C6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday January 15, 2003 TUT DETROIT - Chevrolet customers will find more Impalas available at dealers now that GM has added a third shift of production at the Oshawa I Car Plant Assembly in Ontario. Impala has ranked in the `T op 10" in sales for the past three years, says Jim Campbell, marketing director for the Impala. Consum er interest led General Motors to expand production recently. The third shift will give Chevrolet approximately 50,000 units o f addi tional production, which Cam pbell says will allow Chevy dealers to keep up with demand. "Word is spreading on what a great car Impala is," Campbell says. "We have 'maxed' out production during the last 19 months, selling every vehicle we could make. That tells us the Impala is connecting with what custom ers want and need in a mid-sized sedan." Impala has a 5-star/5-star safety rat i i t DRI VE hi k i i i, n ; Chevrolet adds third shift of production for Impalas ing -- v thp highest U.S. government safety rating in front crash testing. "Every year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Adm inistration (NHTSA) conducts front and side crash tests o f new cars and trucks and awards 'stars' based on performance," Campbell says. "Impala's 5-star/5-star means that the Impala cam s the highest rating pos sible for vehicles in the same weight class." Impala is also scoring high in other customer demands. With the best high way fuel economy of a V6 in the indus try, so customers can expect lower annual fuel costs while gaining a large car interior, with 123.1 cubic feet of space, but a trim exterior for a nimble feel. In terms of power. Impala really performs. The LS model offers a stan dard 3800L V6 which provides 200-hp. r i Impala offers more in nearly every cat egory. from overall room to accelera tion and braking power. "Impala has the largest brakfe rotors and pads o f a mid-size sedan." Campbell explains. "That gives cus tomers increased brake life, and shorter stopping distance." Campbell points out that from its inception, the Impala was planned to serve as a police car. so engineers built into designs a robustness and durability unmatched in the industry. "Impala is the first and only vehicle designed for law enforcement from its inception." he says. "So early on. we were thinking about things like 24-hour usability and driving performance. "Quality is one o f the most impor tant considerations," Campbell says. Campbell smiles broadly when he talks about adding capacity to the Oshawa plant. The Chevorlet Im pala. which has ranked in the "Top 10" in sales for the past three years, has started a third shift of production due to consum er interest. "Hopefully with this added production volume, we still won't be able to keep up with demand." Campbell says. "Consumers know a good value when they see it, and they see it with Impala." i s i t How a muffler works A seem ingly sim ple piece o f autom obile hardware, the out-of-the-w ay muffler Is actually a complicated labyrtnth of pipe* and cham bers that help tune It for pow er and/or sou n d deodening as needed. T o fit the small nooks and crannies found under yo u r car. a muffler m ight have as m u ch as six feet of pipe within I t all with a purpose. W hile there are literally hundreds of exam ples of m ufflers -- all of them slightly different som e radically different -- the example below represents the typical principles of a muffler. Tips for travelling safely this winter The frigid Canadian w inter is upon us and as O ntario m otorists hit the road, so will more snow, ice and salt. O ntario's M inistry o f C onsum er and Business Services w ants you to be prepared before heading out on the roads this winter. Having repair w ork done before you start out on a snow y road can spare you the aggravation and expense o f w aiting for a tow truck in a blizzard. Know yo u r rights u n der the M otor Vehicle R epair Act and make sure you have your autom obile w interized and repaired for a reasonable price. If you don't know m uch about auto repair, learn about it by calling you local m unicipal office to find out when general vch icft repair inform ation sem inars are offered in your