The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 27, 2002 - A 5 Golden memories of the Olympics The 2002 Winter Olympics were Canada's most suc cessful games on record and provided athletes and specta tors with memories they will cherish forever." Earlier this week, the Oakville Beaver sent out co-op stu dent Jennifer Wolfraim from Oakville Trafalgar High School, armed with a camera and notepad, to ask Oakville residents to share their favourite memory from the 2002 Winter Olympics. Amjad Hussain: "Watching the game Sunday, and seeing the last breakaway goal." Ed Zwolinski: "In speed skat ing when everybody fell down except for the Australian who finished winning the gold." GOING OUT OF BUSINESS CORBETT'S WHOLESALE LTD. 2172 WYECR0FT RD. OAKVILLE, UNIT 14 1 8 $ m = SAT., MARCH 2, 10-4 SUN., MARCH 3, 11-3 FOR 2 HUGE LIQUIDATION M S SPECIALIZING IN BASEBALL S0PIBAU. AND SLO-PfTCH EQUIPMENT including: Bats, gloves, bags, shorts, ball pants, training aids & more... Jackets; Leather, Fleece & Nylon Samples & Specialty Items § Plus Oakville Ranger Teamwear Ernie Jenny. 'The Swiss fellow who won the gold medals at the 90-metre ski jump." Estelle Goulet: "My favourite Olympic memory was Sarah Hughes. She was a miracle. She gave her best and was such a big winner." Fred Rlchaur "When the women won the gold medal, because they lost eight games to the US, and they were least expected to do It" mar Tim Mahony: "Sunday's game, when Sakic scored the last goal." L S r, i i ! MW 1 liNAI. I IO l Ii> V T IO \ 1 m e n u M P U C T T Y HP PHOTOSMART DIGITAL CAMERAS m i nvent Joan Graham: "The women winning the gold in hockey, because so many of them sac rificed so much to get there." Otto Jakubauskas: "Men's hockey team winning gold, * and kicking b u tt" PHOTOSMART 318 DIGITAL CAMERA · 8 MB internal memory plus an expansion card slot · 2.3 megapixels · 1.7 5 " LCD hp pholosmort 318 471681 96 2 9 9 m Janet Kim (left): "Probably, Sunday's hockey game." Linda Lynch (right): "Jamie and Sale, the pair figure skaters, win ning the gold." PHOTOSMART 6 12 DIGITAL CAMERA · 2.31 megapixels · 2x digital & 2x optical zoom · 8 MB internal memory plus an expansion card slot 471899 PHOTOSMART 715 DIGITAL CAMERA 96 3 9 9 · 3.3 megapixels 3x optical & 2x digital zoom 16 MB compact included 473574 JK U dF M JH MS Q KO DA K S EASYSHARE SYSTEM - ONE TOUCH TRANSFER TO YOUR PERSONAL COMPUTER F r i d a yM a r c h1 5 G o u r m e t4C o u r s e-D i n n e r ,D a n c e&S h o w Dance the N ight Away w ith H inton's D.J. Central Kodak DX 3215 DIGITAL CAMERA · 1 . 3 megapixels · 2x digital & 2x optical zoom · 8 MB internal memory with multimedia and SD memory card expansion slot presents ABBA Mania Kodak Zoom Digital C im <ri DX3215 G R O U PD IS C O U N T S 1 0 -1 9p e o p le -S a ve1 0 % 5 0o rm o rep e o p le -S a ve2 0 % 480256 Special order in some stores. Bee Gees Tribute Kodak DX EASYSHARE CAMERA DOCK · Compatible with all Kodak DX series digital cameras · Easy "one button" transfer of images to your computer · Charges camera battery at the same time as image transfer · USB connectivity 478257 Kodak DX 39 0 0 DIGITAL CAMERA · · · · 3.1 megapixels X D m 2x optical & 3x digital zoom Prints up to 11 x 14" Compatible with Kodak EasyShare Camera Dock 471596 5 9 9 OAKVILLE CONFERENCE & BANQUET CENTRE " Ifyou liked Mamma Mia, you'll love Abba Mania!" "Closest thing to Abba anyone has ever seen."from the cm of Mamma Mb Unbelievable * - Ottawa Grizcn bizSmart saves you money with no tee daily business banking, -- -- _ _ _ ______» _ ; _____ tts s s x ttx tts u s s tt When you ban* with bizSmart. you'H NEVER pay any fees for your daily business banking again. Thet means no fees for withdrawals, deposits, bill payments, plus your cheques are free. We also offer wedit decisions in seconds and a no (ea business line ol Credit If b iZ S M A R T Valid until Mar. 6th or while quantities last. Not all items available with delivery or online orders. C a ll 9 05-618-7510 E x t.1 0 0f o rt i c k e t s Door & Cash Bar open at 6:30 p.m. Dinner at 7:30 p.m. Show starts at 9:00 p.m. Dinner, Dance & Show $47.95 per person. Plus taxes. Show only $26.00 per person. Plus taxes. OAKVILLE QEW at Dorval Drive · 210 North Service Road W. · 2460 Winston Churchill (at Dundas) B R A M P T O N 1250 Steeles East (East of 410)(b) · 80 Great Lakes Drive(b) · 2937 Highway 7 East M IS S IS S A U G A 1530 Aimco Blvd.(b) · 5900 Mavis Rd.(b) HOURS Mon-Fri 8AM-9PM Sat 9AM-6PM Sun 11AM-5PM STAPLES B u s in e s s D E P 0 T .b u s in e s s d e p o t.c o m WWW 2515 Wyecroft Rd., Oakville (Bronte at QEW)