www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, November 7, 2014 | 38 NOVEMBER 7TH OAKVILLE CELEBRATES THE 4TH ANNUAL RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS DAY ~ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH, 2014. It's simple and up to you! Join your neighbours, local businesses and community organizations by taking the time to do one or more Random Acts of Kindness during the day. Everything counts: from holding a door open and smiling at everyone you meet, to helping a neighbour or buying lunch for the team. Allow us all to celebrate - report back on the Kindness you experienced and the Kindness you shared. @oakvilleCF For more information contact the Oakville Community Foundation: T 905.844.3562 rak@theocf.org theocf.org #RAKOAKVILLE It's a collective effort! Thanks to the following organizations for their help and leadership. Appleby College | Halton Catholic District School Board | Halton District School Board | Oakville Chamber of Commerce | Oakville Hospital Foundation | Tourism Oakville | United Way of Oakville | YMCA of Oakville and more....... Sponsored in part by:
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