OAKVILLE PUBLIC II3KARY 120 N A V Y STREET IuSuS IA beautiful landmark ccmctcry . _ OAKVILLE. ONTARIO L61 714 ' ig a full range of services including I traditional ground interment, indoor mausolca I and Oakville's only cremation centre. Forfurtlyr information call or visit |N inth L ineu D undas St., Oaknlle 905-257-1100 _______www.glcnoaks.ca____________ Editor: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com F o r iis ^ * frO u R B ig g est S a le O f T he Y ear Our entire fell, winttt and holiday collection now 25-50% oft The best buys of the year are happening right now at By Consignment! Get in here nowl By Consignment Soonsor Official Media Sponsor Entrepreneur's launch pad Enterprise Centre' s `bootcamp ' for entrepreneurs has 82 per cent success rate seven-week course. By selecting only the best, the program boasts an 82 per cent success rate. Others who have not The Enterprise Centre is celebrating 10 years of gone into business for themselves have secured a better job. Offered four times a year at The helping people start their own businesses. And. since its launch as a pilot project at Enterprise Centre, SEB has a maximum intake of Sheridan College. Human Resources Development 80 clients - aged 20 to 65 - a year. "We call it the `Streetwise M BA," ' said Canada (HRDC) has been one o f its key support Morrison. ers. "There's no failure with this course. The 20 per The Enterprise Centre, located at Hopedale Mall, Unit 34, began as a pilot project at Sheridan cent who don't make it (in business for them College in 1993 to assist 30 existing companies to selves) end up getting better jobs. The greater manage growth and to train three unemployed skills they've learned helped them move into a bet ter position, so there's no losing." individuals to launch their own SEB is open to employment businesses. Today. 25 of these "We call it the insurance (El) and severance companies are still in business as `Streetwise M B A .'" package recipients. are two of the three entrepreneurs. · Laurie Morrison, Should an individual wish to Its mainstay since the begin take the course and pay for it. the ning is SEB, the Self-Employment executive director. cost is $3,500. Benefits Program. The Enterprise Centre "If we have 200 people attend "We're thrilled that HRDC supported us since the beginning." said Laurie an orientation session and 100 of these apply, only Morrison, executive director. "Since then the cen the top 20 will get in." she continued, emphasizing tre has become the genesis o f the (SEB) program the difficulty of the program. "Applicants must submit a mini business plan, in Ontario and to a certain degree across Canada, thanks to Sheridan. HRDC. and a group o f entre and only the best applicants are interviewed. And. before they are accepted they must pass a presen preneurs." In 1994, The Enterprise Centre became an tation in front of two community business people." SEB is offered at two other centres in Peel, with "independent, private and non-profit centre con The Enterprise Centre being the lead provider - the tracted to deliver this program." Over the years, the centre has trained more than other two centres in Mississauga and Orangeville 700 clients of whom more than 550 have launched offer the program on a contract. "We have 240 chents a year at all three centres successful businesses. in this program, and 200 are successful in running SEB is not for the weak. Described as `boot cam p' for would-be entre their own businesses one year after graduation." preneurs. only one out of every five applicants is said Morrison. "These people end up hiring accepted, and if a session is missed, a good expla employees and paying taxes." (See 'Graduates' page B2) nation is needed for re-entry into this intensive OAKVILLE BEAVEH STAFF By Wilma Blokhuis Barrie Erskine · Oak\ ille Beaver Sean G obeil. a g ra d u ate o f T he E n te rp rise C e n tre 's Self E m ploym ent Benefits P ro g ram in Ju n e, is now a successful e n tre p re n eu r as president an d fou n d er of the Toronto School of DrywalL Below, L aurie M orrison, left, executive director, and Pam Teufel, office coordinator, at T he E n terp rise C entre. r. S o r r y ...t h is s e a t's t a k e n by over 250,000 O ntarians. "Please su p p o rt O ntario M arch of Dim es." K L e s lie V ie ls e n ZM S Honorary Campaign Chair ° I I £ 2 l O F DIMES m arch ° www.dimes.on.ca 1 - 8 0 0 -2 6 3 -D I M E (3463) Start theNew Year with a Perfect *7 3 cn ,§ · I 3 Ja 5 * -* t . n u a r y ° o 0 3 <3=3 SALE · FURS · SHEEPSKINS · CLOTH COATS <y s 30 - 50 % ( `M )5 l * 4 5 - 2 0 3 1 O FF 1 905-847-1512 w w w .g o o d n ig h t g o o d m o r n in g .c o m I m ated in Beautiful Downtown Oakville 209 I-akcshore Hoad f ast 100 BRONTE RD. UNIT #3, OAKVILLE