Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2003, Classified, p. 43

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The Oakville Beaver, F rida y A u g u s t 22, 2003 - 4 3 BED, new queen orthope dic m attress, boxspring. New in plastic. Cost $899. sell $275. Call 905-379-3873. BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherryw ood . Bed. chest, dresser, m irro r, night stands. Dovetail construc tion. Never opened. Cost $8,000. S a crifice $2400. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM suites. Queen/ double; p u ll-o u t ch e s te r field. matching chair, book shelves. TV stand. All e x cellent condition. 905-6310061. BEDS, New. Double. $220; Queen. $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. R efurbished VCRs. TVs. record players, portable CD players. 905-681-9496. BO O K S, fu rn itu re , toys, building m aterials, sports, e le c tric a l, household and more... Great prices!... The Reuse Centre. 3335 North Service. Burlington. Wed.. Thurs., Fri. 12-8pm., Sat. 95pm.. Sun. 12-4pm. C A P T A IN 'S Bed- single, solid maple with mattress. $200. obo call 905-690-8574 CAR P ET. I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon ca r pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $389. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 CHERRY entertainm ent arm o ire 45x24x78 $1800. S e ll $990. D inette, g o r geous 48* round chocolate brown & white marble table w/5 matching wrought iron ch a irs $2700. sell $1599. All include taxes/ delivery & set up. New from model home. 905-336-0786 DANCE SHOES- G irl's Tap shoes, sizes 10*13-1/2, Jazz Shoes size s 11-13; $20/pair. call 905-338-9083 DESIGNER clo the s all season. Girls 5-12. Boys 214; Figure skates/ helmets; Dancewear- girls sz4-adult sm all; A sso rted dance shoes. 905-339-1863 DESIGNER d ress, e le gant a n kle -le n g th . taupe/ beige. size 12/14. Valued $1200. W orn only once. Call 905-332-3574. DINING set. walnut. 5 piece. Coat- long fur, 3/4 sued. London Fog. G olf clubs. Microwave, black. & more. 905-319-0462 DININ G R O O M , 13-pce. cherry. 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con stru ctio n . S till in boxes. Cost $11,000. S a crifice $3,000. 906-567-9459 EMS pro fe ssio n a l electro muscle stimulating machine w /16 pods for esthetician, paid $7600, asking $3500 905-333-2808. FIREKING (2). fireproof fil ing cabinets. 4 drawer ea. 53* high x 21* wide x 31.5* deep. Exc. cond. Requires new locking m echanisms. Asking $400/ea Call to see them. 905-825-1800 FREE in -hom e estim ate: blin d s, shutte rs, drapes. Come visit our showroom. 5109 H a rvester Rd. B u r lington 905-336-5341 FU LL size, fo u r w heeled ' Shop Rider* scooter. 6 years old, excellent condi tion. $1200 obo. 905338-7649 FUR jacket fo r sale, from M others estate. Raccoon jacket with Indigo fox yolk, and collar. Currently stored at B a rring ton 's. A sking $850 please call 905-8151208 ___________________ FUTON bed- good co n d i tion. th ick m attress. 54*x72*. $150.; Hauser chaise lounge with plastic sla ts, round patio table (w h ite ) $125. 905-8448426 after 4:30pm GAS BBQ: Boston rocker; w orkbench w ith shelves 905-842-2232. GENERATOR . M itsubish i MGE4000. E le ctric start. AC/DC. 110-240V. 4.000W max. Output, lOhours cont. operation. $1,500. firm 905849-7670 GIRL'S white desk & chair *Stoney Creek*, 4-drawers 48*x18'x30* $110; antique w hite w icker rocker, new cushion $125; Street Surf er mini scooter $40; small child's lift top desk & chair $30; kid's Bauer M20 Rollerblades. size 4 $20 905845-9838__________________ H O SP ITA L bed w ith m at tress and rails, transfer bath bench, tall therapy walker, and odds and end. All $650 905-637-9887 HOT Tub/ Spa. All selfcontained, all options, w/ cover. 