Oakville Beaver, 27 Feb 2002, B 4

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B 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 27, 2002 HALTON VACUUM D E P O T SPRING INTO GREAT SAVINGS -BEST VACUUM STORE" 3 YEARS IN A ROW COMMUNI TY Please forward announcements fo r Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4; Fax 905337-- 5567, email blokhuis@haltonsearch.com, or call 905-845-3X24 E x t 250, BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. Notices listed free. Drop into the Older Adult Room (open Monday to Sunday l - 4 p.m.) at Iroquois Ridge Recreation Centre, have a cup of tea and find out what's going on for Oakville's 50 plus popu lation. Drop In Badminton every Tuesday from 9 a.m. - noon. Lions Foundation o f Canada holds third annual Art Auction on March 7 at 7 p.m. Tickets $10. call Dennise at 905-842-2891 Ext. 321. Works by Max Hayslett. Heather Cooper, Picot, Dali, and Chagall. Proceeds to train guide dogs for blind, deaf and special needs clients. IIPIIA T E CPR? Red Cross First Aid and CPR Course, March 2 and 3 in Oakville from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Call 905-8455241. Millennium Quilt Exhibit - 40 quilts from across Canada, at Hopedale F > resbyterian Church. 156 Third Line. March 2 -17. Open Monday to Thursday. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., and Sunday. 1 - 4 p.m. Admission $3. Special event: Quilt Lunch and Lecture, with Kim Kemohan. quilter and craft teacher. Saturday March 9, 12:30 p.m. lunch. Tickets $10. call Gail Innes. 905-845-6723. Sue Warden, host o f Sue Warden CraftScapes on HGTV, making unique, personal scrapbooks, and scented soaps at opening of Loomis Art Store. 2501 Hyde Park Gate (Dundas and Hwy 403), 1 and 3 p.m. W E SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST CENTRAL VACUUMS POWER PERFORMER CLASSIC SERIES MODEL PU 199 · Power Unit Model PU 189 Package 107" waterlift canister · 3 0 ' air hose & standard attachment set · Super powerful 136" waterlift canister · Complete with Express Powerhead and 30' electric 2-way hose & attachment set working support group for unem ployed business professionals, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker: Thane Woodside, lawyer, Street Proofing for Employees. Members $5, non-members S10. Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., I to 4 p.m. Cost: $20. For appointment, call 905-815-5966. VOICE fo r Hearing Impaired Children, support group for parents of hearing impaired children, meets 7 p.m., Appleby United Church. Group meets last Thursday o f each month. Call 905-335-1069. Women' s Centre at Hopedale Mall, Rebecca and Third Line. Ste. 210, is now open Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for drop-in Peer Counseling. No cost, and confiden tiality assured. Call 905-847-9104. Compare at $730.00 Compare at $800.00 |99 POWERHEAD/HOSE COMBOS WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 27 Art o f Spiritual Dreaming, book discussion. Free introduction to the relevance o f dreams to your spiritual destiny at Oakville Central Library, 7 p.m. Presented by ECKANKAR. Call 905-257-6688, leave message. A Garden fo r Every House, illus trated talk by Charlie Hogg, gardener and retired teacher, heritage heirloom gardening from historical perspec tive, at Oakville Historical Society meeting, 7:30 p.m., Knox Presbyterian Church, Dunn and Lakeshore. Call 905-844-2695. m D M M A R cai Relay fo r Life team captain recruitment and cancer survivor par ticipation, March 1 . 6 - 9 p.m.. and March 2. 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Oakville Place opposite The Bay. Also luminary sales for Relay for Life, and volunteer recruitment for April campaign. Blood Donor Clinic at Queen Elizabeth Park, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Anyone from the school and the sur rounding area is welcome to attend. Participants must be 17 years or older, no piercings or tattoos within the past year, must be at least 4 foot 10 in height, and 110 pounds in weight. If you have never given blood before you cannot give blood if you are past the age o f 61. if you are a reg ular donator you can be as old as 71. SUNDAY MARCH 3 Music Scholarship Concert in memory of John Macdonald, former music teacher at T. A. Blakelock High School. 2 p.m.. Nelson High School Auditorium, New Street. Burlington. Tickets. $15. available at Blakelock or call Lynda Eady, 905-827-1158. Tickets also available at the door. Also Michael Hitchcox print for sale at special price, 550 (unframed). with proceeds supporting music scholar ship. at Blakelock. Beam Express Powerhead with 30' electric 2-way hose and attachments. The Best o f Youth in Concert. directed by Linda Fletcher and Jennifer Fletcher. 