E D U C A TIO N snj' HOPEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 10:00 a.m .-1:00 p.m . · Managing Editor: Rod Jerred Phone: 905-337-5559 Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com w i :i j n e s i >.v>. r - : r r i w r y 12 . 2 0 0 :* · 1 w g c < :4 BUSINESS levels above their own," he continued. The basis of the Kumon method says Moore, is that it's student driven. Unlike the school system that demands that students com plete a fixed amount of work within a short time period. Kumon allows the student to set the pace of learning, constantly chal lenging him to improve. The method concentrates on building a strong foundation of math and reading, strengthening study habits, and increasing concentra tion. Ultimately, says Moore, it increases self esteem. " I 've had parents tell me that their children have improved in all their sub jects, not just math and reading," he says. "It's because they have the skills and the confidence to tackle everything better." Moore suggests that he would like to see more pre schoolers in the program. "That level sets the founda tion so we send kids to school with basic pre-read ing and numeracy skills in place," he says. " If we can grab kids and get them on the right track early, it can make a big difference later." Nonetheless, Moore Education · Care · Fun Kumon builds skills, confidence: instructor New centre opens in Bronte Village By Liz Campbell S P E C IA L TO T H E BEA V ER Basic numeracy and reading skills are intrinsic to learning almost everything else and lacking these can make an enormous differ ence to students struggling in school. Indeed, Tom Kumon, a math teacher in Japan discovered this more than 60 years ago. His young son was hav ing problems with math so he developed a series of exercises to help him improve his skills. By the time the boy reached Grade 6, he was doing complex calculations far beyond his grade level. Other parents asked Kumon to help their children. Today, more than three million children around the world are being helped by the Kumon system. " It's about building con fidence," says Mark Moore of Kumon Math and Reading Centres. "I don't know any kid who doesn't enjoy being the kid every one comes to when they need help. "It's very rewarding to see kids who couldn't sit still the (list time they come in, start working at grade Now Enrolling for September 200312004 Ages 2 112-6 years Saturday, February 15th - 3rd Line Campus Saturday, February 22nd - Thomas St. Campus 156 3rd Line Oakville, Ontario L6L 3Z8 (905) 847-1 165 T h i r d Line C a m p u s T h o m a s S tre et C a m p u s 160 W illiam Street Oakville. Ontario L6J 1C5 (905) 338-5247 r O A T O A R O I V F IN A N C IA L · T A X · L IF E S T Y L E = M i r'.'i i =1 k \ 11 : r j Ron Rousseaux K a well known Independent Financial - Tox - Retirement - Estate ond Lifestyle Planner kxated in Burlington. Ron's recent completion of the Certified Senior Advisor Course from the United States mokes him one of 4 Qualified CSA's in Conoda. His background includes Cost Accounting, Credit Manogement, Ministry of Revenue, 14 yeacs at Revenue Canada, Private Industry and he has operated his own business since 1992. Ron was also the M i, technical odvnoc to the Conodion best selling book, "Sudden Wealth". Ron's approoch to Financial Planning is one of using value and common sense. His experience with Revenue Conoda and studying some of the best investors in the . .jP v 1 i world has taught him that the Value Approach will ohroys reward his clients. JJTTM * Divecsificotion. is o must lo ensure that his client's copitol is preserved and Vnlrd B f income needs met Ron's approach K that o written Financial Tox Plan is used so Financial Planner that we know whete you are going. RON ROUSSEAUX P rs s io e n t C e m ite dS e n io rA d rao r " B ack to B asics" S em in ar TOPICS: ·A lternatives to GIG an dB o n d s In co m eF u n d s (not In co m eT ru st) ' Segregated F u n d s (100% guaranteed o nC apital) W hy d oyo un eed to lo o k at alternate financial in stru m en ts? In terest R ates -w hy they w jlj rem ain lo w ·A n n u ities -are they a p ractical alternative? 'W hy sh o u ldyou in vest in ovalue portfoliodur in g th ese tim es? -> Briefly explain -Borrow ing to In vest and w hy you m ay w ish to d o it Why d oI u seW hole Life Insurance over o th er Insurance p ro d u cts fo r estate p lan n in g * RRIFs and In co m e Fu n d s -> D escrib eh o wto u se a R everse M ortgage property -> U sin g a Lin e of C red it rather th an a R everse M ortgage -» W hat is o u r current Lo wR isk Value Po rtfo lio Tyler Anderson · Special to the Oakville Beaver C hristina Wilson practises counting with instructor M ark M oore at the new Kumon M ath and Reading C entre in Bronte Village. M oore is in charge of this newest corpo rately-run location. insists that Kumon isn't a quick fix program. It's a long-term solution which requires commitment from both parent and child. Often parents bring their children in thinking the problem is just reading or math, and find that both skills need improvement. For others, work ing with one skill is enough to get them back on track. Kumon's newest location in Oakville (there are six now) is in Bronte Village at Lakeshore and Bronte roads. Moore is in charge of this newest corporately-run location. The rest are fran chises. He comes to Oakville from the Leaside centre in Toronto. The Bronte Kumon Centre will be open only two days a week initially, on Mondays and Wednesdays, with plans to expand as the need arises. For more infor mation on the Kumon learning system, visit www.kumon.com or call l-8(X)ABC-MATH or locally at 905825-81 43. SEMINAR DATE Saturday, February 15, 2003 AFTERNOON: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Burlington Art Centre, (Fireside Lounge) F E B R U A R Y 14- 2 3 2 0 0 3 A N D T H E M E T R O T O R O N T O C O N V E N T IO N 1333 LAKESHORE RD., BURLINGTON N o, your name w ill not be placed onto a m ailing list and no, you w ill not receive telephone calls a fte rw a rd s and ye s, handouts w ill be pro vided. SKYDOM E C EN TR E To reserve yoor seat, call Courtney at 9 0 5 " 3 3 6 ~ 9 9 4 1 e-mail: ron@todaytomorrow.com · Web Site: www.todaytomorrow.com Sponsored By TODAY AND TOM ORROW FINANCIAL PLANNING Licensed through GP Capital Corp. in c . en School River Oaks Primary Campus R otherglen School is dedicated to th e needs o f the individual child. W e offer a w arm , learning e n v iro n m en t, c o n c e n tra tin g o u r efforts on developing a stro n g sense o f self-esteem as well as effective learning strategies for th e child. · M o d ern facility: Large, b rig h t classroom s a n d A triu m · M ontessori pre-school program for ages 3, 4, a n d 5 yr olds. · E lem entary pro g ram , G rades 1-8 available at o u r E lem en tary C a m p u s o n N eyagaw a Blvd. · 1/2 day & full day program s · Q u alified M ontessori teachers · Before- a n d after-school program s available, 7:30 a.m . to 6 p.m . · P h o n e tic approach · Professionally developed M usic & French p rogram s for all ages. EZ WIN fl N W BEETLE Here's an EZ way to win at the 2003 Canadian International AutoShow. Ontario Volkswagen Dealers. 97.3 EZ Rock and Metroland newspapers present a chance to win a 2003 Volkswagen New Beetle. To enter, simply drop off a completed ballot below at the feature area on the 600 level. South MTCC or AutoShow office. Room 201. 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