Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: W E D N E S D A Y J U N E 2 6 2 (X )2 · P a g e B 3 Please forw ard announcem ents fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers R d , Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-337--5567, em ail blokhuis@, or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250, B EF O RE N O O N M onday to be included. Notices are listed fre e o f charge. N eed to talk? Peer Counselling avail able Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Drop in. Confidentiality assured. The Women's Support Centre, Ste 210, Hopedale Mall, Rebecca and Third Line, 905-8475520. Centre closed Saturdays and Thursday nights in summer. H alton Chapter, M ultiple Sclerosis Society, Annual M em ber S u m m er Luncheon, July 2, 12 noon, The Abbey Grill, 270 North Service Rd. W. (Oakville Town Centre). Cost: $7 each. Arrange own trans portation. RSVP to 905-681-8770, and if needing a ride. SonCanyon River Adventure Vacation Bible School, July 8 - 12, 9 a.m. - noon, Faith Baptist Church, 1415 Trafalgar. Call 905-842-0938 to register. W ED NESD AY JU N E 26 Walk Taras H. Shezchenko Memorial Park with M PP M ike Colie, Liberal critic for GTA, and Oakvillegreen. Tour o f portion of 1,100 acres of environmentally sensitive lands containing 11 headwater streams and possibly 22 wetlands in Trafalgar Moraine owned by Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) and slated for sale to developers by province, 3" - 4 p.m., at 1363 Dundas St. W, north side o f Dundas west of Dundas Street Bridge and east of Third Line. Entrance to the park across from Proudfoot Trail. Meet at gravel parking area at 3 p.m. Call Oakvillegreen Renee Sandelowsky 905-847-9990, cell, 905-808-9990: Hank Rodenburg 905-8498979; or Arthur Lofsky, assistant to Mike Colle, 416-325-8707 Marian M ontessori School Pasta Night, 5 - 7 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall. Fundraiser for school organized by parents. Also silent auction, clown, door prizes and surprises. Tickets $10 each, children $5. To buy tickets, call the school at 905-827-8125 and ask for Marie Silva. June's Talk at Oakville Naturopathic Clinic, 7:30 p.m.. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, at clinic, 127 Trafalgar. Free. Call Leslie Scott at 905-844-7718 to register. Joe Clark, leader o f the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, speaks at luncheon meeting of Halton-Peel Chartered Accountants Association, 12:30 p.m. M ississauga G olf Club. Pre-registration required by June 21. Members $40. Non members $50. Call Gul Nawaz, 905-2735888. C ARP - C anada' s Association fo r the F ifty Plus, Halton chapter, 7:30 p.m., Burlington Seniors Centre, 2185 New at Seneca, (Central Park), Burlington. Speaker: Ellen Ross, Halton Regional Health Department, Importance o f Good Dental and Oral Hygiene for Seniors. Guests welcome. Call Harry, 905-335-5717. TH U RSD AY JU N E 27 The Oakville Overachievers chapter o f B N I - `The' Business Referral Organization is holding a Visitors Day at The Oakville Club. Business breakfast, 7-8:30 a.m. For information or a reservation to attend, call Tim Niblett, 905-339-3846. PA Day Boredom Neutralizer A rt Camp, full day program for ages 6 - 10, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., optional babysitting to 5:30 p.m., in lakeside setting o f Gairloch Gardens. Separate camps available in English and French. Tons o f intelligent fun for $30 - $25 for Family Members of Oakville Galleries. Class size limited to 15 students. To register or for more information, call 905-844-4402. Halton A n d Peel Professional Executive N etwork (H APPEN ) networking support group for unemployed business profession als, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker: Marla Jam ieson, Neighbourhood Link, W hat Colour is Your Job? Members $5, non-mem bers $10. Call (905) 339-0268 or M ichael Wilson, chair, Toronto-Peel Mental Health Implementation Task Force, speaks at 4th annual meeting of Halton-Peel District Health council, 7 p.m., Mississauga Convention Centre, 75 Derry Rd. W. at Hurontario, Mississauga. RSVP, Sandi Kent, 905-814-5995 Ext. 100. e-mail CATC a n d H A S S Children's Assessment and Treatment Centre and Halton Adolescent Support Services joint annual meeting, 6 p.m., Burlington Central Lions Club Hall, 471 Pearl, Burlington. Open to public, call 905-634-2347 Ext. 217. F R ID A Y JU N E 28 Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., 1 to 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointment only, call 905-815-5966. Have you lost a loved one? Bereavement Group, Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney, Fridays 9 a.m. Everyone wel come. Call Babs Hodgson, 905-844-0573. SA T U R D A Y JU N E 29 Oakville Children' s Choir Bon Voyage Concert, St. Simon's Anglican Church, 1450 Litchfield, 7 p.m. Tickets, $5, available at the door, or by calling the choir office at 905337-7104. Halton Region M useum Open House to view newly renovated Alexander Bam and Visitor Centre, 1 to 4 p.m., in Kelso Conservation Area, Milton. Call 905-8752200 or COMMUNITY UPDATE A BOOST FOR THE CLUB: T elus S u p e r P ag es, a new c o r p o r a te s p o n s o r o f th e O ak v ille W a te rf ro n t F estiv al, p r e s e n ts c h e q u e fo r $1,500 to `T h e C lu b ,' a n after-sch o o l tu to r in g p ro g ra m o