C2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 24, 2004 M l S s to d s y , N o y s v o b s r 2 7 ,2 0 0 ? ro& m so nst. Temporary Road Closures Streets affected by the Santa Claus Parade will include Cornw all Road, Chartwell Road, T rafalgar Road, Lakeshore Road, and Kerr Street. Detailed Parade Related Road Closures on Saturday Nov. 27 from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. are as fallows: · Cornw all Road from Chartwell Road to Trafalgar Road · Reynolds Street from Cornw all Road to Lakeshore Road · Lakeshore Road from Reynolds Street to Navy Street · Navy Street from Lakeshore Road to Rebecca Street/Randall · Rebecca Street from Navy Street to Kerr Street · Kerr Street from Rebecca Street to Stewart Street The co-operation o f all motorists is requested. For further details, please con tact Bob DeHoog, Road Corridor/Permit Coordinator at 905 845-6601 ext. 3337. Access to the QTMH will also be restricted mi if you need to gel to the hospital, please use the emergency entrance on Allan Street. Look for the blue I lospital ileiour signs lo direct you, which will tv posted along major traffic p o in ts in Oakville. Take this map with you tofollow Santa on his route Q U E E N E L IZ A B E T H W A Y C O R N W A LL RD. EM ER G EN C Y RO UTE PARADE ROUTE STARTS HERE 9 A.M. M A C D O N A LD RD. PAR AD E ROUTE H 1 I I I </> z < ^ Sa Sch n t a 's ; e d u le . L IO N S PO O L. I R A N D A L L ST. " t Visit Santa a t the following locations * ^LA K E S H O R E R D ^ -- -- Oakville Place ; NOVEMBER HOURS: Monday to Friday 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 11a.m .-5p.m . DECEMBER HOURS: Monday to Friday 10 a.m.-8 p.m. * Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. * December 24 9 a.m.-4 p.m. * R O B IN S O N ST. PICK 0FTHE CROP T O Y S H B O O K S Hopedale Mall NOVEMBER HOURS: Looking for just the right gift? Playm obil people you can pose, Corolle dolls w ith lo ts o f clothes! * * Parade sponsors Gold Sponsors Legend Creek Homes Sobeys Moen Petro Canada Mattamy Homes Sat. Nov. 27 1 1 a .m .- 5 p .m . * * * * * * * * * Pop-up books t h a t one can tre a s u re , Lego s e ts fo r la s tin g pleasure! p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. DECEMBER HOURS: Thurs. Dec. 2 Fri. Dec. 3 Sat. Dec. 4 Thurs. Dec. 9 f r i . Dec. 10 Sat. Dec. 11 Thurs. Dec. 16 4 p.m.-8 3 p.m.-7 10 a.m.-4 4 p.m.-8 3 p.m.-7 10 a.m.-4 3 p.m.-7 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Fri. Dec. 17 Sat. Dec. 18 Mon. Dec. 20 Tues. Dec. 21 Wed. Dec. 22 Thurs. Dec. 23 Fri. Dec. 24 3 10 3 3 12 12 11 p.m.-7 a.m.-4 p.m.-7 p.m.-7 p.m.-4 p.m.-7 a.m.-5 Science k its t h a t ed ucate, B aby to y s t h a t s tim u la te ! Ever so " hip" g irls t h a t groove, Thom as tra in s fo r kids t o move! P in o sa u rs t h a t do n o t bite, ^ C h ris tm a s books su re t o delight! C reative c r a fts m ade t o a m u s e !, ** H a rry P o tte r" t o peruse, ^ Fa m ily ga m es fo r a 1 1 to play, \ F u n ideas fo r a s nowy day! L ,,, Silver Sponsors Altana Pharma Inc. O akville Hydro Longboat Development Clarica Bronze Sponsors G enstar Development Corp. O 'C onnor M acLeod Hanna Terratec Environmental D owntown BIA AT Pick of the Crop has them all! Gifts In-Kind Sponsors Deco Labels Steeplejack Services The Oakville Beaver (M edia Sponsor) OAKVILLE f i ON'FERENCE ^ & B A N Q U E T C E N T R E ^ A U T H O R & ILLUSTRATOR VISIT Saturday November 27 2:00 \v., Food Sponsors Tim Hortons Carm en's has taken the work out of planning your Christmas Party by offering you 3 unbelievable nights of Entertainment and Excitement - in festive tradition! Kenneth Oppel & B arbara Reid will be reading and signing Peg and th e Y eti Kenneth's and B a rb a ra 's o th e r books will be available fo r purchasing and signing also! November 26-27 15% o ff C h ris tm a s B ooks & Calendars! 