C 6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday A u g u s t 13, 2003 BEAVER / r > \ THE T H E OAKVILLE O A K V IL L EB E A V E K TO PLACE AN AD CALL V | T | 1 houses for sale M ILTON. Love ly 3 bdrm In m ature tree d fam ily neighbou rho od. New w indow s (except bay) 2000. new sliding door from diningroom to deck. C/A & C/V. p ro fe s s io n a lly m od eled base m en t w ith bar. Price: $ 22 0,00 0 ca ll 416* 706-7551 or 905-693-8708 B U R LIN G TO N North. 3336 C a rdiff C res. 3 -b e d rooms. c/air. 2.5 baths, up graded in '02 thro ughout in cluding roof. $269,000 905-331-5666 evgs. Open House Sat/ Sun 12 5pm FREE house 950sq. ft. ap prox. Very good condition. Must be moved by Sept. 1. Bronte O akville. 905-8784 3 1 0 ____________________ GORGEOUS updated 2+1 bedroom O a kville home, hardwood floors throughout, gas F/P. new ly renovated basement. 50 X136* property Backs onto park, desirable Riverside Drive area. Walk to aH amenities. $294,000. C al Laura to view 905-847-1284 I [ I K l private sales BUYERS fin d p ro p e rtie s no agent w ill show you at www openhousenews.com. Sellers pay 0% co m m is sion. 416-YES-SOLD C la ssified 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: opportunities BONUS!All classified ads appear @ » » » oakvi Ilebeaver. com The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com 905-632-8165 MON. · FRI. 9:00am · 5:00pm lost 4 found Circulation: 905-845-9742 W w Ji I daycare wanted G E N E R A T O R tra n s fe r sw itch $150; K enm ore w a sher $450. 2 -yrs. old. Beaum ark s e ll-c le a n in g oven $175. 905-842-1568 G IR LS bed. book shelf hea dboard. 3 draw e r b a s e .6 m onths new m a t tress. matching night table and desk. $250 obo. 905319-0992.________________ _ HO T Tub/ Spa. A ll self c o n ta in e d , a ll op tio n s, w / cover. 2003 m odel, new. still m wrapper, cost $8900. sacrifice $4,100. 905-304- Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 »Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 - Services 700-795 LO S T: Bird- Peach laced love bird , green. D ow n town Burlington. Call 905634-4331__________________ LO ST: C at. w h ite w tan m arkings, d a rke r head, blue eyes, lo o ks lik e ' Siam ese. A p p le b y/ L o n g m oor. A u g.5th. Reward. 905 333-8948 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either involved with printing and publish ing or dependant upon prom otion and publicity or delivery to homes in area. Interested in business clearing more than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 BURLINGTON'S BEST VALUE Find a ResRENT property that's just right for you! 2051-2067Prospect St 505 Locust St 511 Guelph Line 640 Guelph Line 5200 Lakeshore Road 4067 Longmoor Drive 1360-1422 Tyandaga Pk Dr COMEHOMETV... C U M BE R LA N D V ILLA G E 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 ap p lian ces · Eat-in Kit. B asem ent · P lay g ro u n d · Parking Conveniently located near schools and the Burlington Mall Shelter Canadian Properties Limited LO O K IN G for som ebody to take care of 2 children, ages 4 4 3. Monday-Friday. 12-5pm . in my hom e or yours. S o uth B u rlin g to n . 905-639-4244 P A R T-TIM E N anny. W alkerstslew for 1 4 4 year okl girls. Car not a necessity. Flexible hrs. Great for retir ee. 905-631-0232. C H AR M IN G 2 -bedroom condo/ stacked townhouse. Large patio / garden. Bur lington. $900/mo. utilities. 905-338-2493. After 5pm 3-Bedroom Available SEPT. 15 UPGRADED B E A U T IF U L B u rlington 2-bedroom s (a d u lt 4-plex b u ild in g ) G round flo o r, backyard, private entranc es. w h irlpoo l, appliances. Lots of parking. No pets/ children Available Sept. 15. $1045/mo. inclusive. Sam. cell# 905-516-6733.________ 2-BE DRO O M a pa rtm e nt. Kerr St. Very good co n d i tion. $88 5/m o. in clude s stove, fridge, w ater, heat. Im m ediate posse ssion. Adriano Ferreira Sales Rep.. Century 21 Miller Real Estate Ltd 905-845-9180. 2-BE D R O O M and 1 b e d room , cle an, cen tra l B u r lington Ghent/ Brant. Avail able Sept. 1st Near bus sta tio n . shop ping, highw ay access. Parking $760/mo. and $650/mo. 905-333-1799. 1-BED R O O M apartm ent, a v a ila b le Sept. 1st. Har* b ourview Plaza, corner ol Lakeshore & Bronte Rd., Oakville. Call 905-825-1261. 2-BEDRO O M luxury w a lk ou t base m en t apartm ent, with 2 full washrooms. 2 car p arkin g, in East O akville Rent $1250/m o p a rtia l utilities. Available Septem ber 1st 905-829-5775 2 Bedroom A p artm ents available immediately/ Oct. $745/mo. Conveniently loc ated W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. Burlington 905-6324288 1 Call (905) 632-8650 www.resrenl.coni condominiums NORTH BURLINGTON TOWNHOUSE $1.350/mo.*utilities Beautiful 3-bdrms.1.5 baths w/tinished recroom. End unit w/garage Private greenspace in rear All appliances inlc. Call Barb 905-332-7093 lor app't to view NEW 2 bedroom . 3 bath, townhome. in the village of A n caster. easy access to 403. F inishe d basem ent w ith la rge Rec. room, and o p tio n a l th ird bedroom or den. 5 a p p lia n c e s , fir e p la c e . A /C. $1350. 905333-0002 EX EC UTIVE 3-bedroom tow nh ouse. Downtown Burlington. 2.5 baths, fire p la c e . c /a ir. garage, a p pliances. $1495/mo. Aug7 S e p t.1st. N igel M aunder. A sso cia te B roker. Sutton G roup A b out-tow n. 905681-7900. LA KES H O R E at B ronte Road. 3 bedroom sem i-de tached. with gas fireplace. 