Iran .rodG > w icnfopprccrt Separating the m en from the boys Fall beauty at Bronte Creek <^**79u w w w . o a k v ille b e a v e r . c o m Best wheels Focus CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. 1661 Lafcestore Rd. W. Mississauga 2r^5S2^~" £ 8 2 2 -4 2 1 1 O A K V I L L E B E A M NORTH A M ER ICA 'S MOST AWARDED CO M M UN ITY NEWSPAPER 4 8 Pages tl.QO (ptaCST) < MctroUnd Publication Vol. 40 do. 123_________ "USING COMMUNICATION TO BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES" WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 15. 2003 0 Brother charged with murder B u s h p a r ty By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER S T \F F e n d s in tr a g e d y A bush party turned deadly has left a 22-year old Oakville m an dead and his b ro th er charged with his m urder. According to Halton Regional Police. David William Lavery of Munns Avenue died as a result of a stab wound to the chest he received during an out door party Friday night out back of St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre on Dundas Street. His brother, 21-year old Robert James Lavery, also of Munns Avenue, has been charged with second degree murder and made a court appearance Tuesday in Milton. According to investigators, police were summoned to a field behind St. Volodymyr around 10:40 p.m. Friday in response to a report that a man was bleeding profusely from a chest wound. When officers and ambulance per sonnel arrived, it appeared that a small, outdoor party had been going on by a fire pit. David Lavery was then rushed to Oakville IrafaJgar Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The group of eight to 10 people, male and female, which had been drink ing remained at the scene and were interviewed by police. An autopsy conducted Saturday at the Centre o f Forensic Science in Toronto found that the cause of death was a stab wound to the chest. At press time the weapon had not yet been determined, said Sgt. Val Hay, who explained that officers - including the Canine Unit and Tactical officers were back at the scene Tuesday con ducting a ground search. Anyone who witnessed the incident is encouraged to call police at 905-8254777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222TIPS. Friday's homicide is but the latest in a string of bush parties that have ended tragically: · In 1989, Greg Donegan, 21, died after falling 27 metres down a cliff overlooking the Sixteen Mile Creek in Oakville. · April 2002: 21-year old Kenneth Turton was left virtually paralyzed after he was clubbed with a metre-long log near Barrie. · March 2002: John deNeef, 19. of Alliston died after a fight near Barrie. · In 1999, a group of teens is attacked by another group of machetewielding teens at Felker's Falls conser vation Area in Stoney Creek. · In 1991. a 21-year old man died trying to climb Tewes falls. non rsuzyK · uaKVUie Beaver Friends of the victim set up a sm all m em orial at the gated entrance to a road leading to the m u rd e r scene. Ron Kuzyk Oakville Beaver T he fire pit where the m u rd er victim attended a bush p arty with his friends and brother. Editorials......... ......A6 Focus ............... ....... B1 Classifieds.......... .......C6 Best Wheels....... .......Cl Business............ ........C8 Sports.......................D1 Artsscene.......... ........04 Partial D dhrn: Depressed woman Oakville trustee wants board wandered from hospital to shelve school closures By Kim Amott SPEC IA L T O THE-: BEAVER H arksW o rkW a n h o u se. E nvsdaae. tittleC a e sa rs,Sp o rtM a rt. T h eB a y,S p o rtC h e k ,S ean. S ta p lesB u sin essD e p o t,H om eD e p o t. C in oF e rro ,E th a nA llenhirtyI'a cka g e rs, C MT h w ei (Support Your Local Carrier) SVLC DELIVERY For hunt dek\rn A customer ten ter call 1905) 845-9742 Mon.. Tun.. A Thun. 9 am. - 6 p jn , WnL&FrL9ajn. 8pjn.orSutunlay lOajn. 4 pjn. For new tubscriptknx call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @ »moakvillebraver.ecm FLYER DELIVERY Q u a n titie s as lo w as 1000 to*905-845-3824 Should they cross their fin gers and hope good things are on the way. or simply push ahead with a program that nobody likes, but offers guaranteed results? That's the tough choice pub lic school board trustees will have to make Wednesday night. With the final decision on proposed school closures only five weeks away, Oakville (Ward l and 2) trustee Drew Currah will be asking the board to shelve the entire closure process for at least a few months. The board is looking at clos ing Ryerson school in Burlington, Martin Street school in Milton and potentially three or four schools in south Oakville. Oakville trustee Drew Currah Trustees are scheduled to make a decision on the closures on Nov. 19. but many parents are suggesting it doesn't make sense for the board to move ahead with closures before knowing what funding arrangements the new provincial Liberal government may introduce. Currah's motion calls for the closure processes to be suspend ed until the New Year, and until the Liberal government presents its new funding program for education. He is also suggesting the board write Dalton McGuinty, who will be sworn in as premier of Ontario later this month, to ask for direction on the school closure issue. Currah says he's worried about the board making deci sions on closures without know ing what the future holds. "It seems there's going to be more money, or at least there's going to be some more flexibili ty," he says. "J think it's going to be a better picture. "How much better, I don't know, but probably better enough that we don't have to close all the schools. "Even if one school is not (S ee `Flynn' page A7) Police are asking for the public's assistance in locat ing a 25-year-old woman who wandered away from Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Sunday. Amelia Evelyn Boyle, of Mississauga, was undergoing treatment for depression at the hospital. Halton Regional Police report the woman was last seen walking away from the hospital at 2 p.m. Boyle is about 5-foot-6, weighs 130 pounds with brown mid-length hair, brown eyes with a slim build. She was last seen wearing a gray jacket, blue "mini skirt" - possibly denim. The woman does not have a car. but has been known to use taxicabs, said the police. There is some urgency in trying to locate the woman. Amelia Evelyn Boyle due to her illness and infor mation that was provided to police. Based on that. Halton Regional Police are very concerned for the woman's well-being, and are asking anyone who has information or who has seen the woman since Sunday to call police immediately at 905-8254777. 175 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville 905.845.6653 (between Kerr & Dorval) F IV E S T A R C E R T IF IE D Oakville's 2000 -2003 five Star Certified Dealership