2 4 5 LA K E S H O R E R O A D EAST D O W N T O W N O A K V IL L E 8 4 4 - 5 3 6 3 Kinsmen organize Santa Claus Parade food drive ^ Each Dinner Show includes World-Class Impersonators, 4 Course Themed Dinner & Cash Bar Thurs., December 02, 2004 Elvis & N e il D ia m o n d Elvis: Steve Kabakos - 2001 im ages of the King World C h a m p io n T W O magic days Friday N o v em b er 26, until 11:00 pm l «- i U F " ' N eil D iam o n d : Gerry Armstrong Thurs., December 09, 2004 S h a n ia T w a in & Tom J o n e s Shania: Nancy Tromm Tom Jones: Joe Callura to v - &Saturday N o v em b er 27, 2004 -- r A / - Thurs., December 16, 2004 C h e r , R e b a & C e lin e D iv a 's Artist Karen Grainger B o o k y o u r H o lid a y F u n c tio n W ith Us! Small to Mid-Sized Corporate Groups Welcome. TICKETS ONLY r j T e s t e d ite m s Loji&for more §reat deals in our Ttoo Magic Days flyer > . $60 per person (inclusive of Taxes/S.C.) Buy 9 receive th e 10th Ticket Free $3 of every tic k e t sold in support of the Juravinsky C a n cer Centre Foundation 1 S E T o f 4 H A M IL T O N B U L L D O G S H O C K E Y T IC K E T S Per store location Valid at the 2 Oakville Locations only. Dundas & Trafalgar. Kerr & Speers Rd. HAM ILTON BULLDOGS H O C K E Y TICKETS GIVE AW AY . Return this Bollot to Conodion fire, for your (home to win tickets. ... O ffe r n ot va lid fo r C a n a d ia n Tire em ployees & the ir im m ediate fam ilies. N o m a il-in entries a llo w ed . DOORS: 6:30 PM - DINNER: 7:00 PM - SHOW TO FOLLOW CASH BAR All Inclusive New Year's Eve Packages are now available J* N _mo. ..................................................... I A d d re s s :.................................................. I . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f l p ho no N o.: . | ll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1] -- · -- J j 5 C ourse Dinner, Bar, Party Favours B a n d a n d M ore! Draw to be held November 27th/04 tto tv ! D UN D AS & TR A FA LG A R ROAD T icke ts & In fo rm a tio n 9 0 5 .6 1 8 .7 5 1 0 www.oakvilleconterence.com 2515 W yecroft Rd Oakville (Bronte a t QEW) 400 Dundas St. East 257-TIRE STORE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 8:00am-9pm · Sat. 8:00am-6fl0pm · Sun. 9am-6pm O A K T O W N S H O P P IN G P L A Z A 5 5 0 K e rr S tre e t 844-0202 STORE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 8:00ani-9pm · Sat. 8:00am-6:00pm · Sun. 9am-6pm For the 15th year in a row, the O akville Santa Claus Parad^ will be led by the Oah »>ll»-Kmnmen C lub's tractor trailer and crew collecting food dona tions from the spectators. ``We feel that a food collection in co n ju n ctio n w ith the Santa C laus parade is a unique idea. Everybody enjoys the parade, but we often lose sight o f the fact that even in our own com m unity, there are people less fortu nate than ourselves," said Kinsmen John Dorn. "The club is asking that spectators bring an appropriate food donation, which will be collected by Kinsmen at the front o f the parade," continued Dom. Kinsmen will be pushing shopping carts beside a tractor trailer. The parade watchers will have the opportunity to put their donation into a cart at the beginning o f the parade. The food will then be loaded onto the trailer, to be driven to a local sorting and distribution centre. Cash donations will be accepted from those who forget to bring a food donation. Cash proceeds are forwarded to the O akville Jingle Bell Fund that is m anaged by the Salvation Army. "In a com m unity such as ours, chil dren receive so much, and quite often they do not realize how lucky they are," said Dom. "T he thought behind this project is that the K insm en club could perform a com m unity service by collecting food, and help children realize that this sea son also involves giving, as well as receiving. O ur Kinsmen club's are like a lot o f people, som etim es we ju st write cheques. The food drive project lets our clubs and the kids participate directly in charity during a period when even more people need our help," said Dom. In past years. Kinsmen have collect ed enough food for the Salvation Army to provide several weeks supply o f food for O akville's requirem ents.