1 year old remodeled kitch en. garage, and much more. $2054 * utilitie s. 1866-558-5518 Roy Megna DUMPED s.w.m. needs TLC late 50`s, good condition for ago. romantic, well dressed, good manners, mce car Not rich, seeking mature lady lor meaningful, long term rela tionship. call 905-643-2004 S O P H IS TIC A TE D lady seeks gentleman for dassical performances intelligent conversation and more. PO box 52617 Mississauga ON L5J-4S6 Q U ALIFIED Tutor (or will tram) needed for part-time tutonng. Oakville area. Af terschool. weekdays, wee kends. (416)503-0045 7775.________________ HOT Tub 2003. all options, redw o od c a b in e t, never used- still in wrapper. Cost $9,995 Sell. $5,000. 416746-0995 LIFE G ear T otal Body W orkout Bench. Excellent condition, (no weights) $50. 905-632-4537 M O U N TA IN Bike- "Ag g re sso r-G T ' 2003 m odel. O nly 30 made. 21 speed, w ith B e ll H elm et. Never used Regular $700. Asking $350 Firm 905-845-5394 MOVING must sell. Peplar bedroom furniture; assorted chairs, dressers, futon, so fas: O ld a p p lia n ce s but w orking:end tables, some wicker. 905-632-5287______ MOVING Sale, side by side fridge, e lectric stove, king water bed. chest freezer, air hockey table. 905-335-4659 ask for Walt or Janie. M OVING sale: Oak table and 4 ch a irs $400. 905825-2596_______________ M O V IN G : D inette suite, table w/leaf. $90; oak kitch en table (tor 2). $75; stereo equipm ent. $95. 905 -25 77817. MUST se ll, fridge and stove, excellent condition, alm ond c o lo u r $500 obo 4 1 6 -48 0-31 13 Renee, or 647-227-1973 NEED a Com puter? Don't Have C ash? The original IBM Pentium 4 PC for $1 a Day! No $$$ dow n! Fast Delivery! Free Digital Cam era! C all Now! 1-800-6568369 www.dollaraday.com PATIO awning- 15-1/2 *x 10\ Blue and grey $600. 905827-2630 PIA N O . S h erlock M an ning u p rig h t, w ith bench, good condition. $1200. Call 905-842-0878._____________ PIANO, used. Young Chang, small upright. Black ebony finish. 88 keys. $1750. 905845-0845_________________ REFRIG ERATOR, Maytag 16.5 cu. ft., almond. Call 905-849-7773_____________ REUP H O LSTE R o f and custom made chairs. Great Job. great prices! D ining chairs starting from $25/ea. including new foam. 289259-7887_________________ SNOW BOARD- 2000 Bur ton#?. 150cm. Ride P re s ton LS B indings, used 2 seasons. $20 0.; Burton Moto Boots, m en's sz.9. $50. 905-847-9457_________ SOFA-BED in good condi tion $300 and matching love seat $ 100. round kitchen table, rattan base, top glass $100 O.B.O 905-331-2082 TOP Publishers book sale! 80% off 4155 Fairview St Burlington Ont. (KFC Plaza) TRISH Romance: Heart to Heart. Laura Berry: Silent Snowfall. Teddy's Hideaway. T oronto R a pto r's Custom Leather Jacket. Best offer Call 905-335-0984 W ALKER, wheel chair and lift ch a ir $75 /each ; bath seat and com m ode $50/ each sco o te r $500 905631-1254_________________ W A LL unit. 3 piece, solid oak. $450 M ahogany TV arm o ire from Bom bay Com pany. $350. Toshiba microwave. $60. 905-3318430 W AS H E R / d rye r w h ite. 2 full size dryers, apartment sized dryer 4 stove Excel lent condition. 905-335-2059 "W HIRLPO O L" fridge with ice m aker and W hirlpool se lf-clea ning stove. Good con d itio n , alm ond colour. S250both 905-632-9833 W IN NIE the Pooh b e d room set, captain s bed. w/ m attress, headboard, end table, chest of 5 drawers, toybox. Asking $700 obo. 905-842-8914_____________ C l L l articles wanted Room (D ow n tow n apa rtm e nt). P riva te bath. Great view. Close to a m e n itie s! N on-sm oker. First/last 905-849-4585 O A K V IL L E : room a v a il able In quiet clean hom e, ca b le , la undry, parkin g. Separate entrance $425/mo. Can 905-257-1437. OAKVILLE: 8th / U pper Middle 1-bedroom in family home. Shared bathroom and kitchen . U tilitie s , cable, laundry tn-duded. First/ last $450/mo. 905-337-8249 O AKV ILLE: room in tow n house. share fa c ilitie s . Parking 4 utilities, internet included. Im m ediate. C all Jeft/Loh 647-295-6246 SH A R E house w ith two males, available in middle class neighborhood. Pool, and u tilitie s included. For clean individual. No pets. $400 mo. 905-639-6255 BU R LIN G T O N / W aterdow n area- ava ila b le im mediately. 1-bdrm. shared bath 4 kitchen. $410/mo u tilitie s in clude d. Derek 905-690-0286 LIV E -IN caregiver profes sio nal. experienced, com passionate ca re for c h ild ren. e ld e rly or disabled. Phone H e len 416-708* 8686: tico-caregiver.com LIV E -IN ca re g iv e r r e q d January 2004 Non/smoker, references req'd. Please Call o nly betw een 11am-4pm Wed 4 Fri. C all 905-634- 6183._________________ NA N N IE S needed live m out full/ part-time. Oakville 4 Burlington. Experience re quire d. H igher Learning relenais. 905-681-8397 NANN Y re q u ire d for 2 w o nderful babes under 2 . N on-sm okers only. R e fe r ences. Experience a must! 905-333-7199 NANNY. Starts September full-time. Mon.-Fri., live-out, for 2 girls age 5 and 3. Upper M id d le / W est Oak T rails. Oakville. Driver licence re quired 905-825-3762. N A N N Y / hou sekeeper re quired. 1-5:30pm MondayFrida y, for 9 and 11 year old. R eferences required. Septem ber start. 