Oakville Beaver, 26 Jun 2002, B5

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday June 26, 2002 - B5 QEP cookbook to raise funds for double cohort graduation and commemorate school's closing By Lindsey Craig S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R Enter your favourite recipes into Queen Elizabeth Park (QEP) School's cookbook to help fund next year's gradu ation ceremony, while also contributing to a final piece o f school history. The special fundraiser, a school coun cil initiative, will help support the dread ed year when both G rade 12s and OACs finish high school, requiring twice the number o f gow ns and equipment, as would normally be needed at a com mencement. QEP principal Regan Heffeman said the double cohort means double the scholarships and double the cost o f print ing diplom as and invitations, to name only a few o f the financial changes. "W e'll be having two grads." he said. "Otherwise, w e'd have to say to kids, 'Okay, your mom can come but your dad can't.'" He said the approximate ceremony cost for one graduating class, including scholarships, rentals, etc., is $5,000, plac ing an estimated $10,000 price tag on next year's dual commencement. Funds generated from the cookbook, which is hoped to come out in the fall o f this year, will help support this extra cost. V ice-chair o f the school council, Cindy McCuaig, said those involved in promoting the cookbook are turning to the com munity for contributions. "We're looking for students, alumni, teachers, past teachers, anyone with an affiliation to the school." she said. McCuaig said the cookbook will like ly be available for $10, and "everything will go to pay for the grad." But those who enter their favourite foods to the cookbook will also become part of the school's history. "It's a commemorative project to help celebrate the school's 30-year history." she said. "It will be one of the last opportumties for members o f the com munity to celebrate the school." Heffeman also noted that those who supported the fundraiser "would be help ing kids walk across that stage next year." The school council is also looking for "quips, quotes or culinary kudos" to include in the book. To submit an entry to Q E P's com memorative cookbook or to place an order, call Wendy Turner at 905-8274101. C r e s c e n t Srirm qth M k iV i/trr PM At Graduation "T im We have great gift ideas from $10 and up* T h e Red Tractor - original acrylic 2 0 "x 4 0 " BILL SAU N D ERS e" O ria im U A rtw o rk (U ld W atches Rings Clocks Bracelets Earrings * selection will vary from store to store R ep ro d u ctio n * C a n a d ia n A r titto Daddy's Litde Girl - original acrylic 2 0 "x 28" BILL SAUNDERS Two Locations in the Mississauga Home & Design Centre Visit our Grandfather Clock Showroom. You could win a FREE Grandfather Clock Iroqu ois R idge Sh o p p in g Centre 380 D u n d as St. E. O akville (Between Longos & Canadian Tire) 2575 Dundas St. W. Barrie Erskine* Oakville Beaver W orking on the Q ueen E lizabeth Park School cookbook are from left, Brian F orem an. Sadia K handaker, and Kim C ottick, and at back C indy M cC uaig. (Just east of Winston Churchill, beside Tony Roma's) (903) 257-2638 (905) 8 2 0 -2 2 3 3 w w w .crescenthill.com Locations also in Oakville Place & Mapleview Malls Host families needed D uring the m o n th s o f July and A ugust, O ak v ille w ill be by invaded and S p an ish F ren ch students, This is a friendly invasion and will be lots o f fun for the stu d ents and their host families. H ost fam ilies are currently needed fo r 12 Spanish students in July, and hom es for Spanish and F rench stu dents for A ugust. T he July and A u g u st program has different stu dents participating b ut fam ilies can participate in both months. T his is the 16th year that Red Leaf S tu d en t P rogram is b ringing stu dents to O akville. The students, m ale and female, range from 13 to 19 years. T h e students attend school and planned activities during the w eek and spend ev en in g s and w eekends w ith their host families. R em uneration o f $150 per student per w eek is paid to the fam ily to off set costs. D uring their four-w eek stay the students enjoy w eekly excursions to C anada's Wonderland, Niagara Falls and Toronto and enjoy a canoe trip from Paris to Brantford. T he students w ill also enjoy M i d n i g h t M adness with its sidew alk sale and the dancing in the streets. T he benefits are num erous. Fam ilies have the o p p o rtu n ity to learn about anoth e r cu ltu re, and new and lasting frien d sh ip s are made. F or further inform ation about becom ing a host fam ily call V e r o n i c a R ic h a rd s -M ille r, O akville co-ordinator at 905-6370879. C hoose from a great selection o f these pre-planted pots and boxes loaded w ith blooms / Mixed Planters H o lla n d P a r k r V/lm f r H urry In And Save D uring O ur Priced from ... End Seas! Cleararn Sale. All Fruit Trees All Nursery Stock Priced From.......... 5 0 « r 2 0 ; a & All 1-7 gallon A r \% Flowering S h ru b s.. i V/off All Rhododendrons a / a & A zaleas............... T*vJ< Control Qnibs The Natural Way All Spiral, Pom-Pom (Si Standard £LC\°/o Evergreens............... O V Jo ff Boxwood 1 gallon ... 3 0 & Nematodes Natural Grub Control Microscopic worms that are naturally occurring in soil, nematodes kill gnibs or their larvae. Apply Guardian/Lawn Patrol any time from May through October. 1 million covers 2000 - 3000 sq. ft. Suggested R etail 34.99 All C otoneaster ... Selected Perennials All O ther Perennials All Vines (Including C lem atis). . . . 50, % ' O ff 9 9 All A nnual Cell P ack s............ All Jumbo Annuals Add cheery colour to your garden with these Jumbo A nnuals from G arden Gallery. T hey're perfect for filling in holes in the border or for pots and containers. All A nnual Hanging Baskets.. All 4" Annuals (Including Herbs). All Vegetables Large Outdoor Clay Pots.. All Ceramic Pots .. Selected O utdoor r & Landscape Design Service & Installation 1 Professional landscape design and co n su ltatio n . DUNDAS 294 York Rd. BURLINGTON 2243 Fairview St. 628-8562 Mon. - Fri. 9am - 9pm Sat. & Sun. 9am - 6pm 639-7740 Mon. - Fri. 9am - 9pm Sat. & Sun. 9am - 6pm We accept: a a «·*= 1 3S* 7 Day Floral Delivery Available At Both Locations · Full Service Floral D elivery 7 Day* A W eek. *2 cu. vard B ulk Soil m in. - D undas & area. D rivew ay P rotective C o v e r A vailable. See in-store for details. Visit us on w w w .hollanJpark.com 1 D o-it-yourself gu id an ce or co m p lete in stallation. B u lk S o il = 1 G r a d e T rip le M ix to r to p d r c v i n g flo w e r b e d s a n d n e w p la n tin g s . 54" 23 °° P ric e includes delivery 1 st c u . v a r d * : E a c h a d d itio n a l c u b ic v a rd July 1st 9am to 5pm

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