au tifu l 2-yr. old 3bedroom , 2.5 bath execu tive. Master/ 2nd bedroom hardw ood, ceram ics, fire place. familyroom w/vaulted ceilin g . Double garage. $1950/m o. Laurice Albert. A ssoc. B roker. RE/MAX 905-257-2414 O A K V IL L E . K e rr/ D orval 3-bedroom bungalow . 2 k itchen s, separate e n trance. garage. $1495/mo. utilities. June 1st. 905____________ 616-0870. B U RLING TO N 4 level back spilt, attached garage. 3 bedroom s. 1.5 baths, family room, large lot. North QEW near schods 4 shop ping $ 1 500/m o., u tilitie s not in clude d. 905-3352348 FURNISHED 4-bedroom bungalow. E. Oakville, long or short term. Professionally decorated. Fully equipped Turnkey. May 1st. $3200/mo 905-842-6968 M ILTO N . Large acreage v3-bedroom bungalow , 2.5 baths, $l495/m o.+ utilities. June lst. Kathy Murray. Ac tive P roperties. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 1706, Ext 29 BU RLING TO N N orth and North East Oakville-Execu tive 2-sto rey hom es. 4bedroom s. 3-bathroom s, m ainflo or fa m ily / laundry, finished basement, double garage, im m ediate. 905333-3544 BRONTE $1350/m o. Very close to Lake 4 Harbour. 2 Storey Semi, 3 bdrm . 2.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, A/C, garage M ay.1. p osse s sion Carmen Munro 905847-5677 GLEN Abbey 4 Bedroom . 3.400 sq ft, executive. A/C. security. Double Garage. 5app lia nces. June 1st. $2 .200 /plus u tilitie s . Ref ere n c e s /c re d it check re quired. No pets 825-0109. S.E. O akville. $ 2 l9 5 /m o E xecutive 4-bedroom , 3 baths. 2700 sq. ft. Credit check, em ploym ent letter. Call Wendy 905-828-1122 2001 Nissan P athfinder SE. black, loaded, certified. 30.500km s. Asking $29,900 O B O. Mint condi tion Call 905-681-7669 1997 Sunfire s, ex cellent condition, certified S6.500 O B O C a ll Jenni 905-333-0841 ____________ 1995 Honda C ivic LX. a uto. A/C. G reat shape C al 905632-7884 1995 Taurus GL. 7 pas senger w agon. Loaded. 119K. Krow n rust-proof sin ce new. M int. $4900. 905639-7822 1992 Jeep Y J . V c y l , 5spd. hardtop. New exhaust catalytic, radiator & water pum p. O ne ow ner. 190K. $3,000 905-319-7786 2000 Honda Odessey EX. pow er everything . A/C. loaded P rivate Sale 161 highway kms. dealer serv iced $17,400 obo 905616-0004_________________ 1995 Saturn SL1. 4-door. 5-speed , dark blue a/c. 138K. e -te ste d . safety checked $4500 (416V99&5025 1994 Buick R e g a l- Mint condition. 75.000 kms. one ow ner, fully loaded, c e rti fied. $6700. 905-825-2905 1988 Celica GTS. 5-speed. 179K, e-tested. $1450 as is. obo. 905-510-8127. Public Notice W e have the apartment you 're looking tor! 2&3 Bdrms ·May & Ju ly 6 Jo h n Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 D ay Approvals 'M anaged by Greenwin Property I O A K V IL L E B ronte/ Lakeshore. 1-bedroom on six-plex basement $650/mo +hydro R e ferences and credit check. M ay/1st 905277-0509________ __ O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm New appliances, w indow s. From $ 84 5./mo 905-844-5474 www oakvil O A K V ILL E D ow ntow n- 2 storey apartm ents: 3-bedroom + den. $1525/m o; 2bedroom. $1190/mo. (-futil itie s / p arkin g in clude d). CaB 905-337-7 W5 S.E. B u rlington free hold townhouse. large spacious 4-bedrooms, finished base m ent. C /A, gas fire p la ce , new floors. $173,500 905631-7975 110 apartments condos for sale Come See the Difference! 