905-8447021 BOARDING available. Aged 4 pleasure horses welcome. Boxstalls available. Individual or group turn-out. Freelton. 905-659-5251______________ K i l l e a furniture S O F A /LO V E S E A T set from S toney C reek F u rn i ture. enchanting Victorian summer pattern, used only 1 yr. $1150 obo. Can 905-5758288 Call Now! 905-639-8583 TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT A GREAT LAKE! BRONTE, ON THE LAKE. 1&2 Bedroom suites with lake views and upgrades.... hardwood, ceramics, window coverings. Flex, avail, dates. Underground parking, pool & tennis in cluded. , For info, call S ir ( fo e lu v d 905-827-9169 y www.ontim.com ! J I for rent WALKER S/ Upper M iddle-1 bedroom . 5 app lia n ce s, fre s h ly pain te d , c/a. c/v, BBQ allowed, hrst/ last, ref erences. A vail. Sept. 905575-3227 BU R LIN G TO N . to w n house. walk to lake Master bedroom, loft with ensuite. vaulted ceilin g s/skylig h ts, hardw ood in livin g room , gas fire p la ce , la rge prof. finished base m en t w / 3 piece bath. C/A. Price re duced $181,900 1275 Ma ple Crossing #29 905-6394364. To view www. priva terealestate ca O A K V IL L E W est Oak T rails. 3 bedroom to w n house. free hold, corner lot w ith la rge fu lly fenced backyard 3 years old. Ap prox. 1500 sq ft. 2.5 bath rooms. C/A. $238,500. 905469-4853 B U RLING TO N Brownstones. Clean, convenient and good looking town home. 2bdm um ain floor family rm Fireplace. C/A, C/vac. p ri vate patio $16 9,90 0 C all 905681-9575. _____________ TOW NHO USE for sale 2 bedrooms. 3 baths, applianc es. garage. Gienada Cres.. Oakville, behind plaza. Pri vate. 416-626-3922 O A K V ILLE Place area. 6 plex on North Service Rd. 2 *bedroom , im m ediate. $800 m o. utilities: 1 -bed room. Sept. 1st. $650/mo.+ utilities. Call Sal, 416-9906100 ______________ O A K V IL L E s pacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from QEW . GO S tation, shopping, d in in g . U tilitie s included Please call 905845-7545 to in quire about our lim ite d tim e rental in centive. B U R LIN G TO N . 383 St P aul S treet: 2-bedroom , from $799/m o. Includ es heat, hydro, parkin g . For a pp ointm ent. 905-6346903. W ell- m aintained by Jordan & Williamson O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities 199 Queen Mary Im m ediate & S e p t.Bachelor. 1.243 bedrooms starting from $780./mo ( parking). 905-844-9006 B A R / stereo oak cabinet. Like new! $100 O.B.O. Call 905-633-9388 BOYS M ountain bike. S portek S ilve r B u lle t. 20" wheels, excellent condition. $90. 905-827-5971_________ B U N K BED bedroom set. organ, exercise bike. $ 100/ all. 905-633-6880__________ CO FFEE tab le and 2 end table s. Black w ith glass. $100Jail 905-844-4352 B u r lin g t o n T O W E R S T ?2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled A/C! 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.ontim.oom A ll The Advantages o l Condo Living 1-BR + solarium August & Sept. R ec. facilities. 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area1 »905-315-8993® BEAUTIFUL. New/ Guelph Line. 2-bedrooms, balcony. 4th floor. $975/mo. 4 -hydro approx. $35/mo. Immediate. 7 0 5 -3 2 7 -0 6 4 6 ; 905-681 7568. __________ C R O S SP O INTE . 2 Bed room s, th ird level, across from Mapleview. wood fire place. p riv a te balcony. $1050/m o utilities. Oct.lst. 905 319-0114. BU RLING TO N 2-bedroom ground floor condo available Aug.29th. Mainway/ Walkers Line. $ 1 100/mo. 4 -utilities. 905-319-9036 evgs | ! u | houses for rent RIVER O aksIm m acu la te 3-bdrm . 3 baths, fin ish ed base m en t w /flreplace, la rge fenced yard, deck, garage. 5 applianc es. A/C. $1625/mo. -futili ties. No s m oking / pets. Sept.lst 416-432-1188. FOR Rent O akville. 3bedroom bungaloo main floor. 4-appliances, close to tran sit. $1375+. C all fo r a p pointment 416-875-7181 BU R LIN G TO N ; central 3bedroom sem i. 2 -baths, rec-room $1075/mo ······ 3bedroom bungalow , recroom. garage. C/A $1175/ m o.;*** B u rlin g to n large ranch. 2 ca r garage. 1.5 bath, fireplace, C/A $1425/ mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905-632-5690 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl Mall 3&4 Bdrm from S925. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST R ENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON' Amelin Property Mgmt NICE 3-bedroom with fire* place. 1.5 baths, fam ily room . 4 appliances, hard wood. $1139/mo.. Sept 1st: Large 2-bedroom . 4 ap pliances. hardwood floors. O c t.ls t. Park lik e setting. Arlington Blvd.. Burlington 905-681-0070. www.pmon bne W A LK E R S I.n e Upper Middle. New two bedroom townhome available im m e diately. from $1350. « utili ties. 905-82 8-67 67, 416821-1741_______________ M cC R A N E Y / T rafalga r Rd. Oakville. 3-bedrooms. 5 appliances. C/A Available S e p t.ls t. $1200/m o. San dy. 905-338-7482 EAST Burlington. 3 bdrm, newly decorated in quiet ma ture complex. Walking dist. to s c hoo ls and shopping. Avail, immed.. $1100/mo *utilities. Call 905-639-5355 for appt. to view. 3-BEDROOMS. 1.5 baths, garage, air, new carpets. freSh paint. G reat M ilton location. Aug.15th $1200/ mo. utilities. 416-435-4054. BU R LIN G TO N . Francis/ North Shore area. 3 -b e d rooms. c/air, freshly deco rated. npw carpet. 