Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, C03

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 24, 2004 - C3 Q U E E N E L IZ A B E T H W A ______ - -- ST EW AR v> z < 111 ST. | tf> b m f t o a t t -t o : " ............ U / A. / a ---------------------------------------- P AR AO E RO UTE STARTS HERE \ * AM M A C D O N A L D RO. m <m mm wg tn mm mm E M E R G E N C Y RO UTE m mm mm mm mm mm m P AR A D E RO UTE tt * 5 S 2 ce i Ul * . , ' i 1 S H 1 · «r> X < J ml < i - i ..................... . R A N O A L L ST. </» 2 s * RE e e c c i L K >NS PO O L. mm m r · 1 mm > X R OBINSON ST Parade is fun-filled day for the whole family Don't miss out on all the fun this Saturday when Oakville welcomes Santa Claus at the 56th Annual Santa Claus Parade. This year's theme is the "C hristm as Around the World" and our 67 entries and ten bands are sure not to disappoint. Starting at 9 a.m., the parade will start at MacDonald and Reynolds Streets, and run south along Reynolds Street to Lakeshore Road, running west to Navy Street and will proceed north bound to Rebecca, and then east to Kerr Street to finish at Stewart Street. The operating budget for the parade is in excess o f $10,000 which is donated solely by our sponsors. The Santa Claus Parade Com m ittee w ishes to thank all the sponsors who helped get Santa to Town this year, with a special mention to our Gold Sponsors: Legend November 2 Creek Homes. Sobeys, Moen, Petro Canada and Mattamy Homes. While each year we hope that the weather co-operates, we do suggest parade watchers come prepared with warm clothes, blankets, and a carafe o f something hot to drink. D on't forget to bring a new unw rapped toy for the Toy Drive and a non-perishable food item for the Food Drive. Kids o f all ages will want to make sure they buy their " red nose" from the Fun Group of Family and Friends o f Falgarwood who are donating all proceeds to the Cardiac program at the hospital. Children w on't want to forget their letter to Santa. Carriers from Canada Post will be at the front o f the parade collect ing letters and will make sure they get to Santa in plenty o f time before Christmas Day. Sales o f food and other items has always been a traditional part o f the Santa Claus Parade. All food vendors intending to operate a refreshment vehicle at the parade must obtain a class "C " Refreshm ent Vehicle License. The application cost will be $50.00 per event per vehicle and must be registered with the Town prior to the parade. Police and By-Law officers will be on site at the parade. Any vendor who does not have the appropri ate license and/or documentation may be sub ject to a summons and will be asked to leave the premises. For further inform ation, please contact Bob DcHoog at 905-845-6601 ext. 3337. If you need more information on the parade please call Louise Veres at (905) 845-6601 ext. 3154. Parade information is also available on the Town website at www.oakville.ca. Joining Santa Claus will be one o f the la te s t groups in the history o f the parade including floats, bands, and costum ed entertainers representing numer ous local business, service clubs and community groups. Once again, the overall best entry will win a grand prize o f $500. For groups that are either charities or non-profits, the prize money will be directly donated to the group. Commercial entries will be able to donate the prize money to the charity o f their choice. The Santa Claus parade demonstrates the spirit o f community. Nestled at the heart o f the parade are the numerous volunteers that give o f their time each year to bring this important tradition to Oakville. In most cases the w on derful floats and other forms o f entertainment seen during the parade has been planned, organized, and built by the dedicated volun teers o f each group. Many hours o f prepara tion goes into each entry, with some groups working madly right up to the night before the parade, ready to showcase their creation to the many spectators that line the dow ntow n streets. KIDS CONTEST Kids can win passes to Playdium! Draw