511 G uelp h Line, B urlington C o m fo rta b le 1 B edroom Suite from only $850Vm o. A vailab le A pril. S u n k e n liv in g ro o m s , w in d o w s in k itc h e n s , b re a k fa s t n o o k s , 2 o u td o o r p o o ls ....C a ll 90 5-6 37-9 72 5 WE spe«clalize in Condom inium Sales & Rentals Call Lind a Davies Real Estate Ltd . R e altor. -4347 I lots & acrcoges OUNOAS lo ts- 2 over slzed ravine lots with elevation & view, central, fully serv iced Pnvate $152,000 & $163,000 905-628-5468 DUMP S ite s w anted fo r road building m aterial and or clean fill. Will grade and level Call (905)844-4330; (905)273-7036_____________ E T & l lost & found FOUND: S m all tan dogSouth A ld e rsh o t- We ca ll ·Bunny' Call 905-637-7325 to I D. FOUND: b eige/ tan cat in the Shore Acres area. We ca ll W illow . Please ca ll 905-637-7325 FO UND: brown suede em broidered belt. C entral Park V illa g e . A p ril 13th. Call 905681-3952 FOUND: cellp h o n e case. V illa g e Square (B u rlin g ton). Apr 4th. Call 905-6316796 LOST: O mega mens wrist watch No real value. |ust sentim ental. Reward Contad: Paul 906-681-3205 OAKVILLE'S BEST VALUE impeccably dean property, oversized, newly renovated suites w/dishwasher. Handy location, steps to shopping and Sheridan College 1 & 2 bedrooms from $950/mo Call 905-844-7332 O A K V IL L E . Q ueen M ary/ Riverside. 243 bedrooms. Fam ily b u ild in g . Near am enities. Im m ediate. $820/m o . $990/m o. 416592-0437; 416-255-4562 O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Im m ediate: 2-bedroom . $1050/m o.. 3-bedroom . $1225./mo. (^parking). 905844-9006 O AKVILLE: 392 Pine Ave at C o rnw all & T rafalga r R enovated, la rge s uites W alk to E ve rythin g. 142 Bedrooms from $845. 905337-0910 O A K V IL L E - Near D ow n tow n. Renovated 2-bedroom in quiet adult building Large bright unit. $775/mo. (parking in c lu d e d ) A v a il able May 1st 905-277-4728 BU R LIN G TO N , 1276 M a ple Crossing #1404. Pres tig io u s 'G ra n d R egency", large 2-bedroom +sunroom east exposure, full recrea tion fa c ilitie s . $1300/m o.. U tilitie s included. Nonsmoker/ no pets. 905-5751501 BURLING TO N Central. 2bedrooms New hardwood. No dogs. $685/mo. hydro, includes parking, M a y ls t. or June 1st 905388-5236. BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom apartment, $725/mo. utilities included. Avail/June 1st.Quiet building, near lake. Call 905634-8089 (3pm-6pm) BU RLIN G TO N C entral Spacious 2-bedroom, clean, quiet bu ild in g . A v a ila ble June 1st. $83l/mo. Call 905336-6690 BURLINGTON Ghent Ave , 2 bedroom , stove, fridge, sm all bu ild in g , no pets. A va ila b le May 1st. 905637-9333 BURLINGTON. 700 Dynes Road. 2-bedrooms, full-size washer/ dryer, cable/ parking included, $1000/mo. M aylst Sandy. 905-338-7482 BU R LIN G TO N . 2-bdrm Clean, quiet, w e ll-m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. $789/mo. + hydro. May/1 St., (No dogs) 905-664-2659; 905-572-7631 BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1 & 2 bedrooms available immediately from $795/m o. U p scale quiet build in g close to m ajor shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON- newly renov ated clean 1 -bedroom apartm ent available April, $700/mo 905-634-6814 2-BR Suites H ydro in cluded. Across from B u r lington M all. M ature te n ants. 'P rin c e s s ', 905-6398009 O A K V ILL E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available Minutes from QEW. GO S tation, shopping, dining. U tilitie s included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive. BEAUTIFUL Trendv iy Burlington Neighbourhood 505 L ocust St. (B ran t & O ntario) W a lk to th e la k e & S p e n c e r S m ith P a rk A tta c h e d to In d o o r m a ll · C e n tra l A ir W aterdow n! Edith Court Clean 1&2 Bdrms Available Mar/Apr. Includes utilities. Parking Available. 