3 a p pliances. $ 1 150/mo 4 -utili ties. First/last.905-547- 8136 BURLINGTON. Brant Street. 3-bdrm m aison ette to w n house. fenced yard, hard wood. laundry. $925/m o.+ util Sept. 1 905-336-7207 BU R LIN G TO N . Tyandaga area, executive mature ten ants. co u rty a rd charm . 4bdrms den, 2 fireplaces. 3 bath. 1872sq/ft. $ 1400/mo + utilities. Avail. Oct. 1 Call 905-336-6379. BU R LIN G TO N - A p pleb y/ Upper Middle 3-bdrm. 1.5 baths. 5 appliances. 1400/ mo. 4 -u tilitie s . A v a ila ble S ept.1. F irs t/ Last. 905315-8929_________________ BURLINGTON. 3 bedroom m aisonette, onsite laundry facilities 4 parking. $1050/ mo. 4 -hydro. Call Cherie. 905681-3146. I_ _ BU R LIN G T O N : East, 4 bedroom. l.5baths. garage, recroom , C /A. $1075/m o B u rlin g to n : 3-bedroom . 2 store y, balcony. 1.5baths rec-room . $1030/m o A l bert M cDonagh Ltd. 905_____________ 632-5690 SO UTHW EST B u rlin g to n - M ature subd iv is io n . Spacious 3-bedroom townhome w/garage. central air, 2*1/2 baths (in c l. large master ensuite). applianoas, gas fireplace, walk-out to deck 4 backyard. W alk ing distance to all am eni ties, in c lu d in g GO. Just seconds from QEW. A va il able Im m e d is te ly $1358 mo. futilities. 906-638-1099 BU R LIN G TO N . $ 1 .100/4util.: Sept. 1st. 3 bedroom tow nhom e, 4 a pp lia nces, C lose to Q EW / lake (905)842*0272____________ O A K V IL L E 3 bedroom tow nhouse. app lia nces, garage Near schools. $1350. /m on th 4 -u tilitie s . Newly decorated. (905)270-2693 O EW 'Guelph L in e ' share townhouse Q uiet, m ature non-sm okm g fem ale, fu r nished bedroom , parking. A va il. S eptem ber. $550/ mo. All inclusive. 905-3321610. ___________________ ROOM lo r ren t-n e w home near S h eridan College. Full house privileges. $550/ mo. 905-845-8263 or 905·257-3221 (James) . ________ RO O M M ATE w anted to share spacious maisonette w/young professional. Brant/ Mount Forest area. $425/mo. 4 -utilities. 905-332-3393. LARG E Room for rent. Share townhouse with pro fe ssio n a l fem ale. P riva te bathroom, laundry, cable u tilitie s incl. A va il, im m e d ia te ly Near a m enities. Bus/ GO. Call 905-331-5864. SH AR E b e a u tifu l 4 -b e d room Southeast Burlington home. Single/ professional ow ned, sin gle prefe rre d . A va ila b le S e p t.ls t. 905617-0274. ______________ SH ARE 3-bedroom to w n h o u s e - Dynes R d./ P ro s pect (near Burlington Mall) $ 5 0 0 /in clu sive , u n d e r ground p arkin g in clude d Im m ediate. C all Jim : 905592-9915 WEST B u rlin g to n - 4 bed room lu xu rio u s fu lly fu r nished m aison ette. 2.5 baths, washer/ dryer. $350/ mo. Im m ediate. 905-6329125. GUELPH Ln. area- beautiful house to share. Renter gets bdrm+ full house privileges. Female preferred. $500/mo. 905-315-7290 NEW LY renovated townhome. Furnished with a/c. pool. W inston C h u rc h ill/ collegeway. Starting $475. Utilities included. 905-9794710 BU RLING TO N Northwest Large room available. Se c u rity check required . Sm oker okay. C all 905332-0808 before 9pm. L/M STUDENT special to share townhouse near Sheridan College. Includes laundry/ kitchen privileges 705-7916141; 905-849*4410. OAKVILLE place- 2-rooms in clean quiet non-smoking house. $475/$550m o inclusive. Call 905-338-0938 BU R LIN G TO N M all area 4-bedroom townhouse. 1.5 baths, la undry, fin ish e d basement, satellite, bar. Im m ediate $400/m o. Brad. 905-631-7381. M OTHER S he lp e r w a n t ed- B u rlin g to n . N orth of D undas St. B a bysitting eve n in g s 4 o ccasional overnights. Own transpor ta tio n req u ire d Fax re sume 905-319-2937 CO R O LA hitch. $75. Punching bag. $50. clothes line $25 905-331-6878. DOG pen- 10'x1 0 '. $50. 905-659-1283 FOR Sale - N orco Bush Pilot bicycle. 21 gears. 26" tires. 31" frame. $99. 905844-4700 FREE: 486 C om puter, keybo ard 4 m onitor. Has W indow s in sta lle d . C all 905-332-3243. FR EE: Large e n te rta in m ent unit 4 broken chest freezer. Call 905-634-6852. IKEA bookshelves, wooden finish, roughly 7ft high, per fect cond.. 2 units for sale asking $7&ea. Call 905-3389222._____________________ S O FA -B E D tan le a th e r ette double sized $60 905637-3267_________________ TOPSOIL manure decorative rocks- la w n/ garden. M a sonry rocks/ retaining wall. 905-854-9867 _________ TR UC K cap. S'xB' $100 obo. 905-339-0237 N E W LY R enovatedfor rent 1 . 2 4 3 bdrm. apa rt ments. Close to all am eni ties $1150 to $ 1 3 9 0 ./m o inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occup ancy. 205 Q ueen M ary D rive 905* 844*9670__________________ B R O N TE o n - th e - Lake . O pen concept 1-bedroom . Lake vie w s, p a tio , h a rd wood. ceram ics, v e rtic a l Winds induded. Pool, tennis Sept. 1st $905/mo. parking induded. 905*827*9169 W ATE R D O W N . Newly renovated and p ainted spacious 2-bedroom base ment apartment. Separate entrance $800/m o. 905690-9318_________________ NEW LY renovated 1-bed room 4-den basem ent a pa rtm e nt, sepa rate e n trance, cable, air, parking, utilities included, no sm ok ing/ pets. Speers/ Dorval. $780/mo. 905-845-2323 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1-bedroom, out door sw im m ing pool 1363 Lake shore. B u rlington scross from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431, 7-days. 9am-6pm, (Ring Apt. #101) BU RLING TO N C entral. 