6 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday, S e p te m b e r 19, 2003 EDITORIALS AND LETTERS 467 Speers Rd.( Oakville Ont. L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5567 Classified Advertising: 845-3824, ext 224 Grculation: 845-9742 The Oakvtfe Beaver a member of toe Ontario Preas Counai. The co uxd is located at 80 Gould S t, Suite 206, Toronto, Ont. M68 2M7. Phone 416-340-1901. A d w lw n g is accepted on toe condMon that. In the event of a typographical error, that portion of advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with a reasonable aAowance for signature, w i not be charged tor, but the balance of the advertisement wfl be paid tor at the appflr able rate. The pubhhei reserves toe nght to categorize advertisements or decflne. THE! OAKVlllE REAVER. cca n I Ontario Community ! Newspapers Association Canadian Circulations Audit Board Member IA NO LIV ER Publisher N EIL O LIV ERAssociate Publisher TERI CASAS Office Manager JILL D A V IS Editor in Chief M A R KD ILLS Pnxluclion Manager K E L L YM O N TA G U E Advertising Director R IZ IE R OV ER TO LU Photography Director CHA RLEN EH A LL Cinulation Manager R O D JER R ED Managing Editor TH EO A K V IL L EB E A V E R IS PRO U DO FFIC IA LM ED IASPONSOR FO R ; A · W 7 Melroiand Pitting. Putttahng & Detrfcutng lm . nctudes: A^VtwtrgNweAcKwtewAfcstonHerattCouler Arthur Brampton Guardan. Burtoglon Potf. BirHngton 9uppng News. On Parent. CoangwoodMasaga Connection Fast Yorii Mirror. Erin Adwcaia/Country Routes. Etobicoke Guardian. Ftamborougfi Rewew. Georgetown tvfependstfAclon Free Press, rtmtston Ftonew. rtjrtm Business Times. Lnfcay Tte Wb* Marttfom Eonomist & Sir. MKtond/Penetangustww Minor. Milton Canadian Champion. MiKcn Shoppng News. I Times. Mtssssauga News. NevwnarteetfAurora Era-Banner. Northumberland News. North m Mnor. Oafcvtie Beaver a * ««e Shopping News. Qshava/Wtiby/Qsmgton Pot Perry This Wet*. Owen Sound Trtxjne. Palmerston Obeenar. Peterborough The W«*. Ptcton County Gurie. Richmond tWThomf*Vau^nn Uberai Scarborough Mnor. StoutMtoUxfindge Trtiune. Forever Ybung. Cry ot 'AyV Guardan C A iM fin d SRONte tilTTtariY Recognized for Excellence by T 7 \t a Cana<fian Community Newspapers Association i H alton Healthcare Thaob Jinge BetiFund C^MtWU KKSkt · 108 PUBLIC L IB R A R Y SK Suburban Newspapers of America Onh'iUr &4war9* | oakville galleries | o T ,h > e> Orfr w 1 1 1· Mi O tK'C*-, OL H S^sWww^wrr IsmwfarlTFlR TV AUCTION IM M W a y * M f U id a Still time to get involved With the ongoing provincial election campaign -- and the ongoing sniping between parties -- we wonder if any folks are paying attention to November's trip to the polls. Can you blame Ontario residents for being more than a bit fed up with politics (politicians?) and hoping that Oct. 2 arrives sooner rather than later? Although this election was called Sept. 2 it seems so much longer thanks to the politicking that started while winter still held spring in its frosty grip. We thought we would take this opportunity, though, to remind resi dents that if they are considering running for a council seat or the opportunity to represent either o f Halton's school boards, they still have time to consider their options. Civic election hopefuls in Oakville can fde nomination papers from now to Sept. 26. Nominations may be filed with the town clerk or the designate dur ing regular business hours at Town Hall. A prescribed fee of $200 for the mayor's position and $100 for all other candidates, which may be refundable, will be required when fil ing the nomination/registration form. Keep in mind that anyone proposing to be a candidate may not solic it or accept contributions for election purposes and may not incur expenses until filing their nomination paper. In many ways, municipal politics is more exciting than the provincial scene. You can tackle issues at the grassroots level and have the abili ty to effect real change. If you have very real concerns about our town, region or education system, now is the time to have your voice heard and your expertise put to good use. It's always easy to sit in the critic's seat, but if you think you have some solid ideas for the betterment of this town, we encourage you to take a shot at municipal politics. C O M I N G U P . , J.L o ANDBEtlS CANADIAN IDOL / MADONNA KISSES BRING# AND UPDATE £ RAH'CALL ME v WHEN THE NEWS COMES ON. THIS IS T H EN EW S/ A'BACH ELO R ' 'l -- r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ambulance personnel thanked I would like to thank the people and ambulance attendants who came to my aid on Sept. 2 following my mishap under the QEW bridge at the bottom of Lyons Lane.Thank you very much. IRM A ABRAHAM The Oakville Beaver welcomes letters from its readers. Letters will be edited for clarity, length, legal considerations and grammar. In order to be published, letters must contain the name, address and phone number of the author. Letters should be addressed to The Editor, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville, On., L6K 3S4, or via e-mail to editor@ oakvillebeaver.com. The Beaver reserves the right to refuse to publish any letter. PAGES OF THE PAST 50 years ago Pedestrians should find it easier to cross Colbome St. (Lakeshore Rd.). Stop lights were installed at the George St. intersection on Monday and another set will be erected at Navy and Colbome Sts. any day now. The lights were put in position and connected under the supervision of Chief Len Brown and Russell Barlow, manager of the Oakville Public Utilities Commission. This makes three main street intersections served by stoplights. Lights were placed at the Colbome/Dundas intersection about three years ago. Since that time the traffic along Colbome St. has increased tremendously, and pedestrians are sometimes obliged to wait two minutes or more before the stream of cars stops long enough to permit a safe crossing. - O akville-Trafalgar Jo u rn al, Sept. 5,1953 40 years ago Pud By Steve Nease The days o f fire-breathing, opposition-eating political candidates appears to be fading into limbo in Halton County. There wasn't much fist waving at a Junior Chamber of Commerce-sponsored tri-party rally held at Thomas A. Blakelock High School. The three candidates: Liberal Owen Mullin, Tory George Kerr and William Gillies of the NDP came off as perfect gentlemen. The 100 people who showed up heard little mud-slinging as the candidates presented their platforms politely. A group of active and vociferous NDP supporters who did attempt heckling the candidates at the meet ing saw their jeers laigely ignored by the candidates. Even the arrival of a group of young Liberals bearing placards did little to change the tone of the political gathering as they marched into the room orderly and took their seat without disrupting the meeting. - Daily Jo u rn al Record, S e p t 18,1963 Taken from the archives of the Oakville Beaver Including stories from The Oakville Record-Star, The Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, the Oakville Journal Record and the Oakville Beaver.