- PCV1V CC I x i m i A »/ ; h i i 3 a l iv 'j U n 22 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday August 22, 2003 Standing ovation for McConnell Memorial Award recipient B e s tfr ie n d o f la te te e n p r e s e n ts p la q u e For the past 20 years, his attributes and contributions to the summer pro gram have been remembered through the presentation o f the Ray McConnell Memorial Award. This year's winner is 21-year-old Julia All worth, a psychology graduate from the University o f Western Ontario. She has been part of Oakville Parks and Recreation's summer staff for six seasons, and worked her way up from leader to senior leader and Leaders in Training (LIT) co-ordinator to area coordinator this year. After graduating from Grade 13 at T. ( S e e M cC onnell' p a g e 23) By Wilma Blokhuis O A K V IL L E B E A V E R S T A F F The late Ray McConnell may have been the best sum m er employee Oakville Parks and Recreation ever had. He worked for three summers, 1979-1981, and exemplified a high degree o f leadership, a great attitude and good judgment -- plus the kids loved him. He was the Town's youngest summer employee when he was first hired. On Sept. 1, 1982 - 10 days after his 19th birthday -- he was killed in a drunk driving accident. AUTO IN REM ISSION? TRUST HALTON TRANSM ISSION A X A YIELD TO EXPERIENCE IT COSTS YOU NO MORE, VANS, CARS, TRUCKS, RUSES, R.V.S FOUND IN STORE. Wilma Blokhuis · Oakville Beaver Julia Allworth, 21, second from right, accepts the Ray McConnell Memorial Award from Guy Mathieson, friend of the late Ray McConnell, and his parents, Rosemary and Peter McConnell. (905-842-0725) ASKABOUTO U R FREE TO W IN G WE RE GEARED T O FIX IT RIGHT! WADE SEYMOUR 559 Speers Rd., Unit #2, between 4th Line and Dorval JOIN US AT THE 15TH ANNUAL r ' T O iM H ra n m iw U v J H e a l t k y L ife s ty le A n d T ra v e l S h o w PRESENTED IT : Overseed your lawn with good quality seed. Naturally Green: SEPTEMBER 5 & 6, 2003 M etro Toronto Convention Centre 2 5 5 F R O N T ST. W ., T O R O N T O , H A L L A , BESIDE TH E C N T O W E R S H O W H O U R S : Friday 11-6, Saturday 10-5 SHOW FEATURES: · · · · · · · Live en tertainm ent - The Legends of the S tage Financial & tax planning sem inars H ealth sem inars Retirement H ousing Information Travel inform ation Free b ingo - for fun & prizes C om panion C o m er M eet & G reet for Singles · Exhibitors offering products & services for your lifestyle · S am ples, Prizes, G iveaw ays a n d m ore Top-dress with compost to improve soil, reduce weeds and decrease winter injury. Be Naturally Green H ALTO NHILLS ftm drntlh its from Mo> Stctm by CUUJNCfOKD COACHES B urlington M 7 *o Ontario mi 905-825-6000, 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5868) T T Y 905-827-9833 w w w .ra g io n .h a lto n .o n x a Choose alternatives to pesticides and grow a healthy lawn. Produced by: WKJUNG prem ie sh ow s.com GRAND PRIZE i w in a w s i for 2 PtOVlDCD IY_ EXHIBITOR INQUIRIES 905-81 5-001 7 · 1-800-265-3673