1994 C h rysler Town & C ountry Van- 352K (Hwy Km's), leather interior, good tire s, good shape well maintained As is. $2500 416-436-8665 1997 GMC S a fa ri- clean, well maintained, fully load ed. leather interior, body in exce lle n t con d itio n . CD player, new tires, brakes. 194K. S e rvice history. $10,700. 905-616-1449 DOWNTOWN O akville . Church Street Units avail able. $550- $1050/m o. in c lu sive 4 16 -42 0-39 52. 905-842-9275 O A K V ILL E Downtown Retail space approx. 1400 sq.ft. parkin g a vailab le. S1475/mo! fu tilitie s . 905337-7135. LA R G E 2 B E D R O O M SU ITE From $1 01 07m o · A va ilab le April 905-690-1896 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. New ly renovated 2 -b e d room . A/C. hea ting Rec facilities June. $ 1 127/mo. in clusive. parking. 905* 777-7095. Ext.57297 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. Century building. Recently renovated 1-bedroom apt., ava ila b le im m edia tely Please ca ll Derek. 905510-6529 DOWNTOWN O akville, la rge 1 -bedroom , deck, fireplace. A/C. parking. No pets or sm okers. Im m e diate $ 1400/mo. inclusive. 905-844-8581 DOW NTOW N B u rlington Large recently renovated 1* bedroom . A /C. parking, w alk-out. $875/m o.. May 1st. 416 -42 0-39 52. 905842-9275 DOWNTOWN O akville. Lakeshore. 1-bedroom . $900 . 2 bedroom. $1,000 A v a ila ble May. 416-4203952. 416-270-0687. 905842-9275 Tel: 905-333-9008 EXTRA large Bachelor. 1& 2 bedroom suites available In beautiful O akville build in gs Large balconies. Close to schools & profes sio n a l serv ic e s Easy a c cess to QEW & 403 Very reasonable 905-844-2646 or 905-845-0987 2 bedroom s a v ailab le Starting at $930/mo. park ing. Indoor pool, sauna. R avine settin g . In-house Laundry fa c ilitie s / 24hr concierge QEW / Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 142 Bedroom A partm ents Available April/ May/ June from $69 5./m o. C o nven ie n tly lo ca te d W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. B u rlington. 905632-4265 CA N A D IAN A . Q uiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available im me d ia te ly / M ay/ June. 5220 Lake shore, B u rlington. 905-632-5486. 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents. 110 South F oster Park. Oakville. Available May. 1st. 905-849-8411; 10am-8pm 2-BEDROOM, clean, central B u rlington G hent/ Brant. Available May/1 st Near bus station, shopping, highway access. Parking $760/mo. 905-333-1799______ B U R LIN G TO N , Prospect Park. 1&2 bedrooms Quiet clean building S750to$875 No pets, ca ll Diyanna, 905-631-9748 First Month FREE! Call for Details Quiet Family Living at W a lk to G O 2067 Prospect St at Brant St. 2418 Glenwood School Dr, Burl. (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 G UELPH L in e / Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. $800/m o. utilities, first/ last. June or July. No pets. 905-336-7901 (9am6pm.) NEW Renovations- Avail able April/ May/ June. 2&3bedroom s, parking. No basement. Starting $850/ mo -fu tilitie s . North B u r lington 905-319-9104 LU XURY 3-4 bedroom townhouses. fam ilyroom . basement, backyard, From $ 10 99^ p arkin g & hydro. 905-639-0950 BRANT/ Fairview - Luxury 3bdrm tow nhouse. 