2 bedrooms New hardwood. No dogs. $690/mo. 4-hydro, includes parking, Septem ber 1st. 905-38 8-52 36, 905-634-7088. ___________ 2-B E D R O O M S : $87 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line R ental O ffic e Open 1la m -7pm. Mon.-Sat. 905639-576J__________________ BU RLIN G TO N Downtown 431 M artha Street. 1 4 2bedroom $795/ $850/mo. 4 hydro. First/ Last. 905-6372820 Leave message. BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1 4 2 bedrooms a vailab le Septem ber from $795 /m o. U pscale q uiet b u ild in g d o s e to m ajor shopping. 905-632-0129 BU R LIN G TO N C entral ava ila b le S e p t . 1st. Extra la rg e b rig h t 1-bedroom , separate entrance, utilities, cable included. $800/mo. 905-639-36 2 3 . _________ BURLING TO N Downtown, w a lk to lake. 2-bedroom apartment, balcony, parking included. From $795/m o. hydro. Im m ediately 905631-0191._______________ BU R LIN G TO N H ighr.se Large attractive apartment. Free m icrow ave l 2 -b e d room s $795/m o. 3 -b e d rooms $895/mo. utilities in cluded. (Parking available). Available immediately/ Sept. No pets 905-632-0961 B U R LIN G TO N - Large. 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet build in g near d ow n town. Parking. $750/mo. Call Annie. 905-634-5885. BU R LIN G TO N . 2 bdrm C lean, qu ie t, w e ll-m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. $789/mo. + hydro. September, and No vem ber (No dogs) 905572-7631:905-664-2659 BURLINGTON. 700 Dynes Road. 12th flo o r. 2-bed room s, fu ll-s iz e w a sher/ dry e r, cable* p arkin g in clu d e d . $1000/m o. A v a il able im m edia tely. Sandy. 905-338-7482 BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom, separate entrance, parking, near GO. No smoking/ pets, suit single $750/mo. Sept. 1st. 905-815-7174___________ HEADON Forest. B u rlin g ton. 1 -bedroom apartment, share kitchen/ laundry, bus route, fem ale non-sm oker, $580/mo. Imm ediate. 905319-1347. EX TRA la rg e 142 bed room s uites a v a ila b le in beautiful O akville building. Large balconies. Close to s c hoo ls 4 p ro fe s s io n a l se rv ic e s . Easy access to QEW 4 403. Very reason able. 905-844-2646 EX TRA la rge 142 b e d room s uites a v a ila b le in beautiful O akville building. Large balconies. Close to s c hoo ls 4 p ro fe s s io n a l services. Easy access to QEW 4 403. Very reason able 905-844-2646 ALD ER SH O T (w est Bur lin g to n ) new ly renovated b ach elor w ith fu ll kitchen available immediately. $625' mo hydro. 905-633-8547 MUST see to app re cia te ! 3055 G le n c re s t Rd.. B u r lington. C e ntrally located, well-' maintained, spacious! 142 Bedroom Apartm ents ava ila b le S e p t./O c t. 905* 637-3921 LA K E View 4 Park View ! Old Oakville, close to lake Shopping just outside front door! 1-bedroom from $985. No dep o sit & no lease. Please call 905-844-6952 W ATE RD O W N: John St. Walk everywhere. New App lia n c e s 4 window s. Up graded 1. 24 3-bdrm s s ta rtin g $770. U til. Incl. 905-68 9-16 47, 905-690 4454 w w w .w aterdow nrent ers.com PRIM E Downtown B ur lin g to n . U pgraded s uites 1 .243 Bedroom . New windows. Modernized ele vators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth: 905634*9374 TW O bedroom apartm ent a va ila b le A u g .15. 1130 Q ueens Ave.. (N ear O ak ville Place). $i010./m onth. Indoor pool, cre d it check req u ire d . 9 05 -33 9-11 59. 905-844-1106 ____________ O A K V IL L E 2-bedroom basem ent apt. S eparate entrance, la undry, new er k itchen , bathroom , large w indow s. $790-*-utilities. Sept0«iber 1st. Suit young couple. No smoking/ pets. 905-469-1577 ________ OAKVILLE, new 1-bedroom basement apt near transit, shopping Separate entrance, parking, cable. 5 appliances. U tilitie s in clude d. No smoking/ pets. References. First 4 la st. $750. 905SI 5-99S3_________________ O AK V ILLE : bright 1 -bed room basement apartment. Parking, cable, utilities in duded. Sept 1st. Suit single person only 905-847-6599 BURUNQTON 2-bedrooms. $770. Near all amentites. Free parkin g. A v a ila b le Im m ediate ly. Sept. 1st. 4 Oct.lst. I860.. ( 90M 31 -1826. 1-bedroom $795, hydro, parking extra. 80 Speers Rd. O ak v ille , Speers 4 Kerr 905-842-0565 DOW NTOW N O a k v ille , Large 1-bedroom or office m ain le v e l, dishw ash er, backya rd, $14 00/m o. in c lu s iv e . im m edia te. Suit adults only. No pets, nonsmokers. 905-844-8581 B U R LIN G TO N Headon Forest. 2 bedroom on ground floor. Garage, new decor, carpet, appliances. $154,000. 905-315-0216 O FFICE & W arehouse Space: 1.800 squa re feet o ffice $ 1 .800/m o gross. 2.200 square teet W are house. 20 ft heig h t, no posts $850/m o plus heat. Appleby & Harvester. 905681-6899 Tyandaga Terrace Burlington Situated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private walk-ouls to cedar hedged patios. 2&3 Bdrm Apts at 1440,1450 · 1460 Tyandaga Park Or. 905-336-0015 906-336-0016 B A SE M E N T apartm ent, G uelph Line/ C e nte n n ia l Immediate $799/mo. Nonsm okers. No pets. 905332-4677._________________ STEPS Irom dow ntow n O a kville . ' D evonshire A p artm ents' . 2-bedroom , $ l2 5 0 /m o .. O ct.; 3 -b e d room. $1350/mo. Sept. 15th; U tilities/ parking included. Q uiet building, wheelchair accessible 905-844-1934 O A K V IL L E . Kerr Street 1& 2-bedrooms. July/1 st 4 August/1 st. Sept/1 st $825 $925/mo., Includes parking. 