com m unity, o r ask your auto club or autom obile association about courses. If you don't have time to hit the books, take precautions like asking friends and fam ily to recom m end a good repair shop. Once you're satisfied with the quality o f work and the prices, you may want to stay with the sam e shop. D o n 't get ta k e n fo r a rid e U nder O ntario's M otor Vehicle R epair A ct (M V R A ), labour rates and how they are calculated (on a flat or hourly basis) m ust be posted in the shop and the sign m ust be large enough to be clearly seen. Before work begins, ask for a written estim ate - this is your right. By law, you cannot be charged for an estim ate unless you w ere told in advance e f its cost. If you let the garage proceed with the work within a reasonable time, the estim ate fee must be waived. Under the M otor Vehicle R epair A ct, the final bill cannot be more than 10 per cent greater than the estim ate w ithout your con sent. If you consent by telephone, the repairer is required to write down the nam e and telephone num ber o f the custom er, as well as the date and time o f the authoriza tion. R eady, set, go If you're planning a road trip this winter, the m inistry suggests that you take som e im portant safety precautions. O nce you've had a professional check your car to make sure it's in proper w orking order for winter, you're ready to hit the snow y streets. Map your route before clim bing into the driver's seat. If you haven't been driving much, take a refresher course. Driving safe ly and with confidence is im portant - espe cially when driving under frigid w inter conditions that might include highw ays or cities new to you. W inter w eather can be extrem ely unpre dictable, so be prepared for any em ergency w hen y o u 're on the road. All vehicles should contain a com plete, w ell-stocked em ergency kit. C ontents should include item s such as: N on-perishable food item s (i.e. g ra nola/pow er bars, buts, dried fruit, etc.) Flashlight M atches Fire extinguisher Blanket/Sleeping bag First aid kit Road maps Extra clothing and footw ear A red cloth that can be tired to an antenna An "em ergency, call police" sign (place in w indshield) Shovel Sand o r salt Flares Extra container o f w indshield w asher fluid rated -40° Basic tools (i.e. pliers and screw drivers) B ooster cables U pdate the contents o f your em ergency kit every six m onths and make sure all driv ers and passengers know w here to find it. - file s fro m C onsum er Beat C o n s t ru c tio n -- The and caps of the case are either ro4 locked or k wetded, deperxsng on the use % Roa-toctod mufflers (n qn ) are less expensive than welded . mufftor* but aren't os strong. Seams of caseantf end ***** together End cap 1 . Hot exhaust g ases and sound waves fromthe engtne s comoustion process enters the muffc 2 . The sound that " - ^ - f c o m th e isound-deadening wmmmmtt m material -- such as fiberglass 4 . The exhaust is rerouted again, now funnefed through. another pejorated pipe surrounded by sound Perforated pipe allows sound waves to escape and be absorbed by insutatfon within the muffler. 3 . Exhaust gases turned around to pass through a 5 . The remainder ol the sound waves ext! the muftler through the outlet soma m iJie tl * R have a perforated C O P Y R IG H T W H E E L B A SE C O M M U N IC ATIONS KIA -2003 NISSAN SEN TR A 2003 Carguide/The Globe and Mall "Best B uy" Award Winner - Compact Carn MORE · 16 L DOHC engine ENER0 UIOC Mo Payments lor 90 days Lease Sentra XE with Value Option Package for a low monthly payment of $199 for 48 months, only $1,980 down. Includes Destination A Delivery. OR choose 1 . 