5 a p pliances. C.A.C.. basement. 2 p arkin g asking: S1250. Apnl/1st 416-414-3975 BRONTE. Newly renovat ed 3-bedroom s. 1-1/2 baths, 4 appliances, hard wood floors. $1200/mo utilities. May/ Ju n e lst 905338-8041 N. B u rlin g to n bright, clean 2-bdrm. skylights, 5 app lia nces, c/a. deck g a rage. large storage $1100/ mo 905-320-8953 EX C E LLEN T tow nhouse fo r rent $13 75* 3-bdrms, walk to dowritown Oakville and lake. Call Ana Mendez 416 -49 5-23 27 CB T errequity. GLEN Abbey: 2200 sq.ft . execu tive 3-bedroom . 3 bathroom s. 2 fire p la ce s, c/a, double garage. May 1st. 905827-7126 $$ G overnm ent Funds $$ Grants and loans inform a tion to start and expand your business or farm . 1800-505-8866 TANNING SA LO N O ak v ille great c lie n t base. mMust sell re: health. Seri ous e n q uiries only 905639-6058_________________ l ^ u ] mortgage, loans C A L L S in c la ir C ockburn, 905-844-1245. 1-yr 4.20; 5yr 5.29, ARM 4.15. Also eq u ity m o rtg a g e program s, re g a rd le s s o f in co m e o r credit $$ M oney $$ 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M ortgages Bad credit OK. Call Ontano Wide. 1-888-307-7799 2 BEDROOM Immed.-From $935/mo 1 parking included » Comer Suites Avail » Gleaming parquet flooring > Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... BU RLING TO N F ulltim e live-in nanny for 2 children. Legal. Non-smoker. Refer ences. Flexible hours. 905713-7912 LIV E -IN N a nny/ H o use keeper required for October 1st. 4 children 9. 6. twins 15m onths. References. 905-320-7431 LIVE-O U T M illcro ft area, infant & preschooler. May sta rt. ECE p referred, e x p erie nce & ca r required 905-616-2563 O A K V ILL E Father and 2g irls need non-sm oking live-out homemaker to pre pare healthy, nutritious and good lunches/dinners, ac quiring and stocking of the fridge and pantry, dishes, laundry, light housekeep ing on weekdays. Must be flexible and have transpor tation 905-842-5950 W ANTED dead or alive! All types of older m otorcy cles. W ill pick-up and pay cash C all C h ris at 905257-4106 2001 Honda VTX1800 black, only 2.000kms.. like new, Vance & Hines sport pipes. $15,000 9 05 -33 11343 90 5-631-0033 LOVELY APTS! 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park D r., B urlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW Bachelor fro m $700 2-Bdrm fro m $965. A v a ila b le M a y C all today to view : SPRING has fin a lly a r rived and now is a great tim e to address the dam age that winter has done to your vehicle. C all D Car Doctor for a free no obliga tion estimate Great prices. Friendly service. 905-6324882 -fc & 7tr N E W LYR enovatedfor rent 1. 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments Close to all am eni ties $1150 to $ 13 90./mo indusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy 205 Q ueen M ary D rive 905844-9670 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1-Bedroom M ay/ 1st. 1363 Lakeshore, Bur lington across from Spenc er Sm ith Park, 905-6378431. 7-days. 9am -6pm , (Ring Apt. #101) BA SEM EN T apartm ent, on quiet street; 2-car park ing; exclusive use of patio, backyard: spacious and modern, fireplace, washer/ Dryer. $1000/mo mcl. utili ties Immediate occupancy. References required. 905842-8375 GLEN ABBEY: two-bedroom, pnvate walk-out; laundry; one parking only; jacuzzi bath. No smoking/pets. Available immediately Call (905) 8476831. furnished rentals TAX'S not filed? Personal and sm all business p re pared/ E-filed. I will pick-up/ deliver Call 905-331-8389 I business services /personals STORAGE Space. West Burlington. 