9am-6pm. 905-339-2437. C A N ADIANA. Q uiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing Very spacious 1,243 bedrooms available im m e d ia te ly / S e p t./ O ct 5220 Lakeshore. B u rlin g to n . 905-632-5486. B R A N T / L a k e s h o re - 2bedroom , C lean, Q uiet building, (ridge and stove, parking. Oct/1 st $750/mo hydro. 905-662-8558 360 Torrance St. Stunning vie w s in dow ntow n B u r lington. Beautifully renovat ed. spacious 1.2 & 3 bed room s suites at affordable prices. Walking distance to lake, parks & shops, o u t door pool w alking tra ils & much more. From $899 in clu sive . For app ointm ent call 905-681-8506 C H ILD C A R E a va ila b le in my home, third Line. TLC. hot m eals, larged fence p lay area. 4 year e x p e ri ence. Extended hours 7am - 7pm. Call Kan 905-466-7357 C H ILD C A R E ava ila b le before/ after school starting September. Bronte Woods area near O rcha rd Park school. 905-631-9869. DAYC AR E ava ila b le 2-6 years, part-time, before and after school. Appleby Mall area. Angela. 905-681 6496 DAYC ARE a vailab le, my home. Guelph Line/ M oun tainside. Lots of TLC! CPR. References. Receipts. 905319-0030._________________ ECE Mom a va ila b le 10years expe rience. N u tri tious meals, creative activi ties. Headon Forest area References. Call 905-3367904. ___________ _______ ECE Mom- 19*yrs. expe ri ence- any age w elcom e Endless TLC, variety of out ings. nutritious meals. Ref erences. North Burlington. 905-332-5630.____________ ECE Registered home day care (Guelph Line/ Mountain side) has spaces available. Infants welcome Hot meals, crafts, lots of T.L.C. 905331-9147._________________ ECE. Mom of one has spaces available. J 8 months and up. Police, T ire, health and CAS checks. First aid and CPR. P lease ca ll Christina at 905-315-7631. FA M ILY hom e daycare 8th Line 4U pper M iddle, educational activities, nutri tious m eals. Safe, loving environment. 905-815-9313 FU LL-T IM E daycare available. Lots of TLC and understanding. CPR. First Aid. Police checked, crafts, sto rie s, d a ily outin gs, hot m eals, re ce ip ts. Headon Forest area. 905-319-9333 M ATURE lady looking for 2 full-time children in clean s m oke-free enviro nm e nt, fenced yard, lots of love 4 care. Excellent references. West Oak Trails/ Third Line. Call Margaret 905-469-1493 O A K V ILL E East Daycare available, two spots- be fore/ after school, full/ parttim e. N u tritio u s lunches. R e gistered w ith H alton. 905-829-2125. P R IV ATE Daycare. North B u rlin g to n hom e. 25 yrs. exp for 1 toddler ages 3-4 905-331-1092. R E L IA B L E , lo ving home d ayca re in O akville , f u ll time only. 10years experi ence. Safe enviro nm e nt, nutritious snacks/ lunches, lots of activities. 12-mos. 4 over. Liverpool/ Third Line. Call Jackie 905-465-0812. FULL and part-time spaces ava ila b le in SW O akville hom e. Full program p ro vid ed. R eference s a v a il able. 905-825-5508 NU RTURING loving home d ayca re. 25yrs. exp. E .O a kville. Fun, learning e nviro n m e n t. N u tritio u s snacks/ hot m eals. O u t d oo r play, large fenced yard All ages. Receipts. Krystyna 905-844-2700 REG ISTE R E D D aycare Provider (6th Line 4 Upper M iddle) w ith spaces for S e ptem ber 1st. Ages 12 months and up. CPR. First Aid. 16 years experience. Sm oke-free no pets, arts and crafts, outings, fun and safe. Megan 905-339-3334 O A K V ILL E dow ntow n o f fice/ retail space for lease. A pprox. 1100sqft. $1550/ mo 4 -GST includes utilities. Available immediately. Cell 416- 573-7446 DOW NTOW N O akville , prim e o ffice /co m m e cia l space. 1100 sq. ft. $1125/ mo. 375 sq. ft. $530/mo ( utilities) call 905-337-7135 O A K V ILL E dow ntow n o f fice space, with full kitchen, approx. 750 sq. ft. Parking available. $1400/m o 4 - gst. u tilitie s in clu d e d . Im m e diate. 905-844-8581 A king pillow -top m attress set. New in p la s tic . Cost $1600. S a crifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver BEAUTIFUL diamond, white gold, engagement ring, pnncess cut, 5.60 grams, values at $4000 sell for $2000 obo Call 905-643-2004._________ BED, Am azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warran ty. $150. 905-567-4042 BED, new queen orthope d ic m attress, boxsp ring. New in plastic. Cost $899. se ll $275. C all 905-3793 87 3._____________________ BEDROO M set. 8 -pce. cherryw ood . Bed. chest, d resser, m irro r, night stands. D ovetail construc tio n N ever opened. Cost $ 8,000. S a c rific e $2400. 905-567-4042________ j___ BEDS, New. Double. $220: Queen. $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. R e furbished VC R s. TVs. record players, portable CD players. 905-681-9496. BEDS, new wooden bunks $300 J e n n -A ir stove w ith BBQ $250. Dining table $100 905-637-8382_____________ B L IN D S : p le a te d w hite lace/ teal 62x52: green ver ticals 70x44; soft multi-coloured Roman shade 62x46. 905-336-6189. CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster 4 100% nylon c a r pet. W ill do livin g ro o m 4 hall for $389. Includes car pet. pad 4 in stallatio n (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 C E LLP H O N E. 6 m onth old Samsung colour screen cell phone. Tri-mode. Telus m o b ility user. $200. C all 905-630-3821._____________ C H E S TE R FIE LD - French Provincial. 