B2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y F e b ru a ry 12, 2003 Fun v i i nt i i m n n FINAL REDUCTIONS ALL ladies' and m en s w inter in sto ck shoes, b oots, handbags, w allets and gloves ... Sweetheart parfaits are sweet perfection £ >PRICE W e have m oved to our n ew lo ca tio n at; 232 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville 905-845-5582 * 'excluding slippers 1 f CHARLES AUSTIN ·SHOES* (N APSA)-There are many special occasions throughout the year that call for a sweet finale. Sweetheart Parfaits are the perfect answer. California Mission and Calim ym a Figs are simmered in a sweet orange-flavored syrup and sit atop a creamy, luscious cheesecake mousse. Sprinkled with crushed buttery-rich short bread cookies and toasted walnuts, these indi vidual parfaits take less than 30 minutes to pre pare. You also can make the ingredients a day ahead. Blue Ribbon Orchard Choice and Sun-Maid California Dried Figs are readily available in the produce department or grocery aisle. Alw ays sweet, chewy and bursting with flavor, dried figs are the perfect fruit to add to scones, quick breads, salads, compotes and desserts, or to keep on hand for a quick, energy-filled snack. For more delightfully delicious recipes, go to www.valleyfig.com . California Dried Figs are a great source o f fiber and provide a healthy amount of iron, calcium and potassium, as well as other essential nutrients. Celebrate all your special meals this year with Sweetheart Parfaits. 1/2teaspoon lemon juice Cheesecake Mousse: 3 ounces cream cheese, softened 1/3cup powdered sugar _J 1/2teaspoon vanilla extract 34cup whipped heavy cream Topping and Garnish: J 1/2cup crumbled shortbread cookies J l/4cup chopped, toasted pecans almonds Sprigs of fresh mint, optional JANUARY SAVINGS Limited Selection of indoor & O utdoor Shoes UP TO Great Selection o f Balls 2003 Calendars 4 Q % ° ff Good Selection o f T-Shirts or 3 0 % OFF 4Q% off Free Gift with purchase of $50 or more © @<8>e©e@ SOCCER ( ) S w e e th e a rt P a rfa its U JO R I D 187 C ro s s A v e n u e (Across from Oakville GO) 9 0 5 815-8939 Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-6 · Thurs. 11-8 · Sat. 10-5 · Sun. 12-5 · Closed Tuesdays Fig-Orange Sauce: 1 cup sliced, stemmed Blue Ribbon Orchard Choice or Sun-Maid Calim ym a or Mission Figs 2-Gcup orange juice l/3cup packed golden brown sugar w) I tablespoon orange-flavoured liqueur or orange juice To make sauce: In small saucepan, combine figs and orange juice. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and simmer until liquid is reduced to about 1/4 cup. 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in brown sugar and simmer until liquid is syrupy, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in orange liqueur and lemon juice. Chill until serving time. To make mousse: With wire whisk, beat cream cheese, pow dered sugar and vanilla until smooth and creamy. Gently whisk in 1/2 the whipped cream. With rubber spatula, fold in remaining whipped cream. (Sauce and mousse can be held in refrigerator up to 1 day.) To serve: Spoon mousse in bottom of 4 martini or champagne flutes. Smooth to an even layer. Top with fig sauce. Sprinkle with crumbled cookies and nuts. Garnish with mint. Makes 4 servings. Alw ays sweet, chewy and bursting with flavour, figs add flavour to many desserts. This promotion was made possible by the following community minded businesses. Dr. Kevin O 'Malley Dr. Frank G igone 2169 Sixth Lin e V-1 ; RIVER OAKS R Oakville, O N L6 H 3X2 Tel: 905-842-4406 o r 905-849-1944 Fax: 905-842-1749 Warm your H eart with a Perfect Sm ile e-mail: rvoakdental@globalserve.net www.can-dent.com/riveroaks J DENTAL Count the Hearts to F in ER TO TO f BALLOT Tbe Cove L lassies OUR FLOWERS ARE ALWAYS CLASSICALLY UNIQUE Remember Your Special Valentine Roses. Mixed Bouquets. Spring Bouquets Trafalgar Concourse 1226 White Oaks Blvd., OAKVILLE Dr. M ichael Browning $50 Gift Certificate DRAW WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 14/03 9llef>Lo^ 9 0 5 . 7 7 5 9 email: coveclassics@on.aibn.com I to a local restaurant y SP1PF ftPTKPIl All T o p B r a n dN a m e s V I /·" ·.y t u r i l u r Frames Storewide with purchase of your Rx lenses J v · Gift C e r t if ic a t e s ^ · M u s ic S ta n d s · B o o k s a n d sheet m u sic · M etronom e · G u ita r-S trin g s , straps * G u ita rs & a c ce s s o rie s · D rum s » ,* G u i t a r T u n e r s · Large selection ol frames · Doctor's appointment arranged · We accept all vision care programs t Space Optical invites you to come in and see all the new latest styles of eyeglasses. Visit us for personal and prompt service. ter 131KERR ST. (comer ol Keif & John St.) 845-3751 ' V Tra fa lga r Village 905) 842-2821 125 C ro ss Ave. Mon. 9 -6 ·Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9 -8 pm ·Sat 9:30 -5 pm F A IR W A Y S D R U G S T O R E CO M P LETE PHARM ACY IR t *u ·ALL MAJOR DRUG PLANS ACCEPTED ·PHOTOFINISHING ·POSTAGE STAMPS ·COSMETICS COUNTER NAME:-------------------------------------------------PHONE:. D E D I C A T E D C H O O O U T IM TO Q U A L I T Y ADDRESS: Chocolates tC G i f u i f H a p p y V a len tin es D a y 1500 Upper Middle Rd. at 3rd Une IN THE ABBEY PLAZA Free Delivery Service (on prescriptions) H A P P Y VALE NTI NE S DAY THERE ARE A TOTAL OF HEARTS ON THIS PAGE. Brought to you by O0@D F L OW t R S HOP P E L T D .OS^o .L,m Delivery Mail Order Uikeshore Hoad F'.ust OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 905.339.2100 " H ^ p p y V a le n tin e s D a y tv 'loin the excitement at Curves! We are helping women lose excess pounds and inches while acquiring the habit of exercise. jo M in u tefitness KW e ig h tU mC e n tets' Curves for women 1131 N O T T IN G H ILL G A T E# 207, O AKVILLE (905) 827-8964 HOURS: Mon-Fri: 7am-8pm; S a t 8am-1pm; SUN: CLO SED V MAIL OR DROP OFF AT 467 SPEERS ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6K 3S4 ATTENTION: KAY y y jfc 1. Qiiafity iTCozuers, `Unique 'Designs, 2VffordaBCe ` I*rices Remember The One You Love 1395 Abbeywood Dr., Unit 9 lc\(\r?\ Arc\ t1 Pilgrim s WayPlaza, 46>644J www.anenglishgarden.net