28 - The Oakville Beaver, F rida y A u g u s t 22, 2003 Photos supplied by Christa Steinkellner The S t Florian Boys Choir will be performing at S t Andrew Church on Aug. 31. premiere D A N C E , m c . Dance Training a t its Best! Caria Marques Owner/Director & Award Winning Choreographer Acclaimed boys choir makes only GTA appearance in Oakville The St. Florian Boys Choir, an outstanding group o f boys from Austria, will be on the stage at St. Andrew Church at the end o f the month. W hile in Canada they will also be performing in M ontreal, O ttaw a and Vancouver. Oakville is their their only GTA stop. Founded in 1701, the choir has been the starting point for numerous singers who carried on to fame. Their most notable alumnus is Anton Bruckner, the namesake o f the Bruckner Organ, a masterpiece and tourist attraction. The choir lives at St. Florian, where they attend school and practice singing through the year, working around their touring and rehearsing schedules. The will be in town as part o f their annual tour, which takes the boys all over the world, but not to Canada since 1999. On Aug. 31, at 7 p.m., they will be singing at St. Andrew Church, 47 Reynolds St. Tickets cost $20, $10 for children, and are available at Bookers, 172 Lakeshore Rd. E. and at L'Atelier Grigorian, 210 Lakeshore Rd. E. Allow your child to explore the wonderful world of dance & be a part of our multi-award winning studio. Come in to see our spacious 5000 sq. ft. facility. HIP HOP · ACRO · LYRICAL · JAZZ · TAP · BALLET j i i Ream Gasses ^ S ept 151^ / 0 : > REGISTER FO R FALL CLASSES August · 2 5,2 6 ,2 7 ,2 8 · 23 5:00pm -8:00pm 10:00a m-3:OOpm T W INDOWS t DOORS E u ro p ean E n g in eerin g C om b in ed W ith Traditional W orkm anship Au th orized D ealer r a d in g P l a c e s HOME DECOR I Kelly Shaw W in n e r o f J u n io r M iss D a n ce o f CANADA 2002 and J u n io r M iss D a n ce o f A M E R IC A 2 0 0 3 Von don't have to be a Millionaire... To shop like one! We set beautiful ipscale new & used furnishings on consignment at a fraction of regular prices. Featuring a fine selection of Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Chandeliers, Tables, Accessories. Wal Units & Armoires, Solas, Fine Art Chldren's Furniture. Lamps, Area Carpets, Custom & Estate Jeweiery, Garden & Outdoor. Lines indude DeBoers, Gtbard, Thomasvle, Ethan Men, Art Shoppe among others. Our tracing network alows us to sel you funiture quickly at a fair price without the inconvenience. Prem iere Dance Inc. 208 W yecroft Road, Oakville "B uilding on the B rightest Ideas A rou nd Glass" Te l: 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 1 2 2 1 o r fa x 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 8 7 5 7 w w w .prem ieredanceinc.com 905.849.0266 G U ID E M U S IC Addison.............................. 905.825.8668 Music for Young Children....... 905.257.5762 451 Wyecroft Road Oakville 905-815-1949 www.tradingplacescanada.com K C lp 'S W t ^ S I ^ F F ! C H ILD R E N 'S SHOES Kiddie Kobbler...............905.844.0758 Naturino...................... 905.845.5437 B U Y E R S 3 ^ A 9uide to local businesses and services catering to kids and families. SU M M E R & DAY C A M P S Imagination Works 905.828.8100 D A Y C A R E & M O N TE S S O R I Century Childcare.................905.849.3614 Monkey See Monkey Do.........905.469.2944 Angels from Heaven.......... 905.842.0794 Heritage Montessori..............905.842.3061 SCHOOL A G E W ORKSHOP Oakville Parent-Child Centre 905.849.6366 FA SH IO N FOR CH ILD R EN Crazy Legs.................. 905-844-4415 D E V E L O P M E N TA L PRE-SCHO OL PLAY & M U S IC Gymboree.................... 905.542.7529 ENTERTAINM ENT Kids Craft Caf*.......................905.257.7002 SPORTS IN S TR U C TIO N Sport Ball Canada................1.800.sportkids M IN I G O LF Putting Edge..... 905-829-4055