7 p.m.. Walton United Church, Lakeshore and Bronte roads. Tickets $7 single. $25 family. Call 905-827-1643. CARP - Canada's Association fo r the Fifty-Plus, Halton chapter. 7:30 p.m.. Burlington Seniors Centre. 2185 New St. (Central Park), Burlington. Speaker: Professor · Patricia Spadafora, director. Sheridan Research Centre, Sheridan College, Making the Lives o f Canadian Seniors Better and More Fulfilling. Call Harry. 905-335-5717. MONDAY MARCH 4 Women in Business Dinner. 5 - 9 p.m., Otello's Banquet Hall. 2273 Royal Windsor at Ford. Speaker: Elaine Scrivener, Oakville Economic Development Alliance. Cost: $27. Call Sarah Heyink, Chamber of Commerce. 905-845-6613 Ext. 28. SATURDAY MARCH 2 legends in Concert, dinner and auction, fundraiser for Halton Women's Place, Burlington Convention Centre. 1120 Burloak Dr. Martini reception and viewing of over 400 raffle, silent and live auction items - sports, Saturday March 2,5:30 p.m.. dinner 7 p.m. Tickets $75 each. Call 905-332-1200 Ext. 222 to reserve. Are you prepared in case of an emergency ? Can you save a life using Halton Vacuum Depot 2379 Trafalgar Road 257-61 4S At: The Loblaw s Plaza next to Pizza Hut C entral THURSDAY FEBRUARY28 Women in Skilled Trades Network providing ongoing support for women in the Trades industry. Monthly meetings 7:15 p.m.. Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Rebecca and Third Line, Suite 210. Bronte Horticultural Society, 7:30 p.m.. Bronte Harbour Yacht Club. Lakeshore across from Walton Church. Speaker: master gardener Lome Sparrow, starting seeds indoors. New members welcome. Call 905-827-5807. C l e a n in g BEAM M o n . - F r i. 9 :3 0 -6 :0 0 S a t. 9 :3 0 -4 :0 0 S u n d a y C lo s e d It Halton A nd Peel Professional Executive Network (HAPPEN) net \n rn m Mississauga C osm etic Surgery C lin ic D r. M ic h a e l J. W e in b e rg BSc, M D , MSc, FRCS(C) M ich ael's HAIR DESIGN Skin Care CLINIC Special o f the M onth M anicure & Pedicure regularly $51.00 S k e a r C m e e p ts Hair Care for your entire family. Certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon C O M P LE T E C O SM E TIC SURG ERY , N O N SURGICAL WRINKLE TREATMENTS · Botox · C olla ge n · R eviderm · R estylane · A rte c o ll · Facial Peels · M asks R EFLEX O LO G Y · A R O M A TH ER A P Y A D V A N C E D M EDICAL SKIN CARE P R O D U C TS now $ ^ e jo o (Offer ends March 31/02.) 247 Queensway West, Mississauga Financing Available For appointment call 845-4466 Gift Certificates Available MCSC www.mississaugacosmeticsurgery.com e-mail: drweinberg@mcsconline.com Counetlc' Maple Grove Village Shopping Centre 511 Maple Grove Dr., Oakville 10 Sessions of Personal Instruction Free with 1 Year Membership N a u tilu s W o rk o u ts tak e 30 m in u tes o f y o u r tim e. T h e r e s u lts a re fa n ta stic a n d th e w o rk o u t is g rea t! N a u tilu s 10 W eek D iet P ro g ra m . L ose 20 to 30 lbs. A erobic C lasses S tep-T ae `B ox-Stability Ball a n d M o re All m em b ersh ip s include: p ro g ra m s set to y o u r n e e d s o n e -o n -o n e assistan ce as n e e d e d THE Book a free workout. --F! tne" K m m *' r ii n n e ic i a Call 905-844-1610 * Nautilus o aa ,, 1 w o M a k e i V r v iu p I V ^ I i t H ealth F o o d s & S u p p le m e n ts We retail Bed Head & catwalk Products n a u tilu s sp o rts/m e d ic a l inc. Visit us at our new location: Tuesday-Saturday 201 River Oaks Blvd. #1, Oakville EGOSCUE PAIN FREE LIVING PROGRAM FOR TH O SE W IT H C H R O N IC PAIN (905) 338-0440 = Health, Fitness & Wellness EXPO Sun. Apr.14 ^ O a k v i l l e C o n f e r e n c e C e n t r e , W y e c r o f t R d . at B r o n t e R d . N atu ra l H ealth & A lte rn a tiv e M e d ic in e F itn e s s C e n tre s & P ro g ra m s T h e r a p e u tic C e n tre s S e m in a rs ;Your Better Being V o lu n te e r O p p o rtu n itie s C o sm e tic / L a s e r S u rg e ry C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s (905) 842-7733 w w w .le y o g a .c o m HEALTHY BODY - HEALTHY MIND E x h ib ito rs . . . d o n 't m is s th is o p p o rtu n ity to s h o w c a s e y o u r p ro d u c ts , s e r v ic e s and p ro g ra m s. R e g is te r T oday to list y o u r | c o m p a n y in o u r p re -s h o w p ro m o tio n s! E a rly R e g is tra tio n \ D is c o u n ts - c a ll fo r in to . E a rly B o o k in g D iS C O U F lt q Q r n Join us for the Halton Region `Your Better Being Expo April 2002' O u r p re s h o w p ro m o tio n s w ill a p p ea r in the B urlington Post, O akville Beaver, M ilton Cham pion, O akville N orth N ews A o th er affilia ted n ew spapers. For m ore in fo rm a tio n p lease ca ll 905-632-4444 ext 243

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