Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, A01

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MUSIC LESSONS 905.825.8668 w w w .m u sic isfu n .c a N od e b a tin gw h o S a n ta so np a ra d e isC a n a d a sb e s t th isS a tu rd a y ! STORY PAGE 8 O a k P ark _ M e d ica l C lin ic m n m H -- M on. - Fri. 8:30am - 8:30pm Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm Sunday 10:00am - 3:00pm -- N O R T H THE OAKVILL A M E R I C A 'S M O S T A W A R D E D C O M M / WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2004 52 Pages $1.00 (plusGST) A Metroland Publication Vol. 41 No. 140 "USING COMMUNICATION TO BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES " North v Oakville developer files OMB appeal By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Suu Oak IDI'UMoi'iiiicTi C s LlHlHbd has appealed to the O nim iu Mtmi eiiw l Rnafl] iQ M Iti -- twice this m onth -- to get moving on plans to develop the 225 acres il ow ns near Sixth Line and B um ham thorpe Road, in north Oakville. The developm ent com pany ow ns acreage to the southwest and northeast o f the intersection, located north o f Dundas Street and east o f Sixteen Mile Creek. Star O ak 's law yer, Russell Cheeseman filed the appeals earlier this month. Star Oak is appealing a lack o f action by the Town on moving ahead with the North Oakville Secondary Plan (NO SP) under Official Plan A m endm ent (OPA) 198. It's also appealing a one-year devel opment freeze the Town slapped on lands north o f D undas earlier this fall -- and is one o f nine appeals launched over the interim control by-law, according to Cheeseman. The com pany's com plaints are that ihe Town u f'O a k v illi has made little progress on secondary plans Star Oak submitted to the Town last March and, then earlier this fa l l , the Town enacted the interim control by-law that will fur ther stave off developm ent for one year, possibly two. S tar Oak participated with other (See Development' page A4) Sharkey's OMB hearing officer grills Town's first witness . By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF It w a sn 't exactly sm ooth sailing as th e Tow n o f O akville kicked o ff its case in o pposition to a 14-storey, 85-unit co n d o on th e site o f S h a rk e y 's D ockside C afe at the O n ta rin-M n n it ipaFftw aw l « > MIS) y esterday. Bay S treet law yer Bob Doumani began presenting the " Why do we have to Tow n's case yesterday m orn worry about where ing with the expert testim ony o f form er Tow n plannerdowntown is?" tu r n e d - p r iv a te - p r a c tit io n e r · Sharkey's OMB John G hent, w ho boasts 29 hearing officer years experience in planning Susan Rogers with both Halton Region and the Town o f Oakville. However, G hent consistently found him self at the end of probing questions by hearing officer Susan Rogers. The hearing that's e x p e c t to take a month, began last week and has so far heard the case presented by the develop er Iftiniitln 'i>nU-i ill* ,VnrpMraii'~n as well as numerous resi dents both for and against the proposed redevelopment o f 111 Forsythe St. (See OMB' page A3) Teen's abduction was a tall tale H alton Regional Police now say a teenage girl fabri cated a story about her abduc tion by an armed man from her southeast Oakville home Nov. 17. `T h ere are no safety con cerns o f a stranger attack," said Sgt. Jeff Corey. The girl told investigators that she responded to a knock at the door o f her hom e around 6:30 p.m. W hen she opened the door, she was confronted by a man with a weapon, w ho ordered her to leave with him. The girl said she com plied and accom panied the man to a nearby w ooded area. She said she spent a period o f time with the man before running aw ay and finding sanctuary at a resi dence close by. A fter the girl provided a description o f the "suspect," officers responded with a forensic examination of the fictitious crim e scene. K-9 searches and a door-to-door canvass of the Ford Drive/Lakeshore Road area. W hile m aking a false complaint to police can result in a charge o f public m is chief, Corey said there are "com pelling circum stances" surrounding the girl and as a result she will not be charged. Ashlea Wessel · S pecial to the O akville B eaver Editorials....... ........ A6 Focus ............ ........ B1 Fashion.......... ....... B6 Artscene........ ........ C6 Classified........ ......... C4 Sports............ ......... D1 Business......... ......... D4 Partial Ddivery: Henry %Sears Partial Delivery: Sport Chek, Sport Mart. A PAW-FECT VISIT WITH SANTA: S a n ta C lau s p o p p ed in fo r a visit a t th e L ions roilllllU lfan of C anada dn S a tu rd a y to help raise fu n d s fo r fTTIfflM C iiim hIii b y po sin g for p ic tu res w ith seve ra l four-legged frie n d s fo r a n o m in al fee.-He Ls p ic tu re d h ere w ith M olly. T h e iJ a k v iiie n r e n g n te r s C a le n d a r m odels, a u th o r S u e L o n d o n a n d th e O a k villi' TV IU V U tlifT V 'lu b w ere also on h a n d to help raise m oney fo r D og G u id es C a n a d a . < Josephine Henriques, Get Connected. Sears Home Coierings, The Bay. Rona. Bronte Harbour lighthouse, Staples Business Depot. Canadian The, Coast Mountain Sports, CLVS, Ha/ton Children's AidSodety, Hy&ZeL little Caesars, MAM Meat Shop, Mark's Work Warehouse, Moto tfioto, Rotary, Ronell Interiors, Home Outfitters, Party Packagers, liuirm a Hus. Salvation Army, Ibppers Pizza, tMxury Wheels. Ikea, Black' s, Brown urges residents to oppose missile defence plan By Craig MacBride OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF O akville M P B onnie B row n believes a N o rth A m eric an m issile defence shield will n ot m ak e us safer, b u t w ould likely p u t u s in m o re d an g er. "It is untested and based on a questionable concept, that a bullet can hit a bullet," she told a cro w d at the O a j c v i l I C nncf*rt fnr Pparp on Sunday. "I believe w e'll acquire en em ies w e d o n 't have now. How can that make us safer?" She urged her audience at A nglican C hurch o f the Incarnation to denounce the plans. T he discussion o f a North A m erican m issile defence shield, w hich C anada hasn't Oakville MP Bonnie Brown signed on to yet. is becom ing more intense, especially with U.S. President G eorge W. Bush com ing to Canada Nov. 30. Brown, calling the program `the pivotal m ove that will take the world dow n the w rong path," has been against the idea for a long time. Her governm ent's official stance, however, is still one o f fence-sitting. The Federal Liberal governm ent says it is im portant to be at the table at the beginning o f the process, but (See Missile' page A2) (S upp ort Y ou r Local c a rrie r) D E L IV E R Y For home delivery & customer service call (905f 845-9742 M on. T un.. A Thun. 9 a.m .-6 p.m.. Wed. <£ Fri. 9 am . * 8 p.ni or Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. For new subscriptions, call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.com SYLC G u a r d ia n Iroquois Ridge Pharmacy 360 D u n d a S u L Oakville P W - 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -3 6 1 1 NU L o o p * ) N o v e m b e r S p e c ia l V ita m in s & H erbals 2 5 % O FF F L Y E R D E L IV E R Y Ron Kuzyk · Oakville Beaver Q u a n titie s as lo w as 1000 .tit GETTING READY FOR SANTA: ' I'he sp o n so rs o f th e O a kville S a n ta C lau s p a r a d e -- (left to rig h t) J o h n C serv en y a k , o f S obeys, J o h n F ia n d ja , o f Sobevs, M ichael S m ith , o f Legend C reek H om es, D an M a rio n , o f le g e n d C ree k H om es, a n d Valeri R u n n in g o f P etro C a n a d a , invite ev ery o ne to jo in th em a t th e a n n u a l p a ra d e on S a tu rd a y m o rn in g . F o r all th e p a ra d e d etails a n d ro u te m a p , see th e Special S a n ta C lau s P a ra d e S ection in to d a y 's p ap er. 905-845-9742 ext 273 "Is your new car warranty safe with us?" "Absolutely. We follow your owner's manual to the letter." 1 * 5VW &R 0 A 0 .0 A K V 1 L U· 9 0 58 * 29 2 9 9 * 9 0D U N D A SS T .W E S T .Q A K V Illf · 9 0 52 5 78 3 5 3 3 5 2 0F A IR V U W S T .8 U R U N G T 0 N· 9 0 56 3 93 1 1 1 V IS ITO U R W tlS JT lA T W W W JM lU tL C O M F O R A C O M P U T IU S T O fL O C A T I O N S 0 ALL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Offer m u st be p re se n te d i t tb f tim e o f service /p u rc h ase. Not w tid w ith any o th e r coupon or A ll in s to c k fo r im m e d ia te de live ry.. ('o o f i i n r i ( / o o d . . C 0 D C9685 E X P T R K 1 2 /1 8 /0 * T J LM R .L U It( A J M O A tftC ftA W K IU I A J J T M O W ilD U S U OFF d is c o u n t Valid a t p a rticip a tin g loc atio n s. Prices m ay vaiy a t Me. Lube lo c atio n v D O IN G IT R IG H T . 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