1700 sq.ft. heat ed. 550 pow er available. $1.000/m o Call 905-5270915 905- 3 3 5 - 3 0 0 1 O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca Renovated. Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777 WEST Oakville- 2-bedroom basement, separate entrance, la undry, p arkin g, non smoking. no pets. Suits 1-2 persons. $910/mo. inclusive. June 1st 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -1 3 8 0 . after 6pm OLDE O akville. Steps to la ke & dow ntow n. 1-b e d room. C/A. C/V. Available May 1st. $900/m o. In c lu sive. Suit m ature fem ale. 905-844-3663 LA KE View! O ld O akville, close to lake. Shopping just outside fron t door! 2-bed rooms den. 2-bedroom. 1bedroom. Bachelor... from S750/mo. -$1400/m o. No deposit & no lease Please call 905-844-6952 TYANDAGA Terrace. Bur lington T ow nhom eeApartments Freshly paint&d (1 &2 storey) 2-bedroom 6 A p r/M a y . 3*bedroom s. May/June Walk-outs to pn vate cedar patio. Situated on p riva te . pa rk-like grounds at. 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr.. 905-336-0015: 1460 T y a n d a g a -P k Or , 905-336-0016 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 1275 Elgin Street. One 2Bedroom. May/ June; One 3-bedroom . June. Freshly decorated, spacious, well maintained & quiet with up graded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 E-mail: tycourt® lor info. Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 1&2 Bdrms · April from $855/mo. LO VING care fo r your ch ild in my hom e (75:30pm). large Indoor/ out door play area Crafts and other activities. Reasonable rates, receip ts. B rant/ Plains. 905-631-9257, for appointment. EXPER IENC ED Early C hildhood Educator a vail able for fu ll-tim e qua lity childcare in hom e E xce l lent references. North Bur lington 905-331-3148 HOME childcare available E xp erienced bilin g u a l E.C.E. mom in Bronte. Ref erences. Receipts. Please call 905-469-0671 DA YC AR E A va ila ble in sm oke-free Glen Abbey home. Tons of experience, lots of TLC. Very reliable Large play area In d oo r/outdoor. Hot. n u tri tio u s m eals and snacks. CPR. R eferences, Re ceipts. Call 905-827-4534 LICENCED Daycare for inf ants - 4 year olds. Glen Ashton/ Eighth Line. 905337-7250* AZ truck driver/ bobcat op e ra to r/ crane operator. Lan dscapin g. Part/ F u ll tim e. G olden Horseshoe area. 3-year le tte r of e x perie nce. $15.84/h< Call Marc 905-681-7777 Personal Assistant required for Founding Distributor Awareness Corporation in Oakville. For immediate appointment cal or fax your resume Ph: 905-844-3363 Fax: 905-844-3373 Email:gallcock1@ CASH IERS& Maple Maple Grove Drive. Oakville TIRED of w orking nights and w eekends? Join the Molly Maid team. Transpor tation and training provid ed Call 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students C L E A N IN G / R estoration Technician. Experience in carpet cle anin g helpful. G ood d rivin g record. Re sponsible, service oriented. S e rviceM a ster O akville Disaster Restoration 905847-0995. SA LES , Bay Portrait Stu dio, B u rlington. In-store promo. Earn great $$$. P/T. F/T training. 905-688-4441 ext. 293 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Avail. May 1st. Call Now! 905 639-8583 LARGE 1-bedroom a p a rt m ent in new tow nhouse. Upper Middle/ 8th Line, eatin kitchen, large living room w ith deck F ridg e/ stove/ dishwasher/ share laundry. Large bedroom with w a lk out to yard. Utilities/ air in cluded. C ar parking for 1 car. No pets/smoking. June/ 1st 905-827-1546 PRIM E Downtown B u r lington, U pgraded b u ild ings, 1,2&3 Bedroom Suites. New windows. