Oakville Beaver, 26 Jun 2002, A 1

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DO IT NOW! Lawnmower Service < ^ *6 9 *. CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. Antiquans learn Celebrate Canada with our firefighters Day in Oakville! Page A3 Special section 1661 lakeshore Rd. W . Mississauga 8224211 V Mercedes-Benz CLE.W. & D orval Dr. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER N O R T H A M E R I C A 'S M O ST AWARDED COM M UNITY N E W S P A P E R w i n > m : n i > .\ y . u m : 2 <>. j o o j w w w .o a k v ille b e a v e r.c o m Homeless shelter Information meeting postponed R e g io n s a y s p u b lic n e e d s to b e e d u c a te d By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE B EA V ER S 'lA F F T o n ig h t's p u b lic in fo r m a tio n m e e tin g a b o u t th e S a lv a tio n A r m y 's b id to b u ild a 4 0 -b e d h o m e le s s s h e lte r in I r o q u o is R id g e h a s b e e n p o s tp o n e d u n til e a r ly fa ll. "N o date has been set Ridge North District. y et," said H alton R egion T he proposal, how ever, C om m issioner o f Social and has caused an uproar in the C om m unity S ervices residential com munity. A delina U rbanski, assuring, A fter being shouted dow n "It will be w hen people are w hen it tried to present its back in the sw ing o f things." case at a public m eeting The Lighthouse has been hosted by the Iroquois Ridge in operation since 2000 when R a tep ay ers' A ssociation Halton Region (IR R A ) last j asked the Sal w eek, the Sal " If we're at a point vation Army to vation A rm y j that the community is m oved quickly open an em er gency shelter. to postpone to questioning what's It was first night's m eeting. needed, we need to set up te m T he S al allow the community porarily in the vation A rm y Old G race h asn 't w ith to catch up." H ouse on Old d raw n its bid, · Halton Region M ill Road, but w ants to Commissioner o f Social then relocated take the sum - I and Community Services to the K err m er to focus on Adelina Urbanski Street area. It "public ed u ca w ill m ove to tion." the former C ham ber o f C om "People are questioning m erce/T ourist Inform ation w hat's needed and why in a centre near K err Street and com m unity like O akville," the Q EW next month. said U rbanski. H ow ever, w ith funding " If w e're at a point that available under the federal the com m unity is question hom elessness initiative, the ing w hat's needed, we need Salvation Army is looking to allow the com m unity to for a perm anent hom e and catch up," said U rbanski. currently has its eye on a par adm itting that the public outcel o f land in the Iroquois (See Salvation' page A5) Crowd pleasers E a st C o a st e n ter ta in er s N a ta lie M c M a ste r a n d K im S to c k w o o d e n ter ta in ed a cro w d o f at le a st 12,000 at C o ro n a tio n P a rk on S a tu rd a y n ig h t. F rid a y n ig h t, it w a s T ro o p er a n d A p ril W in e in co n ce rt. H e a d lin e e n te r ta in e r s h ig h lig h ted th e th r ee -d a y U t h a n n u a l O a k v ille W a terfro n t F estiv a l a t C o ro n a tio n P a rk , d o w n to w n O a k v ille an d B ro n te on th e w ee k e n d . A b o u t 120,000 a tte n d ed th e p o p u la r festiv a l, u n d eter re d by rain ea rly F rid ay ev e n in g fo llo w ed by sw elte rin g h ea t o n S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y . F or Woman may have known her abductor H alton R egional P olice w w w .hrps.on.ca. are investigating the possibil A round 7:30 a.m . last ity that a man w anted for last Friday a man jum ped the 54w eek's abduction o f an year-old w om an in the Oakville w om an knew the garage o f her Lindsay Drive victim that he forced into a hom e as she got into her car car at g u n to go to work. point. A r m e d A c c o rd in g w ith a hand to Sgt. Val gun, the man Hay, a picture accosted the o f a man taken w om an as she by an ATM got into the m achine d u r d riv e r's seat ing F rid a y 's and dem anded incident w as m oney, say show n to the police. T he victim on m an then Sunday, as bound the w ell as to w om an w ith P ic tu r e o f su sp e c t ta k e n friends and d uct tape, a t A T M m a c h in e relatives, in a forced her into bid to see if the backseat they recognized him . Sgt. o f her car and drove around H ay said the possibility for tw o hours. exists that the suspect could D uring that tim e, the man, be som eone w ho did w ork at w ho had obtained the the victim 's house or som e w o m an 's PIN num ber, thing similar. stopped at a bank m achine at The photo is available for the T D C anada T rust at view ing at the H alton G uelph L ine and U pper R egional P olice W eb site, (See 'Abducted' page A4) m ore p h o to s o f th e festiva l, see F o cu s a n d A rtscene. Photos by Jamie Smith Special to the Oakville Beaver Belt-tightening board ready to give education director 8.5% pay raise By Tim Whitnell S P E C IA L T O T H E BEA V ER I Editorials............... Afi Update.................. Ftt Focus ................... R1 Home & Garden.... R6 BestWheels........... f l Classified.............. Sports................... Canada Day.......... Artscene............... Business............... C4 f8 1)1 m D6 W hile the H alton D istrict School Board struggles tonight (W ednesday) to balance a $4m illion d eficit, its education director will soon be getting his second 8.5 per cen t salary increase in as m any years. Dusty P apke's pay for 200102 is $152,000 in base salary. His base stipend for `02-03 will be $165,000. The figures do not include the value o f a vehicle allow ance or his benefits pack age. S chool board ch air Ethel G ard in er led the gro u p that approved Papke's contract. She believes the pay increases for the education director last year and Halton District School Board director Dusty Papke in Septem ber are deserved and sim ply the cost o f retaining top ex ecu tiv es in the G reater Toronto Area. G ardiner is adam ant it should be a non-issue that Papke was given an 8.5 per cent boost in base pay for the current school year and is due for another 8.5 per cent increase this fall. R aises for the m ajority o f teaching an d n o n-teaching em p lo y ee g roups w ithin the H alton public b oard w ere phased-in in tw o parts for the current school year, blending for a net increase o f 2.7 per cent, said board business superintend ent C arla Kisko. A five-year director in Halton - previously he w as director at the sm aller M uskoka board Papke is ju st com pleting his first year o f a three-year contract. (See `Public' page A4) Partial DdKrn: Erin Mills Mauia. ??Guarthan Drugs (CIMS). Home Depot, Sheridan Nurseries Lid. Future Shop, theBay, LakesidePlace R etirem ent. Sears. America On Line Canadian PuMcaoors Mjrf Product AgraamaM M M D 1 J PeterWatson M i m s m 10" Pot N V E S T M E N T S Canada Day Hanging Basket >Mixed red & white impatiens or cascade petunias · while quantities last (448956) Our 2n d Great location in Oakville: Trafalgar Village! 99 Cross Ave. (905) 815-5000 RETIREMENT PLANNING SPECIALISTS Free C o n s u l t a t io n 842-2100 P eter C W a tso n H.RA., C.F.P.. R.I .P.. Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7am - 10pm Sun. 8am -8pm > >

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