www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, October 9, 2014 | 46 mo's Family Restaurant Visit us at www.mosfamily.ca monDaYs* TuEsDaYs* "Homemade because we care" FRiDaYs* saTuRDaYs* sunDaYs* HOME-MADE HAMburgEr & French Fries 12 oz. SENIORS 65+ Homemade Halibut with French Fries & Coleslaw FISH & CHIPS ALL YOU CAN EAT PASTA Served with Rösti Kartoffeln & Vegetables wEDnEsDaYs* ThuRsDaYs* only only only only monDaY - FRiDaY 6am-11am (No Holidays) Bacon/Ham or Sausage, Hashbrowns and Toast 2 Eggs $ 00 (extra large) brEAKFAST SpECIAL only only HOURS: MON -THURS 6AM-8PM · FRI 6AM-9PM · SAT 7AM-9PM · SUN 7AM-8PM Banquet Room availaBle 467 SPEErS rD - UnIT B *All day long. Dine in only. 5 3 Eggs $ (extra large) 5 4TH LINE only $ 800 $ 800 $ 1 100 Served with Rösti Kartoffeln & Vegetables AUSTRIAN STYLE SCHNITZEL BUTTER CHICKEN Served with Rice, Vegetable Chutney & Pita PRImE RIb ROAST TURKEY DINNER DINNER (from 11am) With potatoes, veggies as well as soup or salad. $ 1 100 $ 1350 $ 2000 Dinner Only. Choice of potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing & vegetables $ 1 350 50 QEW DORVAL Free Thanksgiving Dinner Monday, October 13, 2014 5:30pm (oUr way of ThankIng oakvIllE for yoUr conTInUED SUPPorT) mo's Family Restaurant 6th Annual "Homemade because we care" · 905-844-7485 N SPEERS Visit us at www.mosfamily.ca FREE To ThE 1sT 201 CusTomERs sTaRTing aT 5:30 pm (No Early Birds Please) Dinner is complimentary. Voluntary donations of cash or cheque to Kerr Street Ministries would be appreciated. A representative will be on hand to accept donations & to issue a tax receipt for $25.00 or more. wiTH Soup & DeSSerT (Beverage not included) 467 SPEErS roaD - UnIT B 4TH LINE HOURS: MON -THURS 6AM-8PM · FRI 6AM-9PM · SAT 7AM-9PM · SUN 7AM-8PM Banquet · 905-844-7485 Room availaBle SPEERS DORVAL N QEW