The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday August 21, 2002 - C3 Hard to fit? Bring Your Shoe Fitting Problems To Hendry's Your Feet W ill Be M easured & Fitted W ith Care LADIES: Sizes: 2 to 14 Widths: 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A, B,C, D, E, 2E, 3E, 4E MEN'S: Sizes: 5 to 20 Widths: 2A, A, B, C, D, E, 2E, 3E, 4E, 5E, 6E also Orthopaedic & Deep Fitting Shoes One of Canada's Largest Selection The new City o f Hamilton is renowned fo r i f diversity, large selection o f shopping areas a n d attractions that are very enticing fo r both residents a n d visitors. Along with the fin e museums a n d a rt centres, a visit to Ham ilton w ill be an unforgettable experienceI HENDRY'S FA M ILY S H O E S T O R E 905 544-5789 [Mastei C a rd N O C H A R G E D IA L 1 -8 7 7 -5 4 4 -5 7 8 9 657 Barton St. Ev HAMILTON 1 /2 Block W. of Sherman Ave. r/'uff C>it*c/e 1 I Quality consignment clothing in plus sizes Sizes 14 to B e a u tifu l : so% off FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 6 2 G reat Bands: all stock 1 E x c lu d in g n e w s t o c k Bring in this ad fo r an e x tra 10% o ff E x p ire s A u g . 3 1/0 2 Dodger, T o ro n to A ll Star Band SATURDAY, SEPT. 7 9:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast Afternoon: Kids ride, face painting, & clowns to entertain your children Evening: The Greg Bush Quartet until 8 p.m. After 8 p.m.: Alchemy D.J.: John H anson 33 King Street £. Dundas, Ontario (9 0 5 ) 6 2 7 -7 5 8 7 Directions: Q.E.W. to Main St. exit. Turn right. .When fbu^come to first set'of lights Turn left onto Paisley St. follow right into Village.* ` Your Decor Destination T h is e a s t-e n d s tr ip is H a m ilto n 's te x tile sh o p p in g c e n tr e , w ith 120 s p e c ia lty sh o p s a n d n o -fr ills b a r g a in s to r e s . F o r a ll y o u r h o m e d e c o r a t in g n e e d s v is it o u r m a n y m e r c h a n ts C o m e v isit u s a t o u r w _ f Greta's Our Specialty Bra Fittings Bra Sizes 32-58 Cup AA - J Backless, Strapless, Merry Widows Fabulous Sw im w ear Sizes 8 - 28 Cup A - F o n S e p te m b e r * 2 8 t h For more Information contact the Elegant Lingerie (9 0 5 ) 5 4 -4 -5 8 2 2 Bridal S-4XL Naughty S-4XL Intimate Novelties Send for a Catalogue - $5.00 O ff 1 0 *1 W1 HHEH Th e Hamilton S p tm ro R 252 OTTAWA ST. N., HAMILTON Favourite Furrier (905) 545-9124 A Nadel Woman Visit our showroom to view this fabulous 2002 collection, including fur coats, jackets and accessories. PUBLIC SALE NOTICE UNSOLD SCHOOL QUALITY & Sew & Serge Sewing Machine Our Educational Department placed orders In anticipation ot large school and home sales. Due to budget cuts and current conditions they were unsold. < PFAFF N O WO N L Y *338 A FT E RS A L E Au& s t 3 1 /2 0 0 2 We also carry a large selection of leathers and fur-trimmed cloth coats. REPAIRS, REMODELLING & CLEANING For Quality and Price, Nadel You Can TeU THEY MUST BE SOLD! These machines are the most modern in the Pfalt Line. All machines are new in factory sealed cartons. Pfaff's 10 years lim ited warranty is included. *599 DEMONSTRATOR PRESENT TO DEMONSTRATE TECHNIQUES AND FEATURES. CASH. MASTERCARD. VISA. INTERAC. LAYAWAYS WHAT IS A SEW & SERGE SEWING MACHINE? FIRST · IT IS A SOPHISTICATED SEWING MACHINE that does buttonholes (any size) Stretch stitches. Blind Hems. Free Motion Embroidery and Monograms. Ribbing. Double Seams. Zippers. Sews on Buttons. Hems. Darning. Applique. Zig Zag Basting. Quilting and much more. JUST TURN THE DIAL TO SEW MAGIC! SECOND - IT HAS A SERGING STITCH. This allows you to sew the seam and overlock the material in one operation. THIRD - THEY ARE DESIGNED TO SEW ALL FABRICS without tension adjustments such as Denim. Canvas. Upholstery. Nylon. Stretch Materials. Silk. Percale. Organdy. AND... 289 OTTAWA ST, N. HAMILTON 905-549-8052 MON. · WED. 9:00-5:30 * THURS. FRI. 9:00-9:00 SAT. 9:00-5:00 * SUN. CLOSED Nadd Furs Manufacturing Facilities & Showroom THEY EVEN SEW LEATHER! Now you have it all in one machine. 281 Ottawa Street North, Hamilton 905-549-3015 THIS IS AN AUTHORIZED FACTORY SALE Phone orders accepted