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth: 905-634-9374 * 2-BE DRO O M S : $870 / mo. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffice Open 11am-7pm. Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761 OAKVILLE- Kerr & Speers. 2 bedroom apa rtm ent. $911/mo. includes utilities. June 1st 905-849-4782 905-681-7126 FREE First Month with ap proved c re d it! G eorgian A p artm ents. 1.2&3 B e d rooms. Apr./MayJune. Heat/ hydro in clude d. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 905-639-0456. M-F: 9am4pm. 6:30-8pm NO RTHSHORE Towers. May- June- July. 2-bedroom. (>$33. parkin g). U tilitie s in clude d. No Pets. Q uiet Building. Diane. 9am-7pm. 905-681-1307* Burlington. DOW NTOW N O akville, Reynolds St. S pacious 2bedroom , 5 app lia nces, w oodburning firepla ce. C/ A, parkin g. $ l3 7 5 /m o .+ June/ July. 416-270-0687, 416-420-3952. 905-842-9275 BRONTE Harbour Club 1bedroom. 1 bath, fully fur nished. Includ es linens, crockery etc. S h ort term considered. F irs t class amenities in building. Avail. M ay 1st. $1750/m o. in cludes utilities. Call Sylvia C rom pton, Sales Re/Max Aboutow ne R ealty Corp. 905- 338-9000.________ BU RLING TO N- Spacious, im m acula te furn ish e d 1bedroom apartment in house by Ikea. with private entry, w alk-out, patio/ backyard, cable/ AC/ laundry/ parking. No smoking/pets. Available im m ediate $1200/m o. Inclusive 905-466-3354 EXEC UTIVE 1-bedroom w e ll-fu rn is h e d basem ent apartm ent (B urlington), separate entrance, parking. Suit single. Non-sm oking. First/ last, available imme diately. S850/mo. inclusive. 905-729-4786 BU RLING TO N dow ntown new 3 bedroom executive townhouse. 2.5 bath. 6 ap pliance s. hardw ood throughout. Garage +4 car drive. $ 1500/mo utilities. Call Tony 905-631-6948 BURLINGTON. Brant North of QEW. m aisonettes available June 1st. 2-bed room $875/mo. 3-bedroom $950/mo. Including hydro + 1 parking, private backyard. HeterV George. 905-332-0118. BURLINGTON 2-bedroom av ailab le May. P ark-like setting. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. 905333-1190. NORTH Burlington 3 bed room tow nhouse in sm all complex, near parks, school, shopping. 1.5 baths, single garage. 4 appliances, A/C. $1275/m o.+ utilitie s. 905336-3174, 9am-8pm B U RLING TO N. A ppleby/ P ineda le. walk to GO. $ 5 0 0/inclusive. F irst/la st. P a rtia lly furn ished ba se m ent. sepa rate entrance, available immediately. Tel ephone & internet hook-up no included. Shared kitch en/ la undry / main bath. Prefer non-smoking profes sional female References required. 905-333-4775 FURNISHED bedroom , share bath. K itchen p riv i leges U tilitie s included. Pool, hot tub. $ 1 l0 ./w k ly . Ford Plant area Nonsmoker (905)467-4519 CLEAN and private home East Oakville, non smoking professional commuter pre ferred, in clude s private bath and parking. C all (905)845-6374 274 daycare wanted RPN part-tim e 16+ hours/ wk. Loving care provider for 14-yr. old male, south Bur lington home. 905-634-1757. O A K V ILLE : Live-in care giver required, 4 children. Flexible hours References required. 905-257-2054 LIV E -IN C a re g iv e r- p ro fe ssion al, expe rienced, com passionate care for c h ild re n , e ld e rly or d is a bled. Phone Helen 416708-8686 JL