D4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 6, 2002 Halton Invictas hold registration; will field three teams this season The Halton Invictas Football Club will be holding reg istrations at the Burlington Mall, Fairview & Guelph Line, on Thursday/Friday, Feb. 21/22 from 10 a.m .-10 p.m. and Sat.Feb.23 from I0am .-5pm .for ju n io r varsity (13-16 years), varsity (17-19 years) and senior varsity (22 & under). Please bring a photo copy o f Birth Certificate, Health Card, Drivers Lie. or Student Card. The Invictas play in the 44-team O ntario Varsity Football League. The OVFL has contracted Canada C oach to provide all the transportation for its members. This year the players in the East/W est all-star game will also be eligible to play for team O ntario at the Canada Cup in Ottawa on July I. This season the Hamilton Tiger Cats, Toronto Argos and the OVFL are proud to announce the Labour Day 50-50 Scholarship Fund with all proceeds going towards player scholarships to OUA universities. Both CFL teams, in conjunction with the OVFL, will be auctioning off all the jerseys worn during the Labour Day Classic. Each jersey will be autographed and put up for auction during the m onth o f October. Proceeds from the sale of jerseys will be used for scholarships and also assist member clubs in purchasing equipment. "This is the first o f many ventures we would like to do with our neighbouring CFL clubs," said OVFL president Walter Wettges. "The OVFL has graduated a num ber of players into the CIAU and would like to provide as much assistance as possible to those players choosing to play in Canadian universities." First place with 20-4-7 record The Oakville R angers m inor peewee AAA hockey team put the cap on their most successful regular season ever as they clinched first place over all in the south-central division of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). The boys claimed the spotlight in early September and never relinquished their hold, taking on all contenders. The Rangers finished out the season with a record of 20 wins, 4 losses and 7 ties. The team, made up of 11 veterans from last season and six newcomers, put in gritty performances all year defending their first place position. Thanks to a solid defensive line up and strong goaltending, the Rangers silenced their opposition with a goals against average of l.94. The forwards always managed to come up with that much needed extra goal to ensure the win. Twice they stole a point by tying up a contest with seconds left. The first place finish has earned the Rangers a bye from thfc first round of the playoffs. The boys are eager to get their first series underway as they vie for the opportunity to return to the OMHA championship tournament, scheduled to take place in Whitby at the end o f March. Victory in playoff opener The Nickel's Novice "A A A " R angers opened the playoffs Saturday February 2, in fine form with a 3-2 road victory against the host Welland Tigers. Playing with obvious desire and determination. Oakville forged leads of 2-0 and 3 -1. Oakville goals (in order)were scored by Dylan Cooper, Braeden Corbeth and Brett Lee. Assists went to Tyler Badham, Nicholas Kashty, Brett Lee, Adrian Parisotto, Corbeth and Kyle Dube. Ranger goalie Christopher Miniaci, helped the cause with key saves in the third period as Welland were pressing for the equalizer. OAKVILLE'S DEALER ALTERNATIVE. · 32 Years Experience providing Oakville Upcoming Rangers rep H ere are the upcom ing rep hockey gam es for the Oakville Rangers. They are O ntario M inor Hockey A ssociation (OM HA) playdowns. unless otherwise des ignated as league (L). W ed. Feb. 06 Glen Thiessen ·Oakville B eaver Iroquois Ridge takes on highly touted St. Augustine at Sheridan Cup. Ridge at Sheridan Cup The Iroquois Ridge senior boys basketball team certainly c a n 't be accused