The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 22, 2002 - B7 Writer's Audition call for 50-plus crew workshop A nyone w h o 's e v e r th o u g h t o f pen n in g a k id s ' b o o k , m ay be in terested in an u p co m in g W riting C h ild re n ' s B o o ks w o rk sh o p at the O akville C e n tra l L ibrary. It w ill tak e p lace from 10 a .m .-4 p.m. on S atu rd ay , M ay 25 at the library at 120 N avy St. C ost fo r the w o rk sh o p is $33. The ev en t is sp o n so red by the Halton C re a tiv e W riting C ircle and The Q u ick B row n Fox W rite rs ' A ssociation. W heth er you w ant to w rite the next b e st-se llin g c h ild re n 's books or ju st cre a te sto rie s fo r y o u r ow n kids, this w o rk sh o p w ill hav e the answ ers. Learn how to e x p re ss id eas in ways th at k id s w ill love and w hat m akes a sto ry ap p ealin g to k ids. Get tip s on k n o w in g how to sell a c h ild re n 's book by fin d in g out about p u b lish e rs, c a te g o rie s, agegroupin g s and re q u ire m e n ts. T h is w o rk s h o p 's fa c ilita to r , B rian H enry, has been an e d ito r fo r 18 years, teach es c re a tiv e w ritin g at R yerson U n iv ersity and G eorge Brow n C o lleg e -- and is also the au th o r o f a c h ild re n 's v ersio n o f Dr. J e k y ll a n d Mr. H yde (T rib u te P ub lish in g Inc.) P re-re g istra tio n is re q u ire d by callin g Bev M eincke at 9 0 5 -3 3 6 1279. Auditions are now being held for the Spectacular Variety Show to be held Saturday, Dec. 28 and Sunday, Dec. 29 at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. It's a chance to be a star, if you can sing, dance, are a magician, storyteller, musician, actor, comedian or have some other specialty act -- and are 50 years old or older. Auditions will be held in early June as per a schedule yet to be compiled. "The talent in our community is over flowing and you have a show that is as unique as the performers themselves," said show producer Kathy Carlin. This is the fifth year for Oakville's pre mier showcase for performers 50-plus. The theme for this year's show is That' s Life and it promises to be bigger and better than ever, guaranteeing great entertainment for the entire family. Call Carlin at 905-845-3585 or director Norma Marsh at 905-827-5908. CLARGREEN CUSTOMERS SPECIAL OFFER TO FORMER CLARGREEN CUSTOMERS! S h e rid a n N u rs e rie s is p le a s e d to o ffe r C la rg re e n re ta il custom ers a hardy nursery stock w arranty on plants purchased from Clargreen in 2001. Simply return your d ead plant w ith your Clargreen receipt, a n d w e will replace your purchase w ith a new plant (o f equal or lesser value) at 50% off the Sheridan regular retail price. Offer available until June 30, 2002. All events included in your $10 Adm ission B utton($15 at the g a te ). Now at a il O akviiie banks, Petro Canada Stations and Rainbow Gas Bar at 3rd Line. Your button could have you on your way to a 7-night all-inclusive Caribbean vacation for 2 courtesy of The Radisson Cable Beach Resort, Air Canada Vacations and Adventure House Travel. Visit our website lU k f k t id H A presents Oakville Etobicoke 700 Evans Avenue Tel: 416-621-9100 Fax: 416-621-9962 e-mail: W a te r fr o jn lCH 102.9 ^ - L i t e f \r Mississauga-Oakville Sheridan N u rse rie s 606 Southdown Road Tel: 905-822-0251 Fax: 905-822-8024 e-mail: June 21 *22*23 Featuring April W ine · Trooper · Kim Stockwood · Natalie M a cM aster Back A d d re s s : Forward Stop Refresh Home AutoFill Print Mail : Preferences shophe O A K W 1E PODGE j H YSU I 646 4th Line, S peers Road, Oakville Dodge T ru c k s H 6 326 LAKESHORE RD. m e 4j n k ' H [A f (/N VN h S E R V I C E S C A N A D A 547 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6J 3J1 (Ju s t South of the Q E W ) (905)845-4267 251 NO RTH SERVICE RD. 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TO VIEW OUR QUAUTY WORK (905) 844-6991 d o jn o s o io i j o o jn o s o io j Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites* 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -1 0 0 0 1 |Oakville Conference & Banquet Centre · 905-618-7510 2 5 2 5 W yecroft Rd., O a k ville w w w o a k v i i i e 1091 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE 905842-8400 VISIT u s AT OUR W EB SITE AT @ TOYOTA ELIZABETHANNE KUKURS Sales Representative Phone: 905 8 4 9 - 3 3 1 7 905 3 3 8 - 3 7 3 7 M H M I IIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I At O ak ville Toyota... W e Do It R ight For You! SALE S DEPA RTM ENT HOURS: MON. - THURS. 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. FRI. 9:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. S£T. 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. r o y a l Lepag e ^Mllllllllllllllllllllllll Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker 0 )0 )0 ) (905) w w w . scooters, on. ca 823-4001 Introducing Luxa Contact-: Am oen a 's First S elf-A d h erin g B reast F o rm . A realtor you can count on for all real estate needs! 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