Oakville Beaver, 4 Jun 2003, D2

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D 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y June 4, 2003 Track and field regional results for Oakville Oakville boasted three first place finishes at last week's south regional track and field meet in St. Catharines and they'll represent Oakville, along w ith other top finishers, at this week's provincial championship. The Ontario Federation o f School Athletic A ssociations (O FSA A ) provincial championships are being held in St. Catharines from Thursday through to Saturday. Oakville's first place finishers were Russell Bruyns of Holy Trinity in jun ior men's long jum p (6.21m), Richard Garton o f Q.E. Park in the open 2,000m steeplechase com petition (6:27.20) and the Queen Elizabeth Park 4x100 metre midget boys relay team (47.36s). Listed below is every top 10 finish by an Oakville athlete at the regionals. For complete results, log on to w w w .o fsa a tra c k 2 0 0 3 .c o m /so u th re s u lts .h tm S O I i n R K O IO N · M a \ 2U 2't (in St. C a th a r in e s ) W om en O p en 400 M e te r D ash M id g et 59.79 1 S hcrcllc Solom on St Joseph S 59.89 2 Caitlin Bailey Q ueen E h /a b 1:03.66 4 Jill K u rt/ St.Ignatius I 07.07 10 Alex Rucdigcr W hite O aks W om en O p en 800 M ete r K un M id g et 2:23.07 I N icolc M ailloux M cadow valc S 2:25.29 3 C aitlin Bailey Q ueen E li/a b 2:30.18 7 Jill K u rt/ St.Ignatius W om en O p en 1500 M e te r R u n M id g et 4:58.50 1 N icolc M ailloux M cad o w v alc S 5:33.60 10 Laura Adamarc/.uk St.Ignatius W om en O p en 3000 M e te r R u n M id g et 11:1944 1 N icolc M ailloux M cadow valc S 8 Laura A dam arc/uk St Ignatius 12:18.20 W om en O p en 300 M e te r H u rd le s M idget 47.57 I Shayla G ibbs W atcrdown 7 N atalie M ittler Q ueen E li/ab 52.86 10 D anielle W illhoeft Holy Trinity 55 70 W o m en O p en 4x100 M e te r Relay M idget 52.52 I s t Mar> s H S \ 54.54 5 St Ignatius o f Loyola S A W om en O p e n J a v e lin T h ro w M idget 31 45m I M aggie Scull . G overnor Sim 10 M eghan P ickthall B lakclock. T 22.90m W om en O p en 100 M e te r D ash J u n io r 12.49 1 D avia A llen L incoln Alex 12.89 3 Kcrsha Walker S t.Thom as Aq 13.29 8 Kate R ucdigcr W hite O aks W om en O p en 200 M e te r D ash J u n io r 25.67 1 C handra Ew ing L om e Park S 26.57 4 K crsha Walker S t.Thom as Aq 26.95 6 Kate R uediger W hite O aks W om en O p en 4IHI M e te r D ash J u n io r 58.50 1 C handra Ew ing Lornc Park S 1:00.10 3 Kate R ucdigcr W hite O aks W om en O p en 800 M e te r R u n J u n io r 2:15 84 I Kate van B uskirk Tum cr-Fento 2:29.16 8 Haylcy Vaccariello Holy Trinity W om en O p e n 1500 M e te r R u n J u n io r 4:50.90 I Kate van B uskirk Tum cr-Fcnto 5 Laura Bandy B lakclock. T · 6 Haylcy V accancllo Holy Trinity W om en O p en 3000 M e te r R u n J u n io r 11:02.24 1 B arbara Phelan C hurchill. S 11:07.97 2 Laura Bandy B lakclock. T 12:30.97 8 M onica Lau St.Ignatius W om en O p en SO M e te r H u rd le s J u n io r 2.72 1 Lindsay W illiamson Grim sby Dvs 5 Kathleen N ew m an-B rcnang Holy Trinity 13.461 W om en O p en 300 M e te r H u rd le s J u n io r I Lindsay W illiam son G nm sby D ss 47 15 6 Alex Yurichuk St.Thom as Aq 50.25 W o m en O p e n 4x100 M ete r Relav J u n io r 1 H ighland S S A 51.35 53.99 7 Holy Trinity H S. A W om en O p en S h o t Put J u n io r 1 M iranda C rum b Notre D am e C 9.91m 3 K ristine Sneddon Blakclock. T 9.25m W om en O p en 800 M e te r R u n S en io r I M onika G rabow iecka C hurchill. S 3 Seanna M artin St. Thom as A W om en O p en 1 5 0 0 M e te r R u n S e n io r 1 Laura M oulton W estdale 8 Leah W eagant St.Ignatius W om en O p en 3 0 0 0 M e te r R u n S en io r I Sheena Murphy C hurchill. S 6 Leah W eagant St.Ignatius W om en O p en 4 \ 1 0 0 M e te r Relav S en io r 1 St M ary s H S A 8 Si. T hom as A quinas A` W om en O p en L o n g J u m p S en io r I Sicphanic Birmingham Laura Secord 3 M artyna D akow icz Iroquois Rid W om en O p e n S h o t P u t S en io r I Dai»y VanRavcnswaay C ayuga Ss-Ca 6 Ekaterina K otikova St.Ignatius H arriso n S m ith · O a k v ille B e a v e r SW EET S W IN G ! one of the g am e's sm oothest sw ingers, Moe N orm an, was welcomed by the Vic H adfield G olf and L earning C entre on S atu rd a y a fte r noon. A couple of h u n d red sp ectato rs b rav ed the rain to catch the exhibition which raised m oney and collected food for Oakville F areS hare Foodbank. Burloak boasts top junior paddler in Canada A junior Oakville canoer is serv ing notice that he's ready to follow in some pretty big footsteps -- or should we say. some pretty big wakes -- at the Burloak Canoe Club. Over the May 24/25 weekend in Montreal at the Senior National Team Trials. Jamie Andison. a 17-year Oakville Trafalgar High School student, was the only junior paddler to make the B Final in both the 500 metres and