Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2004, A07

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 24, 2004 - A7 CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Fourth Line Improvements Speers Road to North Service Road SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN November 27 - 9:00 a.m. / The first snowfall of the season is just around corner and The Town's removal service is ready to go to make sure your roads are salted and plowed as quickly as possible. On a snow day, just click on the snowflake button at www.oakville.ca and find out how your roads and walkways are maintained and w hat you can do to help. Please remember to park your vehicles o ff the street. By-law 1984-1 prohibits street parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. from November 15 to April 15. For more inform ation about street parking visit the Town Hall offices or www.oakville.ca. For more inform ation visit www.oakville.ca or call: NOTICE OF COMPLETION The Town of Oakville through their consultant, Philips Engineering Ltd., h as generated a preferred solution to improve Fourth Line betw een S p eers Road and the North Service R oad. The preferred solution is to reconstruct Fourth Line to: * 4 lanes betw een S p eers Road and Wyecroft R oad/S outh Service Road (with an additional left turr^lane at S p eers Road) * 3 lanes betw een Wyecroft R oad/South Service Road an d th e North Service Road * Intersection im provem ents at S p e e rs Road, W yecroft/South Service Road and North Service Road (extending e a st an d w est of Fourth Line) The above project is being planned under S chedule C of th e Municipal C lass Environmental A ssessm ent. S ubject to com m en ts received a s a result of this Notice and the receipt of n ec essary approvals, th e Town intends to proceed with th e design and construction of this project. The project plans and other information are available for review at th e following locations: Town of Oakville Dept, of Engineering and Construction 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario Tel: 905-845-6601 W oodside Drive Library 1247 R e b ec ca S treet Oakville, Ontario Tel: 905-815-2036 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES D uring th e Santa Claus parade, th e fo llo w in g roads w ill be d o se d fro m 8 :00 a.m . to 11:00 a.m .: ·C ornw all Road fro m C hartw ell Road to Trafalgar Road Reynolds Street fro m C orn w a ll Road to lakeshore Road Lakeshore Road from Reynolds Street to Navy Street Navy Street fro m Lakeshore Road to Rebecca Street/Randall Rebecca Street fro m Navy Street to Kerr Street Kerr Street fro m Rebecca Street to S tew art Street The co-operation o f all m otorists is requested. For fu rth e r details, please contact Bob D eHoog, Road C orridor/P erm it C o ordinator a t 905 845-6601 ext. 3337. PAR ADE ROU S T A R T S M ER1 9 AM TEMPORARY OAKVILLE TRANSIT SERVICE DISRUPTION D uring th e Santa Claus parade, the fo llo w in g Oakville Transit bus routes w ill be disrupted: SANTA'S S H U TTtE BUS Interested p ersons should provide written commeint on this project within 30 calendar days from the d a te of this Notice. C om m ents should be directed to: D. (Darnell) L. Lambert, C.E.T. M anager of Design & Construction Town of Oakville, RO. Box 310 Oakville, ON L6J 5A6 Tel: 905-845-6601 ext. 4424, Fax: 905-338-4159 Email: dlambert@ oakville.ca If co n cern s arise regarding this project, which can n o t b e resolved with the municipality, a person or party may request that th e Minister of the Environment m ake an order for th e project to com ply with Part II of the Environmental A ssessm ent Act (referred to a s a P art II Order), which a d d re sse s individual a s se ssm e n ts. R eq u ests m ust b e received by the ·Minister at the a d d re ss below within 30 calendar d ay s of this Notice. A copy of th e request m ust also be sen t to Mr. Darnell Lambert. Minister of th e Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue West, 12th Floor Toronto, ON M 4V 1P5 If there is no request received by D ecem ber 30, 2004, th e w orks will proceed to design and construction a s p resen ted in th e docum entation. This N otice issued N ovem ber 22, 2004. D. L. Lambert, C.E.T. M anager of Design & Construction, Town of Oakville Route Route Route Route 11 14 15 17 C o m m u n ity Bus: Service w ill n o t start u n til 12:00 p.m . leaves Oavvl'e £30 Station <it 25 $ 55 past each hour Leaves Downtown Qafcyife tom ina tChwch & Dunrv at 15 & 45 cast each bow. Tf>e Shut8e witt wa-t at the GO in the otttec bvft 24-Hour Snow Removal Information Line: 905-815-5999 Road and Works Operations: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: 905-338-4392 F o r t r a n s it r o u t e d e t o u r in f o r m a t io n a n d m o r e S a n ta C la u s P a ra d e d e ta ils , v is it t h e T o w n o f O a k v ille 's w e b s it e a t w w w .o a k v ille .c a NOTICE OF POBLIC MEETING Zoning By-law Amendment, File: Z.1728.59 Plan of Subdivision, Rle: 24T-04006 Location: 115 Nelson Street Applicant: Hicks-Pettes Architect Inc. BELYEA STR EET After-hours emergencies: 905-845-6606 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment File: Z.1635.03 & Plan of Subdivision, Hie: 24T-03008/1635 Location: 3350,3410 and 3458 South Service Road Applicant: RRL Burloak Inc. P lease be advised that a public m eeting will b e held to d isc u ss a p ro p o sed Zoning A m endm ent, Official Plan A m endm ent and Draft Plan of Subdivision a s subm itted by th e ab o v e-n o ted applicant. Purpose and Effect: T hese lands w ere the sub ject of a previous Official Plan A m endm ent, Zoning By-law A m endm ent and a Draft Plan of Subdivision (24T-01008 an d Z.1635.02) under th e nam e of Burloak Signature Park which received approval in April 2003. The previous application had th e effect of expanding th e Arterial Com mercial Zone to permit large-scale retail u se s sub ject to a holding provision. The current proposal is to further am end the Official Plan and to expand the Arterial Com mercial Z one to permit an increase in th e allow able g ro ss floor area of the retail com m ercial s p a c e to 62,243 sq. m including 7,500 sq. m of food sto re s from 37,160 sq . m an d to ch a n g e th e location of portions of th e p roposed Arterial Com m ercial an d Em ploym ent lands. This meeting will be hosted by Town Council at which tim e a staff report an d recom m endations will b e presen ted . This meeting will take place on December 13, 2004 com m encing at 7:30 p.m. in the Com m ittee Rooms 1 and 2, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this m eeting and sp e ak to this m atter are invited to do so. The location m ap indicates the location of th e subject lands. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in resp e ct of th e p ro p o sed applications to th e Ontario Municipal Board d o e s not m ake oral subm issio n s at a public m eeting or d o e s not m ake written subm issions before the proposed applications are approved, th e Ontario Municipal Board may dism iss all or part of th e appeal. On March 2, 2004 RRL Burloak ap p ealed to th e Ontario Municipal Board the lack of a decision by the municipality a s it relates to th e proposed Official Plan A m endm ent, Zoning By law A m endm ent and Draft Plan of Subdivision. The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) held pre-hearing conferences on A ugust 17, 2004, O ctober 18, 2004 and Novem ber 12, 2004, at which tim e th e OMB se t asid e tim e for an eight w eek hearing com m encing on February 14, 2005. A copy of th e staff report pertaining to this m atter will b e available for review in th e C lerk's D epartm ent a s of D ecem ber 6, 2004 betw een the hours of 8:30 a.m . an d 4:30 p.m. The report will also be available on th e w ebsite at www.oakville.ca. You may direct any written subm issions and/or qu estio n s to Leigh M usson at th e Town's Planning Services Departm ent, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: (905) 845-6601, ext. 3371, email ad d ress: lm usson@ oakville.ca. Please Note: This proposal may be sub ject to c h a n g e s or m odifications at th e Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. Dated on the 24th day of November, 2004 at th e Town of Oakville. S U B JEC T LANDS S O V E R E IG N P lease b e advised that a public m eeting will b e held to d isc u ss proposed Zoning By-law A m endm ent an d Plan of Subdivision applications. Proposal: - A pplications have been subm itted to rezone the lands from Central B usiness District - Residential (C3R) and Residential (R06) to "C3R - Special Provision" to allow the developm ent of the lands for nine residential to w nhouse units at 115 Nelson Street. The subdivision plan will cre ate th e residential blocks. Purpose of M eeting: The m eeting will b e a Public Meeting h osted by Town Council. A Staff Report an d recom m endation will b e considered at th e m eeting. This m eeting will b e held on: Date: Time: Location Monday, December 13, 2004 7:30 PM C om m ittee Rooms 1 & 2, Oakville Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road Any individuals wishing to attend this m eeting an d sp eak to this m atter are invited to d o so. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in resp e ct of th e p ro p o sed Zoning By-law A m endm ent and Plan of Subdivision to th e Ontario Municipal Board d o e s not m ake oral su b m issio n s at a public m eeting or d o e s not m ake written subm issions before the Zoning By-law A m endm ent and Plan of Subdivision are ad o p ted , th e Ontario Municipal Board m ay dism iss all or part of the appeal. A copy of th e Staff Report pertaining to this m atter will b e available for review in th e Clerk's D epartm ent a s of D ecem ber 6, 2004. You m ay direct any written subm issions an d /o r q u estio n s to Bob Zsadanyi at th e Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: (905) 845-6601 ext. 3041 ; email ad d ress: bzsadanyi@ oakville.ca. D ated at th e Town of Oakville this 24th day of Novem ber 2004. Charles McConnell, MCIP, RPP Manager, Current Planning and Urban Design Section Planning S ervices D epartm ent Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road, PO Box 310, Oakville, ON L6J 5A6 905-845-6601 www.oakville.ca

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