ffered to bo y s a n d g irls in G ra d e s 3-8 in d e s ig n a te d O ak v ille schools. H o ld in g th e c h e q u e fro m left a r e a r e J o h n K u b a c k i, P re s id e n t T h e R o ta ry C lu b o f O ak v ille T ra fa lg a r; C a ro le S h e p h e rd , P ro g ra m C o -o rd in a to r a t T h e C lu b ; a n d K a th e rin e M e n ea r, E v e n t M a n a g e r a t T elus. T elus S u p e r P ag es b o o th a t th e O ak v ille W a te rfro n t F estiv al h o u se d a s to ry -m a k in g te n t a n d g ia n t in te r ac tiv e S c ra b b le g am e to p ro m o te literacy . O ffe rin g h o m e w o rk assista n c e , stu d y sk ills a n d c o m p u te r tra in in g , th e p ro g ra m is d esig n ed to assist c h ild re n w ho ex p e rien c e a c a d e m ic d ifficu lties o r w h o h av e ex c ep tio n al social o r e m o tio n a l n eeds. F o r in fo rm a tio n a b o u t `T h e C lu b ' o r fo r v o lu n te e r o p p o rtu n itie s e-m ail th e clu b o a k v ille@ ao m . Season o f the Three Sisters, Crawford Lake, Steeles off Guelph Line, daily to Sept. 2, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Explore reconstructed Iroquoian village and longhouse, self-guided native games, free craft making, daily dis covery hunt, and stroll boardwalk around lake. SU ND AY JU N E 30 Rattlesnake Goes to the Dogs, June 30 and July 1, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Two all hounds dog shows - Sighthounds, those that hunt by sight such as Greyhounds and Whippets; and Scenthounds, Bassets and Beagles. Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area on Appleby Line north of Derry Jioad, Milton. M O N D AY JU L Y I C H A M P S Day a t Oakville Lawn Bowling Club, Navy south of Lakeshore, 1 5 p.m. Club's only fundraising event of the year for child amputees assisted by War Amps CHAMPS programs. First bowl 1:30 p.m. Canada Day at Oakville M useum at Erchless, 8 Navy, 1-4 p.m. Take a tour of Erchless, enjoy piece o f birthday cake, play Canada Facts Quiz, make a craft, and Old Post Office activities. Call 905-338-4400. Canada Day hosted by Bronte Village VIA and H alton M ulticultural Council. Opening ceremonies 12 noon at Bronte stage followed by birthday cake. Parade leaves Bronte Village Mall and proceeds east along Lakeshore Road to Coronation Park for mul ticultural council's opening at Coronation Park at 1 p.m. Continuous entertainment on both stages during afternoon. Two Laidlaw shuttle buses will drive circuit stopping at Jones and Lakeshore in Bronte, Coronation Park and Hopedale Mall. Children's games and face painting at Coronation Park. Bronte will have booths, displays, and beer garden. Canada Day concludes with street dance fea turing The 45s. West Edge C om m unity C hurch Community Canada Day Celebration, 5:30 - 10:30 p.m., Oakville Entertainment Centrum - Winston Churchill & QEW in front o f AMC Theatres, fundraiser for Credit Valley Hospital Emergency Department 66:50 p.m., Ricco, children's entertainer; 7 7:30 p.m.,The West Edge Band, contempo rary music; 7:30 - 8 p.m., Family Fitness Centre Fitness Troop; 8 - 9:30 p.m., Jacob Moon, recording artist; 9:30 - 9:45 p.m., raf fle draw winners announced for family pass es for AMC Theatre, various gift certificates for local restaurants, massages and golf les sons and more; 9:45 - 10:15 p.m., fireworks. Children's activities - two large inflatable bouncy rooms, face painting, craft tables, children's games. Admission is free. Bring lawn chair. Visit Nearby & Natural ju st got closer New Adventures Weekend June 28-30 Learn about outdoor adventures at our new Gateway Campground! Demonstrations, displays and clinics available on fire safety, canoeing, camping, hiking and more. Bronte Creek Provincial Park's Gateway campground is located at 3201 Upper Middle Road in Oakville. For more information please call (905) 827-6911 The most affordable G4 system ever. 17-inch flat C R T Pow erPC G4 Processor All-in-one design Ultra-small footprint eMac PARKS Bronte Creek See the new eMac and experience our complete line of Apple desktops, laptops, software, peripherals, accessories and services... not to mention our friendly sales and service team. Canadian Computer is an Apple Specialist and an Apple Authorized Service Provider. Visit our showroom or contact our knowledgeable associates for hands on demonstrations and information about Apple products and accessories. For more information call ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 - 6 9 1 1 or www/.ontarioparks.eom A N T I FOUR FLOORS FURNITURE P riced to Clear! C A N A D I A N ^ C O M P U ' S E R Demonstration Showroom · Authorized Service Provider · On Your Site Service Tel. 905-849-0737 · 414 Speers Rd. Oakville INVENTORY CLEARANCE For breaking news, new products and promotions, visit our web site regularly. of w w w . c a n a d ia n c o m p u t e r . c o m f | Apple Specialist Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, and eMac are registered trademarks o f Apple Computer, Inc. Summer Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9:30 - 6 p.m. Friday 9:30-9 p.m., Sat., 9:30-5 p.m. Closed Sunday & Monday. NOTE: Closed Tuesday July 2 for Inventory S 1 0 IS S I N T E R I O R S i. T t o . HaltonSearch.cVm ...ju xt-^cU ch .w m y! 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. (905)844-3530 D o w n t o w n O a k v i l l e s in c e 1 9 5 3