2003 m odel, new. still in wrapper, cost $8900. sacrifice $4,100 905-3047775. HOT Tub 2003, all options, redw ood cabinet, never used- still in wrapper. Cost $9,995. Sell. $5,000. 416746-0995 ____________ KENM ORE appliances (side by side fndge, smooth top range). 4 years old, m int cond ition. Asking $1600 obo. Call Tony 905825-2689 Afternoons KENMORE electric stove, w hite, exce lle n t w orking condition, like new $175. Evenings 905-469-6038 K ID 'S Bauer hockey h e l met $20; boy's Bauer J u nior Suprem e skates size 5-1/2 w o rn 3 tim es $50; men's Bauer skates, size 9. $25; Koho hockey bag $20; g irl's w h ite R isport Laser fig u re skates size 36/4, $85; Ski-Doo helmet $10. 905-845-9838 LEATH ER c h e s te rfie ld and m atch ing loveseats. Turquoise. Excellent condi tio n . $375 obo. 905-8450346 LOVE seat, excellent con dition, yellow & green floral. 2 eng lish pram s, navy highchairs. etc. 905-6391414 ______________ M ACLEAR N tw in u m brel la stroller, rain gear includ ed. Excellent condition. 1 lig h t oak crib. 905-6378993 M O V IN G - C herry bed room 6-piece suite $850, two tw in bed. w /m attress' $75/ea. Ikea birch kitchen table. 6-chairs $240, likenew, burgundy le a th e r 3seater sofa, loveseat $990 905-257-4965 MOVING m atching w hite loveseats and chair, walnut spindle bed/dresser, Serta sofa bed. k itchen table / chairs. L shaped rosewood cabinet, c han delier, desk and more. Everything must go. 905-681-1239. MOVING out of the coun try. 5-set Queen bedroom $600; 9-set liv in g room $900. extras free; 905-6161604 MOVING Sale- 2 sofas, chair & ottoman. 2 air con ditio n e rs. tre a d m ill, 905631-0384 MOVING Sale: 9 piece Oak Dining Set. $1300. Like new. 2 window A/C $50/ea. 905332-2006. MOVING- Chesterfield chair, coffee/ end tables, kitchen table/chairs, pie server. GE Dryer. Gas Stove. Antique furn.. Chinese cabinets., sm all table s. 905-3320145 after 6pm M OVIN G- m iracle mate vacuum $150.; RoseQ ueen bed ch e s te rfie ld . Great condition $100.; other misc 905-844-0909 M OVING: C raftm atic a d ju stab le bed $500; stereo w/ black & glass cabinet. 2 la rge speakers. JVC disc player. Quartz synthesizer, amplifier, equilizer. double cassette deck $300; brass head & footboard, ceramic ball in serts $200; many more items 905-827-3081 NEED a Com puter? Don't Have Cash? The original IBM Pentium 4 PC for $1 a Day! No $$$ dow n! Fast Delivery! Free Digital Cam era! C all Now! 1-800-6568369 www dollaraday.com N O LET e le c tric scooter $2500. 3-wheeled scooter w ith ca rg o box. Speed 20K, rear lig h t, parkin g brake. Ideal for e lderly person who wants to retain independence. Barely used. Jerry (416)* 949-4273 OAK entertainment centre, paid $2,000, asking $600; up h olstered antique armchair; Sony TV. VCR. DVD. tuner. 905-844-1507 PA IN TIN G , Jam es Lum bers. 'T h e G raduation* ce le b ra tin g RCMP 125th ann iversary. signed/ num ber 84 of 3500, $500; dog cage, collapsible. $40; m etal desk $50; Shim ano fis h in g rods $20/ea. 905336-5363 PATIO set- *Hauser", like new. $1200.; Stand up freezer, 24*x51*. $150. like new (D ow nsizing) 905637-7781____________ PEG Perego stroller. $100; to d d le r bed S75; crib w/ m attress. $100; playpen $60; Exersaucer $60; carseat $40 AM excellent con dition. 905-331 ~8157. PIAN O - W eber- O nly 4 years old. Im m aculate condition. $2000. Please call Brigitte 905-335-8239 PIANO, upright apt. sized, very good con d itio n . $1850. 905-845-6578 P IN B A L L , C aptain F an tastic. awesome condition. $1500 firm; Norman acous tic guitar, mint w/new case. $400. 905-637-2783. POOL table. Dufferin Her ita g e m odel. 4x8 sla te. $1500 obo. C all 905-8021784 pastry RESTA U R AN T and marble top table, stor age und erneath, fo r c h o co la te m achine. 