8 % Financing; The Mott Fuel Efficient Subcompact Car tor 2003" · 1 2 6 -H P 1.8-litre D O H C engine · Air conditioning · AM /FM with C D audio system and 4 speakers · 1 5" wheels · Full wheel covers · 8 way manual driver's seat · 60/40 split folding seat · Centre console armrest · And much, much more... DON'T PAY FOR 3 MONTHS AND PER M O ./ 6 O M O S . · 5 -sp e e d m a nu a l · Dual airbags · A M /FM /CD stereo · Steel s id e im p a r t d o o r beam s · Driver's seat lum ba r support · O v e r 6 0 standard features JO D O W N PAYMENT SO SECURITY DEPOSIT M I N H Y AMO OCSTIfUnON INOUOCO OR 0 % PURCHASE FIN AN CIN G A N D D O N 'T PAY FOR 3 M O N TH S 2003 N IS S A N A LTIM A Lease Altlma 2.5S with Automatic Transmission for y a low monthly payment of f< > r 48 months, only $ 3 ,160 down. Includes Destination A Delivery, 2003 CarguKte/The Globe and Mail - Best B uy" Award Winner - Family Car' # | I ' · 175 -H P 2.5-litre D O H C engine · Air conditioning · A M /FM with C D audio system and 6 speakers · Power heated outside mirrors · 60/40 split rear seat w/lock · 8-way manual dnver's seat · Tilt and telescope steering column · And much, much m ore... U 2003 N IS S A N M A X IM A "The only engine to be an nine-time winner" - Ward's 10 Best Engines, Ward's Auto World, Jan. 2002 Lease Maxima GXE with Automatic y # ^ 1 ^ 1 Transmission for a low iiJ ~ | monthly payment of for 48 months, only $ 2 ,9 9 5 down, Includes Destination & Delivery. OH choose 4 2 Financing. 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Only 53,350 Down SO SECURITY DEPOSIT OR 0 % PURCHASE FIN AN CIN G AN D D O N 'T PAY FOR 3 M O N TH S 8 cupholders · A nd more · 2 5 5 -H P 3.5-litre D O H C 24-valve engine · 4-speed automatic with gated shifter ·Anti-lock Braking System · Automatic dimate control A/C with microfilter · Premium C D stereo with AM/FM/cassette · Front seat side n p a c t airbags · And much, much more... 2003 N IS S A N P A TH F IN D E R "C H IL K O O T E D IT IO N " Nissan Pathfinder * * Chilkoot Edition" iiiuvii um only jr available m ru in Canada G re a t Le a s e Rates PLUS f t f j w 39 ; * * The Fun to Drive I / / Lease Pathfinder "Chilkoot Edition" for a $ low monthly payment of 2 4 0 -H P 3.5-litre D O H C engine · 4-speed automatic with overdnve · "All-Mode" 4-wheel drive · 150-watt Bose* C D audio system with m-dash 6-disc autochanger · 8-way adjustable driver's seat · Remote rear liftgate glass release · And much, much m ore... 399 for 48 months, only $ 5 ,195 down. Includes Destination & Delivery. OR choose 2003 R IO RX-V MSKP JlS.TSo f w uol · AM/FM/CD stereo · 14" alloy wheels · Power steering · Fog lumps · Rear spoiler · Tachometer · Tilt steering · 60/40 split-folding rear scat · Cargo security cover · Driver's seat height 2.8% Financing.' w rn i MR CONDITIONING ` 1.61 DO HC t n ^ n e · * $ T H E A L L -N E W 2003 N IS S A N M U R A N O Purchase Mura no SL for TH E BEST W ARRANTY IN THE BUSINESS V-YIA *.` IOOOOO KM COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY S -V IA I WOOOO KM POW f STRAIN WARRANTY VVIAR/M&OOO K M CUTS A CAS! ROAOSlOf ASSISTANT OR 0 % PURCHASE FIN AN CING A N D D O N T PAY FOR 3 M O N TH S 189 * L8 L DOHC engine · S-speed manu al · Power windows, locks and heated mirrors · Cruise control · Dual airbags · Fog lamps · Till steering ·60/40 spbtfolding rear seat · AM/FM/CD stereo with' 6 speakers · Driver s seat height adjuster · Driver's seat lumbar support · Remote trunk release PER M 0 ./6 0 MOSOnly SI.19S D ow n Payment DUMMY AND DCSttNATIOM INC1U0C0 t o S EC U R ITY D E P O S IT $ OR 0 % PURCHASE FIN AN CIN G A N D D O N T PAY FOR 3 M O N TH S 199 PER M 0 7 6 0 MOS. O nly $1,493 Down SO S E C U R ITY D E P O S IT f t u s . · 2 4 5 -H P 3.5-litre D O H C engine with Xtromc CVTTransmission mssion 9 · All-wheel-drive · Anti-locking Brake System · 18" AMoy wheels · Cruise control · AM/FM /Cassette audio system with m-dash 6-disc C D changer · Heated seats and m ore... >39,500 -- - S H IF T . 2003 B E S T N EW SP O R T U TILITY VEH IC LE UNDER S45,000 K IA OAKVILLE KIA 616 York Street, Oakville, 905-847-1511 (Off Sp eers Rd. b e tw e en Dorval & 3rd Line) 2003 S O R E N T O LX S U V · 5 5 L V6 D O H C engine · 4-speed automatic · Shift-on-lhe-fty 4WD · 5 0 0 0 lb. lowing capacity · Front A side aiibags · ABS brakes · 16* alloy wheels · V C · Power windows, locks & heated mirrors · Cruise control · AM/FM/CD stereo witf · Rear privacy glass · Roof rack · Front log lamps · 2.4 L DO HC engine · 4-speed Steptronic transmission · airbags with Passenger Presence Detector ·A/C · Power windows S locks · Power heated mirrors · AM/TM/CD stereo · Cruise con trol · TBt steering · 60/40 split-folding rear seat · Driver's seat height adjuster OAKVILLE 1450 SPEERS ROAD NISSAN 905 -827-1177 Smart people always read the fine print. A n d they always wear then seat belts. Offers available for a limited time and may change without notice on new 200 3 Sentra X E 5 speed manual with Value Option Package (C 4 L G 5 3 BKOO). 