8' in deep dusty rose velvet w ith m atching chair. $500. French Prov incial drum 4 coffee tables, $250. Kenmore HD dryer. $200. All prices firm. 905632-4645 COMPACT teak dining room table/4 chairs. $175. Single bed $75. Lightly used. 905681-6460._________________ COUCH 3 cu sh io n . 84*. never used. Upholstered in conte m p o ra ry sty le , light n eu tral shad es w ith 2 m atch ing th ro w pillow s. $300,905-336-2101 _____ COUCH and chair suitable for rec. room. $250. office desk armoire $250 obo.. call 905-825-4036.____________ DIN IN G room ch a irs 6 . beautiful pecan wood, cane back upholstered seat Best offer. 905-825-2550 DINING room sej 7-piece, da rk w ood $450. red oak w a ll-u n it 3 -pie ce $400, good condition 905-469-9567 DINING RO O M , 13-pce. cherry. 8 chairs. B u ffet, hutch, server, dovetail con s tru ctio n . S till in boxes. Cost $11 ,000 . S a crifice $3,000. 905-567 9459 FIREKING (2). fireproof fil ing cabinets. 4 drawer ea. 53" high x 21" wide x 31.5" deep Exc. cond. Requires new lo cking m echanism s. Asking $400/ea. Call to see them. 905-825-1800. BRONTE VILLAGE MALL Well-established indoor shopping mall in west Oakville with 35 stores incl. Sobeys. Pharm a Plus. Space for lease suitable lor photo finishing & cam era, medical I denture lab. Tel: 905-825-0719 EXEC UTIVE O p p o rtu n ity to create w e alth. 1-877234-6057. www.developing wealth .nel_________________ [ ^ | mortgage, loans $$ M oney $$ 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M o rtg a g e s . Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide. 1-888-307-7799 BU SINESS F inanca Specialist. Business loans for all purpose s. From Pnme >1%. 905-690-9875 C A LL SC FS - 905-8441245. 1-yr 3.85. 5-yr 4.80. ARM 4.35. Also equ ity m ortgage program s, re gardless of income or credit. SU R R EY LAN E APARTMENTS 695 Surrey Ln.Burl N EW M ANAGEM ENT NEWAPPRO ACH FULLY R ENO VATED Major Upgrades 1, 2&3 bdrm. avail. Irom S705/mo utilities included. $250 move in bonus on select units Call our On-site office 905-639-0456 w w whom estead onca DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 1279 Elgin S treet. 243 Bedrooms available Sept./ O ct. F reshly deco rated, spacious, w ell m aintained ft quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe high* rise living. Call 905-637-0321 LAKESHO RE/ Maple. September 1st. 1-bedroom from $825/mo. Parking e x tra. Heat/ hydro included. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. N ear Mapleview/ hospital. Great highway access. 905-632* 5258______________ . LA K E S H O R E /K E R R ST. 2 storey apartments: 3-bedroom + den. $1400/m o, 2 bdrm $1125 ( u tilitie s , parkin g in c lu d e d ). C all 905-337-7135._____________ HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t.. clo s e to la k e / B ronte H arbour. Sept & O ct.: 1bedroom from $950/mo.: 2bedroom from $ 1095/mo. ( parking) 905-825-0816 O LD O a k v ille - P ark like s e ttin g , very w ell m a in tained building. 1 block to fine dining and shopping. 2 bedroom from $ 1 175/m o C all 905-845-5787 or 905330-2770__________________ O LD O ak v ille . Spacious, q uiet 1-bedroom , balcony, parking, yard, walk to GO. shopping, hospital No pets/ smoking. 905-844-9340. D O R V A L/ R e b e c c a - 2bedroom apartment. $830/ mo. + hydro. A v a ila b le Sept. 1st. 905-337-9413 3-bdrm bungalow w/barn on 2 acres in Oakville. $1650/mo. On ravine. Immacu late. 3-bdrm corner t/ home, lamilyroom, 5 ap pliances. N E Oakville $1750/mo. 4-level Backsplit N . Oakville $1800/mo Call Joe Rupcich Broker 905-844-0363 Oakdome Realty Ltd O A K V IL L E - 2 .3 4 4 B e d room townhouses available Im m ediate ly thro ugh O c tober. 4 a pp lia nces. Hoped ale M all area. Lakeshore M anagem ent, 905-876-3336 G EO R G IAN C o urt E s tates. King/ Plains Rd.. Bur lington. Large 2 4 3 b e d room tow nh ouses. fu ll basements. Utilities includ ed. C all 905-632-8547. www. realstar.ca O AKVILLE. River Oaks- 3bedroom luxury townhome on ravine, fireplace. 2- 1/2 baths, finished basement, e n s u ite / Jac u z z i. 5 ap plia n c e s . A/C Includ es snow rem oval/ lawn m ain tenance. $1550/m o.-f u tili ties. A va ila ble Septem ber 1st. 905-257-8776 LUXURY 3'4 bedroom town houses, family-room. bsmt, backyard. From $1099/mo ·parking 4 hydro. 905-6390950. www.linwood.com U P SC ALE 2-bedroom . 1bath. $ 1 195/m o. 4 -utilities w attached garage. North B u rlington. Im peccable c o n d itio n . All app lia nces. Available im m ediately. No sm okers/ pets. Days 416707 -94 38: eve n in g s 905319-1265._______________ __ LARG E 3-bedroom , 5 ap p liance s. garage $ 1220/ m o.+ u tilitie s . O c t.ls t. Longmoor Dr.. Burlington. 905-681-0070 www.pmon line.com GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. $850/m o. utilities, first/ last. Oct. 1st. No pets. 905-336-7901 (9am-6pm.) NEW LY R enovated 3bedroom townhouses start ing at $925/m o. utilities Available Sept./ Oct. park ing in clude d. N orth B u r lington. 