28*x4' Custom made $800 value, selling fo r $300. 905-6816032 ROCKING chair, han d made. $80; triple dresser; diningroom table 63x43, 2 leaves. 6 chairs $400; ta blecloth. 12 napkins; king sized bed sheets, com fort er. dust ru ffle $50; 905337-1027 mornings. SOFA & loveseat opulent Pennsylvania House- jewel tones, plush seating 8-way hand-tied $8500, sell half price incl. taxes/ delivery. New from model home. 905-336-0786. SO FA & w ingback chair. S klar-P epplar. burgundy tones, excellent condition. $500/both. C all 9 0 5 -4 6 9 0955. ___________________ SO FA bed- O live color. Alm ost new. $900. obo. call 905-465-2983 STOVE, washer, dryer, extra capacity, 5 years old, exc. cond. Stove, 10 years old. Kid's bdrm set w/bed, night table, chest, student's table, solid wood. Call 905469-8800_______________ TE LE V IS IO N . Pioneer E lite 58* wide screen (16x9). High d e fin itio n ready. Stunnig picture, topof-the-line. Just moved- too large for apartment. $3500 obo. Jonathan 9 0 5 -3 2 0 6260; 905-333-6623 ext. 14. W ASHER (needs repair) & Dryer. $100/both, w ill separate; almond fridge & stove, excellent condition. $250/both. 905-689-6245 W AS H ER / D ryer, stackable. Kenmore $225; dish washer, Kitchenaide $150; all in exce lle n t cond ition. Call 905-845-8506 WEIGHT set. bench. $75.; Nordic track $75.: Patio set $200.; Sauna $300.; Pro teus' stationary Bike $300. 905-634-5156 WHITE la undry room cab inets. in cl. sin k/faucet. $300. Brown wrought iron bed. $150. 2 pine night ta bles. $100. 4 piece coffee tab le set. C h rom e/glass top. $350. 905-331-9128. C A LLIN G all dogs! Basic obedience, 10 weeks. Sept.3rd 8pm. Pine Room. O akville Arena. C all 905845-7435. SIAMESE/ Rag Doll kittens, blue eyes. Sealpoint, health guarantee. G entle, social. $300. 905-335-1961 1998 Ford W instar GL. 139,000km, loaded, rear air, exc. condition. $9000 cert, etested. Call 905-338-6510. INTERNETWORKINGTM Looking for Work? Learn to use the Internet InternetworkingTM is a free 2-week p ro g a m designed to teach unem ployed people how to use th e internet to search for jobs. you'll learn ho w to : THE OAKVILLE BEAVER CONTRACT DRIVERS Delivering flyers & papers to our carriers Wednesday, Friday & Saturday Must be available 6 A.M. - 2 P.M. and have a lull size van and cellular phone. 8 W K. X/B reed pups fo r sale to good home, black la b/D alm atian , black & white adorable. Terry 905689-1753 1982 Yamaha xs 400 itage S p ecial- New paint, new exhaust. air. runs great. S700 905-466-2862 Her pro KNN obo. charlenehall@oakvillebeaver.com WEDDING P hotography. 115-125 prints, album , negatives, other packages available. Over 20 yrs ex perie nce R e lia ble, re a sonable. w ith references. P ictu re- Perfect W edding Photography. B urlington 905-639-6710_____________ W* n i l 1 c a r s f o r s a le STORAGE Space for Lease. Located ju st W est of Britannia Rd. West & Mavis Rd. - dry, secure, heated. 3362 square foot bsmt. space. $10/sq.ft. gross lease, available immediately. Call 905-337-7200 Access h u n d re d s of lo cal jo b listings Send your re su m e u sin g frm ail Find a n d re se a rc h co m p a n ie s on lin e. Classes sta rt every 2nd week at th e YMCA Career Development & Learning C entre in Burlington, For info call: 905-681-1 140 or 1-866-244-7244 toil free. MACHINE OPERATORS QS9000 company, located in Burlington, in the auto motive parts supply business recruiting Machine Op erators on all shifts including Weekends. Strong work ethic, good English reading/ writing communications skills required. Duties include manufacture/ assem bling 100% quality parts to production standards, part inspections and accurate record keeping, prolit sharing, benefits and future growth opportunities. Recruiting all 4 shifts. 