The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday February 26, 2003 - D3 Barrie Erskine ·Oakville Beaver L E F T PH O TO : Loyola co-coach Todd Hornby and the bench empty after winning Halton junior championship. R IG H T PH O TO : Loyola and Nelson players vie for the loose ball. Loyola caps off perfect season with Halton championship win over Nelson The Loyola junior boys basketball earn capped off a perfect 14-0 season w'th a 47-42 win over Nelson in Friday's Halton championship at Sheridan College. The Hawks led 24-20 at the half. "It was a very good ball game." said Reno Malisa w ho co-coaches the team along with Todd Hornby and assistant Holy Trinity falls to Pearson in midget final Holy Trinity couldn't quite com plete a story book finish to their inau gural season, losing 54-44 in Friday's mdget boys' Halton championship. It was their first league loss, having gone 8-0 in the regular season and win ning their previous two playoff games. Over all. they were 22-6. Mike Meschino led the Holy Trinity attack with 18 points. Nick Badrov "controlled the backcourt" and provided " outstanding defence on the Pearson guard," said Holy Trinity head coach Elise Adolphe. She also added that Jacob Zagar. all year has done an outstanding job " breaking presses and dominating the boards." She said her charges " played great defensively" but on offence "just couldn't finish on some of the shots." Also, she thought Pearson was effective in dismpting their running game. " They (Pearson) are well disci plined and well coached." she said. Still, making it to the championship game is definitely not bad for a firstyear school, she said. " It was an outstanding season," summed up Adolphe. Mike DeMar/o. "W e played hard from base line to base line." Loyola scoring was spread out with the starting five all within three points of each other -- Mike Tracey ( I I ) , Chris Baluschak (9), Scott Samuel (8), Brad Morassuti (8) and Christian Scalise (7). "Adam Robles came off the bench and did a great job." said Malisa. He also singled out Marcus Andrews who was able to contribute " quality minutes" despite pins in his ankle which will be taken out next month. His ankle was broken in the football season. Coach Malisa felt that Andrews typ ified the dedication and commitment shown by the team this year. Although perfect in league play, including 11-0 in the regular season and 3-0 in the post season, the Loyola team was 25-9. But many of those losses, noted coach Malisa. came in tournaments against the top ranked teams of the province. He thought this busy and tough schedule helped toughen up the team for their successful Halton play off run. "Nelson was certainly a strong team." C o m in g M arch 15 ----------------------- 5thA nnual---------------------- St. Patrick' s Dance feat tt ring Billy H a rp er Band plus a special appearance by the Goggin Irish Dancers A ll the fu n that you could expect from the Irish and even more (at popular per person Available from JoeTopolniski A loose ball is contested by players from Holy Trinity and Pearson. Barrie Erskine ·Oakville Beaver Plenty D o o rP Oakville Vytis hosting huge basketball tournament The O akville Vytis Basketball Association is hosting its third annu al girls basketball tournament this weekend (February 28 - March 2). Come out and see the action as more than 60 of the finest youth bas ketball teams in the province con verge on Oakville and compete for medals in nine different age cate gories. Games take place at the following Oakville schools: · Novice (U-10) A: Iroquois Ridge small gym. Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.. Sun 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. · Atom (LI-12) A: Our Lady of Peace & Mother Teresa, Fri 6-9 p.m.; Q.E. Park. Sat 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.. Sun 10 a.m. - I p.m. · Bantam (U-13) AA: Q.E. Park. Fri 6-9 p.m.: Blakelock Fri 6-9 p.m.. Sat 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.. Sun 10 a.m. - I p.m. · M ajor Bantam (U-14) A: Loyola, Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.. Sun 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. · M ajo r Bantam (U-14) AAA: Aquinas. Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.. Sun 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. · Midget (U-16) A A : Loyola, Fri 5:30-8:30 p.m.; White Oaks South. Fri 6-9 p.m.. Sat 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. · Midget (U-16) AAA: Loyola, Fri 8:30-10 p.m.: White Oaks North, Fri 5:30-10 p.m.. Sat 8 a.m. - 8 PM . Sun 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. · Juvenile (U-18) A A A : Aquinas, Fri 7:30-9 p.m.; Oakville Trafalgar. Fri 5:30 - 10 p.m.. Sat 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.. Sun 10 a.m. - I p.m. · Ju n io r (U-20) A A A : Iroquois Ridge. Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.. Sun 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information about the Oakville Vytis Basketball Association, please check the club web site at 905-827-1854 The party starts at 8 pm featuring entertainment by the Goggin Irish dancers. Don't be late! Plus Special! Midnight Caterers Irish Stew v ^ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS m :1 494 Wallace Rd., Oakville r (905) 827-1854 All Proceeds for Juvenile Diabetes BALL HOCKEY player stats, weekly awards, trophies safe play, Ont. & Cdn. championships games at N O N -C O N T A C T Free Clubs for Kids is Back! a t th e ADULT 1 1 ALTON M EN'S I IOCKEY LEAGUE · N o n - c o n ta c t · P r im e tim e gam es · 2 9 th season o f o p e r a t io n · S w e a te rs/so c k s p ro v id e d · T r o p h ie s · B a la n c e d te a m s · E x c e lle n t o f fic ia tin g · I n d iv id u a l e n tr ie s · M any gam es on O l y m p ic si i c R iv e r O a k s s u rfa c e Kin oak Arena & Glen A bbey A ren a Women 1 4+, or Youth 6+ for Men 18+, Masters 30+, G o l f & T ravel Presented by Team o r Individual E n try W elco m e INFORMATION AND/OR REGISTRATION BY PHONK APPLICATIONS AT RIVER OAKS. GLEN ABBEY OR APPLEBY COLLEGE ARENAS (905)849-9712 players ball hockey, com M ember o f Ont. Ball Hockey Assoc. ACURA ® February 28 - March 2, 2003 Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building · More info · Discount coupons · Enter to WIN our on-line { The first 500* kids each day, aged 5 1 2 years, will receive a FREE Golf Club! This program made possible through the generosity of P O W E R ·must be accompanied by an adult contnst for a t /fi 7B I L T Every kid, aged 5 1 5 years, is invited to visit the Junior Driving Range for a FREE Lesson from an Ontario PGA Pro! PRESENTED BY T H E(IlKflLII l« l! NAM E O F YOUR SCH O O L GRO UP OR O RGANIZATIO N: Send or drop off your collected coupons to: THE OAKVILLE BEAVER, 467 SPEERS RD. OAKVILLE ON L6K3S4 viesHS Look for our flyer in today's Oakville Beaver Sponsored by: Tills program made possible IhroiKjh the ijenerosltv of Ihe (P D A 25 exciting p !2 2 Q p tZ 2 Q Parties to be won! R.vtcjo FREE PARKING courtesy o f, Q o tf D rivin g Enteroff Lower Stmcoe south otLakeshore Blvd. Vtedla Sponsor Show H ours: Frid ay n o o n 9 Saturday Sunday 1 0 6A d u ltsSI2 Senio rs $ 1 0 Juniors(8 1 5 )$ 6 DIMarcoWiGoK I ci.iblin< m o o rq o lf merit No copies or reproductions accepted * * ·