FOURTH LINE AUTO c a o m fv tA m ' 'For AM Your Car's N eeds Drive Clear Em ission Testing Government Safety inspection Tun*4Jp« · Brakos · Exhaust · Coofrig Syslemt CAA Approved Shop 559 Speers Road (905) 842-3001 V ----------------------... S Editor: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: Remembering Terry's dream By Wilma Blokhuis O A K V IL L E B E A V E R S T A F F Speakers share runner's passion and determination With a_ voice breaking with emotion. Darrell Fox read a letter his older brother wrote in October 1979 announcing his plans to run - across Canada to raise money for cancer research. The letter is contained in a new book titled Run by children's author Eric Walters who crafted a fictional story around the late Terry Fox. Darrell, national director of the Terry Fox Foundation, concluded his emotionfilled speech by reading the letter at Thursday's fourth annual Terry Fox Fundraising Barbecue at the ScotiaMcLeod office on Kerr Street. "I feel as much pain today as the day he died." said Darrell of his brother's death in June 1981, a month shy of his 23rd birthday. Prior to reading the letter from the book, Darrell spoke of his brother's com mitment and passion for raising $1 from every Canadian for cancer research by running across Canada. He called it the Marathon of Hope. He ran 5,373 kilometres - 3,107 miles - through six provinces before being forced to stop the run outside of Thunder Bay on Sept. 1, 1980. The cancer had returned and spread into his lungs. He died after receiving the Order of n a in s v ii ·9IIHUI " j/ z c t i u i i u m e o c u v c t Canada and the Lou Marsh Trophy for outstanding athletic achievement, and T he late T erry Fox is ad m ired by millions fo r his passion, d eterm ination, com m itm ent, athletic ability an d dream s. being named Canadian Newsmaker of Both D arrell Fox, T e rry 's younger b ro th e r and N ational D irector o f the T erry Fox F oundation, and Jo a n G ibb, P resident of th e O akville U nit o f the C an ad ian C an cer Society, who coordinated T erry 's visit to O akville in 1980, the Year by Canadian Press. Terry had realized his dream of rais spoke at T h u rsd a y 's fo u rth an n u al T erry Fox F un d raisin g B arbecue. H ere they sh a re a happy m om ent. ing $1 from every Canadian when the hand-painted Muskoka chair and an auto road at every kilometre and once Terry ning," said Darrell. "During the three months I was on the fundraising total reached $24 million graphed Toronto Maple Leaf alumni jer- passed each marker we would moved up another kilometre. He would run 12 road with Terry, I heard him speak over early in 1981. Today, thanks to the annu `sey. "He ran 26 miles - 42 kilometres - a miles by 9 o'clock sleep for three hour* 100 times and his last speech was always al Terry Fun Run, which has become an and then eat as much breakfast as he as passionate as his first. international event, close to $300 million day on an artificial leg." Darrell, who had joined his older could. By 12 noon he would start running "He spoke with simple words, sincer has been raised in his name. brother during the last three months of again and cover 12 to 16 miles. When the ity and honesty. His speeches always `Terry ran for 143 days," said Darrell 26-mile mark was reached, the spot sounded like you were hearing them for at the event that raised more than his run, spoke about the experience. "On a typical day Terry would get up would be marked, and we would travel to the first lime." $12,000 for the foundation from the sale Despite losing his right leg to bone of hamburger lunches, raffle tickets, bake at 4:30 in the morning and started run the nearest community where Terry shared his story about why he was run ning at 5. We would draw a line on the cancer in 1977, Terry wrote a letter to the sale and silent auction that included a Canadian Cancer Society asking for sup port. Terry had written that he felt inspired to run across Canada by a magazine arti cle about an amputee who ran the New York Marathon. "It was then I decided to meet this new challenge head on and not only overcome my disability, but conquer it in such a way that 1 could never look back and say it disabled me," he wrote. Having received 16 months of "phys ically and emotionally draining" chemotherapy, Terry wrote, "I was rude ly awakened by the feelings that sur rounded and coursed through the cancer clinic. "There were faces with the brave smiles, and the ones who had given up smiling. There were feelings of hopeful denial, and the feelings of despair. "My quest would not be a selfish one. I could not leave knowing these faces and feelings would still exist, even though I would be set free from mine. Somewhere the hurting must stop... and I was determined to take myself to the limit for this cause." He wrote about his training regimen that included weight lifting and running, adding one full mile each week. "By next April I will be ready to achieve something that for me was once only a distant dream reserved for the world of miracles - to run across Canada to raise money for the fight against can cer." He dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic Ocean at St. John's, NFLD, on April 12, 1980, to start his run. "The running I can do. even if I have to crawl every last mile," he wrote. "We need your help. The people in cancer clinics all over the world need people who believe in miracles. "I am not a dreamer, and 1 am not say ing that this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer. But I believe in miracles. I have to," Terry con cluded in that letter. (See Unbeatable' page B2) f=onesT£R S U B A R U I l-C.A SUBARU Your All-W heel Drive Car Company! PROTECTION.' PLAN SUBARU IT'S A SUBARU SUMMER!!! 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