1988 GMC Safari wagon with back door wheel chair lift. S3800. 905-637-9887 1991 Nissan M axima- S il ver, 278K, older gentleman driven . $1500 obo. 905570-4292 2001 Half VW Passat5 2 3 .500 and /or Assume lease $300/mo. 23 remain ing m onths buy-out June 30th/ 2005 $15,574 Down paym ent $1800 required, se lle r w ill pay the lease transfer fee. Will consider trade on 7 passanger van or SUV. (O akville) 905334-7609 1986 Volksw agen G olf, nice tin ts , re b u ilt engine tran sm ission. $500 obo. 1987 Chevy C e lebrity, good enam e tran. parts only car. 4 brand new snow tires. $150. 905-690-7701 1998 Ford Escort Wagon184K. 5 speed. C e rt./ Etested . exce lle n t body & motor. $3900.905-332- 9198 1997 Honda CRV- 148k., new tires. Alpine CD, tinted w indow s. AC. Cruise. $12,900. 416-420-1577 cell 1989 Chrysler New Yorker blue. V6 auto., p/windows, p/locks, tilt. $850 obo., as is 905-639-6112. 1995 Windstar GL, original ow ner, air. new M ichelin e xhaust struts, recent brakes, c e rtifie d . $5200 905-337-2574 1993 C a valier 4-door, auto., air, new brakes/ muf fle r/ head gasket, good condition. $700 905-4676770; 905-637-0010. 1997 Toyota Corolla, auto, air, 1-owner, excellent con d ition, c e rtifie d , e-tested, m aintenance records, 173,000kms. $6995/offer. 905-331-6938 1991 Toyota Tercel DX, 218K, Silver, 4 doors, new m uffle r system . $2,000 905-827-9053 1997 P ontiac Sunfireo rig in a l ow ner. Female D riven. M ust se ll quick, leaving town. 140,000km E-tested 905-332-6063 2001 Honda A ccord EX V6, take over lease $3500 down. $430.08 (taxes in) 24 months remain. 2-door, silver. 6 CD changer, sun roof. spoiler, fully loaded, auto with traction control. 55K remain. Extended war ranty. 905-842-8914 2000 Cavalier, black, new clutch, body work, brakes. Great condition. 5-speed, 4 cyl. a/c. CD. am /fm, 120K, certified. $6500 ne gotiable. 905-315-7557 1994 M ercedes C280, s il ver with grey interior, 110K lady driven, certified, emis sions. $15,000 obo. C all 905-847-6873 after 5pm. 1993 Topaz, 4-door, auto, a/c. 21 OK. great condition. Newer brakes, tires, all re ce ip ts . c e rtifie d . $1700. 905-842-6759 1991 Passat station w ag on. 120K. $2500. 905601-2287 1990 Lum ina Euro, white, s p o ile r 195K. excellen t body & mechanical. Safety & em ission. $1750. 905844-8641 1989 Sunfire Coupe $2500 40K on rebuilt engine Body in excellent condition. Tires 1-yr. old. Will certify. Jerry (416)-949-4273 O AKVILLE IMFIMITI N ISSA N NOW OPEN We are looking for a motivated & dedicated person to join our winning team! STIRLING i uvxum / / /M I ^ Canada Please apply dmascherin@summo.com or fax 905-336-0863 SUMMO MANUFACTURING 1200 Burloak Drive, Burlington, ON L7L 6B3 Licensed Technician Fax resume to 905-827-2349 Aesthetics Cosmetology Aromatherapy Herbal Magic Oakville Looking for two F/T Health Counselors to join North America's #1 Health, Wellness and Weight Management Team. Suits outgoing, people person. Experience in the lield an asset, however, will train the right candidate. Serious applicants only need apply www.Lubamera.com I S j 90S T R A I N FOR A N E W C A R EER FREE I N F O P A C KA GE 681 7882 1 888-809-5559 DRIVERS needed for Bur lington Christian Elementa ry School Bus routes. Leave m essage at 905634-5831 SIS JOHN ST 8URLINGT0N S C H O O L OF A E S T H E T I C S & C O S M E T O L O G Y LubaMera Thermo CRS Global Sales Coordinator Call 905-469-4532 or fax resume attn: Lori 905-469-4533 \ J IF F Y L U B E Drivers / Owner Operators oo Needed Immediately! is looking for Lubrication Technicians for o u r 2 6 0 S p e e rs Rd. O akville location. S u ccessfu l c a n