The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday January 15, 2003 - CS Test D rive M S R P $12,395** M S R P $15,295** When the Extras aren't extra, YOU WIIU LEASE FR O M * '03 Accent GS I When the Extras come standard, YOU WIIU LEASE F R O M * \J /C PURCHASE FINANCING U P T O 36 M O N TH S PER M O ./ 6 0 M OS. $995 DOW NPAYM ENT F R E IG H T A N D PDE Its price may be bare bones, but its list of standard features has plenty of meat. Comparison shop, and you quickly realize that the new 2003 Accent has more substance than any car in its class. When you pay a little and get a lot, you WIN. RE-STYLED 2003 ACCENT GS · 1.5 litre, multi-valve engine · tachometer · 5-speed manual overdrive · 60/40 split folding rear seat · tinted glass with shade band · dual manual remote control side view mirrors · dual cup holders · and much more. When it comes to value, the 2003 Hyundai Elantra GL is the vale dictorian of its class. The brainchild of some of the industry's brightest engineers, it's loaded with way more standard features than its price suggests. When you do the math on a new car and you smile, you WIN. · 2.0 litre, DOHC engine · dual front airbags · 60/40 split folding rear seat · AM/FM/CD stereo · remote fuel door and trunk release · dual cup holders · tilt steering · and much, much more Be a part of the Hyundai of Oakville family W o rkin g w ith confidence & cre ativity, w e at H yundai of Oakville are aim in g to be a m o n g the w orld 's best in techn ology & qual ity. T h ro u gh steady progress in technology and quality, expecta tions are rising all the time. A n eight time President's A w ard w in ner, Hyundai of Oakville is at the top in sales, parts, and service. Increasing their sales 500 per cent since 1985, the o w n e rs Benny Leung and Ronald Chan, keep o u t standing perform ance as their pri mary objective. The award, given to the top 15 Hyundai dealerships in Canada, is a direct indication of the effects of satisfied customers. Constantly expanding in order to serve their custom ers' g ro w in g needs, Benny and Ronald have expanded the once hum ble facility into a 20,000 sq. ft. autom otive retail and service superstore. W ith the addition of a sister dealership, T oronto Hyundai, located at Dufferin and Eglinton, Hyundai of Oakville cannot be beat on model selection or colour. They've recently opened a sec ond building for pre-ow ned vehi cles and expanded their service area. They've increased their serv ice departm ent hours to 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., and on Fri. and Sat. from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Their sales depart m ent hours are M o n .-to Thurs. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. and on Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. O ffering first class service to all of their custom ers has truly put Hyundai of Oakville in a league of their own. Never before has any Hyundai dealership achieved such distinction from H yu n d ai A u to Canada. "The key to any successful deal ership is loyalty, equal parts cus tom e r and em ploye e ," says G eneral Sales M anager, Peter Cheung. In fact, m any of H yundai of O akville's em ployees have been w ith the com pany since Hyundai entered the C an a d ia n market. W ith this type of dedication and consistency, it is no w on d e r that m any customers feel like a part of the Hyundai of Oakville family. 8 T I M E P R E S I D E N T ' S H y u n d a i o f A W A R D O a k v i l l e W I N N E R LEASE FROM DOWN PAYM ENT SECURITY DEPOSIT FREIGHT AND PDE INCL. PURCHASE FINANCING! On all Accent models. Up to 36 months P A Y M E N TS FOR 90 DAYS ACCENT #1 SELLING SUB-COMPACT IN CANADA" RE-STYLED 2003 ACCENT GS · 1.5 litre, multivalve engine · Tachometer · 5 speed manual overdrive · 60/40 split folding rear seat · Tinted glass with shade band · Dual manual remote control side view mirrors1 Dual cup holders · and much, much more. CHECK OUT THE GREAT LEASE RATES ON THE 3-DR. ACCENT GSi AND 4-DR GL *0 DEPOSIT » $1 7 9 w rr>r.~.,T $995 DOWN ENT 5995 D0WN PAYM PAYMENT FREIGHT AND PDE INCL. 9B _ FINANCING! /o« "* 0 2003 ELANTRA GL SEDAN MSRPS15,295** FREE CD PLAYER On all ELANTRA SEDANS Up to 36 months P A Y M E N TS FOR 90 FOR 90 D DAYS 1 mirrors · 2.0 litre, DOHC engine · Dual front airbags · 60/40 split folding rear seat · AM/FM/CD stereo · Remote fuel door and trunk release · Dual cup holders · Tilt steering · and much, much more. FREE SUN ROOF F CHECK OUT OUR COMPANY DEMOS AT HIGH SAVINGS $$$ H Y L JriD H I Automatic,P/S. 2002ACCENT a 5 J A | O Q « fl Win M SR P*13*45- I 2002 SONATA 1/6 Automatic, Air. 1 IOC 0 0 ,0 0 0 K M W VA ARRAH TY SYR/ ROADSIDE WAOSXt ASStSTAMCt ASStSTAMU PROGRAM \24HR MSRP£22£99- $20,921 v y r As* About Our Grad Rebates Leasing programs available from Hyundai Financial Services. Lease on 2003 Accent GS, 2003 Elantra G L, 2003 Sonata GL. 5159/J179 per m onth for 60/60 m onth walkaway lease. Downpaym ent J0 / J9 9 5 . Security SO/SO, Freight & P O E included on Accent and Elantra, M SR P of Jl2 ,3 9 5 /$ 1 5 ,2 9 5 . Taxes, license and $350 acquisition fee extra. 20,000km mileage allowance per year, additional km charge of .10c. See Hyundai of Oakville for details. ·j i i 1071 S P E E R S R O A D (Just West of 4th Line) HAMILTON QEW 3RD LINE TC(RONT SPEERS LAKESHORE X 5 LINE 8 O