o f trying to pad their win totals. Quite the opposite. A lthough they resum ed regular league play yesterday with a perfect 50 record in the Volpe division o f the Halton high school league, the team actually owns an overall losing record. With two losses at the prestigious Sheridan Cup basketball tournament on the weekend, their over all record dipped to 12-13. But this senior team, which two years ago did not win a game, knows that to become one o f the best -- they have to play the best. They knew their opener against St. Augustine, a former Toronto Star top10 school (now meriting honourable mention) would be tough, and they were right as they lost 77-49. Ben Homer led the Ridge with 13 points. On Saturday, the regrouped Ridge team was much, much closer losing a 74-73 consolation semifinal heartbreaker to St. Martin. Harjeev Brar led the scoring with 24 points. St. Augustine, meanwhile, made it all the way to the tourney final where they were edged 51-47 by Nelson of Burlington who are also highly touted, and are second in the latest Star rank ings. BO YS BASKETBALL Volpe Division Senior Team G W L PF PA Iroquois Ridge 5 0 291260 1 294 241 Aquinas Loyola 1 290 197 Milton 2 262 238 E.C. Drury 3 259 255 Q.E. Park 3 228 233 Oak Trafalgar 4 335 269 Blakelock 5 144270 Bishop Reding 5 5 200 306 · not including this week 's gam es (Oakville Arena) 6:3 0 p.m . m inor atom A AA vs Stoney C reek-2/7 8:00 p.m . m idget A AA vs G rey*Brucc *3/5 (Maple Grove) 7:3 0 p.m . m inor novice A A A vs H alton 2/5 8:50p.m . m inor bantam A vs Bram pton T h u rs . Feb 07 drivers w ith honest, dependable service · A ll Products & Services Guaranteed and W arranteed · We service A ll Makes and M odels · No w ork is ever done w ithout custom er consent / Experience the V Eastside advantage! (Oakville Arena) 6:4 0 p.m. m inor bantam A A vs B urlington 1/5 Fri. Feb 08 (Oakville Arena) 8:00p.m . atom AA vs O rangeville 3/5 Sat. Feb 09 (Oakville Arena) 4 :3 0 p.m . m inor atom AA vs G eorgetow n Sun. Feb I (Maple Grove) 2:00 p.m . m idget A AA vs G eorgetow n 5/5 ( Glen Abbey) 4:0 0 p.m . atom A A A vs Bram pton 3/5 5:3 0 p.m . novice A vs Erin/H ilU burgh (L) Privc CleonRepair Cento A u t o S e f m c e & s a l e s ACCREDITED REPAIR FACILITY O .E .W . N £ S. S E R V IC E RO. Kinsmen registration Kinsmen Softball registration, for their spring schedule, will be held Saturday, Feb. 9, 9 a.m .-l p.m. at Oakville Place Mall. It's open to all boys 6 -18 and girls 6-19. Call (905) 464-9551 or visit kinsmencluboakville@cogeco.ca P 10 10 8 8 W t EI SPEERS R0 p CORNWALL R0 5 5 7 3 Chartw ell Rd. O A K V IL LE O N «?£>; (9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 -9 6 4 1 February Price Thaw! Off Lease Compaq · Intel Pentium I I 400 MHz ·128 Meg SDRAM · 9 Gig SCSI Hard Drive · Sound & Ethernet · CD-ROM · Warranty Included Off Lease Hewlett Packard · Intel Pentium 200 MHz · · · · 64 Megs RAM 2.1 Gig Hard Drive Sound & USB Ethernet Warranty Included In e tu d e s f t p 15 Uewj ctea»i! U e tu j K tO ! . I NORTON ANTI-VIRUS ZO O Z i* -.-- OFF LEASE NEC · Intel Pentium 200 AntiVirus Reg. $89.99 *5 9 " with this coupon > · 32 Megs RAM · Two Serial Ports $4999 Price Crash · Intel Pentium 41.5 GHz ·1 2 8 Megs DDR RAM · 40 Gig Hard Drive · 32 Meg 3D Video · 50x CD-ROM · Sound & Ethernet · Windows XP We Sell Top Quality New & Off Lease Computers H u g e S c E e c lu m ! Hewlett Packard | | ^ Off Lease · Intel Pentium III 450 MHz · 6 4 Megs RAM £ · 6.4 Gig Hard Drive y / | U ·CD-ROM · Sound & Ethernet · Warranty Included pn lin d e n $1000 ( M i LL OFF LEASE SYSTEIV 3LUDE COMPLIMENTA KEYBOARD & MOUSE! CANADIAN Owned & Operated jj 1 O. -3 O. O F a irv ie w St. cD Y o u r P e rs o n a l C o m p u te r S to re M o n -Fri: 9:30-9 Sat: 9:30-6 Sun: 12-5 3443 FAIRVIEW ST. BURLINGTON b u rlin g to n @ co m p u tersp lu s.ca c/111905 333-1109