d id a te s will b e p erfo rm an ce driven, e a g e r to learn, com fortable with co m p u ters an d to d a y 's au to m o b iles. M a n ag e m ent trainee program s are available with our com pany. .76«/mi(US) · 2200-3000 mi/week · Future dedicated! · Paid base plates & permits · All bridge tolls paid! 96 or newer w/Tandem axle tractor w/ sleeper req'd. (800)467-6016 ASSISTANT Superintendent, live-in, required part-time for dow ntown B urlington highrise. Please forw ard resume to: 2067 Prospect, B u rlington. ON L7R 1Z3. Fax: 905-631 -5693 S P EC IAL Needs W ork ers- The successful candi dates w ill be interested in w orking w /children or ad u lts w /deve lopm ental disabilities in the Halton re gion. Provide parent relief or teach new skills. Parent direct Fax or email resume 905-849-6980 HSS©stn net TANNING salon. North Bur lington, hiring reliable, per sonable outgoing staff. 30-40 hrs/wk. Car required. Fax resume: 905-319-5955 LO CAL Landscaping/lawn m aintenance com pany re quires individuals for full time positions. Able to start im mediately. No experience necessary. C all 905-6346390. ___________________ C O S M E T IC IA N - re q u ire d p art-tim e, evenings and weekends. Apply to Shop pers Drug M art. 520 Kerr Street. O akville. 905-8453407 CASH D aily. $12/hr. G uaranteed. Experienced door-to-door O akville fu n draise rs. Supporting peo ple with developmental dis a b ilitie s . 4 16 -57 8-94 28: 416-243-9690. TE LEM AR KETE R (e x perienced) Part-Tim e posi tion available im m ediately for an aggressive telem ar keter. Must have great tel ephone m anner. Hours10am-2pm . M on-Thurs. possibly leading to FullTim e position. Phone Al 905-339-0299 or fax: 905339-0799 A S SISTA N T S u p e rin tendent couple, full-time, for Burlington Highrise. 2 bed room suite plus excellen t salary and benefits. Fax re sume to 905-637-4032 or email sregular@minto.com (7-m onth co n tract) W e h a v e a n im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r a n e n e rg e tic , e n th u s ia s tic , o rg a n iz e d p ro fessio n al w h o c a n h a n d le a fa st p a c e d o ffice in B u rlin g to n . T h is ro le will b e re sp o n sib le for S a le s S u p p o rt, D a ta b a s e A dm inistration a n d Call C e n tre S u p p o rt. A pplicants m u st h a v e a c o lle g e d iplom a in adm inistration/office stu d ie s , 3+ y e a rs e x p e r i e n c e in a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e r o le , a d v a n c e d level M S Office skills a n d h a v e e x p e rie n c e e ith e r a s a c o n ta c t m a n a g e m e n t s o ftw a re a d m in is tra to r o r s o l id w o rk e x p e r i e n c e w ith c o n t a c t d a ta b a s e m anagem ent s o ftw a re (preferably G oldm ine). In te re ste d c a n d id a te s p le a s e s e n d yo u r r e s u m e s to th e atten tio n of: Apply in person between 10:00a.m. & 4:00p.m. CCTF, A Division of Emco Corp.. distributor of industrial pipe fittings, has an immediate open ing in our Oakville facility for a M A TE R IA L H A N D LE R The general duties and responsibilities of the p o s itio n in clu d e c o n s o lid a tin g and packing custom er orders fo r shipm ent and pick up, operation of m aterial handling equipm ent, offlo ading/ loading of trucks, receiving, stock placement and assisting w ith maintenance of a clean and safe work environment. The entrance req uire m e nts in clude a m in im u m grade 12 e d u c a tio n , a b ility to w o rk w ith m in i mal s u p e rv is io n in a fa st-p a c e d team en vironm en t, good o rg an iza tio na l s k ills and experience w orking w ith in an ISO 9001 ;2000 quality program is beneficial. Shift work may be required. I a r t i c le s w a n te d O^ ^ w w w W w W A N TE D - All C hina. S il ver. C rystal. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass. Jewellery, old toys, c o lle c tib le s , estate s. Call John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 W ANTED to Buy! Clean, old 78 records. LPS. 45's. B e tter than garage sale prices. Paul. 905-689-8848 TOP prices paid for quality a ntiq u e / vin tag e linens, china, scales, clocks, c o l lectibles. Call Susan 905639-3553 Human Resources Advisor by em ail at hr@ therm ocrs.com or by fax at (905) 332-1114. Please visit our web site at w w w.therm ocrs.com fo r further details. Please fo rw a rd y o u r resum e o r Fax: 905-842-1466, E-mail: kwilson@cctf.com No telephone calls please M ATERIAL HANDLER A D V A N TA G E & PERSONNEL Advantage Personnel Ltd., leader in the staffing in dustry is seeking Qualified Candidates lor the posi tion of Personnel Consultant" lor our Burlington Branch. Your main responsibilities will be Business Development and Recruitment. Preference w ill be given to those w /industry experience. Resumes attn: John McClung at jm cclung@ althr.com, fax 905-333-9586 Hayward Pool Products Canada, Inc. a leading manulacturer of swimming pool equipment has an opening for a Material Handler. Responsibilities will include supplying productions lines and material han dling ol pool products in our warehouse operation, ex posure to computer software, MRP and bar coding would be a definite asset. A certified lorklift license a must with at least 5 years experience. A commit ment to quality, reliability and good communication skills should all be demonstrated. Remuneration based on experience. Day shift only. Interested applicants please fax resume lo: Robert Backus 905-829-8067 2880 Plymouth Drive Oakville (QEW/Winston Churchill) fm E W O S B - "Tor sale Properly seasoned. 100% hardw ood. O ntario's la r gest firew oo d reta ile r. M arc's Q uality Firew ood. 905-257-6366 2000 5'X8' Avenger enclosed tra ile r, w hite, dual barn doors, vented, excellent con dition. $3000. Call 905-6372104 TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE G U ITAR Takam ine CD132SC with case Elec tric cla ssical. Best offer. 416-420-1577 cell PIAN O used. M artinOrme Up-right. $700. obo. Call 905-331-6945 PIA N O : Yam aha, dig ita l. Like new. $1500. obo. N ever needs tuning, cat! 905-338-6181 CARS FOR SALE To advertise your car call 905-632-4440 Ads appear in the Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver, Flamborough Post and on website wwwhaltonsearch.com A growing, aggressive Oakville branch office is seek ing A Junior Technical Person for Application Engi neering. Estimating & Sales to service the Traffic Control and parking Equipment sectors. Computer/ electrical literate, hands-on mechanical, independent worker & sales exp. (preferably with government agencies) are key qualifications. Travel in Ontario re quired. Must have own vehicle. Training provided. Luxury automobile dealership requires a fulltime P A R TS DRIVER IM M ED. Successful individual possess excellent communica tion skills, ability to prioritize, meet deadlines & be detail oriented. Applicants must enjoy dealing with the public & have neat appearance. Must be familiar with Mississauga & Toronto area. Exc. benefits pkg. Forward resumes to: Shirley Westwood B u d d s ' B M W o f O a k v ille 2400 South Service Rd W .. Oakville, L6L 5M9 Fax: 905-825-9887 We otter a challenging environment, competitive salary and benefits. Fax, email or mail your resumes in conlidence to: Ron Whitelock, Electromega Ltd., 760 Pacific Rd.Unit 20. Oakville,ON L6L 6M5 Fx: 905-847-6789 rwhitelock@electromega.com As low as $50/week' No Telephone Calls Please

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