905-319-9104. SA U B LE Beach 3 -b e d room cottage. Aug.16-23rd. lireplace. firepit. gas BBQ. large deck. $800/wk. Sept. $650/Wk. 519-4220252. ^ cottages for rent/buy MUSKOKA. Lakefront co t tages 3 ,4 4 5 bedroom s available weekly (August), weekends/ weekly Septem ber/ October. Call Bob Sadlier. Sales R epresentative. Michael Brierley Ltd. (Res:) 905-331-8312 www.lakeshor eretreats.com W A N T E D - A ll China. S il ver, C rysta l. Tea Cups, Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Glass. Jewellery, old toys, c o lle c tib le s , estates. Call JohrvTracy. 905-331-2477 FINE quality furnishings We buy/ sell new/ consigned upscale dining, bedroom, armoires. sofas, chandeliers, accessories, carpets, gar den/ outdoor, etc. Trading Places 905-815-1949 I furnished rentals EX EC UTIVE 1 -bedroom w e ll-fu rn is h e d basem ent apa rtm e n t (B u rlin g to n ), separate entrance, parking, S u it sin gle non-sm oker. First/ last. Immediate. $850/ mo. inclusive. 905-729-4786. PR EM IERE E xecutive Suites. Short/ long term fur nished 1-3 bedrooms con dom inium s and townhouses throughout Mississauga. O a k v ille and B u rlington. G reat d a ily weekly and m onthly rate s a v ailab le 905-469-3330 www.premieresuites.com TR A V E LS U IT E S .N E T ... Log onl ' New* C o rpo rate Luxury Accom m odations. 1-4 bed roo m s/ baths. A ll am enities. 5 0+ * locations. D aily. W eekly. M onthly. From $49 .95* per night. (Visa M asterC ard/ Am ex). Leave m essage: 905-6817355 O A K V IL L E D o w n t o w n Renovated sm all building. 2-bedroom s. $835/m o. in cludes parkin g, +hydro. A va ila b le Sept. 1st. C all 905-469-0894. PR INCESS & Regency Apartments Lovely & spa cious 2 bedrooms. Steps to B u rlington M all. R efined tenants. M arble Lobby. Parking & Hydro included. 905-639-8009: 905-681 -8115 OAKVILLE large, bright. 1 bdrm apt to sublet. Oct 1st March 31st. Pool, sauna, mdr. parking, walk to Sheri dan C o lle ge & O akville Place, minutes from QEW & GO. Call 905-338-5854. BA CH ELO R a pa rtm e nt, basement. Suitable for one person, p riv a te entrance. Non-smoker, no pets. O ak ville. $690/m o. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 3756. ___________ S P AC IO US 1,243 B e d room s. F reshly pain te d , brigh t. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient loca tion. 905-333-9846. Noon8pm ___________________ GLEN Abbey. 3-bedroom basem ent a pa rtm e nt. Kitchen. 2 liv in g , d in in g , separate laundry. 2 bath. $1300/m o. in cl. u tilitie s . 905-847-3123. 1972 T rail S tar 12' . H/T cam per, sle e p s 6 , hea ter frid g e , in d o o r/o u td o o r 3 burner stove, large awning $700 obo. 905-847-5993 2001 S ta rcra ft clean tent trailer 3-way fridge, electric brakes, b ike rack 4 -o th e r access.. $6200. 9 0 5 -6 8 9 6749. s a HHkW UUU l e . lo r Properly seasoned. 100% h ardw ood. O ntario's la r gest firew oo d reta ile r. M arc's Q ua lity Firew ood. 905-257-6366 A P P L E B Y / New. B u rlin g ton Near GO, on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $425/m o. F irst/ last. Nonsmoker. 905-637-7485. O A K V ILL E . Bright nicely furn ished basem ent room (well insulated), kitchenette, p riv a te bath, su its non smoking individual. No pets. Separate entrance. No bus access. $575/mo. First/last. Call 905-257-1560 W A LK E R S Line/ Upper M iddle. B asem ent room , private 3-pce. bath, Kitch e n e tte / la u n d ry / gam es room . P arking. $550/m o. 905-331-0504 S.W Pool. last dogs. O a k v ille - $450/m o. A/C, no pets, first 4 required M ust like 905-827-0092 S A IL B O A T 1981 25* bayfield. sleeps 4. galley, head. VHF, 5 s a ils. New Ultrafurl system 03. Yanmer diesel. Lying Pefferlaw $14,800. 905-715-5959 BA BY grand pianos, several. $2400 4 up. Deliv ery a vailab le. C all a fte r 6pm., 905-358-7532. C A L L IN G all dogs! Basic obe dience . 10 w eeks, Sept.3rd 8pm. Pine Room. O akville Arena. C all 905845-7435._________________ SIAMESE/ Rag Doll kittens, blue eyes. S ealpoint. health guarantee. G entle. social. $300. 905-335-1961 AM AZ IN G m odel railroa d layout. 12" x 16" with 5 tracks in clu d in g a ll extra ro llin g stock and supplies. To view phone 905-332-4590 evenings I lost & found F O U N D - Black and w hite cat Plains Rd and Marley We c a ll "P hantom " C all 905-637-7325 FOUND short haired orange tabby. New/Burtoak. ' Gazer* Call 905-637-7325 FO UND: Foxb ar/E uston area. Ladie's bicycle. Please call to identify 905-333-5823 A LD E R S H O T fam ily w ith special needs child requires part tim e in-hom e support worker. Leave msg. 905-6379640. ___________________ DAYCARE provider required (G uelph Line/ Lakeshore area) 4 days/week for 2 yr. old g irl. M ust d rive , nonsmoker. 905-637-0933. LOOKING for experienced person to care for 2 ch ild ren. ages 345 in our Westoak Trails home. Long-term employment. 905*847*0177 or em ail ahig nett@ oak ville.ca. W* | I T I I cars for sale 1988 Honda Accord EXI- 2 dr.. a/c. fully loaded. 196K. excellent condition $2500. 416-508-5710_____________ 1992 Nissan Sentra. au tom a tic. pow er steering, power brakes, certified and e-tested. $1200 obo. 905333-6773__________________ 1990 Buick Century. LDT. 211k. $1800. call Mark 905-6170267 BURLINGTON Downtown 1bedroom, 2nd floor, parking $660/mo ............ East B u rlin g to n - 2-bdrm ba se ment. 4 appliances. $695/ m o.···O akville- Lakeshore/ Kerr. 2-bdrm . ground floor plus basem ent. $850/m o; Albert McDonagh Ltd.. 905632-5690