l(XX) metres C-l event. At the conclusion of the two-day event. Andison was ranked the top jun ior canoer in Canada, earning him a coveted place on the Canadian junior European tour team. Andison will be training and com peting in Poznan, Poland and Bochum. Germany this month. Upon return. Andison will compete at a second set of trials to be held in Dartmouth. Nova Scotia at the end of July. Successful results will earn him a place on the Canadian Junior World Team that will compete at Junior Worlds in Komatsu, Japan in late August. Andison is following in a long line of canoers at the club that includes two Oakville natives, Larry Cain ('84 Olympic gold and silver medalist) and Gavin Maxwell ('96 Olympian), and Burlington resident Mark Oldershaw (double gold, 2(H) I junior world cham pion). The Burloak Canoe Club, o f course, also has a fine tradition in the other paddling spon. kay ak, where Oakville's Adam vanKoeverden has has cemented himself as the club's marquee athlete. The former Loyola grad, now a McMaster University student, contin ued his dominance in men's kayak in Canada by winning both the 500 metre and l(XX) metre races at the trials. This, after a stunning result in the World Cup opener in Belgium last month where he finished second in the 1.(XX) metre event. After a month of training in Norway. vanKoeverden will continue training and competing in Poland and Germany in June. He will also be competing in Dartmouth in July with hopes to once again represent Canada on the Senior World Team. The Senior World Championships this year are especially important, dou bling as a qualifying event for next year's Oly mpic Games. They will be held in Gainesville, Georgia in September. Another Adam from Burloak. Adam Oldershaw. also found success over the weekend. With strong performances in the K1 I(XX) and 500m races. Oldershaw secured a spot on the 2003 Pan American Games Team. For the past two y ears Adam has raced at the Pan American Canoe Championships in Mexico in 2001 and last year in Brazil. The 2003 Pan American Games w ill take place from August 1 to 17 in Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic. Also participating at the National Team Trials in kayak were Adam Klevinas, Marco Tschan. Brady Reardon, Rob Favretto, Ryan Stepka. Michaela Raisch-Berkoff, Courtney Kirkby and KC Fraser and in canoe Mark Oldershaw, Scott Fisher. Mark Klevinas and Michael Kranz. The Burloak Canoe Club is offering a new program this sum mer for students, aged 14 as of January I. 2(X)3. wanting to have fun while learning a new sport. For 10 weeks, students can train twice weekly in War Canoe and compete at local regattas to qualify for the National Championships to be held in Welland in late August. For more info visit www.burloakcanoe.com and click on War Canoe Program for details and registration infor mation. MASSiVE 2:19.98 2:21.71 4:46.00 5:13.70 10:38.93 | 50.74 53.02 4.70m 448m M 12.45m 8.57m C O N T 1 .M E D O N P A G E 1)3 CALL for NOM I A TH EN EVENT Everything in the Store!* Scratch & Save 10% to 50% off your entire purchase of $69.99 or more! Sale and Clearance items included! Heck, you get the last laugh. Save on Footwear, Sportswear, Inline Skates, Bikes, Golf and more. Scratch & Save Cards availa ble in-store and online, w hile q u a n titie s last! O A K V IL L The ATHENA Award program celebrates the potential of all women as valued members and leaders of the community and recognizes those who support them. The ATHENA Award honours individuals who strive toward the highest levels of professional accomplishment ... women and men who excel in their chosen field, have devoted time and energy to their community in a meaningful way, and who also open paths so that others may follow. THE CRITERIA Athena recipients must meet each of the three specific criteria. They must: · Assist women in reaching their full leadership potential. · Demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession. · Provide valuable service by devoting time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community. ca. iravaigar & uunoas (905)257-7538 BRAMPTONI Trinity Common Power Ctr, Tnnfolnon O flamilAA next to Future Shop Deadline to nominate: June 30,2003 Nomination forms available at: ((())) C O G E C O Not valid Kith any other couoon or pramotxnai oflas. ·Eniudes Spon Mart Gift Cards 4 previous purchases. (905) 458-1990 · Shoppers World (905) 454-1569 ETOBICOKE Hwy 427 &Queensway (416) 695-8412 MISSISSAUGA Heartland Centre, next to The Brick (905) 502-6165 Winston Churchill & #401 (9(H) 824-6727 · Rockwood Mall (905) 629-2617 F o r o th e r O n ta rio & T o ro n to a re a s to re s & m fp s v is it w w w .s p o rtm a rt.c a til FIN ANCW L^GROUP THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Nomination form s w ill Be posted on www.oakvllleOeaver.com

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