Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, D02

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D2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 24, 2004 ' & ~ 1 0 2 9 S p e e r s Rd. U n il # 8 , O a k v i l l e co rn er o f 4 th i? Speers B eside T im H ortons OakviUt Oakville trio in Canadian line-up W hen I)o a n n a E v e rre tt cam e on for Canada in the 60th m inute o f S u n d ay 's quarterfinal gam e against China, it marked a real high point for O akville soccer. Here it was at the 2004 U19-W arld C hamnionsTnns in Thailand with C anada facing China. And Canada, playing with 10 players because o f a red card, had fully one-third o f its players on the field from Oakville (not including the goaltender). Everrett joined A m an d a C icchini a n d c a p ta in K a ra would have liked w ith China prevailing 3 - 1. In a gam e broadcast across the co untry on Sportsnet, C anada co uldn't reco v er from a nightm are start to the game. Before the match was less than a minute old, C anada's starting netm inder. Stacey Van Boxmeer, was red card ed for contact in the box on a Chinese player on a break. to make it 2-0. which stood as the half-time score. C anada's excellent striker Brittanty Timko scored at the 63-minute mark to momen tarily put som e life into Canada. Tim ko capitalized on a rebound off the Chinese goalie who couldn't handle one o f L ang's patented free kicks. But an immediate Chinese reply in the 64th minute /pro v ed to be the back breaker. V Two other players had an O a k v i l l e 's G r e y C u p c o n n e c t io n O akville connection with Tw o O akville residents played key roles in bringing the both K obvn G ay le o f G rey C up back to Toronto. T he A rgos beat B.C. 27-19. M ississauga and T anya First and forem ost w as D am o n A llen, the ageless q uar D ennis o f Brampton having, terback w ho sparked an inspired A rgos offence. in the past, suited up for A nd second w as the head coach M ich ael "P in b a ll' Oakville Soccer Club teams. C le m o n s w ho scooped his first G rey C up as a coach, in Both are now playing U.S. college soccer. addition to the tw o he earned as a player. Not only did China score on the resulting penalty kick, but Canada lost its starting goaltender and was forced to play with I0 players. And w hile C anada had tied G erm any 3-3, in pool play, after being dow n 3-0, they c o u ld n 't repeat their heroics in these trying cir cum stances. C hina scored another early goal at the 21st minute (9 0 5 ) 3 3 7 -1 7 7 4 E N D O F S E A S O N L IQ U ID A T IO N AND C H R IS T M A S B L O W O U T S P E C IA L S M E N 'S & L A D IE S G O L F S H IR T S M E N 'S & L A D IE S G O L F S H O E S 5 0 % OFF PUTTERS J U /O u r r _______ (while Supply a »t») T IG E R G O L F B A L L S K f lO / (I C C With FREE Shoe Bag $19.95 5 0 % OFF 3 D0Z. $49.95 O NCE A YE A R ONLY A L L M E N 'S G O L F S E T S (W A L L D IS P L A Y S ) NEVER BEFORE & NEVER AGAIN E L E C T R IC P O W E R C A D D Y E X P E R IE N C E D G O L F B A L L S $349.95 Incl Bnltbry & Chargor IN D IV ID U A L W O O D S & IR O N S 3 POZ. $9.95 & UP GOLF HATS $9.95 & UP U S -T O U R G L O V E S 3/S6.95 2/$19.95 $2.95 & UP A CLUB Lang. Unfortunately, however, it didnjt have the kind o f end ing that the fans back in Oakville, and across Canada. S P E C IA L R E -G R IP P IN G P R IC E W IN T E R O N L Y ( N o v .- M a r .) A ch ie ve b a la n c e w ith E laine S tro u d , N a tu ro p a th ic D o c to r Looking for more harmonizing ways o f achieving health-life-work balance? Elaine Stroud will help you achieve your authentic balance starting from the inside out. W ith an H onours Degree in Psychology and D octor o f Naturopathic Medicine. Elaine has worked in naturopath ic medicine for sue years and has just recently expanded her practice to the Oakville community. Naturopathic do n o rs ate primary healthcare providers trained to work in co-operation w ith all other healthcare practitioners. N aturopathic medicine may offer a unique alternative to com plem ent one' s current conventional care with a Medical Doctor, Medical Specialist, Surgeon, Dentist, Chiropractor, Midwife, Massage TTicrapist and Physiotherapist. 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STRUT H a ir S tu d io would like to introduce Sharon (formerly o f "Beautful You"), Jennifer (formerly o f "H air Body & Soul") and Salon ow ner/stylist Cathy Goodale (formerly of "G able & G arbo" in Toronto). Charmaine and M aria - formerly from M ara L'escape, now operating at the same location at the all new STRUT H air Studio. T ue s 9 - 6 , W e d - F ri 9 - 8 , S a t u r d a y 9 - 6 Visit our beautiful, new salon at Oakville Place located on the Low er Level, centre C ourt Present this ad and receive a FREE refreshing and invigorating j P o w e r Facial Bronte 1 15 Jones St. (O ne block east o f Bronte Rd. Jones n a FREE Professional Makeup Application. (Total Gift Value $75 .0 0 ) Valid until November 30, 2004. Private facial room s available . Call today to book yo u r appointment. QEW 9 0 5 . 8 2 7 .1 2 9 4 !___ L a ke sh o re Oakville Place (905) 849-1671

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