a Christinas custom from around the world M il Santa Parade Drawing Contest rhonc A q e __ M all / D rop O ff o r Fax ter. Hi w i i \ i i i , i , i . i n , i i1 .1 Parade C on te st E ntry d e a d lin e : Friday, D e c e m b e r 3, 2 0 0 4 467 Speers Road O akville, O N L6 K 3S4 Phone: 905-845-3824 Fax: 905-337-5568 Oakville Italian Club T h e O a k v ille Ita lia n C lu b is a n o n -p ro fit o r g a n iz a tio n e s ta b lis h e d in 1 9 9 0 in th e to w n o f O a k v ille , O n ta rio , C a n a d a . T h e p u rp o s e o f O .I.C . is to g iv e th e p e o p le o f O a k v ille a n d s u rro u n d in g a re a s a p la c e to m e e t a n d s h a re in a p le a s a n t a tm o s p h e re , a s w e ll a s to fa m ilia riz e th e m s e lv e s w ith th e Ita lia n h e r ita g e a n d c u s to m s . It's fa c ilitie s s u ffic ie n tly e q u ip p e d to p ro m o te v a rio u s e v e n ts , te le v is e d s p o rts , c u s to m a ry c u is in e s , fin e a u th e n tic c o ffe e a n d b e v e ra g e s h a v e m a d e th e O .I.C . a g ro w in g s u c c e s s . 4 ; Oakville Skating Club REGISTERNOW CHILDREN'S LINE W FOR W IN TER CLASSES y y y y y y P a re n t & Tot Preschool C a n S k a te C a n S k a te P r e - J u n io r T een S k a t e t £ A d u lt L e a r n I to S k a te S / d u a lity NCCP Certified Instructors ZO Years Average Experience N ational Skill A w a rd s Program Fast Tra ck and Competitive Programs Environmentally friendly, safer, " better products delivered to your door Hand soap, sham poo, body wash, body lotions, dental floss, toothpaste, vitamins NOVEMBER SPECIAL Oakville Italian Club 467 Speers Road, Unit 16, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 (905) 844-8000 Call Catherine for details · Some restrictions apply www.wellnessbydesign.ca TELEPHONE (905) 845-2241 FAX (905) 845-0193 Classes at - River Arena CRAZY LEGS RAYMOND E. JACKSON S e n io r F inancial A dvisor Achieve your financial goals. Imvst and gmu' wealthy through time proven wealth creation 8c presentation strategies. D (a t(n ijn . < S. ^ A ^ a u i m t z , 1 1 % . At Berkshire Securities Inc., your long term financial security is mv para m ount concern. My team o f financial advisors is focused o n building finan cial wealth for o u r clients through a dis ciplined ap p ro ach to financial an d investm ent planning. C o n su m ers today are o v erw h elm ed w ith an array o f financial plan n in g advice. W ithout the support o f a financial advisor who u n d erstan d s a clien t's needs, an individual may becom e confused an d subject to m arket fads an d flavour o f th e m onth investments. I will act as y o u r g u id e - cu ttin g th ro u g h th e co n fu sio n and proliferation o f products available. T ogether we will create a financial strategy including an investment, tax an d estate plan that's righi for you. BARRISTER, SO LIC ITO R & NOTARY Fasliion for Dance, Skating, Gymnastics and Fitness. Skies for Jazz, Tap & Ballet 635 F ourth Line #8, Oakville (South o f Speers R<xid) 905-844-4415 263 CHURCH STREET OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J 1NY © Member C .ll'i' BERKSHIRE S E C U R I T I E S INC. 710 Dorval Dr., Ste. 505, ( 9 0 5 ) 849-4700 ft) Oakville Parent-Child Centre SUPER SCIENCE FUN Join the Friday, Novem ber 27th Santa Claus Parade Saturday Nov 27 C ffg fS T M A S W B g O W rE Come with your child and discover the fascinating world of science through crafts, music and hands-on activities. Nursery care is not available. Registration is required. ® Z s 2 +^ Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees!! Men I Women ® 16-65 years needed for same. ® No extras. Parents call Call 905 849-6366 / h e f i b ? Location: 1395 Abbeywood Dr. Start Date: Monday December 6th to Monday January 24th Time: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Age Group: 3 to 5 years Cost: S30.00 for one child $15.00 for each additional child s s This is a 6 week program 905.580.1486 2446A Lakeshore Road West www.op-cc.ca (416) 221-3829®

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