Oakville Beaver, 19 Sep 2003, p. 35

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The Oakville Beaver, F rid a y S e p te m b e r 19, 2003 - 3 5 Local librarian pens her passion about family history in new book Librarians shelve books, find books, and read books. We don't necessarily think o f them writing books, as Linda G. Layton, of the Oakville Public Library has done. A Passion f o r Survival: The True Story o f M arie A nne a nd Louis Payzant in Eighteenth-century' N ova Scotia is about Layton's ancestors, the first of her family to set foot on Canadian soil. They came to Canada in 1753 to start a new life after living on the island of Jersey, off the coast o f France, for 14 years. They w ere'chased from France because they were Huguenots (Protestants). Not long after arriving in Canada, Louis Payzant was killed by French-sponsored natives. His wife Marie Anne and their four children were taken to Quebec, where they were held as prisoners of war, eventually returning to Nova Scotia years later. Layton was discussing the book at the Central Library auditorium in Oakville on Wednesday. More than 40 people showed up to hear Layton talk about the struggle and trials of her ancestors, as well as the struggle and trials o f getting the book written. From inception to publication, A Passion f o r Survival was forming in Layton's mind for 17 years. Despite the lengthy process, as well as her intense research during her six-month unpaid absence from the library, she said, "There are still avenues I'd like to explore." However, this particular proj ect, she insisted, is finished. The reason it took so long is because, like many people, Layton had a busy life. She went to university, got married, worked, raised her children, worked again, all along the way picking up bits and pieces of time to research, and gath er ideas, knowing that one day she would be able to complete the book. Her research also sparked a few arti cles, one of which Margaret Atwood used in the writing of a story. Layton's research for her book took her to France, Q uebec City, Halifax and Jersey, where she found the church where Louis and Marie Anne were mar ried. She also dug through archives to authenticate the events in her book. The book is published by Nimbus Publishing, and it can be purchased at Bookers Bookstore on 172 Lakeshore Rd. E. It is also available at the Oakville Public Library. r Peter C. McCusker · O akville B ea ver M ary L ayton (nee P ayzant), Ja n e P ayzant M acPherson and Geoffrey B arss P ayzant a re descendants of M arie A nne and Louis Payzant, the subjects o f a book by L inda G. L ayton (right) o f the O akville Public L ibrary. V ID E O P IC K S e p t'1 9 -2 5 1. Anger Management (new) CRITICS M PAA THEME VIOLENCE COARSE AVERAGE RATING LANG. SEX & NUDITY PG-13 Comedy Some Much Much 2. Malibu's Most Wanted For wbicriptton Infopim m cjH 90S-84S-9742 T p G-13 Comedy Fantasy Some Lots Much Some Much None Some Mild 3. The Two Towers PG-13 4. 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