200 3 Aftima S (T 4 R G 7 3 AEOO). 200 3 Maxima G X E Automatic (U 4 R G 7 3 AAOO). 2003 Pathfinder 'Chilkoot Edition' Automattc (5 C R G 7 3 AEOO). t1 .B % /2 .8 % /2 .8 % purchase financing for 3 6 months available on 200 3 Sentra X E and G X E / Maxima/Pathfinder. Financing examples: $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 at 1.8% per annum equals $571.11 per month for 3 6 months. C O B is $ 5 5 9 .8 5 for an obligation total of $20,5 5 9.85 . $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 at 2 .8 % p e r annum equals $ 8 6 9 .7 9 per month for 3 6 monfhs. C O B is $ 1 ,3 1 2 .6 0 for an obligation total of $31,312.60. Other finance I o n ne w and demo 200 2 and 2 0 0 3 Sentra. No * ALR. down payment o r equivalent trade of charged at $ 0 .10/km. If these vehicJes are financed and tfie cash pur - $ OR 2.9% PURCHASE FINANCING 329 PER M0748 MOS. Only 14.230 0 * SO S E C U R ITY D E P O S IT $ OR 3 .9 % PURCHASE FIN ANCIN G A N D D O N 'T PAY FOR 3 M O N TH S 269 PER MOV4S MOS. Only $2,750 Down Payment SO S E C U R ITY D E P O S IT Brand Symbol. "S H I F T _* taghne. and Nissan model names are Nissan trademarks. Visit w w w .n is s a n .c a . O ther le a s e a n d fin an c e o p tio n s av ailab le. S e e d e a le r fo r d e ta ils. 1 easing plans CMC provided by t o Canada Finarvc Financial Services. Available on n 2003 Rio S (R 0 5 4 I3 )/2 0 0 3 Spectra IS (ST54A3)/2003 Rio RX-V (Rt5«>523)/2003 Sedona LX (S D 7523)/2003 Sorento LX (SR7513 )/2 0 0 3 Magentts IX (M S M l3) I) hhe T Teal eatw ed Models') month 1 Based on a 6 0 /6 / 60 0/6 / 60 0/4 / 48 8/4 / 488/4 ^8 n o rth l e f l i n ............................. > /S 3 i.850/S4.250/S2.7 ,8 5 0 /* . 5 0 fina m onth s lease payment of Ij^ ^ J lease rate of 2 6 4 % /2 5 2% /3 U % /7 .9 4 « V 5 0 l% /4 66% . and a down paym ent or trade equivalent ol JO /S1.695/S 1.195/] JI69 /S I9 9 /J1 8 9 /S 2 5 9 /S 3 2 9 /S 2 6 9 , pfca 5 0 /J0 /5 0 /5 1 ,0 8 5 /5 1 ,0 6 5 /5 9 3 0 delivery anr* and J destination, and a $350 " acquisition lee, d u e upon delKery Total lease obligation for the featured M ode* based on an MSRP R Pol ol J 512.350 ! .\3 5 0 /$ l6 ,? 9 5 /S l5 .7 5 0 /S ;4 .9 9 V J 2 9 .7 9 V S 2 li9 ------------------5 >a 5 1 0 ,1 40/513.635/812.535/516,282/520.045/515.662 -----------------" · ' T O /1 2 0 .0 4 X W 5 .6 6 2 and and the Ihe m option t------------- ate n . .d. .ol . lease__________ for i m Lease has 2 0 0 0 0 km /w ur O ow ince (ether peerages avaiifce) and Sd A m Jtx excess - 2 0 0 3 Sorento 515,750. 2 0 0 3 Spectra LS M$RP from 516.795. :OOJ Sedona S<5on* LX MSRP from to U MSRP from 529.795. 2003 Rio S MSRP from 51 2 .3 5 0 2003 R » R*V M # P from 515.750. 516.7^5, 20b3 524.995. 2 0 0 3 M agent* IX MSRP jm 521.895. b c r n c t registration, n s u a n c e . delrvery and desnnaiion. and U ses are not n d u d e d l unless otherwise stated MSRP of Ihe Featured Models s ih o w t above Licence, registration, nsur>ce. delivery and des&ruoon. and ta ie s are not induced MSRP. unless otherwise stated Pnces subject id change w»ihout nonce Dealer m ay s e l/fease lor levs. C K 2 9°* or 3 9 % purchase Bnanc mg (varies depending on vehicle's m odel) is required for a majumum ol 36 or 48 months (vanes depending on vefude s m odel) All purchase ' offers g f exclude `` , r deSveiy ` and ` ` destination, ` licence. insurance, administration fees and a« applicable taxes Purchase financing example 510,000 at 0.0% purchase frvm ong per annum fc " ` 60 days e> 50 arvj tntaAni! owing aher the 6 0 days <s s t i 510.000 After 6 0 dayv 510.000 fn a n c e d at 0 0 % equals 5 2 /7 7 8 /2 0 8 33 , 510,000 Monthly payment and cost of bonowmg w # vary depending o n am ount bonowed, the term and down paym ent/trade. Certan i ___ trated. ttNHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Adrranistration) test results. Vtet w w w jihtsa.dcigov/ncap for full details For a United time only, WA is a trademark ol fca Motors Corporation. fanin f«^ia^44i 10